Exemplo n.º 1
        public override double Eval(T p, T q)
            Vector mp   = p.GetMeanVector();
            Vector mq   = q.GetMeanVector();
            Matrix covp = p.GetCovarianceMatrix();
            Matrix covq = q.GetCovarianceMatrix();
            // dimensions
            int dp = mp.Count;
            int dq = mq.Count;

            if (dp != dq)
                throw new ArgumentException("dimension mismatch");
            if (dp == 1)
                if (gwidth2s.Length != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Expect gwidth2s to have 1 dimension.");
                if (!(covp.Rows == 1 && covp.Cols == 1))
                    throw new SystemException(String.Format("Except covp to be 1x1. Got {0}x{1}",
                                                            covp.Rows, covp.Cols));
                if (!(covq.Rows == 1 && covq.Cols == 1))
                    throw new SystemException(String.Format("Except covq to be 1x1. Got {0}x{1}",
                                                            covq.Rows, covq.Cols));

                double vp       = covp[0, 0];
                double vq       = covq[0, 0];
                double kerParam = this.gwidth2s[0];
                double dpq      = 1.0 / (vp + vq + kerParam);
                double meanDiff = mp[0] - mq[0];
                double exp      = Math.Exp(-0.5 * meanDiff * dpq * meanDiff);
                double eval     = Math.Sqrt(dpq * kerParam) * exp;
                // not so efficient.
                // TODO: improve it
                Matrix dpq      = MatrixUtils.Inverse(covp + covq + sigma);
                Vector meanDiff = mp - mq;
                double dist2    = dpq.QuadraticForm(meanDiff);
                // !! Infer.NET's Determinant() has a bug
                double dpqDet = MatrixUtils.Determinant(dpq);
                double z      = Math.Sqrt(dpqDet * detSigma);
                double eval   = z * Math.Exp(-0.5 * dist2);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private ProjectedGeometry MeshToProjectedGeometry(MeshGeometry3D mesh, Transform3D tx)

            if (mesh.TriangleIndices.Count == 0)
                // Having triangle indices in a mesh isn't required
                // Generate them if they don't exist
                // If we didn't generate them, there could be bad indices in there.
                // Remove the triangles that would cause our renderer problems in the future.

            // Having texture coordinates in a mesh isn't required
            // Generate them if they don't exist
            if (mesh.TextureCoordinates.Count == 0)

            // We need explicit normal information, so calculate them when they're missing
            if (mesh.Normals.Count != mesh.Positions.Count)
                // We default to counter-clockwise winding order ...
                MeshOperations.GenerateNormals(mesh, false);

            Point3DCollection  positions          = mesh.Positions;
            Vector3DCollection normals            = mesh.Normals;
            PointCollection    textureCoordinates = mesh.TextureCoordinates;
            Int32Collection    triangleIndices    = mesh.TriangleIndices;

            // We think of the following coordinate systems:
            // Model space: Coordinates which are model-local
            // World space: Coordinates which relate all the models
            // Eye space: Coordinates where the eye point is (0,0,0) and is looking down -Z
            // Homogeneous space: Projected to a canonical rectangular solid view volume. (-1, -1, 0) -> (1, 1, 1)
            // Screen space: Scaled homogeneous space so that X,Y correspond to X,Y pixel values on the screen.
            Matrix3D modelToWorld      = tx.Value;
            Matrix3D worldToEye        = MatrixUtils.ViewMatrix(camera);
            Matrix3D modelToEyeMatrix  = modelToWorld * worldToEye;
            Matrix3D normalTransform   = MatrixUtils.MakeNormalTransform(modelToEyeMatrix);
            Matrix3D projectionMatrix  = MatrixUtils.ProjectionMatrix(camera);
            Matrix3D toScreenSpace     = MatrixUtils.HomogenousToScreenMatrix(bounds.ViewportBounds, camera is ProjectionCamera);
            Matrix3D projectToViewport = projectionMatrix * toScreenSpace;

            bool reverseWinding      = MatrixUtils.Determinant(modelToEyeMatrix) < 0;
            MeshProjectedGeometry pg = new MeshProjectedGeometry(projectToViewport);
            int numTriangles         = triangleIndices.Count / 3;

            Vertex v1, v2, v3;
            int    index;

            for (int n = 0; n < numTriangles; n++)
                v1 = new Vertex();
                v2 = new Vertex();
                v3 = new Vertex();

                // We default material colors to pure White (0xff,0xff,0xff) since
                // we will iluminate against that and then modulate with
                // the actual textures on a per-pixel level.
                v1.Color = Colors.White;
                v2.Color = Colors.White;
                v3.Color = Colors.White;

                index = triangleIndices[n * 3];
                v1.ModelSpacePosition = positions[index];
                v1.ModelSpaceNormal   = normals[index];
                v1.Position           = MatrixUtils.Transform((Point4D)positions[index], modelToEyeMatrix);
                v1.Normal             = MatrixUtils.Transform(normals[index], normalTransform);
                v1.TextureCoordinates = textureCoordinates[index];

                index = triangleIndices[n * 3 + 1];
                v2.ModelSpacePosition = positions[index];
                v2.ModelSpaceNormal   = normals[index];
                v2.Position           = MatrixUtils.Transform((Point4D)positions[index], modelToEyeMatrix);
                v2.Normal             = MatrixUtils.Transform(normals[index], normalTransform);
                v2.TextureCoordinates = textureCoordinates[index];

                index = triangleIndices[n * 3 + 2];
                v3.ModelSpacePosition = positions[index];
                v3.ModelSpaceNormal   = normals[index];
                v3.Position           = MatrixUtils.Transform((Point4D)positions[index], modelToEyeMatrix);
                v3.Normal             = MatrixUtils.Transform(normals[index], normalTransform);
                v3.TextureCoordinates = textureCoordinates[index];

                if (reverseWinding)
                    // Change winding-order so the mesh renders
                    pg.AddTriangle(v1, v3, v2);
                    pg.AddTriangle(v1, v2, v3);
