Exemplo n.º 1
        public void RemovingAllWords_FromMaster_WillDeleteMasterAsWell(bool oneByOne)
            var master = MasterWordsService.GetAll().First();
            var book   = master.Books.First();

            var before       = MasterWordsService.GetAll().Count();
            var beforeInBook = book.Words.Count();

            if (oneByOne)
                foreach (var w in master.Words.ToArray())

            var secondMaster = MasterWordsService.GetAll().First();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(secondMaster, master);
            Assert.AreEqual(before - 1, MasterWordsService.GetAll().Count(), "Master count missmatch");
            Assert.AreEqual(beforeInBook - 1, book.Words.Count(), "Word in book count missmatch");
        public void RemovingLink_BetweenTwoWords_FirstArgWillKeepTheMasterWithAllTranslations()
            // Arrange
            var masterA        = new MasterWord();
            var wordInFirstArg = new Word(masterA, "Hi", new Language("English"));
            var translation    = new Word(masterA, "Hola", new Language("Spanish"));

            new Word(masterA, "some word", new Language("some lang"));


            // Act
            WordsService.RemoveTranslation(wordInFirstArg, translation);

            // Assert
            var newMaster      = MasterWordsService.Get(masterA.ID);
            var newWord        = WordsService.Get(wordInFirstArg.ID);
            var newTranslation = WordsService.Get(translation.ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, newMaster.Words.Count, "Master should have two words left");
            Assert.AreEqual(newMaster, newWord.MasterWord, "Word in first argument should keep the master word");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, newTranslation.MasterWord.Words.Count, "Translation master should only have 1 translation");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(newTranslation.MasterWord, newWord.MasterWord, "Word in second argument should get new master created");
        public void RemovingLink_BetweenTwoWords_WillCreateNewMasterWordForIt(bool cleanCache)
            // Arrange
            var masterA = new MasterWord();
            var wordA   = new Word(masterA, "Hi", new Language("English"));
            var wordB   = new Word(masterA, "Hola", new Language("Spanish"));


            if (cleanCache)
                wordA = WordsService.GetAll().First(w => w.ID == wordA.ID);
                wordB = WordsService.GetAll().First(w => w.ID == wordB.ID);

            // Act
            WordsService.RemoveTranslation(wordA, wordB);

            // Assert
            var newA = WordsService.Get(wordA.ID);
            var newB = WordsService.Get(wordB.ID);

            masterA = MasterWordsService.Get(masterA.ID);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(newA.MasterWord, newB.MasterWord, "Master words should differ. New Ref");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(wordA.MasterWord, wordB.MasterWord, "Master words should differ. Old Ref");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, masterA.Words.Count(), "MasterWord word count should be 1");
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void AddSingleBook_CheckIfDataCountIsCorrect()
     Assert.AreEqual(1, BooksService.GetAllWithData().Count(), "Books");
     Assert.AreEqual(3, LanguagesService.GetAll().Count(), "Langs");
     Assert.AreEqual(9, WordsService.GetWordsWithData().Count(), "Words");
     Assert.AreEqual(3, MasterWordsService.GetAll().Count(), "MasterWords");
     Assert.AreEqual(1, AccountService.GetAll().Count(), "Accounts");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void RemovingBook_WillUpdateDB_AndRemoveBookFromMasterWordsAutomatically()
            var book = BooksService.GetAllWithData().First();

            var newBook = BooksService.GetAllWithData().FirstOrDefault();
            var bCount  = MasterWordsService.GetAll().First()._BookWordCollection.Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, bCount);
        private void PrepareTwoWords(out MasterWord masterA, out Word wordA, out MasterWord masterB, out Word wordB, Action <MasterWord, MasterWord> ac = null)
            masterA = new MasterWord();
            wordA   = new Word(masterA, "Hi", new Language("English"));
            masterB = new MasterWord();
            wordB   = new Word(masterB, "Hola", new Language("Spanish"));

            ac?.Invoke(masterA, masterB);

        public void RemovingLink_BetweenTwoWords_WillRelinkWordsInBooks(
            [Values(true, false)] bool enBookLang,
            [Values(true, false)] bool invertRemoval)
            // Arrange
            var langEn  = new Language("English");
            var langEsp = new Language("Spanish");

            var masterA = new MasterWord();
            var wordA   = new Word(masterA, "Hi", langEn);
            var wordB   = new Word(masterA, "Hola", langEsp);

            new Word(masterA, "some word", new Language("some lang"));

            var book = new Book("name", enBookLang ? langEn : langEsp);



