Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool ImportV3(string payload, string envelopeIdentifier, SaveStatus status)
            InputEntityV3 input      = new InputEntityV3();
            var           bnodes     = new List <BNodeV3>();
            var           mainEntity = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            //status.AddWarning( "The resource uses @graph and is not handled yet" );

            Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = RegistryServices.JsonToDictionary(payload);
            object graph = dictionary["@graph"];
            //serialize the graph object
            var glist = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(graph);

            //parse graph in to list of objects
            JArray graphList = JArray.Parse(glist);
            int    cntr      = 0;

            foreach (var item in graphList)
                if (cntr == 1)
                    var main = item.ToString();
                    //may not use this. Could add a trace method
                    mainEntity = RegistryServices.JsonToDictionary(main);
                    input      = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InputEntityV3>(main);
                    var bn = item.ToString();
                    bnodes.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BNodeV3>(bn));

            List <string>   messages          = new List <string>();
            bool            importSuccessfull = false;
            EntityServices  mgr    = new EntityServices();
            MappingHelperV3 helper = new MappingHelperV3();

            helper.entityBlankNodes = bnodes;

            string ctid           = input.Ctid;
            string referencedAtId = input.CtdlId;

            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(5, "		name: "+ input.Name.ToString());
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(6, "		url: "+ input.CostDetails);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(5, "		ctid: "+ input.Ctid);
            LoggingHelper.DoTrace(5, "		@Id: "+ input.CtdlId);
            status.Ctid = ctid;

            if (status.DoingDownloadOnly)

            if (!DoesEntityExist(input.Ctid, ref output))
                output.RowId = Guid.NewGuid();

            helper.currentBaseObject = output;

            output.Name        = helper.HandleLanguageMap(input.Name, output, "Name");
            output.Description = helper.HandleLanguageMap(input.Description, output, "Description");

            output.CTID = input.Ctid;
            output.CredentialRegistryId = envelopeIdentifier;
            output.CostDetails          = input.CostDetails;

            output.OwningAgentUid = helper.MapOrganizationReferencesGuid("CostManifest.OwningAgentUid", input.CostManifestOf, ref status);

            output.StartDate = helper.MapDate(input.StartDate, "StartDate", ref status);
            output.EndDate   = helper.MapDate(input.EndDate, "StartDate", ref status);

            output.EstimatedCosts = helper.FormatCosts(input.EstimatedCost, ref status);

            status.DocumentId    = output.Id;
            status.DocumentRowId = output.RowId;

            //=== if any messages were encountered treat as warnings for now
            if (messages.Count > 0)
                status.SetMessages(messages, true);

            importSuccessfull = mgr.Import(output, ref status);
            //just in case
            if (status.HasErrors)
                importSuccessfull = false;

            //if record was added to db, add to/or set EntityResolution as resolved
            int ierId = new ImportManager().Import_EntityResolutionAdd(referencedAtId,
                                                                       ref messages,
                                                                       output.Id > 0);
