AreLineSegmentsCrossing() public static method

public static AreLineSegmentsCrossing ( Vector3 pointA1, Vector3 pointA2, Vector3 pointB1, Vector3 pointB2 ) : bool
pointA1 Vector3
pointA2 Vector3
pointB1 Vector3
pointB2 Vector3
return bool
Exemplo n.º 1
    public void CreateEdgesBetweenNodes()
        foreach (var node in m_graph.Nodes)
            foreach (var dir in Graph.allDirections)
                var nextPos      = new Vector3(node.position.x + dir.x, 0f, node.position.z + dir.y);
                var neighborNode = GetNodeAtPosition(nextPos);

                if (neighborNode != null &&
                    neighborNode.nodeType != NodeType.Blocked &&
                    node.nodeType != NodeType.Blocked)
                    // TODO: this blocked by wall stuff works fine, but i was tired and its quite ugly.
                    bool isBlockedByWall = false;

                    foreach (var wall in walls)
                        var blocked = Math3d.AreLineSegmentsCrossing(node.position, neighborNode.position, wall.wallPoints[0].position, wall.wallPoints[1].position);
                        if (blocked)
                            isBlockedByWall = true;

                    if (!isBlockedByWall)
                        m_graph.AddEdge(node.NodeIndex, neighborNode.NodeIndex, m_terrainCosts.GetCost(neighborNode.nodeType));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static bool IsEdgeIntersectingPolygon(IPoly polygon, Vector3 point1, Vector3 point2)
            for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Resolution; i++)
                Vector3 a = polygon.GetPoint(i);
                Vector3 b = polygon.GetPointWrapped(i + 1);
                if ((point1 - a).sqrMagnitude < 0.0001f)
                if ((point1 - b).sqrMagnitude < 0.0001f)
                if ((point2 - a).sqrMagnitude < 0.0001f)
                if ((point2 - b).sqrMagnitude < 0.0001f)

                if (Math3d.AreLineSegmentsCrossing(a, b, point1, point2))
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void PopulateNodeMap()
        roads = GetComponentsInChildren <Road>();
        Vector3 road1start, road1end, road2start, road2end, road1vec, road2vec;

        nodeSegments = new List <Segment>();

        for (int i = 0; i < roads.Length; i++)
            if (roads.Length > 1)
                for (int j = 0; j < roads[i].segments.Count; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < roads.Length; k++)
                        if (roads[k] != roads[i])
                            for (int t = 0; t < roads[k].segments.Count; t++)
                                road1start = roads[i].segments[j].start();
                                road1end   = roads[i].segments[j].end();
                                road1vec   = roads[i].segments[j].vector();
                                if (!nodeSegments.Contains(roads[i].segments[j]))
                                road2start = roads[k].segments[t].start();
                                road2end   = roads[k].segments[t].end();
                                road2vec   = roads[k].segments[t].vector();

                                if (Math3d.AreLineSegmentsCrossing(road1start, road1end, road2start, road2end))
                                    Vector3 intersection;
                                    Math3d.LineLineIntersection(out intersection, road1start, road1vec, road2start, road2vec);
                                    if (CheckForIntersection(intersection) == false)
                                        Node node = NewNode(intersection);
                                        node.transform.parent = roads[i].transform;
                                        Segment seg1 = roads[i].segments[j];
                                        Segment seg2 = roads[k].segments[t];
                                        AddIntersection(node, roads[i], roads[k], seg1, seg2, type: Node.Type.intersection);
                                        roads[i].SplitSegment(seg1, node);
                                        roads[k].SplitSegment(seg2, node);
        //Debug.Log(nodeSegments.Count + " road nodes in NodeMap");
        roads.ToList().ForEach(x => x.nodes = x.OrderNodes());
Exemplo n.º 4
    public LotInfo(Block block, List <Vector3> lotVerts, Vector3 direction, Vector3 left, Vector3 right, bool parentBlock = false, LotInfo parentLot = null)
        ParentBlock = block;
        ParentLot   = parentLot;
        LotVerts    = lotVerts;
        Direction   = direction;
        Left        = left;
        Right       = right;
        Center      = (Left + Right) / 2;
        Frontage    = (right.x - left.x);

        List <Segment> segments = block.boundingSegments;

        RoadFacingVerts = new List <Vector3>();
        LotCenter       = Utils.AverageVectors(lotVerts);
        Vector3 _dir = new Vector3(0, 0, (LotCenter - ParentBlock.BlockCenter).z).normalized * 3f;

        Direction = _dir;
        if (_dir ==
            //Debug.Log("center " + LotCenter + " parent " + ParentBlock.BlockCenter);

        for (int i = 0; i < lotVerts.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < segments.Count; j++)
                Vector3 A2 = lotVerts[i] + _dir;
                if (Math3d.AreLineSegmentsCrossing(lotVerts[i], A2, segments[j].start(), segments[j].end()))
                    RoadSegment = segments[j];
                    Math3d.LineLineIntersection(out RoadPoint,
                                                lotVerts[i], A2, segments[j].start(), segments         [j].end());
        //Frontage = Vector3.Distance(RoadFacingVerts[0],RoadFacingVerts[1]);
Exemplo n.º 5
    public List <Vector3> BlockRay(Vector3 origin, Vector3 dir, bool vertical = false, bool reciprocal = true, bool baseLine = false)
        Vector3 point1 = origin;
        var     points = new List <Vector3>();

