Exemplo n.º 1
        /// Compute the infinity norm of the quaternion, that is the maximum absolute value of one of its elements.
        public double LengthInf()
            double e0e1   = Math.Max(Mathfx.Abs(this.e0), Mathfx.Abs(this.e1));
            double e0e1e2 = Math.Max(e0e1, Mathfx.Abs(this.e2));

            return(Math.Max(e0e1e2, Mathfx.Abs(this.e3)));
Exemplo n.º 2
            // compute triangle normal
            public bool Normal(ref ChVector N)
                ChVector u;

                u = ChVector.Vsub(p2, p1);
                ChVector v;

                v = ChVector.Vsub(p3, p1);

                ChVector n;

                n = ChVector.Vcross(u, v);

                double len = ChVector.Vlength(n);

                if (Mathfx.Abs(len) > EPS_TRIDEGENERATE)
                    N = ChVector.Vmul(n, (1.0 / len));

Exemplo n.º 3
            /// Given point B and a generic triangle, computes the distance from the triangle plane,
            /// returning also the projection of point on the plane and other infos
            ///			\return the signed distance
            public static double PointTriangleDistance(ChVector B,             //< point to be measured
                                                       ref ChVector A1,        //< point of triangle
                                                       ref ChVector A2,        //< point of triangle
                                                       ref ChVector A3,        //< point of triangle
                                                       ref double mu,          //< returns U parametric coord of projection
                                                       ref double mv,          //< returns V parametric coord of projection
                                                       ref bool is_into,       //< returns true if projection falls on the triangle
                                                       ref ChVector Bprojected //< returns the position of the projected point
                // defaults
                is_into = false;
                mu      = mv = -1;
                double mdistance = 10e22;

                ChVector Dx, Dy, Dz, T1, T1p;

                Dx = ChVector.Vsub(A2, A1);
                Dz = ChVector.Vsub(A3, A1);
                Dy = ChVector.Vcross(Dz, Dx);

                double dylen = ChVector.Vlength(Dy);

                if (Mathfx.Abs(dylen) < EPS_TRIDEGENERATE)  // degenerate triangle

                Dy = ChVector.Vmul(Dy, 1.0 / dylen);

                ChMatrix33 <double> mA  = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);
                ChMatrix33 <double> mAi = new ChMatrix33 <double>(0);

                mA.Set_A_axis(Dx, Dy, Dz);

                // invert triangle coordinate matrix -if singular matrix, was degenerate triangle-.
                if (Mathfx.Abs(mA.FastInvert(mAi)) < 0.000001)

                T1    = mAi.Matr_x_Vect(ChVector.Vsub(B, A1));
                T1p   = T1;
                T1p.y = 0;
                mu    = T1.x;
                mv    = T1.z;
                if (mu >= 0 && mv >= 0 && mv <= 1.0 - mu)
                    is_into    = true;
                    mdistance  = Mathfx.Abs(T1.y);
                    Bprojected = ChVector.Vadd(A1, mA.Matr_x_Vect(T1p));

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// Gets the norm infinite of the matrix, i.e. the max.
        /// of its elements in absolute value.
        public double NormInf()
            double norm = 0;

            for (int nel = 0; nel < rows * columns; ++nel)
                if ((Mathfx.Abs(ElementN(nel))) > norm)
                    norm = Mathfx.Abs(ElementN(nel));
Exemplo n.º 5
            // return false if triangle has almost zero area
            public bool IsDegenerated()
                ChVector u = ChVector.Vsub(p2, p1);
                ChVector v = ChVector.Vsub(p3, p1);

                ChVector vcr = new ChVector();

                vcr = ChVector.Vcross(u, v);
                if (Mathfx.Abs(vcr.x) < EPS_TRIDEGENERATE && Math.Abs(vcr.y) < EPS_TRIDEGENERATE && Math.Abs(vcr.z) < EPS_TRIDEGENERATE)
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// Returns true if vector equals another vector, within a tolerance 'tol'
 public bool Equals(ChMatrix other, double tol)
     if ((other.GetColumns() != this.columns) || (other.GetRows() != this.rows))
     for (int nel = 0; nel < rows * columns; ++nel)
         if (Mathfx.Abs(ElementN(nel) - other.ElementN(nel)) > tol)
Exemplo n.º 7
        public int GetMaxComponent()
            int    idx = 0;
            double max = Mathfx.Abs(this.x);

            if (Mathfx.Abs(this.y) > max)
                idx = 1;
                max = this.y;
            if (Mathfx.Abs(this.z) > max)
                idx = 2;
                max = this.z;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void DirToDxDyDz(ref ChVector Vx,
                                ref ChVector Vy,
                                ref ChVector Vz,
                                ChVector Vsingular)
            // set Vx.
            if (this.IsNull())
                Vx = new ChVector(1, 0, 0);
                Vx = this.GetNormalized();

