Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the shader uniforms that are necessary to project on screen the
        /// TerrainQuad of the given TerrainNode. This method can set the uniforms
        /// that are common to all the quads of the given terrain.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void SetUniforms(TerrainNode node, Material mat)
            if (mat == null || node == null)

            float d1 = node.SplitDist + 1.0f;
            float d2 = 2.0f * node.SplitDist;

            mat.SetVector(m_uniforms.blending, new Vector2(d1, d2 - d1));

            m_localToCamera = node.View.WorldToCamera * node.LocalToWorld;
            m_localToScreen = node.View.CameraToScreen * m_localToCamera;

            Vector3d localCameraPos = node.LocalCameraPos;
            Vector3d worldCamera    = node.View.WorldCameraPos;

            Matrix4x4d A = LocalToDeformedDifferential(localCameraPos);
            Matrix4x4d B = DeformedToTangentFrame(worldCamera);

            Matrix4x4d ltot = B * node.LocalToWorld * A;

            m_localToTangent = new Matrix3x3d(ltot[0, 0], ltot[0, 1], ltot[0, 3],
                                              ltot[1, 0], ltot[1, 1], ltot[1, 3],
                                              ltot[3, 0], ltot[3, 1], ltot[3, 3]);

            mat.SetMatrix(m_uniforms.localToScreen, MathConverter.ToMatrix4x4(m_localToScreen));
            mat.SetMatrix(m_uniforms.localToWorld, MathConverter.ToMatrix4x4(node.LocalToWorld));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Resuelve las ecuaciones:
        ///     u * uux + v * vvx + w * wwx = pox
        ///     u * uuy + v * vvy + w * wwy = poy
        ///     u * uuz + v * vvz + w * wwz = poz
        ///     Ayuda a determinar las coordenadas del punto <c>po</c> segun el plano formado por <c>uu</c> y <c>vv</c>.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void Resolve(Vector3d uu, Vector3d vv, Vector3d ww, Vector3d po,
                                     out double u, out double v, out double w)
            // Resuelve la ecuacion:
            //   u * uux + v * vvx + w * wwx = pox
            //   u * uuy + v * vvy + w * wwy = poy
            //   u * uuz + v * vvz + w * wwz = poz
            // Se replantea como:
            //  /             \   /   \   /     \
            //  | uux vvx wwx |   | u |   | pox |
            //  | uuy vvy wwy | * | v | = | poy |
            //  | uuz vvz wwz |   | w |   | poz |
            //  \             /   \   /   \     /

            // Se resuelve como un cambio de coordenadas.
            Matrix3x3d m = new Matrix3x3d(uu, vv, ww);

            Point3d ret = m * po;

            u = ret.X;
            v = ret.Y;
            w = ret.Z;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the shader uniforms that are necessary to project on screen the
        /// given TerrainQuad. This method can set the uniforms that are specific to
        /// the given quad.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void SetUniforms(TerrainNode node, TerrainQuad quad, MaterialPropertyBlock matPropertyBlock)
            if (matPropertyBlock == null || node == null || quad == null)

            double ox         = quad.Ox;
            double oy         = quad.Oy;
            double l          = quad.Length;
            double distFactor = node.DistFactor;
            int    level      = quad.Level;

            matPropertyBlock.SetVector(m_uniforms.offset, new Vector4((float)ox, (float)oy, (float)l, (float)level));

            Vector3d camera = node.LocalCameraPos;

            matPropertyBlock.SetVector(m_uniforms.camera, new Vector4((float)((camera.x - ox) / l), (float)((camera.y - oy) / l),
                                                                      (float)((camera.z - node.View.GroundHeight) / (l * distFactor)),

            Vector3d c = node.LocalCameraPos;

            Matrix3x3d m = m_localToTangent * (new Matrix3x3d(l, 0.0, ox - c.x, 0.0, l, oy - c.y, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

            matPropertyBlock.SetMatrix(m_uniforms.tileToTangent, MathConverter.ToMatrix4x4(m));

