Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Commitjob_transaction(ILog log)
            //initial parameters
            Parameter maxJob    = session.Load <Parameter>("PAYROLL_SCH_JOB_READ_MASS_INQ");
            Parameter maxTrx    = session.Load <Parameter>("PAYROLL_SCH_GENERATE_MASS_INQ_MAX_TRX");
            int       maxResult = int.Parse(maxTrx.Data);

            IList <TrxPayroll> trxList = session.CreateSQLQuery("select * from trxpayrolls where status=? and (seqnumber%?)=? and lastupdate<=? order by id ASC")
                                         .SetInt32(0, ParameterHelper.PAYROLL_WAITING_CHECKACC) //11 : waiting mass inq output
                                         .SetInt32(1, int.Parse(maxJob.Data))                   //id mod(10)
                                         .SetInt32(2, jobNumber)                                //id mod = ini mod 0, ambil trxID kelipatan 10
                                         .SetDateTime(3, DateTime.Now)
                                         .List <TrxPayroll>();

            //we've found some data
            foreach (TrxPayroll trx in trxList)
                string  outStatus = "";
                Boolean isReject  = false;
                //Pengecekkan retry, jika dr created time sudah 1 jam maka Lastupdate di tambah setMenitBye menit
                int setMenitBye        = int.Parse(ParameterHelper.GetString("PAYROLL_SET_MINUTES_TROUBLE_MASSACC", session));  //60
                int paramRetryPosition = int.Parse(ParameterHelper.GetString("PAYROLL_PARAMETER__MAX_RETRY_MASSACC", session)); //10

                if (trx.RetryPosition > paramRetryPosition)
                    trx.ErrorDescription += "|Transaksi terdeteksi sudah retry sebanyak >  " + paramRetryPosition.ToString() + "  kali, REJECT Transactions";
                    isReject              = MassInquiryHelper.rejectPayroll(trx, session, log, trx.RetryPosition);
                    if (isReject)
                        log.Error(SchCode + " === (TrxID " + trx.Id + ") Transaksi terdeteksi sudah retry sebanyak >  " + paramRetryPosition.ToString() + "  kali, REJECT Transactions");
                        log.Error(SchCode + " === (TrxID " + trx.Id + ") Transaksi terdeteksi sudah retry sebanyak >  " + paramRetryPosition.ToString() + "  kali, GAGAL REJECT Transactions");
                        trx.LastUpdate        = DateTime.Now;
                        trx.Status            = ParameterHelper.TRXSTATUS_REJECT;//4
                        trx.Description       = "ERROR - Problem in Host BRI, please contact Administrator";
                        trx.ErrorDescription += "|Reject Trx : Failed to Delete Transactions or Delete detail Payroll, Set Reject Payroll only";
                    if (MassInquiryHelper.downloadHostResponse(trx, session, out outStatus, log, jobNumber))
                         * SUKSES file valid maka normal
                         * ERROR file jawaban host mengirim message error generate file lagi akan generate 10 menit
                         * RETRY file blm complete, blm ada footer add 2 minutes
                         * UNKNOWN unknown isi file Host belum dikenal, generate lagi add 10 menit
                         * INVALID cek footer gagal, retry reading 2 minutes
                        #region download true

                        Parameter retryAja      = session.Load <Parameter>("PAYROLL_ADD_MINUTES_RETRY_MASSACC");
                        Parameter retryError    = session.Load <Parameter>("PAYROLL_ADD_MINUTES_RETRY_MASSACC2");
                        int       retryAjaInt   = int.Parse(retryAja.Data);
                        int       retryErrorInt = int.Parse(retryError.Data);
                        if (outStatus.Equals("SUKSES"))//jika sukses download
                            #region sukses
                            log.Info("Success download file.");
                            trx.ErrorDescription += schInfo + "Success download file";

