Exemplo n.º 1
        public ResponseModel BulkUploadCategory(IFormFile File, int CategoryFor = 1)
            string downloadFilePath    = string.Empty;
            string bulkUploadFilesPath = string.Empty;
            bool   errorfilesaved      = false;
            bool   successFilesaved    = false;
            int    count = 0;

            MasterCaller   masterCaller     = new MasterCaller();
            SettingsCaller fileU            = new SettingsCaller();
            ResponseModel  objResponseModel = new ResponseModel();
            int            statusCode       = 0;
            string         statusMessage    = "";
            DataSet        dataSetCSV       = new DataSet();
            string         fileName         = "";
            string         finalAttchment   = "";
            string         timeStamp        = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddmmyyyyhhssfff");

            string[]      filesName = null;
            List <string> CSVlist   = new List <string>();

                var files = Request.Form.Files;

                if (files.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
                        fileName += files[i].FileName.Replace(".", timeStamp + ".") + ",";
                    finalAttchment = fileName.TrimEnd(',');
                var Keys = Request.Form;

                var exePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection
                Regex  appPathMatcher = new Regex(@"(?<!fil)[A-Za-z]:\\+[\S\s]*?(?=\\+bin)");
                var    appRoot        = appPathMatcher.Match(exePath).Value;
                string Folderpath     = appRoot + "\\" + UploadedBulkFile;
                if (files.Count > 0)
                    filesName = finalAttchment.Split(",");
                    for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
                        using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                            var          fileBytes = ms.ToArray();
                            MemoryStream msfile    = new MemoryStream(fileBytes);
                            FileStream   docFile   = new FileStream(Folderpath + "\\" + filesName[i], FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                            string s = Convert.ToBase64String(fileBytes);
                            byte[] a = Convert.FromBase64String(s);
                            // act on the Base64 data

                string       token        = Convert.ToString(Request.Headers["X-Authorized-Token"]);
                Authenticate authenticate = new Authenticate();
                authenticate = SecurityService.GetAuthenticateDataFromTokenCache(Cache, SecurityService.DecryptStringAES(token));

                #region FilePath
                bulkUploadFilesPath = appRoot + "\\" + "BulkUpload\\UploadFiles" + "\\" + CommonFunction.GetEnumDescription((EnumMaster.FileUpload)CategoryFor);
                downloadFilePath    = appRoot + "\\" + "BulkUpload\\DownloadFiles" + "\\" + CommonFunction.GetEnumDescription((EnumMaster.FileUpload)CategoryFor);


                dataSetCSV = CommonService.csvToDataSet(Folderpath + "\\" + finalAttchment);
                CSVlist    = masterCaller.CategoryBulkUpload(new CategoryServices(Cache, Db),
                                                             authenticate.TenantId, authenticate.UserMasterID, CategoryFor, dataSetCSV);
                #region Create Error and Succes files and  Insert in FileUploadLog

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CSVlist[0]))
                    errorfilesaved = CommonService.SaveFile(downloadFilePath + "\\Category\\ Error" + "\\" + "CategoryErrorFile.csv", CSVlist[0]);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CSVlist[1]))
                    successFilesaved = CommonService.SaveFile(downloadFilePath + "\\Category\\Success" + "\\" + "CategorySuccessFile.csv", CSVlist[1]);

                count = fileU.CreateFileUploadLog(new FileUploadService(Cache, Db), authenticate.TenantId, "Categorymaster.csv", errorfilesaved,
                                                  "CategoryErrorFile.csv", "CategorySuccessFile.csv", authenticate.UserMasterID, "Category",
                                                  downloadFilePath + "\\Category\\Error" + "\\" + "CategoryErrorFile.csv",
                                                  downloadFilePath + "\\Category\\ Success" + "\\" + "CategorySuccessFile.csv", CategoryFor
                statusCode                    = count > 0 ? (int)EnumMaster.StatusCode.Success : (int)EnumMaster.StatusCode.RecordNotFound;
                statusMessage                 = CommonFunction.GetEnumDescription((EnumMaster.StatusCode)statusCode);
                objResponseModel.Status       = true;
                objResponseModel.StatusCode   = statusCode;
                objResponseModel.Message      = statusMessage;
                objResponseModel.ResponseData = CSVlist.Count;
            catch (Exception)