            SetScreenUniforms(node, quad, matPropertyBlock);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public Deformation()
     m_uniforms = new Uniforms();
     m_localToCamera = new Matrix4x4d();
     m_localToScreen = new Matrix4x4d();
     m_localToTangent = new Matrix3x3d();
Exemplo n.º 5
 public Deformation()
     m_uniforms       = new Uniforms();
     m_localToCamera  = new Matrix4x4d();
     m_localToScreen  = new Matrix4x4d();
     m_localToTangent = new Matrix3x3d();
Exemplo n.º 6
         * Sets the shader uniforms that are necessary to project on screen the
         * TerrainQuad of the given TerrainNode. This method can set the uniforms
         * that are common to all the quads of the given terrain.
        public virtual void SetUniforms(TerrainNode node, Material mat)
            if (mat == null || node == null)

            float d1 = node.GetSplitDist() + 1.0f;
            float d2 = 2.0f * node.GetSplitDist();

            mat.SetVector(m_uniforms.blending, new Vector2(d1, d2 - d1));

            m_localToCamera = node.GetView().GetWorldToCamera() * node.GetLocalToWorld();
            m_localToScreen = node.GetView().GetCameraToScreen() * m_localToCamera;

            Vector3d2 localCameraPos = node.GetLocalCameraPos();
            Vector3d2 worldCamera    = node.GetView().GetWorldCameraPos();

            Matrix4x4d A = LocalToDeformedDifferential(localCameraPos);
            Matrix4x4d B = DeformedToTangentFrame(worldCamera);

            Matrix4x4d ltot = B * node.GetLocalToWorld() * A;

            m_localToTangent = new Matrix3x3d(ltot.m[0, 0], ltot.m[0, 1], ltot.m[0, 3],
                                              ltot.m[1, 0], ltot.m[1, 1], ltot.m[1, 3],
                                              ltot.m[3, 0], ltot.m[3, 1], ltot.m[3, 3]);

            mat.SetMatrix(m_uniforms.localToScreen, m_localToScreen.ToMatrix4x4());
            mat.SetMatrix(m_uniforms.localToWorld, node.GetLocalToWorld().ToMatrix4x4());
Exemplo n.º 7
         * Sets the shader uniforms that are necessary to project on screen the
         * given TerrainQuad. This method can set the uniforms that are specific to
         * the given quad.
        public virtual void SetUniforms(TerrainNode node, TerrainQuad quad, MaterialPropertyBlock matPropertyBlock)
            if (matPropertyBlock == null || node == null || quad == null)

            double ox         = quad.GetOX();
            double oy         = quad.GetOY();
            double l          = quad.GetLength();
            double distFactor = (double)node.GetDistFactor();
            int    level      = quad.GetLevel();

            matPropertyBlock.AddVector(m_uniforms.offset, new Vector4((float)ox, (float)oy, (float)l, (float)level));

            Vector3d2 camera = node.GetLocalCameraPos();

            matPropertyBlock.AddVector(m_uniforms.camera, new Vector4((float)((camera.x - ox) / l), (float)((camera.y - oy) / l),
                                                                      (float)((camera.z - node.GetView().GetGroundHeight()) / (l * distFactor)),

            Vector3d2 c = node.GetLocalCameraPos();

            Matrix3x3d m = m_localToTangent * (new Matrix3x3d(l, 0.0, ox - c.x, 0.0, l, oy - c.y, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

            matPropertyBlock.AddMatrix(m_uniforms.tileToTangent, m.ToMatrix4x4());

            SetScreenUniforms(node, quad, matPropertyBlock);
Exemplo n.º 8
        internal FEMTetConstraint3d(Body3d body, int p0, int p1, int p2, int p3, double youngsModulus) : base(body)
            P0 = p0;
            P1 = p1;
            P2 = p2;
            P3 = p3;

            YoungsModulus = youngsModulus;
            PoissonRatio  = 0.3;
            Correction    = new Vector3d[4];

            Vector3d x0 = Body.Positions[P0];
            Vector3d x1 = Body.Positions[P1];
            Vector3d x2 = Body.Positions[P2];
            Vector3d x3 = Body.Positions[P3];

