Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously imports the given .obj file from the specified url
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The url to the .obj file</param>
        /// <returns>The GameObject that was created for the imported .obj</returns>
        public async Task <GameObject> ImportAsync(string url)
            i5Debug.Log("Starting import", this);
            Uri uri = new Uri(url);
            // fetch the model
            WebResponse <string> resp = await FetchModelAsync(uri);

            // if there was an error, we cannot create anything
            if (!resp.Successful)
                i5Debug.LogError("Error fetching obj. No object imported.\n" + resp.ErrorMessage, this);

            // create the parent object
            // it is a standard GameObject; its only purpose is to bundle the child objects
            GameObject parentObject = ObjectPool <GameObject> .RequestResource(() => { return(new GameObject()); });

            parentObject.name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uri.LocalPath);

            // parse the .obj file
            List <ObjParseResult> parseResults = await ParseModelAsync(resp.Content);

            // for each sub-object in the .obj file, an own parse result was created
            foreach (ObjParseResult parseResult in parseResults)
                // check that the referenced mtl library is already loaded; if not: load it
                if (!MtlLibrary.LibraryLoaded(parseResult.LibraryPath))
                    string mtlUri      = UriUtils.RewriteFileUriPath(uri, parseResult.LibraryPath);
                    string libraryName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(uri.LocalPath);
                    bool   successful  = await MtlLibrary.LoadLibraryAsyc(new Uri(mtlUri), libraryName);

                    if (!successful)
                        i5Debug.LogError("Could not load .mtl file " + parseResult.LibraryPath, this);

                // get the material constructor of the sub-object
                MaterialConstructor mat = MtlLibrary.GetMaterialConstructor(

                if (mat != null)
                    // first get dependencies; this will e.g. fetch referenced textures
                    await mat.FetchDependencies();

                    parseResult.ObjectConstructor.MaterialConstructor = mat;

                // construct the object and make it a child of the parentObject

Exemplo n.º 2
        public IEnumerator FetchDependencies_NoTexturesProvided_ReturnsTrue()
            MaterialConstructor materialConstructor = new MaterialConstructor();
            Task <bool>         task = materialConstructor.FetchDependencies();

            yield return(AsyncTest.WaitForTask(task));

            bool success = task.Result;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public IEnumerator FetchDependencies_TextureFetchFail_ReturnsFalse()
            MaterialConstructor materialConstructor        = new MaterialConstructor();
            ITextureConstructor fakeTextureConstructorFail = A.Fake <ITextureConstructor>();

            A.CallTo(() => fakeTextureConstructorFail.FetchTextureAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult <Texture2D>(null));
            materialConstructor.SetTexture("tex", fakeTextureConstructorFail);

            Task <bool> task = materialConstructor.FetchDependencies();

            yield return(AsyncTest.WaitForTask(task));

            bool success = task.Result;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public IEnumerator ConstructMaterial_FetchedTexture_TextureSetInMaterial()
            MaterialConstructor materialConstructor    = new MaterialConstructor();
            Texture2D           expectedTexture        = new Texture2D(2, 2);
            ITextureConstructor fakeTextureConstructor = A.Fake <ITextureConstructor>();

            A.CallTo(() => fakeTextureConstructor.FetchTextureAsync()).Returns(Task.FromResult(expectedTexture));
            materialConstructor.SetTexture("_MainTex", fakeTextureConstructor);
            Task <bool> task = materialConstructor.FetchDependencies();

            yield return(AsyncTest.WaitForTask(task));

            bool success = task.Result;


            Material mat = materialConstructor.ConstructMaterial();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedTexture.imageContentsHash, mat.mainTexture.imageContentsHash);