Exemplo n.º 1
        internal IGlobalKTable <K, V> GlobalTable <K, V>(string topic, ConsumedInternal <K, V> consumed, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic))
                throw new ArgumentException("topic can't be null or empty", nameof(topic));

            // explicitly disable logging for global stores

            string sourceName      = new Named(consumed.Named).SuffixWithOrElseGet(TABLE_SOURCE_SUFFIX, this, KStream.SOURCE_NAME);
            string tableSourceName = new Named(consumed.Named).OrElseGenerateWithPrefix(this, KTable.SOURCE_NAME);
            string storeName       = materialized.StoreName;

            // enforce store name as queryable name to always materialize global table stores
            var tableSource         = new KTableSource <K, V>(storeName, storeName);
            var processorParameters = new ProcessorParameters <K, V>(tableSource, tableSourceName);

            var tableSourceNode = new TableSourceNode <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> >(
                topic, tableSourceName, sourceName, consumed,
                materialized, processorParameters, true);

            this.AddGraphNode(root, tableSourceNode);

            return(new GlobalKTable <K, V>(new KTableSourceValueGetterSupplier <K, V>(storeName), materialized.QueryableStoreName));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public IKTable <K, V> FilterNot(Func <K, V, bool> predicate, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named = null)
 => DoFilter(predicate, named, materialized, true);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public TimestampedWindowStoreMaterializer(WindowOptions <W> windowsOptions, Materialized <K, V, WindowStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materializedInternal)
     this.windowsOptions       = windowsOptions;
     this.materializedInternal = materializedInternal;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="IGlobalKTable{K,V}"/> for the specified topic.
 /// The default <see cref="ITimestampExtractor"/>, as specified in the <see cref="IStreamConfig"/> is used.
 /// Input keyvalue records with <code>null</code> key will be dropped.
 /// The resulting <see cref="IGlobalKTable{K,V}"/> will be materialized in a local <see cref="IKeyValueStore{K, V}"/> using the given
 /// <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> instance.
 /// However, no internal changelog topic is created since the original input topic can be used for recovery.
 /// Note that <see cref="IGlobalKTable{K,V}"/> always applies <code>"auto.offset.reset"</code> strategy <code>"earliest"</code>
 /// regardless of the specified value in <see cref="IStreamConfig"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="K">Key type of record</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="V">Value type of record</typeparam>
 /// <param name="topic">the topic name, can't be null</param>
 /// <param name="keySerdes">Key deserializer</param>
 /// <param name="valueSerdes">Value deserializer</param>
 /// <param name="materialized">the instance of <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> used to materialize a state store.</param>
 /// <returns>a <see cref="IGlobalKTable{K,V}"/> for the specified topic</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throw <see cref="ArgumentException"/> if topic is null or empty</exception>
 public IGlobalKTable <K, V> GlobalTable <K, V>(string topic, ISerDes <K> keySerdes, ISerDes <V> valueSerdes, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized)
 => GlobalTable(topic, keySerdes, valueSerdes, materialized, null, null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> for the specified topic.
 /// The default "auto.offset.reset" strategy, <see cref="ITimestampExtractor"/> as specified in the <see cref="IStreamConfig"/> are used.
 /// Input keyvalue records with null key will be dropped.
 /// Note that the specified input topic must be partitioned by key.
 /// If this is not the case the returned <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> will be corrupted.
 /// The resulting <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> will be materialized in a local <see cref="IKeyValueStore{K, V}"/> using the given
 /// <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="K">Key type of record</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="V">Value type of record</typeparam>
 /// <param name="topic">the topic name, can't be null</param>
 /// <param name="keySerdes">Key deserializer</param>
 /// <param name="valueSerdes">Value deserializer</param>
 /// <param name="materialized">the instance of <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> used to materialize a state store.</param>
 /// <param name="named">Processor name</param>
 /// <returns>a <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> for the specified topic</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throw <see cref="ArgumentException"/> if topic is null or empty</exception>
 public IKTable <K, V> Table <K, V>(string topic, ISerDes <K> keySerdes, ISerDes <V> valueSerdes, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named)
 => Table <K, V>(topic, keySerdes, valueSerdes, materialized, named, null);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> for the specified topic.
 /// The default "auto.offset.reset" strategy, <see cref="ITimestampExtractor"/> as specified in the <see cref="IStreamConfig"/> are used.
 /// Input keyvalue records with null key will be dropped.
 /// Note that the specified input topic must be partitioned by key.
 /// If this is not the case the returned <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> will be corrupted.
 /// The resulting <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> will be materialized in a local <see cref="IKeyValueStore{K, V}"/> using the given
 /// <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="K">Key type of record</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="V">Value type of record</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="KS">Key deserializer type</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="VS">Value deserializer type</typeparam>
 /// <param name="topic">the topic name, can't be null</param>
 /// <param name="materialized">the instance of <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> used to materialize a state store.</param>
 /// <param name="named">Processor name</param>
 /// <returns>a <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> for the specified topic</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throw <see cref="ArgumentException"/> if topic is null or empty</exception>
 public IKTable <K, V> Table <K, V, KS, VS>(string topic, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named)
     where KS : ISerDes <K>, new()
     where VS : ISerDes <V>, new()
 => Table <K, V, KS, VS>(topic, materialized, named, null);
        public IKTable <Windowed <K>, VR> Aggregate <VR, VRS>(Initializer <VR> initializer, Aggregator <K, V, VR> aggregator) where VRS : ISerDes <VR>, new()
            var materialized = Materialized <K, VR, WindowStore <Bytes, byte[]> > .Create().WithValueSerdes(new VRS()).WithKeySerdes(KeySerdes);