                            if (MassInquiryHelper.parsingFile(trx, session, log, jobNumber, SchCode, out outStatus))
                                #region cek sudahkah anak2 keupdate semua?
                                string temp_query = "";
                                string msg        = "";
                                bool   lanjut     = true;
                                int    count      = 0;
                                string dbResult   = "";
                                bool   result     = true;
                                if (result)
                                    temp_query = @"select count(1) from trxpayrolldetails where pid = '" + trx.Id + "' and status = " + ParameterHelper.PAYROLLDETAILS_WAITING_CHECK + " and instructioncode = '" + TotalOBHelper.IFT + "';";

                                    if (!PayrollHelper.ExecuteQueryValue(session, temp_query, out dbResult, out msg))
                                        log.Error(SchCode + " === (TrxID " + trx.Id + ") Failed Query: " + temp_query + " " + msg);
                                        result = false;
                                            if (int.TryParse(dbResult, out count))
                                                if (count > 0)
                                                    lanjut = false;
                                                    log.Info(SchCode + " === (TrxID " + trx.Id + ") Processing update Detail Transactions not completed, retry parsing again in 1 minutes");
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            lanjut = false;
                                            log.Error("=== (TrxID " + trx.Id + ") Msg : " + ex.Message + "Stack  :" + ex.StackTrace + "Stack  :" + ex.InnerException);

                                if (!lanjut && result)
                                    log.Error(SchCode + " === (TrxID " + trx.Id + ") Ada " + count.ToString() + " anak yang beum keupdate, ulangi transaksi " + retryAja.Data.ToString() + "  menit kemudian!");
                                    trx.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(retryAjaInt);

                                else if (result && lanjut)
                                    trx.Status     = ParameterHelper.PAYROLL_SUCCESS_PARSING; //46
                                    trx.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;
                                    log.Info(SchCode + " === (TrxID " + trx.Id + ") Finish Processing");

                                log.Info("Success Parsing File.");
                                if (outStatus.Equals("[NULL]"))
                                    //trx.Status = ParameterHelper.PAYROLL_WAITING_GENERATE_MASS_INQ;//10
                                    trx.LastUpdate        = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(retryAjaInt);
                                    trx.ErrorDescription += "|file balikan host 0 KB / Not Completed-Pending 2 minutes : " + trx.LastUpdate + "|";
                                    trx.RetryPosition    += 1;
                                    log.Error("Failed in Parsing File-try again to parsing at: " + trx.LastUpdate);
                                    trx.LastUpdate        = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(retryAjaInt);
                                    trx.ErrorDescription += schInfo + "Failed in Parsing File-Pending 2 minutes : " + trx.LastUpdate;
                                    trx.RetryPosition    += 1;
                            #endregion sukses

                        else if (outStatus.Equals("ERROR")) // File mendapat message error dr host dan generate lagi
                            trx.LastUpdate        = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(retryErrorInt);
                            trx.Status            = ParameterHelper.PAYROLL_WAITING_GENERATE_MASS_INQ;//10
                            trx.ErrorDescription += schInfo + " Message from Host error, generate again (" + retryErrorInt.ToString() + " minutes) at " + trx.LastUpdate;
                            log.Error("ID : " + trx.SeqNumber + " Message from Host error, generate again (" + retryErrorInt.ToString() + " minutes) at " + trx.LastUpdate);
                            trx.RetryPosition += 1;
                        else if (outStatus.Equals("RETRY")) // Not Completed
                            trx.LastUpdate        = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(retryAjaInt);
                            trx.ErrorDescription += schInfo + "Mass Inq file is not Completed, try again (" + retryAjaInt.ToString() + " minutes) to read file at " + trx.LastUpdate;
                            log.Error("ID : " + trx.SeqNumber + " Mass Inq file is not Completed, try again (" + retryAjaInt.ToString() + " minutes) to read file at " + trx.LastUpdate);
                            trx.RetryPosition += 1;
                        else if (outStatus.Equals("UNKNOWN")) // UNKNOWN
                            trx.LastUpdate        = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(retryErrorInt);
                            trx.Status            = ParameterHelper.PAYROLL_WAITING_GENERATE_MASS_INQ;//10
                            trx.ErrorDescription += schInfo + "Message from host is unknown, generate again (" + retryErrorInt.ToString() + " minutes) at " + trx.LastUpdate;
                            log.Error("ID : " + trx.SeqNumber + " Message from host is unknown, generate again (" + retryErrorInt.ToString() + " minutes) at " + trx.LastUpdate);
                            trx.RetryPosition += 1;
                        else if (outStatus.Equals("INVALID")) // Cek footer gagal retry aja
                            trx.LastUpdate        = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(retryAjaInt);
                            trx.ErrorDescription += schInfo + "Failed checking Footer, try again (" + retryAjaInt.ToString() + " minutes) to read file at " + trx.LastUpdate;
                            log.Error("ID : " + trx.SeqNumber + " Failed checking Footer, try again (" + retryAjaInt.ToString() + " minutes) to read file at " + trx.LastUpdate);
                            trx.RetryPosition += 1;
                             * JIka sejam retry sampai BOSOKS maksinal 1 jam maka akan reject transakski, eaea dan
                             * Jika lebih dr 3 menit akan generate Mass Acc Inq, set 10