            RestVolume = Math.Abs((1.0f / 6.0) * Vector3d.Dot(x3 - x0, Vector3d.Cross(x2 - x0, x1 - x0)));

            Matrix3x3d restMatrix = new Matrix3x3d();

            restMatrix.SetColumn(0, x0 - x3);
            restMatrix.SetColumn(1, x1 - x3);
            restMatrix.SetColumn(2, x2 - x3);

            InvRestMatrix = restMatrix.Inverse;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static Matrixd ToMatrixd(this Matrix3x3d mat)
     return(new Matrixd(mat.M00, mat.M10, mat.M20, 0,
                        mat.M01, mat.M11, mat.M21, 0,
                        mat.M02, mat.M12, mat.M22, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 1));
        internal StrainTetConstraint3d(Body3d body, int p0, int p1, int p2, int p3, double stiffness) : base(body)
            P0 = p0;
            P1 = p1;
            P2 = p2;
            P3 = p3;

            Stiffness        = stiffness;
            NormalizeStretch = false;
            NormalizeShear   = false;

            Correction = new Vector3[4];

            Vector3 x0 = body.Positions[P0];
            Vector3 x1 = body.Positions[P1];
            Vector3 x2 = body.Positions[P2];
            Vector3 x3 = body.Positions[P3];

            Matrix3x3d restMatrix = new Matrix3x3d();

            restMatrix.SetColumn(0, MathConverter.ToVector3d(x1 - x0));
            restMatrix.SetColumn(1, MathConverter.ToVector3d(x2 - x0));
            restMatrix.SetColumn(2, MathConverter.ToVector3d(x3 - x0));

            InvRestMatrix = restMatrix.Inverse;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public DeformationBase()
     uniforms       = new Uniforms();
     localToCamera  = Matrix4x4d.identity;
     localToScreen  = Matrix4x4d.identity;
     localToTangent = Matrix3x3d.identity;
Exemplo n.º 12
        //public bool Inverse(ref Matrix3x3d mInv, double tolerance = 1e-06)
        public bool Inverse(ref Matrix3x3d mInv, double tolerance)
            // Invert a 3x3 using cofactors.  This is about 8 times faster than
            // the Numerical Recipes code which uses Gaussian elimination.
            mInv.m[0, 0] = m[1, 1] * m[2, 2] - m[1, 2] * m[2, 1];
            mInv.m[0, 1] = m[0, 2] * m[2, 1] - m[0, 1] * m[2, 2];
            mInv.m[0, 2] = m[0, 1] * m[1, 2] - m[0, 2] * m[1, 1];
            mInv.m[1, 0] = m[1, 2] * m[2, 0] - m[1, 0] * m[2, 2];
            mInv.m[1, 1] = m[0, 0] * m[2, 2] - m[0, 2] * m[2, 0];
            mInv.m[1, 2] = m[0, 2] * m[1, 0] - m[0, 0] * m[1, 2];
            mInv.m[2, 0] = m[1, 0] * m[2, 1] - m[1, 1] * m[2, 0];
            mInv.m[2, 1] = m[0, 1] * m[2, 0] - m[0, 0] * m[2, 1];
            mInv.m[2, 2] = m[0, 0] * m[1, 1] - m[0, 1] * m[1, 0];

            var fDet = m[0, 0] * mInv.m[0, 0] + m[0, 1] * mInv.m[1, 0] + m[0, 2] * mInv.m[2, 0];

            if (System.Math.Abs(fDet) <= tolerance)

            var fInvDet = 1.0 / fDet;

            for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 3; iRow++)
                for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 3; iCol++)
                    mInv.m[iRow, iCol] *= fInvDet;

Exemplo n.º 13
 public DeformationBase()
     uniforms       = new Uniforms();
     localToCamera  = new Matrix4x4d();
     localToScreen  = new Matrix4x4d();
     localToTangent = new Matrix3x3d();
Exemplo n.º 14
    //public Matrix3x3d Inverse(double tolerance = 1e-06)
    public Matrix3x3d Inverse(double tolerance)
        Matrix3x3d kInverse = new Matrix3x3d();

