Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This function converts a polygon shapefile to grid. It implements the line-scan algorithm.
        /// <param name="PolySf">The polygon shapefile</param>
        /// <param name="FldID">The field index</param>
        /// <param name="Newgrd">File name of the new grid</param>
        /// <param name="header">Header object of the new grid</param>
        /// <param name="writePxDeleg">Delegate function for writing the grid pixels</param>
        /// <param name="nodatavalue">'no data' value</param>
        /// <param name="cback">can be used to report progress (optional)</param>
        /// <returns>true if successful</returns>
        // AUTHOR NAME: Enrico A. Chiaradia
        //       FROM: University of Milan (Italy)
        //     e.mail: [email protected]
        // For details about the line-scan algorithm,
        // please refer to http://www.profc.udec.cl/~gabriel/tutoriales/giswb/vol1/cp3/cp3-6.htm
        // for each shape in PolySf
        // 0) get the shape value (in the shapefile table)
        // 1) load all the borders in a matrix composed by x(startpoint), x(endpoint), slope and share
        // 2) define x of first scan line
        // for each scan lines
        // 3) calculate intersections with polygon border
        // 4) sort intersections from lower Y to the higther
        // 5) convert line space between two consecutive intersection to raster
        private bool Poly2Grid(MapWinGIS.Shapefile PolySf, int FldID, MapWinGIS.Grid Newgrd,
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader header, MapWinGIS.GridDataType grType,
            MapWinGIS.ICallback cback)
            double xMin, xMax;
            double x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2, m, q;
            int nShps, nVs, i, s, nP, p, tempn, v, b;
            object val;
            bool flg;
            bord brd; //struct to keep a border
            System.Collections.ArrayList bordi2; //list of borders
            int perc = 1; //percent shapes done
            int shpsPerc;

            MapWinGIS.Shape PolyShp; //the polygon shape

            //count the number of shapes
            nShps = PolySf.NumShapes;
            shpsPerc = NumPercentShapes(perc, nShps); //percent of progress

            for( s = 0; s < nShps; ++s )
                //for each shape, determine the extent and the number of parts
                i = 0;
                PolyShp = PolySf.get_Shape(s);
                nP = PolyShp.NumParts;

                xMin = PolyShp.Extents.xMin;
                //yMin = PolyShp.Extents.yMin;
                xMax = PolyShp.Extents.xMax;
                //yMax = PolyShp.Extents.yMax;

                //exclude shapes which are completely outside of the grid extents
                if (!IsGridContainsShape(PolyShp, header))

                //return the shape's value
                val = GetCellValue(PolySf, FldID, s, header.NodataValue);

                //load polygon borders
                nVs = PolyShp.numPoints - 1;
                bordi2 = new System.Collections.ArrayList(nVs + 1);

                b = -1;
                tempn = 0;

                for( p = 0; p < nP; ++p )
                    x0 = PolyShp.get_Point(tempn).x;
                    y0 = PolyShp.get_Point(tempn).y;

                    for( v = tempn; v < nVs; ++v )
                        x1 = PolyShp.get_Point(v).x;
                        x2 = PolyShp.get_Point(v + 1).x;
                        y1 = PolyShp.get_Point(v).y;
                        y2 = PolyShp.get_Point(v + 1).y;

                        if (x1 != x2) // no vertical lines
                            m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
                            q = y1 - (m * x1);

                            //add border to the list
                            b = b + 1;
                            brd = new bord();
                            brd.x1 = x1;
                            brd.x2 = x2;
                            brd.m = m;
                            brd.q = q;

                        //in case of multi-parts polygon
                        if( (x2 == x0) && (y2 == y0) )
                            tempn = v + 2;
                    } //Next v
                } // next p

                //define the first line-scan
                double xstart;

                //    20 nov 07 added by Enrico A. Chiaradia
                //necessary if grid extentions differ from shapefile extentions
                if ( xMin >= header.XllCenter )
                    xstart = FirstLineXY(xMin, header.XllCenter, header.dX, 1);
                    xstart = FirstLineXY(xMin, header.XllCenter, header.dX, -1);

                // the list of intersection y-values
                System.Collections.ArrayList y_int = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
                System.Collections.ArrayList pixels = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

                    flg = Interseca(bordi2, y_int, xstart);
                    flg = SortArray(y_int);
                    flg = ScanLine2(y_int, xstart, ref pixels, ref Newgrd, header, val, cback);
                    xstart = xstart + header.dX;
                while ( xstart <= xMax );

                writePxList(Newgrd, grType, pixels, val, cback);

