public MatchVisualization(MatchVisualization other)
     raysUpSpace    = other.raysUpSpace.ToList();
     poseOfUpSpace  = other.poseOfUpSpace;
     projectedRays  = other.projectedRays.ToList();
     markersIndices = other.markersIndices.ToList();
    Bool IEnvironment.match(Vector3[] Rays, out MarkerIndex[] Markers, out Pose PositionofUp)
        const float projectionsMatchTolerance = 0.06f;

        Markers      = Enumerable.Repeat(MarkerIndex.Unknown, Rays.Length).ToArray();
        PositionofUp = new Pose();

        if (Rays.Length != 3)

        var projecties = projectRaysOnFloor(Rays);

        var M = new float[6, 4];
        var b = new float[6];

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            M[2 * i, 0]     = projecties[i].x;
            M[2 * i, 1]     = -projecties[i].y;
            M[2 * i, 2]     = 1;
            M[2 * i + 1, 0] = projecties[i].y;
            M[2 * i + 1, 1] = projecties[i].x;
            M[2 * i + 1, 3] = 1;
            b[2 * i]        = _markers[i].x;
            b[2 * i + 1]    = _markers[i].y;

        var invM = M.transpose().multiply(M).inverse().multiply(M.transpose());

        int   BestMatch       = -1;
        float bestError       = float.MaxValue;
        var   bestTransform2d = new ConvertTo2D();

        for (int idPermutation = 0; idPermutation < 6; ++idPermutation)
            var curB = new float[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                int j = permutations[idPermutation][i];
                curB[2 * i]     = b[2 * j];
                curB[2 * i + 1] = b[2 * j + 1];

            var   transformParams = invM.multiply(curB);
            var   transform2d     = new ConvertTo2D(transformParams[0], transformParams[1], transformParams[2], transformParams[3]);
            float error           = 0;
            for (int idMarker = 0; idMarker < 3; ++idMarker)
                error += (transform2d.apply(projecties[idMarker]) - _markers[permutations[idPermutation][idMarker]]).sqrMagnitude;

            if (error < bestError)
                bestError       = error;
                BestMatch       = idPermutation;
                bestTransform2d = transform2d;

        if (bestError > projectionsMatchTolerance)

        for (int i = 0; i < Rays.Length; ++i)
            Markers[i].value = (uint)permutations[BestMatch][i];

        var position = new Vector3(bestTransform2d.Translate.x, bestTransform2d.Scale, bestTransform2d.Translate.y);
        var rotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.up, -bestTransform2d.Angle);

        PositionofUp = new Pose(position, rotation);

        lock (_visobject)
            _matchViz = new MatchVisualization(
                projecties.Select(p => bestTransform2d.apply(p)).ToList(),

    Bool IEnvironment.match(Vector3[] raysUpSpace, out MarkerIndex[] markersIndices, out Pose poseOfUpSpace)
        const float projectionsMatchTolerance = 0.05f;

        markersIndices = Enumerable.Repeat(MarkerIndex.Unknown, raysUpSpace.Length).ToArray();
        poseOfUpSpace  = new Pose();

        // For the sake of simplicity, we won't deal with cases when more than three rays is visible.
        if (raysUpSpace.Length != 3)

        // rays projection on X-Y plane of "up space" at height of 1 meter
        var projections = projectRaysOnFloor(raysUpSpace);

        // We have to find transform that match rays projections to markers in world space in form f(x) = SR*x + t, where
        // SR - scale and rotation matrix: s*{{cos(r), -sin(r)}, {sin(r), cos(r)}}; s - scale coefficient, r - rotation angle,
        // t - translation vector.
        // Lets solve system of linear equations {SR*ai + t = bi} for SR and t
        // System can be rewritten as M*x = b
        //   / a0.x   -a0.y   1   0 \     / s*cos(r) \   / b0.x \
        //   | a0.y    a0.x   0   1 |  *  | s*sin(r) | = | b0.y |
        //   | ...                  |     | t.x      |   | ...  |
        //   \ ...                  /     \ t.y      /   \ ...  /
        var M = new float[6, 4];
        var b = new float[6];

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            M[2 * i, 0]     = projections[i].x;
            M[2 * i, 1]     = -projections[i].y;
            M[2 * i, 2]     = 1;
            M[2 * i + 1, 0] = projections[i].y;
            M[2 * i + 1, 1] = projections[i].x;
            M[2 * i + 1, 3] = 1;
            b[2 * i]        = _markers[i].x;
            b[2 * i + 1]    = _markers[i].y;

        // left inverse
        var invM = M.transpose().multiply(M).inverse().multiply(M.transpose());

        // Iterate over all possible permutations and pick the best one if its good enough.
        int   bestPermutationId = -1;
        float bestError         = float.MaxValue;
        var   bestTransform2d   = new Transform2d();

        for (int idPermutation = 0; idPermutation < 6; ++idPermutation)
            // make vector of constant terms for current markers order
            var curB = new float[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                int j = permutations[idPermutation][i];
                curB[2 * i]     = b[2 * j];
                curB[2 * i + 1] = b[2 * j + 1];

            var   transformParams = invM.multiply(curB); // {scale*cos(r), scale*sin(r), t.x, t.y}
            var   transform2d     = new Transform2d(transformParams[0], transformParams[1], transformParams[2], transformParams[3]);
            float error           = 0;                   // sum of square distances between corresponding markers and transformed rays projections
            for (int idMarker = 0; idMarker < 3; ++idMarker)
                error += (transform2d.apply(projections[idMarker]) - _markers[permutations[idPermutation][idMarker]]).sqrMagnitude;

            if (error < bestError)
                bestError         = error;
                bestPermutationId = idPermutation;
                bestTransform2d   = transform2d;

        if (bestError > projectionsMatchTolerance)

        for (int i = 0; i < raysUpSpace.Length; ++i)
            markersIndices[i].value = (uint)permutations[bestPermutationId][i];

        var position = new Vector3(bestTransform2d.Translate.x, bestTransform2d.Scale, bestTransform2d.Translate.y);
        var rotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.up, -bestTransform2d.Angle);

        poseOfUpSpace = new Pose(position, rotation);

        lock (_visualizationLocker) {
            _matchVisualization = new MatchVisualization(
                projections.Select(p => bestTransform2d.apply(p)).ToList(),