        Inverse(ref kInverse, tolerance);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void AddBox(Matrix3x3d m)
            // var left = m.GetRow(0);
            // var forward = m.GetRow(1);
            // var up = m.GetRow(2);

            // var p0 = Vector3d.Multiply(forward, PoleLength);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void GetColumn()
            Matrix3x3d m = Indexed3x3();

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(0, 1, 2), m.GetColumn(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(3, 4, 5), m.GetColumn(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(6, 7, 8), m.GetColumn(2));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void GetRow()
            Matrix3x3d m = Indexed3x3();

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(0, 3, 6), m.GetRow(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(1, 4, 7), m.GetRow(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(2, 5, 8), m.GetRow(2));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void TryInverse()
            Matrix3x3d m       = Random3x3(0);
            Matrix3x3d inverse = Matrix3x3d.Identity;

            m.TryInverse(ref inverse);

            Assert.IsTrue((inverse * Random3x3(0)).EqualsWithError(Matrix3x3d.Identity, 1e-6));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static void mult(Matrix3x3d a, Vector3d v, Vector3d result)
            double x = a.m[0] * v.x + a.m[1] * v.y + a.m[2] * v.z;
            double y = a.m[3] * v.x + a.m[4] * v.y + a.m[5] * v.z;
            double z = a.m[6] * v.x + a.m[7] * v.y + a.m[8] * v.z;

            result.x = x;
            result.y = y;
            result.z = z;
Exemplo n.º 20
    public Matrix3x3d ToMatrix3x3d()
        Matrix3x3d mat = new Matrix3x3d();

        mat.m[0, 0] = m[0, 0]; mat.m[0, 1] = m[0, 1]; mat.m[0, 2] = m[0, 2];
        mat.m[1, 0] = m[1, 0]; mat.m[1, 1] = m[1, 1]; mat.m[1, 2] = m[1, 2];
        mat.m[2, 0] = m[2, 0]; mat.m[2, 1] = m[2, 1]; mat.m[2, 2] = m[2, 2];

Exemplo n.º 21
	public static Matrix3x3d operator *(Matrix3x3d m, double s)
		Matrix3x3d kProd = new Matrix3x3d();
		for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 3; iRow++) {
			for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 3; iCol++) {
		    	kProd.m[iRow,iCol] = m.m[iRow,iCol] * s;
		return kProd;
Exemplo n.º 22
	public static Matrix3x3d operator -(Matrix3x3d m1, Matrix3x3d m2) 
		Matrix3x3d kSum = new Matrix3x3d();
		for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 3; iRow++) {
			for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 3; iCol++) {
		    	kSum.m[iRow,iCol] = m1.m[iRow,iCol] - m2.m[iRow,iCol];
		return kSum;
Exemplo n.º 23
        private void ComputeGreenStrainAndPiolaStress(Vector3d x1, Vector3d x2, Vector3d x3, Vector3d x4, double mu, double lambda, ref Matrix3x3d epsilon, ref Matrix3x3d sigma, ref double energy)
            // Determine \partial x/\partial m_i
            Matrix3x3d F   = new Matrix3x3d();
            Vector3d   p14 = x1 - x4;
            Vector3d   p24 = x2 - x4;
            Vector3d   p34 = x3 - x4;

            F.m00 = p14.x * InvRestMatrix.m00 + p24.x * InvRestMatrix.m10 + p34.x * InvRestMatrix.m20;
            F.m01 = p14.x * InvRestMatrix.m01 + p24.x * InvRestMatrix.m11 + p34.x * InvRestMatrix.m21;
            F.m02 = p14.x * InvRestMatrix.m02 + p24.x * InvRestMatrix.m12 + p34.x * InvRestMatrix.m22;

            F.m10 = p14.y * InvRestMatrix.m00 + p24.y * InvRestMatrix.m10 + p34.y * InvRestMatrix.m20;
            F.m11 = p14.y * InvRestMatrix.m01 + p24.y * InvRestMatrix.m11 + p34.y * InvRestMatrix.m21;
            F.m12 = p14.y * InvRestMatrix.m02 + p24.y * InvRestMatrix.m12 + p34.y * InvRestMatrix.m22;