                            //if (!MassInquiryHelper.retryMassInq(trx, session, log))
                            //    log.Error("Something Wrong In Retry Mass Inq");
                            //    trx.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2);
                            //    trx.ErrorDescription += schInfo + "Something Wrong In Retry Mass Inq, try again at " + trx.LastUpdate;
                        log.Error("Something Wrong In Download File :(");
                        trx.LastUpdate        = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2);
                        trx.ErrorDescription += schInfo + "Something Wrong In Download File" + trx.LastUpdate;
                        trx.RetryPosition    += 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Commitjob_transaction(ILog log)
            //initial parameters
            Parameter maxJob = session.Load<Parameter>("PAYROLL_SCH_JOB_GENERATE_MASS_INQ");
            Parameter maxTrx = session.Load<Parameter>("PAYROLL_SCH_GENERATE_MASS_INQ_MAX_TRX");
            int maxResult = int.Parse(maxTrx.Data);

            string temp_query = "";
            string msg = "";
            string outFileName = "";

            IList<TrxPayroll> trxList = session.CreateSQLQuery("select * from trxpayrolls where status=? and (seqnumber%?)=? and lastupdate<=? order by id ASC")
                .SetInt32(0, ParameterHelper.PAYROLL_WAITING_GENERATE_MASS_INQ)//10
                .SetInt32(1, int.Parse(maxJob.Data))//id mod(10)
                .SetInt32(2, jobNumber)//id mod = ini mod 0, ambil trxID kelipatan 10
                .SetDateTime(3, DateTime.Now)//kurang dari last update

            //we've found some data
            foreach(TrxPayroll trx in trxList)
                #region patching instructioncode null
                //20170530 - sayedzul add handler instructioncode null dan account payrollBRI ga 15 digit
                int jumlahInstCodeNull = trx.TrxPayrollDetail.Where(x => String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.InstructionCode)).Count();
                if (jumlahInstCodeNull > 0)
                    string theQuery = @"update trxpayrolldetails set instructioncode = '" + TotalOBHelper.IFT + "' where pid  = '" + trx.Id + "' and (instructioncode is null or instructioncode = '');";
                    string msg1 = "";
                    PayrollHelper.ExecuteQuery(session, theQuery, out msg1);

                int jumlahBenAccGa15Digit = trx.TrxPayrollDetail.Where(x => x.InstructionCode.Equals(TotalOBHelper.IFT) && x.Account.Length < 15).Count();
                if (jumlahBenAccGa15Digit > 0)
                    string theQuery2 = @"update trxpayrolldetails set account = lpad(account, 15, '0') where pid  = '" + trx.Id + "' and instructioncode = '" + TotalOBHelper.IFT + "' and length(account) < 15;";
                    string msg2 = "";
                    PayrollHelper.ExecuteQuery(session, theQuery2, out msg2);


                int jumlahTrxIFT = trx.TrxPayrollDetail.Where(x => x.Status != ParameterHelper.TRXSTATUS_REJECT && x.InstructionCode.Equals(TotalOBHelper.IFT)).Count();
                if (jumlahTrxIFT > 0)
                    if (MassInquiryHelper.generate(trx, session, log, SchCode, out outFileName))
                        log.Info("Success Generate File, update to next process.");
                        trx.ErrorDescription += schInfo + "Success Generate File";

