Exemplo n.º 1
        private void DoTest(string MarkdownFileName, string XamlFileName)
            string Markdown     = File.ReadAllText("Markdown/Syntax/" + MarkdownFileName);
            string ExpectedText = File.ReadAllText("XAML/" + XamlFileName);

            ExpectedText = ExpectedText.Replace("
\r", "
            Emoji1LocalFiles Emoji1LocalFiles = new Emoji1LocalFiles(Emoji1SourceFileType.Svg, 24, 24, "/emoji1/%FILENAME%", Path.Combine("Graphics", "Emoji1.zip"), "Graphics");

            MarkdownSettings Settings = new MarkdownSettings(Emoji1LocalFiles, true, new Variables())
                HttpxProxy = "/HttpxProxy/%URL%"


            MarkdownDocument Doc           = new MarkdownDocument(Markdown, Settings);
            string           GeneratedXaml = Doc.GenerateXAML(XML.WriterSettings(true, true));


            MarkdownHtmlTests.AssertEqual(ExpectedText, GeneratedXaml, "Generated XAML does not match expected XAML.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the function on a scalar argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Argument">Function argument.</param>
        /// <param name="Variables">Variables collection.</param>
        /// <returns>Function result.</returns>
        public override IElement EvaluateScalar(string Argument, Variables Variables)
            string           Markdown = File.ReadAllText(Argument);
            MarkdownSettings Settings = new MarkdownSettings()
                Variables     = Variables,
                ParseMetaData = true

            if (Variables.TryGetVariable(" MarkdownSettings ", out Variable v) &&
                v.ValueObject is MarkdownSettings ParentSettings)
                Settings.AllowScriptTag         = ParentSettings.AllowScriptTag;
                Settings.AudioAutoplay          = ParentSettings.AudioAutoplay;
                Settings.AudioControls          = ParentSettings.AudioControls;
                Settings.EmbedEmojis            = ParentSettings.EmbedEmojis;
                Settings.EmojiSource            = ParentSettings.EmojiSource;
                Settings.HttpxProxy             = ParentSettings.HttpxProxy;
                Settings.LocalHttpxResourcePath = ParentSettings.LocalHttpxResourcePath;
                Settings.RootFolder             = ParentSettings.RootFolder;
                Settings.VideoAutoplay          = ParentSettings.VideoAutoplay;
                Settings.VideoControls          = ParentSettings.VideoControls;

            Markdown = MarkdownDocument.Preprocess(Markdown, Settings, Argument);

            Match M = MarkdownDocument.endOfHeader.Match(Markdown);

            if (M.Success)
                string   Header = Markdown.Substring(0, M.Index);
                string[] Rows   = Header.Split(CommonTypes.CRLF);
                string   s;
                bool     IsHeader = true;

                foreach (string Row in Rows)
                    s = Row.Trim();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))

                    if (s.IndexOf(':') < 0)
                        IsHeader = false;

                if (IsHeader)
                    Markdown = Markdown.Substring(M.Index).TrimStart();

            return(new StringValue(Markdown));
        private void Test(string FileName)
            MarkdownSettings Settings = new MarkdownSettings();

            string OldMarkdown  = File.ReadAllText("Markdown/Diff/Old/" + FileName);
            string NewMarkdown  = File.ReadAllText("Markdown/Diff/New/" + FileName);
            string DiffMarkdown = File.ReadAllText("Markdown/Diff/Diff/" + FileName);

            string Result = MarkdownDocument.Compare(OldMarkdown, NewMarkdown, Settings, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(DiffMarkdown, Result);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the function on a scalar argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Argument">Function argument.</param>
        /// <param name="Variables">Variables collection.</param>
        /// <returns>Function result.</returns>
        public override IElement EvaluateScalar(string Argument, Variables Variables)
            MarkdownSettings Settings = new MarkdownSettings()
                Variables     = Variables,
                ParseMetaData = false

            string Markdown = MarkdownDocument.Preprocess(Argument, Settings);

            return(new StringValue(Markdown));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private string RosterItemsHtml(RosterItem[] Contacts, PresenceEventArgs[] SubscriptionRequests)
            string    FileName = Path.Combine(Gateway.RootFolder, "Settings", "RosterItems.md");
            string    Markdown = File.ReadAllText(FileName);
            Variables v        = new Variables(
                new Variable("Contacts", Contacts),
                new Variable("Requests", SubscriptionRequests));
            MarkdownSettings Settings = new MarkdownSettings(Gateway.Emoji1_24x24, true, v);
            MarkdownDocument Doc      = new MarkdownDocument(Markdown, Settings, FileName, string.Empty, string.Empty);
            string           Html     = Doc.GenerateHTML();