            // Act
            wordA = WordsService.GetAll().First(w => w.ID == wordA.ID);
            wordB = WordsService.GetAll().First(w => w.ID == wordB.ID);

            if (invertRemoval)
                WordsService.RemoveTranslation(wordA, wordB);
                WordsService.RemoveTranslation(wordB, wordA);

            // Assert
            book = BooksService.Get(book.ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, book.WordCount, "Book word count should be 1. Old Ref");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, book.WordCount, "Book word count should be 1. New Ref");

                             "After removing translation between two words, book should keep the master word which aligns with book language. New Ref");

            var wordInBook      = enBookLang ? wordA : wordB;
            var wordWithoutBook = enBookLang ? wordB : wordA;

            Assert.AreEqual(book, wordInBook.MasterWord.Books.First(), "word should be in a book");
            Assert.AreEqual(book.Language, wordInBook.Language, "book and word languages should be the same");
            Assert.AreEqual(book.Words.First(), wordInBook.MasterWord, "master word should be the same of word left of correct language");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, wordWithoutBook.MasterWord.Books.Count(), "other word should have no books");
        public void AddingLink_BetweenTwoWords_WillMergeTheirMasterWords(
            [Values(true, false)] bool wordBHasMoreTranslations,
            [Values(3, 5)] int amountOfWords,
            [Values(true, false)] bool cleanCache)
            // Arrange
            PrepareTwoWords(out MasterWord masterA, out Word wordA, out MasterWord masterB, out Word wordB, (a, b) =>
                if (amountOfWords == 5)
                    new Word(a, "smh1", new Language("Any1"));
                    new Word(b, "smh2", new Language("Any2"));

                if (wordBHasMoreTranslations)
                    new Word(b, "smh", new Language("Any3"));
                    new Word(a, "smh", new Language("Any3"));

            var mwcount = MasterWordsService.GetAll().Count();

            if (cleanCache)
                wordA = WordsService.GetAll().First(w => w.ID == wordA.ID);
                wordB = WordsService.GetAll().First(w => w.ID == wordB.ID);

            // Act
            WordsService.AddTranslation(wordA, wordB);

            // Assert
            var newA = WordsService.Get(wordA.ID);
            var newB = WordsService.Get(wordB.ID);
            var masterWordToSurvive = wordBHasMoreTranslations ? masterB : masterA;

            masterWordToSurvive = MasterWordsService.Get(masterWordToSurvive.ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(wordA.MasterWord, wordB.MasterWord, "Master words should be the same. Old ref");
            Assert.AreEqual(newA.MasterWord, newB.MasterWord, "Master words should be the same. New ref");
            Assert.AreEqual(amountOfWords, masterWordToSurvive.Words.Count, "all words should be on same master now");

            Assert.AreEqual(masterWordToSurvive, newB.MasterWord, "Master word was taken from incorrect word");
            Assert.AreEqual(mwcount - 1, MasterWordsService.GetAll().Count(), "Master word count should go down");
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void RemovingMasterWord_WillUpdateDB_AndRemoveWordsFromBookAutomatically()
            var before = BooksService.GetAllWithData().First().Words.Count();

            var word = MasterWordsService.GetAll().First();

            WordsService.Remove(word.Words); // removing all words will remove master automatically

            var newWord = MasterWordsService.GetAll().First();

            var after = BooksService.GetAllWithData().First().Words.Count();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(word, newWord);
            Assert.AreEqual(before - 1, after, "Count missmatch");
        public void RemovingWord_WithNotLoadedMaster_StillWorksFine()
            // Arrange
            var masterA = new MasterWord();
            var wordA   = new Word(masterA, "Hi", new Language("English"));