                        if (MassInquiryHelper.sendToHost(trx, session, log, outFileName))
                            log.Info("Success Generate File, update to next process.");

                            //Skenario : jika file banyak agar respons host blm selesai, ada jeda
                            int tambahMenit = 0;
                            if (jumlahTrxIFT < 10000)
                                tambahMenit = 1;
                            else if ((jumlahTrxIFT < 50000) && (jumlahTrxIFT > 10000))
                                tambahMenit = 2;
                                tambahMenit = int.Parse(Math.Floor((Decimal)(jumlahTrxIFT / 25000)).ToString());

                            /*Native update*/
                            temp_query = @"update trxpayrolls p
                                    p.status = 11, p.filemassinq = '" + outFileName + "', p.lastupdate = '" + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(tambahMenit).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "' where p.id = '" + trx.Id + "';";

                            if (!PayrollHelper.ExecuteQuery(session, temp_query, out msg))
                                log.Error("Failed Execute query. " + msg.ToString());
                            else log.Info("Trx Id = " + trx.Id + ", mempunyai transaksi IFT: " + jumlahTrxIFT + "||Akan set Lastupdate ::" + tambahMenit + "Minutes");
                            /*Native update*/
                            temp_query = @"update trxpayrolls p
                                    set p.lastupdate = " + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2).ToString() + " where p.id = '" + trx.Id + "';";

                            if (!PayrollHelper.ExecuteQuery(session, temp_query, out msg))
                                log.Error("Failed Execute query. " + msg.ToString());

                            else log.Error("Something Wrong in send :( and try agagain in 2 minutes");
                        /*Native update*/
                        temp_query = @"update trxpayrolls p
                                    set p.lastupdate = " + DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2).ToString() + " where p.id = '" + trx.Id + "';";

                        if (!PayrollHelper.ExecuteQuery(session, temp_query, out msg))
                            log.Error("Failed Execute query. " + msg.ToString());

                        else log.Error("Something Wrong in generate :( and try agagain in 2 minutes");
                    trx.Status = ParameterHelper.TRXSTATUS_INQUIRYNAMEPROCESS_FINISH;//17
                    trx.ErrorDescription = "";

                    //update transactions
                    Transaction trans = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Transaction))
                       .Add(Expression.In("TransactionId", new int[] { 101, 102, 103 }))
                       .Add(Expression.Like("TObject", trx.Id, MatchMode.Anywhere))
                    if (trans != null)//avoid Payroll Musimas
                        trans.Status = ParameterHelper.TRXSTATUS_WAITING_SCHEDULLER;//15

                        //string feeIFT = PayrollHelper.getFeeTransaction(session, trx.Id, TotalOBHelper.IFT, log);
                        //string feeRTG = PayrollHelper.getFeeTransaction(session, trx.Id, TotalOBHelper.RTGS, log);
                        //string feeLLG = PayrollHelper.getFeeTransaction(session, trx.Id, TotalOBHelper.LLG, log);
                        //string reject = PayrollHelper.getCountRejectTransaction(session, trx.Id, TotalOBHelper.IFT, log);
                        ///*Nilai Total*/
                        //string totalTrx = PayrollHelper.getTotalTransaction(session, trx.Id, log);

                        /*Ini nih kunci utnuk laporan query dll nyaaa*/
                        trx.TotalTrx = "|0:0|0:0|0:0|0:0|0:0|";// "|" + feeIFT + "|" + reject + "|" + totalTrx + "|" + feeRTG + "|" + feeLLG + "|";
                        //trx.TotalTrx = "|" + _countSuccess + ":" + _sumSuccess + "|" + _countInvalid + ":" + _sumInvalid + "|" + _countTotal + ":" + _sumTotal + "|";
                        log.Info("Trx Id = " + trx.Id + ", Total Trx : " + trx.TotalTrx);
                        log.Info("Trx Id = " + trx.Id + " Update transactions success");