            Vz.Cross(Vx, Vsingular);
            double zlen = Vz.Length();

            // if near singularity, change the singularity reference vector.
            if (zlen < 0.0001)
                ChVector mVsingular = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);

                if (Mathfx.Abs(Vsingular.x) < 0.9)
                    mVsingular = new ChVector(1, 0, 0);
                else if (Mathfx.Abs(Vsingular.y) < 0.9)
                    mVsingular = new ChVector(0, 1, 0);
                else if (Mathfx.Abs(Vsingular.z) < 0.9)
                    mVsingular = new ChVector(0, 0, 1);

                Vz.Cross(Vx, mVsingular);
                zlen = Vz.Length();  // now should be nonzero length.

            // normalize Vz.
            Vz.Scale(1 / zlen);

            // compute Vy.
            Vy.Cross(Vz, Vx);
Exemplo n.º 9
        // From non-normalized x direction, to versors DxDyDz.
        // Vsingular sets the normal to the plane on which Dz must lie.
        public static void XdirToDxDyDz(ChVector Vxdir,
                                        ChVector Vsingular,
                                        ref ChVector Vx,
                                        ref ChVector Vy,
                                        ref ChVector Vz)
            ChVector mVnull = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
            double   zlen;

            if (Vequal(Vxdir, mVnull))
                Vx = new ChVector(1, 0, 0);
                Vx = Vnorm(Vxdir);

            Vz   = Vcross(Vx, Vsingular);
            zlen = Vlength(Vz);

            // If close to singularity, change reference vector
            if (zlen < 0.0001)
                ChVector mVsingular = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
                if (Mathfx.Abs(Vsingular.x) < 0.9)
                    mVsingular = new ChVector(0, 0, 1);
                if (Mathfx.Abs(Vsingular.y) < 0.9)
                    mVsingular = new ChVector(0, 1, 0);
                if (Mathfx.Abs(Vsingular.z) < 0.9)
                    mVsingular = new ChVector(1, 0, 0);
                Vz   = Vcross(Vx, mVsingular);
                zlen = Vlength(Vz);  // now should be nonzero length.

            // normalize Vz
            Vz = Vmul(Vz, 1.0 / zlen);
            // compute Vy
            Vy = Vcross(Vz, Vx);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static void Q_to_AngAxis(ChQuaternion quat, ref double angle, ref ChVector axis)
     if (Mathfx.Abs(quat.e0) < 0.99999999)
         double   arg     = Math.Acos(quat.e0);
         double   invsine = 1 / Math.Sin(arg);
         ChVector vtemp   = ChVector.VNULL; //new ChVector(0, 0, 0);
         vtemp.x = invsine * quat.e1;
         vtemp.y = invsine * quat.e2;
         vtemp.z = invsine * quat.e3;
         angle   = 2 * arg;
         axis    = ChVector.Vnorm(vtemp);
         axis.x = 1;
         axis.y = 0;
         axis.z = 0;
         angle  = 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
            /// Calculate kinematics quantities based on the current state of the associated
            /// wheel body.
            public void CalculateKinematics(double time,                   ///< [in] current time
                                            ChSubsysDefs.WheelState state, ///< [in] current state of associated wheel body
                                            RigidTerrain terrain           ///< [in] reference to the terrain system
                // Wheel normal (expressed in global frame)
                ChVector wheel_normal = state.rot.GetYaxis();

                // Terrain normal at wheel location (expressed in global frame)
                ChVector Z_dir = terrain.GetNormal(state.pos.x, state.pos.y);

                // Longitudinal (heading) and lateral directions, in the terrain plane
                ChVector X_dir = ChVector.Vcross(wheel_normal, Z_dir);

                ChVector Y_dir = ChVector.Vcross(Z_dir, X_dir);

                // Tire reference coordinate system
                // ChMatrix33<double> rot = new ChMatrix33<double>(0); // Needs nesting
                rot.Set_A_axis(X_dir, Y_dir, Z_dir);
                ChCoordsys tire_csys = new ChCoordsys(state.pos, rot.Get_A_quaternion());

                // Express wheel linear velocity in tire frame
                ChVector V = tire_csys.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(state.lin_vel);
                // Express wheel normal in tire frame
                ChVector n = tire_csys.TransformDirectionParentToLocal(wheel_normal);