            return(Aggregate(initializer, aggregator, materialized));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public IKTable <K, VR> MapValues <VR>(IValueMapperWithKey <K, V, VR> mapperWithKey, Materialized <K, VR, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named)
 => DoMapValues(mapperWithKey, named, materialized);
 public IKTable <Windowed <K>, long> Count(string named)
 => Count(Materialized <K, long, WindowStore <Bytes, byte[]> > .Create(), named);
        public IKTable <Windowed <K>, long> Count(Materialized <K, long, WindowStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named = null)
            materialized = materialized ?? Materialized <K, long, WindowStore <Bytes, byte[]> > .Create();

            return(DoCount(materialized, named));
Exemplo n.º 11
 IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => Materialized.GetEnumerator();
Exemplo n.º 12
 public IEnumerator <T> GetEnumerator() => Materialized.GetEnumerator();
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="IGlobalKTable{K,V}"/> for the specified topic.
        /// Input keyvalue records with <code>null</code> key will be dropped.
        /// The resulting <see cref="IGlobalKTable{K,V}"/> will be materialized in a local <see cref="IKeyValueStore{K, V}"/> using the given
        /// <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> instance.
        /// However, no internal changelog topic is created since the original input topic can be used for recovery.
        /// Note that <see cref="IGlobalKTable{K,V}"/> always applies <code>"auto.offset.reset"</code> strategy <code>"earliest"</code>
        /// regardless of the specified value in <see cref="IStreamConfig"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="K">Key type of record</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="V">Value type of record</typeparam>
        /// <param name="topic">the topic name, can't be null</param>
        /// <param name="keySerdes">Key deserializer</param>
        /// <param name="valueSerdes">Value deserializer</param>
        /// <param name="materialized">the instance of <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> used to materialize a state store.</param>
        /// <param name="named">Processor name</param>
        /// <param name="extractor">the timestamp extractor to be used. If null the default timestamp extractor from config will be used</param>
        /// <returns>a <see cref="IGlobalKTable{K,V}"/> for the specified topic</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throw <see cref="ArgumentException"/> if topic is null or empty</exception>
        public IGlobalKTable <K, V> GlobalTable <K, V>(string topic, ISerDes <K> keySerdes, ISerDes <V> valueSerdes, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named, ITimestampExtractor extractor)
            materialized = materialized ?? Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > .Create();