            Html = HtmlDocument.GetBody(Html);

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the function on a scalar argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Argument">Function argument.</param>
        /// <param name="Variables">Variables collection.</param>
        /// <returns>Function result.</returns>
        public override IElement EvaluateScalar(string Argument, Variables Variables)
            string           Markdown = File.ReadAllText(Argument);
            MarkdownSettings Settings = new MarkdownSettings()
                Variables     = Variables,
                ParseMetaData = true

            Markdown = MarkdownDocument.Preprocess(Markdown, Variables, Argument);

            Match M = MarkdownDocument.endOfHeader.Match(Markdown);

            if (M.Success)
                string   Header = Markdown.Substring(0, M.Index);
                string[] Rows   = Header.Split(CommonTypes.CRLF);
                string   s;
                bool     IsHeader = true;

                foreach (string Row in Rows)
                    s = Row.Trim();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))

                    if (s.IndexOf(':') < 0)
                        IsHeader = false;

                if (IsHeader)
                    Markdown = Markdown.Substring(M.Index).TrimStart();

            return(new StringValue(Markdown));
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void DoTest(string MarkdownFileName, string PlainTextFileName)
            string           Markdown     = File.ReadAllText("Markdown/" + MarkdownFileName);
            string           ExpectedText = File.ReadAllText("PlainText/" + PlainTextFileName);
            MarkdownSettings Settings     = new MarkdownSettings(
                new Emoji1LocalFiles(Emoji1SourceFileType.Svg, 24, 24, "/emoji1/%FILENAME%", File.Exists, File.ReadAllBytes),
                true, new Variables())
                HttpxProxy = "/HttpxProxy/%URL%"
            MarkdownDocument Doc           = new MarkdownDocument(Markdown, Settings);
            string           GeneratedText = Doc.GeneratePlainText();


            HtmlTests.AssertEqual(ExpectedText, GeneratedText, "Generated Plain Text does not match expected Plain Text.");
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void DoTest(string MarkdownFileName, string XamlFileName)
            string Markdown     = File.ReadAllText("Markdown/" + MarkdownFileName);
            string ExpectedText = File.ReadAllText("XAML/" + XamlFileName);

            ExpectedText = ExpectedText.Replace("&#xD;\r", "&#xD;");
            MarkdownSettings Settings = new MarkdownSettings(
                new Emoji1LocalFiles(Emoji1SourceFileType.Svg, 24, 24, "/emoji1/%FILENAME%", File.Exists, File.ReadAllBytes),
                true, new Variables())
                HttpxProxy = "/HttpxProxy/%URL%"

            MarkdownDocument Doc           = new MarkdownDocument(Markdown, Settings);
            string           GeneratedXaml = Doc.GenerateXAML(XML.WriterSettings(true, true));


            HtmlTests.AssertEqual(ExpectedText, GeneratedXaml, "Generated XAML does not match expected XAML.");
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void DoTest(string MarkdownFileName, string PlainTextFileName)
            string           Markdown         = File.ReadAllText("Markdown/" + MarkdownFileName);
            string           ExpectedText     = File.ReadAllText("PlainText/" + PlainTextFileName);
            Emoji1LocalFiles Emoji1LocalFiles = new Emoji1LocalFiles(Emoji1SourceFileType.Svg, 24, 24, "/emoji1/%FILENAME%", Path.Combine("Graphics", "Emoji1.zip"), "Graphics");

            MarkdownSettings Settings = new MarkdownSettings(Emoji1LocalFiles, true, new Variables())
                HttpxProxy = "/HttpxProxy/%URL%"


            MarkdownDocument Doc           = new MarkdownDocument(Markdown, Settings);
            string           GeneratedText = Doc.GeneratePlainText();