                // Slip angle
                double abs_Vx  = Mathfx.Abs(V.x);
                double zero_Vx = 1e-4;

                m_slip_angle = (abs_Vx > zero_Vx) ? Math.Atan(V.y / abs_Vx) : 0;

                // Longitudinal slip
                m_longitudinal_slip = (abs_Vx > zero_Vx) ? -(V.x - state.omega * GetRadius()) / abs_Vx : 0;

                // Camber angle
                m_camber_angle = Math.Atan2(n.z, n.y);
Exemplo n.º 12

        /// Computes the atan2, returning angle given cosine and sine.
        public static double ChAtan2(double mcos, double msin)
            double ret;

            if (Mathfx.Abs(mcos) < 0.707)
                ret = Math.Cos(mcos);
                if (msin < 0.0)
                    ret = -ret;
                ret = Math.Sin(msin);
                if (mcos < 0.0)
                    ret = CH_C_PI - ret;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public bool Equals(ChQuaternion other, double tol)
     // dynamic a = other;
     return((Mathfx.Abs(other.e0 - this.e0) < tol) && (Mathfx.Abs(other.e1 - this.e1) < tol) &&
            (Mathfx.Abs(other.e2 - this.e2) < tol) && (Mathfx.Abs(other.e3 - this.e3) < tol));
Exemplo n.º 14
    //public System.Object lockObject;

    public void AddSpan(uint bottom, uint top, int area, int voxelWalkableClimb)
        VoxelSpan span = new VoxelSpan(bottom, top, area);

        //lock (lockObject) {

        if (firstSpan == null)
            firstSpan = span;

        VoxelSpan prev = null;

        VoxelSpan cSpan = firstSpan;

        //for (VoxelSpan cSpan = firstSpan; cSpan != null; cSpan = cSpan.next) {
        while (cSpan != null)
            if (cSpan.bottom > span.top)
            else if (cSpan.top < span.bottom)
                prev  = cSpan;
                cSpan = cSpan.next;
                if (cSpan.bottom < bottom)
                    span.bottom = cSpan.bottom;
                if (cSpan.top > top)
                    span.top = cSpan.top;

                //1 is flagMergeDistance, when a walkable flag is favored before an unwalkable one
                if (Mathfx.Abs((int)span.top - (int)cSpan.top) <= voxelWalkableClimb)
                    span.area = Mathfx.Max(span.area, cSpan.area);

                VoxelSpan next = cSpan.next;
                if (prev != null)
                    prev.next = next;
                    firstSpan = next;
                cSpan = next;

                /*cSpan.bottom = cSpan.bottom < bottom ? cSpan.bottom : bottom;
                 * cSpan.top = cSpan.top > top ? cSpan.top : top;
                 * if (cSpan.bottom < span.bottom) {
                 *      span.bottom = cSpan.bottom;
                 * }
                 * if (cSpan.top > span.top) {
                 *      span.top = cSpan.top;
                 * }
                 * span.area = Mathfx.Min (span.area,cSpan.area);
                 * VoxelSpan next = cSpan.next;
                 * if (prev != null) {
                 *      prev.next = next;
                 * } else {
                 *      firstSpan = next;
                 * }
                 * cSpan = next;*/

        if (prev != null)
            span.next = prev.next;
            prev.next = span;
            span.next = firstSpan;
            firstSpan = span;
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// Compute the infinity norm of the vector, that is the maximum absolute value of one of its elements.
 public double LengthInf()
     return(Math.Max(Math.Max(Mathfx.Abs(this.x), Mathfx.Abs(this.y)), Mathfx.Abs(this.z)));
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// Performs the solution of the problem.
        /// \return  the maximum constraint violation after termination.
        public override double Solve(ref ChSystemDescriptor sysd  //< system description with constraints and variables
            List <ChConstraint> mconstraints = sysd.GetConstraintsList();
            List <ChVariables>  mvariables   = sysd.GetVariablesList();

            tot_iterations = 0;
            double maxviolation    = 0.0;
            double maxdeltalambda  = 0.0;
            int    i_friction_comp = 0;

            double[] old_lambda_friction = new double[3];

            // 1)  Update auxiliary data in all constraints before starting,
            //     that is: g_i=[Cq_i]*[invM_i]*[Cq_i]' and  [Eq_i]=[invM_i]*[Cq_i]'
            for (int ic = 0; ic < mconstraints.Count; ic++)