            var consumedInternal = new ConsumedInternal <K, V>(named, keySerdes, valueSerdes, extractor);

            materialized.UseProvider(internalStreamBuilder, $"{topic}-")?.InitConsumed(consumedInternal);

            return(internalStreamBuilder.GlobalTable(topic, consumedInternal, materialized));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public IKTable <K, VR> MapValues <VR>(IValueMapper <V, VR> mapper, Materialized <K, VR, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named = null)
 => this.MapValues(WithKey(mapper), materialized, named);
 public IKTable <Windowed <K>, VR> Aggregate <VR>(Func <VR> initializer, Func <K, V, VR, VR> aggregator, Materialized <K, VR, WindowStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named = null)
 => Aggregate(new WrappedInitializer <VR>(initializer), new WrappedAggregator <K, V, VR>(aggregator), materialized);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public IKTable <K, VR> MapValues <VR>(Func <K, V, VR> mapperWithKey, Materialized <K, VR, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named = null)
 => this.MapValues(new WrapperValueMapperWithKey <K, V, VR>(mapperWithKey), materialized, named);
        public IKTable <Windowed <K>, VR> Aggregate <VR>(Initializer <VR> initializer, Aggregator <K, V, VR> aggregator, Materialized <K, VR, WindowStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named = null)
            CheckIfParamNull(initializer, "initializer");
            CheckIfParamNull(aggregator, "aggregator");

            materialized = materialized ?? Materialized <K, VR, WindowStore <Bytes, byte[]> > .Create();

            if (materialized.KeySerdes == null)

            string name = new Named(named).OrElseGenerateWithPrefix(builder, KGroupedStream.AGGREGATE_NAME);

            materialized.UseProvider(builder, KGroupedStream.AGGREGATE_NAME);

            var aggSupplier = new KStreamWindowAggregate <K, V, VR, W>(

            ISerDes <Windowed <K> > windowSerdes = materialized.KeySerdes != null ? new TimeWindowedSerDes <K>(materialized.KeySerdes, windowOptions.Size) : null;

                                          new TimestampedWindowStoreMaterializer <K, VR, W>(windowOptions, materialized).Materialize(),
Exemplo n.º 18
        private IKTable <K, VR> DoMapValues <VR>(IValueMapperWithKey <K, V, VR> mapper, string named, Materialized <K, VR, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materializedInternal)
            ISerDes <K>  keySerde;
            ISerDes <VR> valueSerde;
            String       queryableStoreName;
            StoreBuilder <TimestampedKeyValueStore <K, VR> > storeBuilder;

            if (materializedInternal != null)
                // we actually do not need to generate store names at all since if it is not specified, we will not
                // materialize the store; but we still need to burn one index BEFORE generating the processor to keep compatibility.
                if (materializedInternal.StoreName == null)
                keySerde           = materializedInternal.KeySerdes != null ? materializedInternal.KeySerdes : this.keySerdes;
                valueSerde         = materializedInternal.ValueSerdes != null ? materializedInternal.ValueSerdes : null;
                queryableStoreName = materializedInternal.QueryableStoreName;
                // only materialize if materialized is specified and it has queryable name
                storeBuilder = queryableStoreName != null ? new TimestampedKeyValueStoreMaterializer <K, VR>(materializedInternal).Materialize() : null;
                keySerde           = this.keySerdes;
                valueSerde         = null;
                queryableStoreName = null;
                storeBuilder       = null;

            var name = new Named(named).OrElseGenerateWithPrefix(this.builder, MAPVALUES_NAME);

            var processorSupplier   = new KTableMapValues <K, V, VR>(this, mapper, queryableStoreName);
            var processorParameters = new TableProcessorParameters <K, V>(processorSupplier, name);

            var tableNode = new TableProcessorNode <K, V, K, VR>(

            builder.AddGraphNode(this.node, tableNode);