        Ray ray = new Ray(origin, dir * 1000f);

        ray.origin = ray.GetPoint(20f);

        foreach (var pair in shiftedPairs)
            Vector3 intersection;

            //i'm so so so so so sorry for this
            if (Math3d.AreLineSegmentsCrossing(ray.origin, origin, pair[0], pair[1]))
                Math3d.LineLineIntersection(out intersection, ray.origin, ray.origin - origin, pair[0], pair[0] - pair[1]);

                if ((Mathf.Sign(dir.x) == -1 && intersection.x <= point1.x) ||
                    (Mathf.Sign(dir.x) == 1 && intersection.x >= point1.x) ||
                    (Mathf.Sign(dir.z) == 1 && vertical == true && intersection.z >= point1.z) ||
                    (Mathf.Sign(dir.z) == -1 && vertical == true && intersection.z <= point1.z))
                    point1 = intersection;
                    if (baseLine)
                    //Instantiate(marker, point1, Quaternion.identity, this.transform);

Exemplo n.º 6
    //foreach new point, check if the segments build on i and i+1 intersect with any other old points
    bool CheckIntersect(List <Vector3> newPoints, List <Vector3> oldPoints, bool lastCurve)
        for (int i = 0; i < newPoints.Count - 2; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < oldPoints.Count - 3; j++)   //skip the last segment
                if (lastCurve && j == 0)
                bool intersect = Math3d.AreLineSegmentsCrossing(newPoints[i], newPoints[i + 1], oldPoints[j], oldPoints[j + 1]);
                if (intersect)
                    GameObject cubeObject = Instantiate(colliderPrefab, newPoints[i], Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

                    //Debug.Log("new " + i + " stable " + j);
Exemplo n.º 7
    public void AngleCheck()
        Ray ray  = new Ray(BlockCenter, Vector3.forward * 1000f);
        Ray ray2 = new Ray(BlockCenter, Vector3.back * 1000f);
        Ray RayL = new Ray(BlockCenter, Vector3.left * 1000f);
        Ray RayR = new Ray(BlockCenter, Vector3.right * 1000f);

        Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, ray.GetPoint(10));
        AngleDown  = 0;
        AngleUp    = 0;
        AngleRight = 0;
        AngleRight = 0;
        float   top_distance   = 0;
        float   bot_distance   = 0;
        float   left_distance  = 0;
        float   right_distance = 0;
        Vector3 top_intersect;
        Vector3 bot_intersect;

        foreach (var segment in boundingSegments)    //FIND TOP AND BOTTOM INTERSECTION POINTS, CALCULATE CENTER
            if (Math3d.AreLineSegmentsCrossing(ray.origin, ray.GetPoint(20f), segment.start(), segment.end()))
                AngleUp = segment.Angle();
                //X_angle_top = Math3d.SignedVectorAngle(segment.end() - segment.start(), Vector3.right, Vector3.forward);
                Math3d.LineLineIntersection(out top_intersect, ray.origin, ray.direction, segment.start(), segment.vector());
                top_distance = Vector3.Distance(ray.origin, top_intersect);
            if (Math3d.AreLineSegmentsCrossing(ray2.origin, ray2.GetPoint(20f), segment.start(), segment.end()))
                AngleDown = segment.Angle();
                //X_angle_top = (Mathf.Sign(X_angle_top) == 1) ? X_angle_top - 90f : X_angle_top +90f;
                Math3d.LineLineIntersection(out bot_intersect, ray.origin, ray2.direction, segment.start(), segment.vector());
                bot_distance = Vector3.Distance(ray.origin, bot_intersect);
            if (Math3d.AreLineSegmentsCrossing(RayL.origin, RayL.GetPoint(20f), segment.start(), segment.end()))
                AngleLeft = segment.angleV();
                Math3d.LineLineIntersection(out bot_intersect, ray.origin, ray2.direction, segment.start(), segment.vector());
                left_distance = Vector3.Distance(ray.origin, bot_intersect);
            if (Math3d.AreLineSegmentsCrossing(RayR.origin, RayR.GetPoint(20f), segment.start(), segment.end()))
                AngleRight = segment.angleV();
                Math3d.LineLineIntersection(out bot_intersect, ray.origin, ray2.direction, segment.start(), segment.vector());
                right_distance = Vector3.Distance(ray.origin, bot_intersect);
        float distance = bot_distance - top_distance;

        //float topAdj = BlockCenter.z + top_distance;
        //float botAdj = BlockCenter.z - bot_distance;
        BlockCenter     = BlockCenter - new Vector3(0, 0, distance / 2);
        RayVectorAngleH = (AngleDown + AngleUp) / 2;

        if (Mathf.Abs(RayVectorAngleH) > 10)
            RayVectorAngleV = (AngleLeft + AngleRight) / 2;
            RayVectorAngleV = 90;

        //if (Mathf.Abs(RayVectorAngleH) > 10) RayVectorAngleH = RayVectorAngleV - 90;

        if (RayVectorAngleV < 0)
            RayVectorV = Quaternion.Euler(0, RayVectorAngleV, 0) * Vector3.right;
            RayVectorV = Quaternion.Euler(0, RayVectorAngleV, 0) * Vector3.left;

        RayVectorH = Quaternion.Euler(0, RayVectorAngleH, 0) * Vector3.right;
        if (Mathf.Abs(RayVectorAngleH) >= 20f)
            //RayVectorV = Quaternion.Euler(0,-90f,0) * RayVectorH;