            F.m20 = p14.z * InvRestMatrix.m00 + p24.z * InvRestMatrix.m10 + p34.z * InvRestMatrix.m20;
            F.m21 = p14.z * InvRestMatrix.m01 + p24.z * InvRestMatrix.m11 + p34.z * InvRestMatrix.m21;
            F.m22 = p14.z * InvRestMatrix.m02 + p24.z * InvRestMatrix.m12 + p34.z * InvRestMatrix.m22;

            // epsilon = 1/2 F^T F - I

            epsilon.m00 = 0.5 * (F.m00 * F.m00 + F.m10 * F.m10 + F.m20 * F.m20 - 1.0);        // xx
            epsilon.m11 = 0.5 * (F.m01 * F.m01 + F.m11 * F.m11 + F.m21 * F.m21 - 1.0);        // yy
            epsilon.m22 = 0.5 * (F.m02 * F.m02 + F.m12 * F.m12 + F.m22 * F.m22 - 1.0);        // zz
            epsilon.m01 = 0.5 * (F.m00 * F.m01 + F.m10 * F.m11 + F.m20 * F.m21);              // xy
            epsilon.m02 = 0.5 * (F.m00 * F.m02 + F.m10 * F.m12 + F.m20 * F.m22);              // xz
            epsilon.m12 = 0.5 * (F.m01 * F.m02 + F.m11 * F.m12 + F.m21 * F.m22);              // yz
            epsilon.m10 = epsilon.m01;
            epsilon.m20 = epsilon.m02;
            epsilon.m21 = epsilon.m12;

            // P(F) = F(2 mu E + lambda tr(E)I) => E = green strain
            double trace  = epsilon.m00 + epsilon.m11 + epsilon.m22;
            double ltrace = lambda * trace;

            sigma      = epsilon * 2.0 * mu;
            sigma.m00 += ltrace;
            sigma.m11 += ltrace;
            sigma.m22 += ltrace;
            sigma      = F * sigma;

            double psi = 0.0;

            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    psi += epsilon[j, k] * epsilon[j, k];

            psi    = mu * psi + 0.5 * lambda * trace * trace;
            energy = RestVolume * psi;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void CreatedFromArray()
            double[] d = new double[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };

            Matrix3x3d m = new Matrix3x3d(d);

            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(i, m[i]);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public static Matrix4x4 ToMatrix4x4(Matrix3x3d m)
            Matrix4x4 mat = new Matrix4x4();

            mat.m00 = (float)m.m00; mat.m01 = (float)m.m01; mat.m02 = (float)m.m02; mat.m03 = 0.0f;
            mat.m10 = (float)m.m10; mat.m11 = (float)m.m11; mat.m12 = (float)m.m12; mat.m13 = 0.0f;
            mat.m20 = (float)m.m20; mat.m21 = (float)m.m21; mat.m22 = (float)m.m22; mat.m23 = 0.0f;
            mat.m30 = 0.0f; mat.m31 = 0.0f; mat.m32 = 0.0f; mat.m33 = 0.0f;

Exemplo n.º 26
        Matrix3x3d Indexed3x3()
            Matrix3x3d m = new Matrix3x3d();

            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
                m[i] = i;

Exemplo n.º 27
        public void CreatedFromSingleValue()
            float v = 1.1234f;

            Matrix3x3d m = new Matrix3x3d(v);

            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(v, m[i]);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void CreatedFromValues()
            Matrix3x3d m = new Matrix3x3d(0, 3, 6,
                                          1, 4, 7,
                                          2, 5, 8);

            for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(i, m[i]);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void Transform()
            Quaterniond q2 = Quaterniond.FromAxis(new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), 0.0);

            Assert.IsTrue(q2 == Quaterniond.Identity);
            Quaterniond q = Quaterniond.FromAxis(new Vector3d(0, 0, 1), (double)(global::System.Math.PI / 2.0));
            Matrix3x3d  m = q.ToMatrix();