            // Average all g_i for the triplet of contact constraints n,u,v.
            int j_friction_comp = 0;

            double[] gi_values = new double[3];
            for (int ic = 0; ic < mconstraints.Count; ic++)
                if (mconstraints[ic].GetMode() == eChConstraintMode.CONSTRAINT_FRIC)
                    gi_values[j_friction_comp] = mconstraints[ic].Get_g_i();
                    if (j_friction_comp == 3)
                        double average_g_i = (gi_values[0] + gi_values[1] + gi_values[2]) / 3.0;
                        mconstraints[ic - 2].Set_g_i(average_g_i);
                        mconstraints[ic - 1].Set_g_i(average_g_i);
                        mconstraints[ic - 0].Set_g_i(average_g_i);
                        j_friction_comp = 0;

            // 2)  Compute, for all items with variables, the initial guess for
            //     still unconstrained system:

            for (int iv = 0; iv < mvariables.Count; iv++)
                if (mvariables[iv].IsActive())
                    mvariables[iv].Compute_invMb_v(mvariables[iv].Get_qb().matrix, mvariables[iv].Get_fb().matrix);  // q = [M]'*fb

            // 3)  For all items with variables, add the effect of initial (guessed)
            //     lagrangian reactions of constraints, if a warm start is desired.
            //     Otherwise, if no warm start, simply resets initial lagrangians to zero.
            if (warm_start)
                for (int ic = 0; ic < mconstraints.Count; ic++)
                    if (mconstraints[ic].IsActive())
                for (int ic = 0; ic < mconstraints.Count; ic++)

            // 4)  Perform the iteration loops

            for (int iter = 0; iter < max_iterations; iter++)
                // The iteration on all constraints

                maxviolation    = 0;
                maxdeltalambda  = 0;
                i_friction_comp = 0;

                for (int ic = 0; ic < mconstraints.Count; ic++)
                    // skip computations if constraint not active.
                    if (mconstraints[ic].IsActive())
                        // compute residual  c_i = [Cq_i]*q + b_i + cfm_i*l_i
                        double mresidual = mconstraints[ic].Compute_Cq_q() + mconstraints[ic].Get_b_i() +
                                           mconstraints[ic].Get_cfm_i() * mconstraints[ic].Get_l_i();

                        // true constraint violation may be different from 'mresidual' (ex:clamped if unilateral)
                        double candidate_violation = Mathfx.Abs(mconstraints[ic].Violation(mresidual));

                        // compute:  delta_lambda = -(omega/g_i) * ([Cq_i]*q + b_i + cfm_i*l_i )
                        double deltal = (omega / mconstraints[ic].Get_g_i()) * (-mresidual);

                        if (mconstraints[ic].GetMode() == eChConstraintMode.CONSTRAINT_FRIC)
                            candidate_violation = 0;

                            // update:   lambda += delta_lambda;
                            old_lambda_friction[i_friction_comp] = mconstraints[ic].Get_l_i();
                            mconstraints[ic].Set_l_i(old_lambda_friction[i_friction_comp] + deltal);

                            if (i_friction_comp == 1)
                                candidate_violation = Mathfx.Abs(ChMaths.ChMin(0.0, mresidual));

                            if (i_friction_comp == 3)
                                mconstraints[ic - 2].Project();  // the N normal component will take care of N,U,V
                                double new_lambda_0 = mconstraints[ic - 2].Get_l_i();
                                double new_lambda_1 = mconstraints[ic - 1].Get_l_i();
                                double new_lambda_2 = mconstraints[ic - 0].Get_l_i();
                                // Apply the smoothing: lambda= sharpness*lambda_new_projected + (1-sharpness)*lambda_old
                                if (this.shlambda != 1.0)
                                    new_lambda_0 = shlambda * new_lambda_0 + (1.0 - shlambda) * old_lambda_friction[0];
                                    new_lambda_1 = shlambda * new_lambda_1 + (1.0 - shlambda) * old_lambda_friction[1];
                                    new_lambda_2 = shlambda * new_lambda_2 + (1.0 - shlambda) * old_lambda_friction[2];
                                    mconstraints[ic - 2].Set_l_i(new_lambda_0);
                                    mconstraints[ic - 1].Set_l_i(new_lambda_1);
                                    mconstraints[ic - 0].Set_l_i(new_lambda_2);
                                double true_delta_0 = new_lambda_0 - old_lambda_friction[0];
                                double true_delta_1 = new_lambda_1 - old_lambda_friction[1];
                                double true_delta_2 = new_lambda_2 - old_lambda_friction[2];
                                mconstraints[ic - 2].Increment_q(true_delta_0);
                                mconstraints[ic - 1].Increment_q(true_delta_1);
                                mconstraints[ic - 0].Increment_q(true_delta_2);

