Exemplo n.º 1
        // var poissonDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Poisson(errorRate * coverage);
        public static double AssignRawPoissonQScore(int callCount, int coverage, int estimatedBaseCallQuality)
        // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming
            double errorRate         = MathOperations.QtoP(estimatedBaseCallQuality);
            double callCountMinusOne = callCount - 1;
            double callCountDouble   = callCount;

            var lambda      = errorRate * coverage;
            var poissonDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Poisson(lambda);

            var pValue = 1 - poissonDist.CumulativeDistribution(callCountMinusOne);

            if (pValue > 0)
                //Approximation to get around precision issues.
                double A          = poissonDist.ProbabilityLn((int)callCountMinusOne);
                double correction = (callCountDouble - lambda) / callCountDouble;
                var    qScore     = -10.0 * (A - Math.Log(2.0 * correction)) / Math.Log(10.0);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //  Poisson.Cdf(observedCallCount - 1.0, coverage* errorRate));
        public double[] Triangle_AssignQValue(double depth, double noise, double callCounts)
            var    poissonDist = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Poisson(noise * depth);
            double rawCDF      = poissonDist.CumulativeDistribution(callCounts - 1.0);
            double P           = 1 - rawCDF;

            //Approximation to get around precision issues.
            double A          = poissonDist.ProbabilityLn((int)callCounts - 1);
            double correction = (callCounts - noise * depth) / callCounts;
            double Qnew       = -10.0 * (A - Math.Log(2.0 * correction)) / Math.Log(10.0);

            return(new double[] { P, Qnew });
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Assign a q-score for a genotype call.
        /// </summary>
        public static int Compute(CalledAllele allele, int minQScore, int maxQScore)
            if (allele.TotalCoverage == 0)

            Genotype calledGT = allele.Genotype;

            float noiseHomRef     = 0.05f;
            float noiseHomAlt     = 0.075f;
            float expectedHetFreq = 0.40f;              //a real 50% typically shows up at <50%, more like 40% or 45%
            float depth           = (float)allele.TotalCoverage;

            var poissonHomRefNoise     = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Poisson(noiseHomRef * depth);
            var poissonHomAltNoise     = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Poisson(noiseHomAlt * depth);
            var binomialHomAltExpected = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Binomial(expectedHetFreq, allele.TotalCoverage);
            var nonAlleleCalls         = Math.Max(allele.TotalCoverage - allele.AlleleSupport, 0); //sanitize for funny insertion cases

            double LnPofH0GT = 0;                                                                  //H0 is the null hypothesis. The working assumption that the GT given to the allele is correct
            double LnPofH1GT = 0;                                                                  //H1 is the alternate hypothesis. The possibility that H0 is wrong, and the second-best GT was actually the right one

            //the GT Q model measures how much *more* likely H0 is than H1, given the observations.

            switch (calledGT)
            case Genotype.HemizygousRef:
                LnPofH0GT = poissonHomRefNoise.ProbabilityLn(nonAlleleCalls);
                LnPofH1GT = binomialHomAltExpected.ProbabilityLn(nonAlleleCalls);

            case Genotype.HemizygousAlt:
                LnPofH0GT = poissonHomAltNoise.ProbabilityLn(nonAlleleCalls);
                LnPofH1GT = binomialHomAltExpected.ProbabilityLn(allele.AlleleSupport);


            var qScore = (int)Math.Floor(10.0 * Math.Log10(Math.E) * (LnPofH0GT - LnPofH1GT));

            return(Math.Max(Math.Min(qScore, maxQScore), minQScore));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Assign a q-score for a genotoype call.
        /// </summary>
        public static int Compute(CalledAllele allele, int minQScore, int maxQScore)
            if (allele.TotalCoverage == 0)

            Genotype calledGT = allele.Genotype;

            float noiseHomRef     = 0.05f;
            float noiseHomAlt     = 0.075f;
            float noiseHetAlt     = 0.10f;
            float expectedHetFreq = 0.40f;  //a ref 50% typically shows up at <50%, more like 40% or 45%
            float depth           = (float)allele.TotalCoverage;
            float support         = (float)allele.AlleleSupport;

            var poissonHomRefNoise     = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Poisson(noiseHomRef * depth);
            var poissonHomAltNoise     = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Poisson(noiseHomAlt * depth);
            var binomialHomAltExpected = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Binomial(expectedHetFreq, allele.TotalCoverage);
            var binomialHomRefNoise    = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Binomial(noiseHetAlt, allele.TotalCoverage);
            var binomialHomAltNoise    = new MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Binomial((1 - noiseHetAlt), allele.TotalCoverage);
            var nonAlleleCalls         = Math.Max(allele.TotalCoverage - allele.AlleleSupport, 0); //sanitize for funny insertion cases

            double LnPofH0GT = 0;                                                                  //H0 is the null hypothesis. The working assumption that the GT given to the allele is correct
            double LnPofH1GT = 0;                                                                  //H1 is the alternate hypothesis. The possibility that H0 is wrong, and the second-best GT was actually the right one

            //the GT Q model measures how much *more* likely H0 is than H1, given the observations.

            switch (calledGT)
            case Genotype.HomozygousRef:
                LnPofH0GT = poissonHomRefNoise.ProbabilityLn(nonAlleleCalls);
                LnPofH1GT = binomialHomAltExpected.ProbabilityLn(nonAlleleCalls);

            case Genotype.HomozygousAlt:
                LnPofH0GT = poissonHomAltNoise.ProbabilityLn(nonAlleleCalls);
                LnPofH1GT = binomialHomAltExpected.ProbabilityLn(allele.AlleleSupport);

            case Genotype.HeterozygousAlt1Alt2:
            case Genotype.HeterozygousAltRef:
                if (allele.Frequency >= 0.50)
                    //test alternate GT as being homAlt
                    LnPofH0GT = binomialHomAltExpected.ProbabilityLn((int)(depth * allele.Frequency));
                    LnPofH1GT = binomialHomAltNoise.ProbabilityLn((int)(depth * allele.Frequency));
                {       //test alternate GT as being homRef
                    LnPofH0GT = binomialHomAltExpected.ProbabilityLn((int)(depth * allele.Frequency));
                    LnPofH1GT = binomialHomRefNoise.ProbabilityLn((int)(depth * allele.Frequency));


            //note, Ln(X)=Log10 (X) / Log10 (e).
            // ->
            //Log10(A)-Log10(B) = Log10 (e) (ln (A) - ln (B)) = Log10(A/B)

            /* for debugging..
             * var LogPofCalledGT = Math.Log10(Math.E) * (LnPofCalledGT);
             * var LogPofAltGT = Math.Log10(Math.E) * (LnPofAltGT);
             * Console.WriteLine(LogPofCalledGT);
             * Console.WriteLine(LogPofAltGT);

            var qScore = (int)Math.Floor(10.0 * Math.Log10(Math.E) * (LnPofH0GT - LnPofH1GT));

            if ((LnPofH1GT <= int.MinValue) && (LnPofH0GT > LnPofH1GT)) //H1 infinitely more likely

            if ((LnPofH0GT <= int.MinValue) && (LnPofH0GT < LnPofH1GT)) //H0 infinitely more likely

            return(Math.Max(Math.Min(qScore, maxQScore), minQScore));