            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3d.NearEqual(m * Vector3d.AxisY, new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0)));
            Assert.IsTrue(Vector3d.NearEqual(q * Vector3d.AxisY, new Vector3d(-1, 0, 0)));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void SetRow()
            Matrix3x3d m = new Matrix3x3d();

            m.SetRow(0, new Vector3d(0, 3, 6));
            m.SetRow(1, new Vector3d(1, 4, 7));
            m.SetRow(2, new Vector3d(2, 5, 8));

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(0, 3, 6), m.GetRow(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(1, 4, 7), m.GetRow(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(2, 5, 8), m.GetRow(2));
Exemplo n.º 31
        public void SetColumn()
            Matrix3x3d m = new Matrix3x3d();

            m.SetColumn(0, new Vector3d(0, 1, 2));
            m.SetColumn(1, new Vector3d(3, 4, 5));
            m.SetColumn(2, new Vector3d(6, 7, 8));

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(0, 1, 2), m.GetColumn(0));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(3, 4, 5), m.GetColumn(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3d(6, 7, 8), m.GetColumn(2));
Exemplo n.º 32
        internal override void ConstrainPositions(double di)
            Vector3d cm           = new Vector3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            double   wsum         = 0.0;
            double   mass         = Body.ParticleMass;
            int      numParticles = Body.NumParticles;

            for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
                cm   += Body.Predicted[i] * mass;
                wsum += mass;

            cm /= wsum;

            Matrix3x3d A = new Matrix3x3d();

            for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
                Vector3d q = RestPositions[i];
                Vector3d p = Body.Positions[i] - cm;

                A[0, 0] += mass * p.x * q.x;
                A[0, 1] += mass * p.x * q.y;
                A[0, 2] += mass * p.x * q.z;

                A[1, 0] += mass * p.y * q.x;
                A[1, 1] += mass * p.y * q.y;
                A[1, 2] += mass * p.y * q.z;

                A[2, 0] += mass * p.z * q.x;
                A[2, 1] += mass * p.z * q.y;
                A[2, 2] += mass * p.z * q.z;

            A = A * InvRestMatrix;

            double     eps = 1e-6;
            Matrix3x3d R;

            Matrix3x3dDecomposition.PolarDecompositionStable(A, eps, out R);

            //Matrix3x3d R = A;

            //Matrix3x3d R, U, D;
            //Matrix3x3dDecomposition.PolarDecomposition(A, out R, out U, out D);

            for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
                Vector3d goal = cm + R * RestPositions[i];
                Body.Predicted[i] += (goal - Body.Predicted[i]) * Stiffness * di;
Exemplo n.º 33
	public static Matrix3x3d operator *(Matrix3x3d m1, Matrix3x3d m2) 
		Matrix3x3d kProd = new Matrix3x3d();
		for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 3; iRow++) {
			for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 3; iCol++) {
		    	kProd.m[iRow,iCol] = m1.m[iRow,0] * m2.m[0,iCol] + 
									 m1.m[iRow,1] * m2.m[1,iCol] + 
									 m1.m[iRow,2] * m2.m[2,iCol];
		return kProd;
Exemplo n.º 34
        internal override void ConstrainPositions(double di)
            Vector3 cm           = Vector3.zero;
            double  wsum         = 0.0;
            double  mass         = Body.ParticleMass;
            int     numParticles = Body.NumParticles;

            for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
                cm   += Body.Predicted[i] * (float)mass;
                wsum += mass;

            cm /= (float)wsum;

            Matrix3x3d A = new Matrix3x3d();

            for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
                Vector3 q = RestPositions[i];
                Vector3 p = Body.Positions[i] - cm;

                A[0, 0] += mass * p.x * q.x;
                A[0, 1] += mass * p.x * q.y;
                A[0, 2] += mass * p.x * q.z;

                A[1, 0] += mass * p.y * q.x;
                A[1, 1] += mass * p.y * q.y;
                A[1, 2] += mass * p.y * q.z;

                A[2, 0] += mass * p.z * q.x;
                A[2, 1] += mass * p.z * q.y;
                A[2, 2] += mass * p.z * q.z;

            A = A * InvRestMatrix;

            double     eps = 1e-6;
            Matrix3x3d R;

