Exemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Convert Apriltag-spaced Matd to Unity-spaced Quaternion
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="R">A matd containing a rotation matrix (NOT translation)</param>
    /// <returns>A Quaternion?, which is null if the provided R was bad, otherwise the Unity-spaced quaternion</returns>
    public static Quaternion?QuatAprilToUnity(Matd R)
        if (R.nrows * R.ncols != 9)  // rotation matrix
            Debug.LogError("Recieved a Matd of unexpected size! Expected 9 but got " + R.nrows * R.ncols);

            // First convert the rotation to Euler angles (easier to reason about and debug)
            // Math is from https://www.learnopencv.com/rotation-matrix-to-euler-angles/
            float sy = Mathf.Sqrt((float)R.data[0] * (float)R.data[0] + (float)R.data[3] * (float)R.data[3]);
            float x, y, z;
            if (sy < 1e-6)
                x = Mathf.Atan2((float)R.data[7], (float)R.data[8]);
                y = Mathf.Atan2(-(float)R.data[6], sy);
                z = Mathf.Atan2((float)R.data[3], (float)R.data[0]);
                x = Mathf.Atan2(-(float)R.data[5], (float)R.data[4]);
                y = Mathf.Atan2(-(float)R.data[6], sy);
                z = 0f;

            Debug.Log(String.Format("Found an april rotation of <x:{0}, y:{1}, z:{2}>", x * Mathf.Rad2Deg, y * Mathf.Rad2Deg, z * Mathf.Rad2Deg));

            // Finally, let the Unity Quaternion class handle conversion from Eulers to Quaternion
            return(Quaternion.Euler(x * Mathf.Rad2Deg, y * Mathf.Rad2Deg, z * Mathf.Rad2Deg));
Exemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>
    /// Convert Apriltag-spaced Matd to Unity-spaced Vector3
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="t">A matd containing a translation vector (NOT rotation)</param>
    /// <returns>A vector3?, which is null if the provided t was bad, otherwise the Unity-spaced vector3</returns>
    public static Vector3?VectorAprilToUnity(Matd t)
        if (t.nrows * t.ncols != 3)  // xyz
            Debug.LogError("Recieved a Matd of unexpected size! Expected 3 but got " + t.nrows * t.ncols);

            return(new Vector3((float)t.data[0], (float)t.data[1] * -1, (float)t.data[2]));
Exemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Attempts to locate the ROS world origin, placing a world anchor at that location if found.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>
    /// true if a world anchor is created successfully, otherwise false.
    /// A world anchor could fail to be created for a number of reasons: webcam image did not have
    /// an identifiable apriltag, tf2 messages are not being found (no robot discovered, incorrect frame name)
    /// etc.
    /// </returns>
    private bool UpdateSpacePinning(WebcamSystem.CaptureFrameInstance captureFrame)
        if (_pinning != null)

        if (DEBUG_DUMP_IMAGE)
            Debug.LogWarning("dumping processed img...");
            int res = NativeFiducialFunctions.image_u8_write_pnm(captureFrame.unmanagedFrame, DEBUG_DUMP_IMAGE_NAME + "_" + System.DateTime.Now.Ticks + "_processed.pnm");

        IntPtr nativeDetectionsHandle = NativeFiducialFunctions.apriltag_detector_detect(_detector, captureFrame.unmanagedFrame);

        _detections = Marshal.PtrToStructure <ZArray>(nativeDetectionsHandle);
        Dictionary <int, RelTransform> fiducialCentersRelWebcam = new Dictionary <int, RelTransform>();

        // Iterate over all detected apriltags in image
        for (int i = 0; i < _detections.size; i++)
            IntPtr detPtr = IntPtr.Add(_detections.data, i * (int)_detections.el_sz);
            detPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(detPtr);  // the zarray stores an array of detection ptrs
            ApriltagDetection det = Marshal.PtrToStructure <ApriltagDetection>(detPtr);
            Debug.Log("Detected an apriltag of id: " + det.id);

            AprilTagDetectionInfo info = new AprilTagDetectionInfo();
            info.det     = detPtr;
            info.tagsize = tagSize;
            info.fx      = _intrensics.fx;
            info.fy      = _intrensics.fy;
            info.cx      = _intrensics.cx;
            info.cy      = _intrensics.cy;

            AprilTagPose pose = new AprilTagPose();
            double       err  = NativeFiducialFunctions.estimate_tag_pose(in info, out pose);

            Matd t = Marshal.PtrToStructure <Matd>(pose.t);
            Matd R = Marshal.PtrToStructure <Matd>(pose.R);

            Vector3?   fiducialCenterRelWebcamTranslation = TransformHelper.VectorAprilToUnity(t);
            Quaternion?fiducialCenterRelWebcamRotation    = TransformHelper.QuatAprilToUnity(R);

            if (fiducialCenterRelWebcamTranslation.HasValue && fiducialCenterRelWebcamRotation.HasValue)
                fiducialCentersRelWebcam.Add(det.id, new RelTransform(fiducialCenterRelWebcamTranslation.Value,
                Debug.LogError("A TransformHelper apriltag conversion failed!");

        // Deallocate the Zarray of detections on native side
        nativeDetectionsHandle = IntPtr.Zero;

        // Use the fiducial tag labeled '1' to pin the anchor
        if (fiducialCentersRelWebcam.ContainsKey(1))
            // Raw TF values follow a different xyz coordinate system, must be converted with the TransformHelper class
            TfVector3?   worldZeroRelFiducialCenterTranslationTF = _listener.LookupTranslation("fiducial_link", "odom");
            TfQuaternion?worldZeroRelFiducialCenterRotationTF    = _listener.LookupRotation("fiducial_link", "odom");

            if (worldZeroRelFiducialCenterTranslationTF.HasValue && worldZeroRelFiducialCenterRotationTF.HasValue)
                Vector3    worldZeroRelFiducialCenterTranslation = TransformHelper.VectorTfToUnity(worldZeroRelFiducialCenterTranslationTF.Value);
                Quaternion worldZeroRelFiducialCenterRotation    = TransformHelper.QuatTfToUnity(worldZeroRelFiducialCenterRotationTF.Value);
                // translate from camera pos -> fiducial tag pos
                Vector3 fiducialPos = Camera.main.transform.position + fiducialCentersRelWebcam[1].translation;
                // rotate from camera space -> fiducial space
                Quaternion fiducialRot = Camera.main.transform.rotation * fiducialCentersRelWebcam[1].rotation;

                GameObject anchor = new GameObject("WorldZero");
                _pinning = anchor.AddComponent <WorldAnchor>();
                // first put anchor at fiducial location...
                anchor.transform.position = fiducialPos;
                anchor.transform.rotation = fiducialRot;
                // use fiducial location to utilize fiducial-spaced translation

                /*anchor.transform.position = anchor.transform.position + anchor.transform.right * worldZeroRelFiducialCenterTranslation.x
                 + anchor.transform.up * worldZeroRelFiducialCenterTranslation.y + anchor.transform.forward * worldZeroRelFiducialCenterTranslation.z;*/

                // end anchor positioning!
                Debug.Log("Anchor laid at Unity-space coords" + anchor.transform.position);
                Debug.LogError("TF2 failed to query between fiducial tag and ROS world zero... is the ROS graph active?");