            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.IsNull(MasterWordsService.Get(masterA.ID), "Master should be destroyed");
            Assert.IsNull(WordsService.Get(wordA.ID), "Word should be destroyed");
        public void AddingLink_BetweenTwoWords_WillRefuseToMergeIfItsAlreadyTranslatedToThatLanguage(
            [Values(true, false)] bool inverseAddition,
            [Values(true, false)] bool cleanCache)
            // Arrange
            var langEn  = new Language("English");
            var langEsp = new Language("Spanish");
            var langJp  = new Language("Japanese");

            var masterA = new MasterWord();
            var masterB = new MasterWord();

            var wordA1 = new Word(masterA, "Hi orig", langEn);
            var wordA2 = new Word(masterA, "Hola", langEsp);

            var wordB1 = new Word(masterA, "Hi duplicate", langEn);
            var wordB2 = new Word(masterA, "おはよう", langJp);


            if (cleanCache)
                wordA2 = WordsService.GetAll().First(w => w.ID == wordA2.ID);
                wordB2 = WordsService.GetAll().First(w => w.ID == wordB2.ID);

            // Act
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() =>
                if (inverseAddition)
                    WordsService.AddTranslation(wordA2, wordB2);
                    WordsService.AddTranslation(wordB2, wordA2);
        public void RemovingAllWords_DestroysMasterWordAsWell_UsingRemoveRange([Values(true, false)] bool cleanCache)
            // Arrange
            var masterA = new MasterWord();

            new Word(masterA, "Hi", new Language("English"));
            new Word(masterA, "Hola", new Language("Spanish"));


            if (cleanCache)

            // Act

            // Assert
            masterA = MasterWordsService.Get(masterA.ID);
            Assert.IsNull(masterA, "Master should be destroyed");
        public void AddingLink_BetweenTwoWords_WillUpdateRefsInBooksToCorrectMasterWord(
            [Values(true, false)] bool bookLinksToBoth,
            [Values(true, false)] bool cleanCache)
            // Arrange
            PrepareTwoWords(out MasterWord masterA, out Word wordA, out MasterWord masterB, out Word wordB);

            var book = new Book("name", wordA.Language);

            book.AddWord(masterB); // masterB is the one being destroyed

            if (bookLinksToBoth)


            if (cleanCache)
                wordA = WordsService.GetAll().First(w => w.ID == wordA.ID);
                wordB = WordsService.GetAll().First(w => w.ID == wordB.ID);

            // Act
            WordsService.AddTranslation(wordA, wordB);

            // Assert
            book    = BooksService.Get(book.ID);
            masterA = MasterWordsService.Get(masterA.ID);
            masterB = MasterWordsService.Get(masterB.ID);

            Assert.AreEqual(masterA.ID, book.Words.First().ID, "Master words should be the same");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, book.Words.Count(), "Master words should be the same");

            Assert.AreEqual(book, masterA.Books.First(), "MasterA should link to correct book");
            Assert.IsNull(masterB, "MasterB should have been destroyed");
        public void WordsService_IsMergePossible_WorksCorrectly(
            [Values(true, false)] bool cleanCache,
            [Values(true, false)] bool wordAlreadyTranslated)
            // Arrange
            var langEn  = new Language("English");
            var langEsp = new Language("Spanish");
            var langJp  = new Language("Japanese");

            var masterA = new MasterWord();
            var masterB = new MasterWord();

            new Word(masterA, "Hi orig", langEn);
            if (wordAlreadyTranslated)
                new Word(masterB, "Hi duplicate", langEn);

            var wordA2 = new Word(masterA, "Hola", langEsp);
            var wordB2 = new Word(masterB, "おはよう", langJp);


            if (cleanCache)
                wordA2 = WordsService.Get(wordA2.ID);
                wordB2 = WordsService.Get(wordB2.ID);

            // Act
            var res = WordsService.IsMergePossible(wordA2.MasterWord, wordB2.MasterWord);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(wordAlreadyTranslated, !res, "If word is already translated via another language, merge should not be possible");