                                if (this.record_violation_history)
                                    maxdeltalambda = ChMaths.ChMax(maxdeltalambda, Mathfx.Abs(true_delta_0));
                                    maxdeltalambda = ChMaths.ChMax(maxdeltalambda, Mathfx.Abs(true_delta_1));
                                    maxdeltalambda = ChMaths.ChMax(maxdeltalambda, Mathfx.Abs(true_delta_2));
                                i_friction_comp = 0;
                            // update:   lambda += delta_lambda;
                            double old_lambda = mconstraints[ic].Get_l_i();
                            mconstraints[ic].Set_l_i(old_lambda + deltal);

                            // If new lagrangian multiplier does not satisfy inequalities, project
                            // it into an admissible orthant (or, in general, onto an admissible set)

                            // After projection, the lambda may have changed a bit..
                            double new_lambda = mconstraints[ic].Get_l_i();

                            // Apply the smoothing: lambda= sharpness*lambda_new_projected + (1-sharpness)*lambda_old
                            if (this.shlambda != 1.0)
                                new_lambda = shlambda * new_lambda + (1.0 - shlambda) * old_lambda;

                            double true_delta = new_lambda - old_lambda;

                            // For all items with variables, add the effect of incremented
                            // (and projected) lagrangian reactions:

                            if (this.record_violation_history)
                                maxdeltalambda = ChMaths.ChMax(maxdeltalambda, Mathfx.Abs(true_delta));

                        maxviolation = ChMaths.ChMax(maxviolation, Mathfx.Abs(candidate_violation));
                    } // end IsActive()
                }     // end loop on constraints

                // For recording into violation history, if debugging
                if (this.record_violation_history)
                    AtIterationEnd(maxviolation, maxdeltalambda, iter);

                // Terminate the loop if violation in constraints has been successfully limited.
                if (maxviolation < tolerance)
            }  // end iteration loop*/

Exemplo n.º 17
        public static DbvtNode TopDown(Dbvt pdbvt, ObjectArray <DbvtNode> leaves, int bu_treshold)
            if (leaves.Count > 1)
                if (leaves.Count > bu_treshold)
                    DbvtAabbMm               vol  = Bounds(leaves);
                    IndexedVector3           org  = vol.Center();
                    ObjectArray <DbvtNode>[] sets = { new ObjectArray <DbvtNode>(), new ObjectArray <DbvtNode>() };
                    int   bestaxis = -1;
                    int   bestmidp = leaves.Count;
                    int[] a1       = new int[] { 0, 0 };
                    int[] a2       = new int[] { 0, 0 };
                    int[] a3       = new int[] { 0, 0 };

                    int[][] splitcount = new int[][] { a1, a2, a3 };
                    int     i;
                    for (i = 0; i < leaves.Count; ++i)
                        IndexedVector3 x = leaves[i].volume.Center() - org;
                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                            ++splitcount[j][IndexedVector3.Dot(x, axis[j]) > 0 ? 1 : 0];
                    for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                        if ((splitcount[i][0] > 0) && (splitcount[i][1] > 0))
                            int midp = (int)Mathfx.Abs((splitcount[i][0] - splitcount[i][1]));
                            if (midp < bestmidp)
                                bestaxis = i;
                                bestmidp = midp;
                    if (bestaxis >= 0)
                        Split(leaves, sets[0], sets[1], ref org, ref axis[bestaxis]);
                        sets[0].EnsureCapacity(leaves.Count / 2 + 1);
                        sets[1].EnsureCapacity(leaves.Count / 2);
                        for (int i2 = 0, ni = leaves.Count; i2 < ni; ++i2)
                            sets[i2 & 1].Add(leaves[i2]);
                    DbvtNode node = CreateNode(pdbvt, null, ref vol, null);
                    node._children[0]        = TopDown(pdbvt, sets[0], bu_treshold);
                    node._children[1]        = TopDown(pdbvt, sets[1], bu_treshold);
                    node._children[0].parent = node;
                    node._children[1].parent = node;
                    BottomUp(pdbvt, leaves);
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// Return true if this vector is equal to another vector, within a tolerance 'tol'.
 public bool Equals(ChVector other, double tol)
     return((Mathfx.Abs(other.x - this.x) < tol) && (Mathfx.Abs(other.y - this.y) < tol) &&
            (Mathfx.Abs(other.z - this.z) < tol));