            // don't inherit parent value serde, since this operation may change the value type, more specifically:
            // we preserve the key following the order of 1) materialized, 2) parent, 3) null
            // we preserve the value following the order of 1) materialized, 2) null
            return(new KTable <K, V, VR>(
 public TimestampedKeyValueStoreMaterializer(Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materializedInternal)
     materialized = materializedInternal;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> for the specified topic.
        /// The default "auto.offset.reset" strategy, <see cref="ITimestampExtractor"/> as specified in the <see cref="IStreamConfig"/> are used.
        /// Input keyvalue records with null key will be dropped.
        /// Note that the specified input topic must be partitioned by key.
        /// If this is not the case the returned <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> will be corrupted.
        /// The resulting <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> will be materialized in a local <see cref="IKeyValueStore{K, V}"/> using the given
        /// <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="K">Key type of record</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="V">Value type of record</typeparam>
        /// <param name="topic">the topic name, can't be null</param>
        /// <param name="keySerdes">Key deserializer</param>
        /// <param name="valueSerdes">Value deserializer</param>
        /// <param name="materialized">the instance of <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> used to materialize a state store.</param>
        /// <param name="named">Processor name</param>
        /// <param name="extractor">the timestamp extractor to used. If null the default timestamp extractor from config will be used</param>
        /// <returns>a <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> for the specified topic</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throw <see cref="ArgumentException"/> if topic is null or empty</exception>
        public IKTable <K, V> Table <K, V>(string topic, ISerDes <K> keySerdes, ISerDes <V> valueSerdes, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named, ITimestampExtractor extractor)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic))
                throw new ArgumentException("Topic of KTable must not be null or empty");

            materialized = materialized ?? Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > .Create();

            var consumedInternal = new ConsumedInternal <K, V>(named, keySerdes, valueSerdes, extractor);

            materialized.UseProvider(internalStreamBuilder, $"{topic}-").InitConsumed(consumedInternal);

            return(internalStreamBuilder.Table(topic, consumedInternal, materialized));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public IKTable <K, VR> Join <K, V, V0, VR>(
            IKTable <K, V> tableLeft,
            IKTable <K, V0> tableRight,
            IValueJoiner <V, V0, VR> joiner,
            string named,
            Materialized <K, VR, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materializedInternal)
            var           renamed        = new Named(named);
            var           joinMergeName  = renamed.OrElseGenerateWithPrefix(builder, KTable.MERGE_NAME);
            ISet <string> allSourceNodes = new HashSet <string>((tableLeft as AbstractStream <K, V>).SetSourceNodes);

            allSourceNodes.AddRange((tableRight as AbstractStream <K, V0>).SetSourceNodes);
            materializedInternal.UseProvider(builder, $"{joinMergeName}-");

            if (leftOuter)
                (tableLeft as IKTableGetter <K, V>)?.EnableSendingOldValues();

            if (rightOuter)
                (tableRight as IKTableGetter <K, V0>)?.EnableSendingOldValues();

            AbstractKTableKTableJoin <K, VR, V, V0> joinLeft  = null;
            AbstractKTableKTableJoin <K, VR, V0, V> joinRight = null;

            if (!leftOuter) // INNER JOIN
                joinLeft  = new KTableKTableInnerJoin <K, VR, V, V0>((tableLeft as IKTableGetter <K, V>), (tableRight as IKTableGetter <K, V0>), joiner);
                joinRight = new KTableKTableInnerJoin <K, VR, V0, V>((tableRight as IKTableGetter <K, V0>), (tableLeft as IKTableGetter <K, V>), joiner.Reverse());
            else if (!rightOuter) // LEFT JOIN
                joinLeft  = new KTableKTableLeftJoin <K, VR, V, V0>((tableLeft as IKTableGetter <K, V>), (tableRight as IKTableGetter <K, V0>), joiner);
                joinRight = new KTableKTableRightJoin <K, VR, V0, V>((tableRight as IKTableGetter <K, V0>), (tableLeft as IKTableGetter <K, V>), joiner.Reverse());
            else // OUTER JOIN
                joinLeft  = new KTableKTableOuterJoin <K, VR, V, V0>((tableLeft as IKTableGetter <K, V>), (tableRight as IKTableGetter <K, V0>), joiner);
                joinRight = new KTableKTableOuterJoin <K, VR, V0, V>((tableRight as IKTableGetter <K, V0>), (tableLeft as IKTableGetter <K, V>), joiner.Reverse());