            Matrix3x3dDecomposition.PolarDecompositionStable(A, eps, out R);

            //Matrix3x3d R = A;

            //Matrix3x3d R, U, D;
            //Matrix3x3dDecomposition.PolarDecomposition(A, out R, out U, out D);

            for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
                Vector3 goal = cm + MathConverter.ToVector3(R * new Vector3d(RestPositions[i]));
                Body.Predicted[i] += (goal - Body.Predicted[i]) * (float)Stiffness * (float)di;
Exemplo n.º 35
        protected override void SetScreenUniforms(TerrainNode node, TerrainQuad quad, MaterialPropertyBlock matPropertyBlock)
            double ox = quad.GetOX();
            double oy = quad.GetOY();
            double l = quad.GetLength();

            Vector3d2 p0 = new Vector3d2(ox, oy, R);
            Vector3d2 p1 = new Vector3d2(ox + l, oy, R);
            Vector3d2 p2 = new Vector3d2(ox, oy + l, R);
            Vector3d2 p3 = new Vector3d2(ox + l, oy + l, R);
            Vector3d2 pc = (p0 + p3) * 0.5;

            double l0 = 0.0, l1 = 0.0, l2 = 0.0, l3 = 0.0;
            Vector3d2 v0 = p0.Normalized(ref l0);
            Vector3d2 v1 = p1.Normalized(ref l1);
            Vector3d2 v2 = p2.Normalized(ref l2);
            Vector3d2 v3 = p3.Normalized(ref l3);

            Matrix4x4d deformedCorners = new Matrix4x4d(v0.x * R, v1.x * R, v2.x * R, v3.x * R,
                                                        v0.y * R, v1.y * R, v2.y * R, v3.y * R,
                                                        v0.z * R, v1.z * R, v2.z * R, v3.z * R,
                                                        1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

            matPropertyBlock.AddMatrix(m_uniforms.screenQuadCorners, (m_localToScreen * deformedCorners).ToMatrix4x4());

            Matrix4x4d deformedVerticals = new Matrix4x4d(	v0.x, v1.x, v2.x, v3.x,
                                                          v0.y, v1.y, v2.y, v3.y,
                                                          v0.z, v1.z, v2.z, v3.z,
                                                          0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            matPropertyBlock.AddMatrix(m_uniforms.screenQuadVerticals, (m_localToScreen * deformedVerticals).ToMatrix4x4());
            matPropertyBlock.AddVector(m_uniforms.screenQuadCornerNorms, new Vector4((float)l0, (float)l1, (float)l2, (float)l3));

            Vector3d2 uz = pc.Normalized();
            Vector3d2 ux = (new Vector3d2(0,1,0)).Cross(uz).Normalized();
            Vector3d2 uy = uz.Cross(ux);

            Matrix4x4d ltow = node.GetLocalToWorld();

            Matrix3x3d tangentFrameToWorld = new Matrix3x3d(ltow.m[0,0], ltow.m[0,1], ltow.m[0,2],
                                                            ltow.m[1,0], ltow.m[1,1], ltow.m[1,2],
                                                            ltow.m[2,0], ltow.m[2,1], ltow.m[2,2]);

            Matrix3x3d m = new Matrix3x3d(	ux.x, uy.x, uz.x,
                                          ux.y, uy.y, uz.y,
                                          ux.z, uy.z, uz.z);