            MarkdownHtmlTests.AssertEqual(ExpectedText, GeneratedText, "Generated Plain Text does not match expected Plain Text.");
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the actual conversion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FromContentType">Content type of the content to convert from.</param>
        /// <param name="From">Stream pointing to binary representation of content.</param>
        /// <param name="FromFileName">If the content is coming from a file, this parameter contains the name of that file.
        /// Otherwise, the parameter is the empty string.</param>
        /// <param name="ResourceName">Local resource name of file, if accessed from a web server.</param>
        /// <param name="URL">URL of resource, if accessed from a web server.</param>
        /// <param name="ToContentType">Content type of the content to convert to.</param>
        /// <param name="To">Stream pointing to where binary representation of content is to be sent.</param>
        /// <param name="Session">Session states.</param>
        /// <returns>If the result is dynamic (true), or only depends on the source (false).</returns>
        public bool Convert(string FromContentType, Stream From, string FromFileName, string ResourceName, string URL, string ToContentType,
                            Stream To, Variables Session)
            HttpRequest Request = null;
            string      Markdown;
            bool        b;

            using (StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(From))
                Markdown = rd.ReadToEnd();

            if (Session != null && Session.TryGetVariable("Request", out Variable v))
                Request = v.ValueObject as HttpRequest;

                if (Request != null)
                    int i = Markdown.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n");
                    if (i < 0)
                        i = Markdown.IndexOf("\n\n");

                    if (i > 0)
                        string Header = Markdown.Substring(0, i);
                        string Parameter;

                        foreach (string Row in Header.Split(CommonTypes.CRLF, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                            if (!Row.StartsWith("Parameter:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                            Parameter = Row.Substring(10).Trim();
                            if (Request.Header.TryGetQueryParameter(Parameter, out string Value))
                                Value = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(Value);
                                if (double.TryParse(Value.Replace(".", System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator), out double d))
                                    Session[Parameter] = d;
                                else if (bool.TryParse(Value, out b))
                                    Session[Parameter] = b;
                                    Session[Parameter] = Value;
                                Session[Parameter] = string.Empty;

            MarkdownSettings Settings = new MarkdownSettings(emojiSource, true, Session);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bareJid))
                Settings.HttpxProxy             = "/HttpxProxy/%URL%";
                Settings.LocalHttpxResourcePath = "httpx://" + bareJid + "/";

            MarkdownDocument Doc = new MarkdownDocument(Markdown, Settings, FromFileName, ResourceName, URL, typeof(HttpException));
            IUser            User;

            if (Doc.TryGetMetaData("UserVariable", out KeyValuePair <string, bool>[] MetaValues))
                bool Authorized = true;

                if (!Doc.TryGetMetaData("Login", out KeyValuePair <string, bool>[] Login))
                    Login = null;

                if (!Doc.TryGetMetaData("Privilege", out KeyValuePair <string, bool>[] Privilege))
                    Privilege = null;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> P in MetaValues)
                    if (Session == null || !Session.TryGetVariable(P.Key, out v))
                        Authorized = false;

                    User = v.ValueObject as IUser;
                    if (User == null)
                        Authorized = false;

                    if (Privilege != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> P2 in Privilege)
                            if (!User.HasPrivilege(P2.Key))
                                Authorized = false;

                    if (!Authorized)

                if (!Authorized)
                    if (Login != null)
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> P in Login)
                            StringBuilder Location = new StringBuilder(P.Key);
                            if (P.Key.IndexOf('?') >= 0)


                            if (Request != null)
                                Location.Append(System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(Request.Header.GetURL(true, true)));

                            throw new TemporaryRedirectException(Location.ToString());

                    throw new ForbiddenException();

            if (Doc.TryGetMetaData("AudioControls", out MetaValues))
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> P in MetaValues)
                    if (CommonTypes.TryParse(P.Key, out b))
                        Settings.AudioControls = b;

            if (Doc.TryGetMetaData("AudioAutoplay", out MetaValues))
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> P in MetaValues)
                    if (CommonTypes.TryParse(P.Key, out b))
                        Settings.AudioAutoplay = b;

            if (Doc.TryGetMetaData("VideoControls", out MetaValues))
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> P in MetaValues)
                    if (CommonTypes.TryParse(P.Key, out b))
                        Settings.VideoControls = b;

            if (Doc.TryGetMetaData("VideoAutoplay", out MetaValues))
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> P in MetaValues)
                    if (CommonTypes.TryParse(P.Key, out b))
                        Settings.VideoAutoplay = b;

            if (Session != null && Session.TryGetVariable("Response", out v))
                if (v.ValueObject is HttpResponse Response)
                    Response.SetHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");

                    if (!this.CopyHttpHeader("Cache-Control", Doc, Response))
                        if (Doc.IsDynamic)
                            Response.SetHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store");
                            Response.SetHeader("Cache-Control", "no-transform,public,max-age=86400,s-maxage=86400");

                    this.CopyHttpHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", Doc, Response);
                    this.CopyHttpHeader("Content-Security-Policy", Doc, Response);
                    this.CopyHttpHeader("Public-Key-Pins", Doc, Response);
                    this.CopyHttpHeader("Strict-Transport-Security", Doc, Response);
                    this.CopyHttpHeader("Sunset", Doc, Response);
                    this.CopyHttpHeader("Vary", Doc, Response);

            string HTML = Doc.GenerateHTML();

            byte[] Data = Utf8WithBOM.GetBytes(HTML);
            To.Write(Data, 0, Data.Length);