            var joinLeftName  = renamed.SuffixWithOrElseGet("-join-this", builder, KTable.JOINTHIS_NAME);
            var joinRigthName = renamed.SuffixWithOrElseGet("-join-other", builder, KTable.JOINOTHER_NAME);

            var joinLeftProcessorParameters  = new TableProcessorParameters <K, V>(joinLeft, joinLeftName);
            var joinRightProcessorParameters = new TableProcessorParameters <K, V0>(joinRight, joinRigthName);

            if (materializedInternal.KeySerdes == null && tableLeft is AbstractStream <K, V> )
                materializedInternal.WithKeySerdes((tableLeft as AbstractStream <K, V>).KeySerdes);

            ISerDes <K>  keySerdes          = materializedInternal.KeySerdes;
            ISerDes <VR> ValueSerdes        = materializedInternal.ValueSerdes;
            string       queryableStoreName = materializedInternal.QueryableStoreName;
            StoreBuilder <TimestampedKeyValueStore <K, VR> > storeBuilder = queryableStoreName != null ? new TimestampedKeyValueStoreMaterializer <K, VR>(materializedInternal).Materialize() : null;

            var tableNode = new KTableKTableJoinNode <K, V, V0, VR>(
                (tableLeft as AbstractStream <K, V>).NameNode,
                (tableRight as AbstractStream <K, V0>).NameNode,
                (tableLeft as IKTableGetter <K, V>).ValueGetterSupplier.StoreNames,
                (tableRight as IKTableGetter <K, V0>).ValueGetterSupplier.StoreNames,

            builder.AddGraphNode((tableLeft as AbstractStream <K, V>).Node, tableNode);

            return(new KTable <K, VR, VR>(
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> for the specified topic.
 /// The default "auto.offset.reset" strategy, <see cref="ITimestampExtractor"/> as specified in the <see cref="IStreamConfig"/> are used.
 /// Input keyvalue records with null key will be dropped.
 /// Note that the specified input topic must be partitioned by key.
 /// If this is not the case the returned <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> will be corrupted.
 /// The resulting <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> will be materialized in a local <see cref="IKeyValueStore{K, V}"/> using the given
 /// <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="K">Key type of record</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="V">Value type of record</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="KS">Key deserializer type</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="VS">Value deserializer type</typeparam>
 /// <param name="topic">the topic name, can't be null</param>
 /// <param name="materialized">the instance of <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> used to materialize a state store.</param>
 /// <param name="named">Processor name</param>
 /// <param name="extractor">the timestamp extractor to used. If null the default timestamp extractor from config will be used</param>
 /// <returns>a <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> for the specified topic</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throw <see cref="ArgumentException"/> if topic is null or empty</exception>
 public IKTable <K, V> Table <K, V, KS, VS>(string topic, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized, string named, ITimestampExtractor extractor)
     where KS : ISerDes <K>, new()
     where VS : ISerDes <V>, new()
 => Table <K, V>(topic, new KS(), new VS(), materialized, named, extractor);
Exemplo n.º 23
        internal IKTable <K, V> Table <K, V>(string topic, ConsumedInternal <K, V> consumed, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized)
            var sourceName      = new Named(consumed.Named).SuffixWithOrElseGet(TABLE_SOURCE_SUFFIX, this, KStream.SOURCE_NAME);
            var tableSourceName = new Named(consumed.Named).OrElseGenerateWithPrefix(this, KTable.SOURCE_NAME);

