Exemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Create a serialiser for the given mesh details.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="details">The mesh to serialise.</param>
            public MeshSerialiser(MeshDetails details)
                Details = details;
                RenderMesh mesh = details.Mesh;

                // Migrate data fields.
                ID = details.ID;
                Maths.Matrix4 transform = Maths.Rotation.ToMatrix4(Maths.QuaternionExt.FromUnity(details.LocalRotation));
                transform.Translation = Maths.Vector3Ext.FromUnity(details.LocalPosition);
                Transform = transform;
                Tint      = Maths.ColourExt.FromUnity(details.Tint).Value;
                DrawType  = (byte)mesh.DrawType;
                // TODO: (KS) track this flag. Mind you, the normals will have been calculated by now...
                CalculateNormals = false;//Details.Builder.CalculateNormals;

                MeshComponentFlag components = 0;

                // Copy arrays into the correct format.
                _vertices = Maths.Vector3Ext.FromUnity(mesh.Vertices);

                _indices = new int[mesh.IndexCount];
                Array.Copy(mesh.Indices, _indices, _indices.Length);

                if (mesh.HasNormals)
                    _normals = Maths.Vector3Ext.FromUnity(mesh.Normals);
                if (mesh.HasUVs)
                    _uvs = Maths.Vector2Ext.FromUnity(mesh.UVs);
                if (mesh.HasColours)
                    _colours = new uint[mesh.VertexCount];
                    Array.Copy(mesh.Colours, _colours, _colours.Length);

                if (mesh.VertexCount > 0)
                    components |= MeshComponentFlag.Vertex;
                if (mesh.IndexCount > 0)
                    components |= MeshComponentFlag.Index;
                if (_normals != null)
                    components |= MeshComponentFlag.Normal;
                if (_uvs != null)
                    components |= MeshComponentFlag.UV;
                if (_colours != null)
                    components |= MeshComponentFlag.Colour;
                Components = components;
Exemplo n.º 2
            /// <summary>
            /// Create a serialiser for the given mesh details.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="details">The mesh to serialise.</param>
            public MeshSerialiser(MeshDetails details)
                Details = details;

                // Migrate data fields.
                ID = details.ID;
                Maths.Matrix4 transform = Maths.Rotation.ToMatrix4(Maths.QuaternionExt.FromUnity(details.LocalRotation));
                transform.Translation = Maths.Vector3Ext.FromUnity(details.LocalPosition);
                Transform        = transform;
                Tint             = Maths.ColourExt.FromUnity(details.Tint).Value;
                DrawType         = Details.DrawType;
                CalculateNormals = Details.Builder.CalculateNormals;

                MeshComponentFlag components = 0;

                // Copy arrays into the correct format.
                _vertices = Maths.Vector3Ext.FromUnity(details.Builder.Vertices);
                _normals  = Maths.Vector3Ext.FromUnity(details.Builder.Normals);
                _uvs      = Maths.Vector2Ext.FromUnity(details.Builder.UVs);
                _colours  = Maths.ColourExt.FromUnityUInts(details.Builder.Colours);

                if (details.VertexCount > 0)
                    components |= MeshComponentFlag.Vertex;
                if (details.Builder.ExplicitIndices)
                    components |= MeshComponentFlag.Index;
                if (_colours != null && _colours.Length > 0)
                    components |= MeshComponentFlag.Colour;
                if (_normals != null && _normals.Length > 0)
                    components |= MeshComponentFlag.Normal;
                if (_uvs != null && _uvs.Length > 0)
                    components |= MeshComponentFlag.UV;
                Components = components;