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the actual conversion.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FromContentType">Content type of the content to convert from.</param>
        /// <param name="From">Stream pointing to binary representation of content.</param>
        /// <param name="FromFileName">If the content is coming from a file, this parameter contains the name of that file.
        /// Otherwise, the parameter is the empty string.</param>
        /// <param name="ResourceName">Local resource name of file, if accessed from a web server.</param>
        /// <param name="URL">URL of resource, if accessed from a web server.</param>
        /// <param name="ToContentType">Content type of the content to convert to.</param>
        /// <param name="To">Stream pointing to where binary representation of content is to be sent.</param>
        /// <param name="Session">Session states.</param>
        /// <returns>If the result is dynamic (true), or only depends on the source (false).</returns>
        public bool Convert(string FromContentType, Stream From, string FromFileName, string ResourceName, string URL, string ToContentType,
                            Stream To, Variables Session)
            HttpRequest Request = null;
            string      Markdown;
            bool        b;

            using (StreamReader rd = new StreamReader(From))
                Markdown = rd.ReadToEnd();

            if (!(Session is null) && Session.TryGetVariable("Request", out Variable v))
                Request = v.ValueObject as HttpRequest;

                if (!(Request is null))
                    Page.GetPageVariables(Session, Request.Header.ResourcePart);

                    int i = Markdown.IndexOf("\r\n\r\n");
                    if (i < 0)
                        i = Markdown.IndexOf("\n\n");

                    if (i > 0)
                        string Header = Markdown.Substring(0, i);
                        string Parameter;

                        foreach (string Row in Header.Split(CommonTypes.CRLF, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                            if (!Row.StartsWith("Parameter:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                            Parameter = Row.Substring(10).Trim();
                            if (Request.Header.TryGetQueryParameter(Parameter, out string Value))
                                Value = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(Value);
                                if (double.TryParse(Value.Replace(".", System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator), out double d))
                                    Session[Parameter] = d;
                                else if (bool.TryParse(Value, out b))
                                    Session[Parameter] = b;
                                    Session[Parameter] = Value;
                                Session[Parameter] = string.Empty;

            MarkdownSettings Settings = new MarkdownSettings(emojiSource, true, Session)
                RootFolder   = rootFolder,
                HtmlSettings = htmlSettings

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bareJid))
                Settings.HttpxProxy             = "/HttpxProxy/%URL%";
                Settings.LocalHttpxResourcePath = "httpx://" + bareJid + "/";

            MarkdownDocument Doc = new MarkdownDocument(Markdown, Settings, FromFileName, ResourceName, URL, typeof(HttpException));

            if (Doc.TryGetMetaData("UserVariable", out KeyValuePair <string, bool>[] MetaValues))
                object User       = null;
                bool   Authorized = true;

                if (!Doc.TryGetMetaData("Login", out KeyValuePair <string, bool>[] Login))
                    Login = null;

                if (!Doc.TryGetMetaData("Privilege", out KeyValuePair <string, bool>[] Privilege))
                    Privilege = null;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> P in MetaValues)
                    if (Session is null)
                        Authorized = false;

                    if (Session.TryGetVariable(P.Key, out v))
                        User = v.ValueObject;
                        Uri    LoginUrl      = null;
                        string LoginFileName = null;
                        string FromFolder    = Path.GetDirectoryName(FromFileName);

                        if (!(Login is null))
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> P2 in Login)
                                LoginFileName = Path.Combine(FromFolder, P2.Key.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
                                LoginUrl      = new Uri(new Uri(URL), P2.Key.Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '/'));

                                if (File.Exists(LoginFileName))
                                    LoginFileName = null;

                        if (!(LoginFileName is null))
                            string           LoginMarkdown = File.ReadAllText(LoginFileName);
                            MarkdownDocument LoginDoc      = new MarkdownDocument(LoginMarkdown, Settings, LoginFileName, LoginUrl.AbsolutePath,
                                                                                  LoginUrl.ToString(), typeof(HttpException));

                            if (!Session.TryGetVariable(P.Key, out v))
                                Authorized = false;
                            Authorized = false;