            KTableSource <K, V>        tableSource         = new KTableSource <K, V>(materialized.StoreName, materialized.QueryableStoreName);
            ProcessorParameters <K, V> processorParameters = new ProcessorParameters <K, V>(tableSource, tableSourceName);

            var tableSourceNode = new TableSourceNode <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> >(
                topic, tableSourceName, sourceName, consumed,
                materialized, processorParameters, false);

            this.AddGraphNode(root, tableSourceNode);

            return(new KTable <K, V, V>(tableSourceName,
                                        new List <string> {
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> for the specified topic.
 /// The default "auto.offset.reset" strategy, <see cref="ITimestampExtractor"/>, key and value deserializers
 /// as specified in the <see cref="IStreamConfig"/> are used.
 /// Input keyvalue records with null key will be dropped.
 /// Note that the specified input topic must be partitioned by key.
 /// If this is not the case the returned <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> will be corrupted.
 /// The resulting <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> will be materialized in a local <see cref="IKeyValueStore{K, V}"/> using the given
 /// <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="K">Key type of record</typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="V">Value type of record</typeparam>
 /// <param name="topic">the topic name, can't be null</param>
 /// <param name="materialized">the instance of <see cref="Materialized{K, V, S}"/> used to materialize a state store.</param>
 /// <returns>a <see cref="IKTable{K, V}"/> for the specified topic</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Throw <see cref="ArgumentException"/> if topic is null or empty</exception>
 public IKTable <K, V> Table <K, V>(string topic, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materialized)
 => Table <K, V>(topic, null, null, materialized);
Exemplo n.º 25
        private IKTable <K, V> DoFilter(Func <K, V, bool> predicate, string named, Materialized <K, V, IKeyValueStore <Bytes, byte[]> > materializedInternal, bool filterNot)
            ISerDes <K> keySerde;
            ISerDes <V> valueSerde;
            String      queryableStoreName;
            StoreBuilder <TimestampedKeyValueStore <K, V> > storeBuilder;

            if (predicate == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"Filter() doesn't allow null predicate function");

            if (materializedInternal != null)
                // we actually do not need to generate store names at all since if it is not specified, we will not
                // materialize the store; but we still need to burn one index BEFORE generating the processor to keep compatibility.
                if (materializedInternal.StoreName == null)
                // we can inherit parent key and value serde if user do not provide specific overrides, more specifically:
                // we preserve the key following the order of 1) materialized, 2) parent
                keySerde = materializedInternal.KeySerdes != null ? materializedInternal.KeySerdes : this.keySerdes;
                // we preserve the value following the order of 1) materialized, 2) parent
                valueSerde = materializedInternal.ValueSerdes != null ? materializedInternal.ValueSerdes : this.valueSerdes;
                // ONLY FOR CALCULATE PROPERTY queriable
                materializedInternal.UseProvider(null, null);
                queryableStoreName = materializedInternal.QueryableStoreName;
                // only materialize if materialized is specified and it has queryable name
                storeBuilder = queryableStoreName != null ? (new TimestampedKeyValueStoreMaterializer <K, V>(materializedInternal)).Materialize() : null;
                keySerde           = this.keySerdes;
                valueSerde         = this.valueSerdes;
                queryableStoreName = null;
                storeBuilder       = null;

            var name = new Named(named).OrElseGenerateWithPrefix(this.builder, FILTER_NAME);

            IProcessorSupplier <K, Change <V> > processorSupplier = new KTableFilter <K, V>(this, predicate, filterNot, queryableStoreName);

            var processorParameters = new TableProcessorParameters <K, V>(processorSupplier, name);

            var tableNode = new TableProcessorNode <K, V, K, V>(

            builder.AddGraphNode(this.node, tableNode);

            return(new KTable <K, V, V>(name,