            matPropertyBlock.AddMatrix(m_uniforms.tangentFrameToWorld, (tangentFrameToWorld * m).ToMatrix4x4());
Exemplo n.º 36
	public Matrix3x3d ToMatrix3x3d()
		Matrix3x3d mat = new Matrix3x3d();
		mat.m[0,0] = m[0,0]; mat.m[0,1] = m[0,1]; mat.m[0,2] = m[0,2];
		mat.m[1,0] = m[1,0]; mat.m[1,1] = m[1,1]; mat.m[1,2] = m[1,2];
		mat.m[2,0] = m[2,0]; mat.m[2,1] = m[2,1]; mat.m[2,2] = m[2,2];
		return mat;
Exemplo n.º 37
	public Matrix3x3d Transpose()
	    Matrix3x3d kTranspose = new Matrix3x3d();
	    for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 3; iRow++) {
	        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 3; iCol++) {
	            kTranspose.m[iRow,iCol] = m[iCol,iRow];
	    return kTranspose;
Exemplo n.º 38
	//public bool Inverse(ref Matrix3x3d mInv, double tolerance = 1e-06)
	public bool Inverse(ref Matrix3x3d mInv, double tolerance)
	    // Invert a 3x3 using cofactors.  This is about 8 times faster than
	    // the Numerical Recipes code which uses Gaussian elimination.
	    mInv.m[0,0] = m[1,1] * m[2,2] - m[1,2] * m[2,1];
	    mInv.m[0,1] = m[0,2] * m[2,1] - m[0,1] * m[2,2];
	    mInv.m[0,2] = m[0,1] * m[1,2] - m[0,2] * m[1,1];
	    mInv.m[1,0] = m[1,2] * m[2,0] - m[1,0] * m[2,2];
	    mInv.m[1,1] = m[0,0] * m[2,2] - m[0,2] * m[2,0];
	    mInv.m[1,2] = m[0,2] * m[1,0] - m[0,0] * m[1,2];
	    mInv.m[2,0] = m[1,0] * m[2,1] - m[1,1] * m[2,0];
	    mInv.m[2,1] = m[0,1] * m[2,0] - m[0,0] * m[2,1];
	    mInv.m[2,2] = m[0,0] * m[1,1] - m[0,1] * m[1,0];
	    double fDet = m[0,0] * mInv.m[0,0] + m[0,1] * mInv.m[1,0] + m[0,2] * mInv.m[2,0];
	    if (System.Math.Abs(fDet) <= tolerance) {
	        return false;
	    double fInvDet = 1.0 / fDet;
	    for (int iRow = 0; iRow < 3; iRow++) {
	        for (int iCol = 0; iCol < 3; iCol++)
	            mInv.m[iRow,iCol] *= fInvDet;
	    return true;
Exemplo n.º 39
        * Sets the shader uniforms that are necessary to project on screen the
        * TerrainQuad of the given TerrainNode. This method can set the uniforms
        * that are common to all the quads of the given terrain.
        public virtual void SetUniforms(TerrainNode node, Material mat)
            if(mat == null || node == null) return;

            float d1 = node.GetSplitDist() + 1.0f;
            float d2 = 2.0f * node.GetSplitDist();
            mat.SetVector(m_uniforms.blending, new Vector2(d1, d2 - d1));

            m_localToCamera = node.GetView().GetWorldToCamera() * node.GetLocalToWorld();
            m_localToScreen = node.GetView().GetCameraToScreen() * m_localToCamera;

            Vector3d2 localCameraPos = node.GetLocalCameraPos();
            Vector3d2 worldCamera = node.GetView().GetWorldCameraPos();

            Matrix4x4d A = LocalToDeformedDifferential(localCameraPos);
            Matrix4x4d B = DeformedToTangentFrame(worldCamera);

            Matrix4x4d ltot = B * node.GetLocalToWorld() * A;

            m_localToTangent = new Matrix3x3d(	ltot.m[0,0], ltot.m[0,1], ltot.m[0,3],
                                              ltot.m[1,0], ltot.m[1,1], ltot.m[1,3],
                                              ltot.m[3,0], ltot.m[3,1], ltot.m[3,3]);

            mat.SetMatrix(m_uniforms.localToScreen, m_localToScreen.ToMatrix4x4());
            mat.SetMatrix(m_uniforms.localToWorld, node.GetLocalToWorld().ToMatrix4x4());
Exemplo n.º 40
	//public Matrix3x3d Inverse(double tolerance = 1e-06)
	public Matrix3x3d Inverse(double tolerance)
	    Matrix3x3d kInverse = new Matrix3x3d();
	    Inverse(ref kInverse, tolerance);
	    return kInverse;
Exemplo n.º 41
	public Matrix3x3d(Matrix3x3d m)
		System.Array.Copy(m.m, this.m, 9);