                //report the progress
                if (s >= shpsPerc)
                    reportProgress(shpsPerc, nShps, "shapefile to grid", cback);
                    perc = (int)( (s * 100) / nShps );
                    shpsPerc = NumPercentShapes(perc + 1, nShps);

            } // next shape

            reportProgress(100, 100, "shapefile to grid", cback); //100 % shapes done
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private bool Multipoint2Grid(MapWinGIS.Shapefile MultipointSf, int FldID, MapWinGIS.Grid Newgrd,
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader header, MapWinGIS.GridDataType grType, MapWinGIS.ICallback cback)
            //count the number of shapes
            int s, p;
            MapWinGIS.Shape shp;
            MapWinGIS.Point pt;
            ArrayList pixels = new ArrayList();
            object val;
            GridPixel px;
            int nShps = MultipointSf.NumShapes;
            int nPts = 0;
            int perc = 1;
            int shpsPerc = NumPercentShapes(perc, nShps); //percent of progress

            for (s = 0; s < nShps; ++s)
            //get the shape
            shp = MultipointSf.get_Shape(s);

            //exclude shapes which are completely outside of the grid extents
            if (!IsGridContainsShape(shp, header))

            //get the shape's value
            val = GetCellValue(MultipointSf, FldID, s, header.NodataValue);

            nPts = shp.numPoints;
            for (p = 0; p < nPts; ++p)
                //write pixel values
                pt = shp.get_Point(p);
                Newgrd.ProjToCell(pt.x, pt.y, out px.col, out px.row);
                writePxList(Newgrd, grType, pixels, val, cback);

            //report the progress
            if (s >= shpsPerc)
                reportProgress(shpsPerc, nShps, "shapefile to grid", cback);
                perc = (int)((s * 100) / nShps);
                shpsPerc = NumPercentShapes(perc + 1, nShps);
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// convert point shapefile to grid
        /// </summary>   
        private bool Point2Grid(MapWinGIS.Shapefile PointSf, int FldID, MapWinGIS.Grid Newgrd,
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader header, MapWinGIS.GridDataType grType, MapWinGIS.ICallback cback)
            //count the number of shapes
            int s;
            MapWinGIS.Shape shp;
            MapWinGIS.Point pt = new MapWinGIS.Point();
            object val;
            GridPixel px;
            int nShps = PointSf.NumShapes;
            int perc = 1;
            int shpsPerc = NumPercentShapes(perc, nShps); //percent of progress

            for (s = 0; s < nShps; ++s)
            //get the point
            shp = PointSf.get_Shape(s);

            //exclude shapes which are completely outside of the grid extents
            if (!IsGridContainsShape(shp, header))

            if (shp.numPoints > 0)
                pt = shp.get_Point(0);
                if (pt != null)
                    //return the shape's value and write the pixel
                    val = GetCellValue(PointSf, FldID, s, header.NodataValue);
                    Newgrd.ProjToCell(pt.x, pt.y, out px.col, out px.row);
                    writePx(Newgrd, grType, px, val, cback);

            //report the progress
            if (s >= shpsPerc)
                perc = (int)((s * 100) / nShps);
                shpsPerc = NumPercentShapes(perc + 1, nShps);
                reportProgress(shpsPerc, nShps, "shapefile to grid", cback);
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// converts a Line shapefile to grid using Bresenham algorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PolySf">Polygon shapefile object</param>
        /// <param name="FldID">Field index</param>
        /// <param name="Newgrd">New grid object</param>
        /// <param name="header">Grid header</param>
        /// <param name="nodatavalue"></param>
        /// <param name="cback">optional, for reporting progress</param>
        /// <returns>true if successful</returns>
        private bool Line2Grid(MapWinGIS.Shapefile LineSf, int FldID, MapWinGIS.Grid Newgrd,
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader header, MapWinGIS.GridDataType grType, MapWinGIS.ICallback cback)
            int numParts, numPoints;
            int curPartStart, curPartEnd, vertexCol, vertexRow, lastCol, lastRow;
            int nShps = LineSf.NumShapes;
            int perc = 1;
            int shpsPerc = NumPercentShapes(perc, nShps); //percent of progress
            int s = 0; //shape number
            int p = 0; //part number
            int k = 0; //point number
            MapWinGIS.Shape LineShp = new MapWinGIS.Shape();
            MapWinGIS.Point curPoint;
            //Rasterization ras = new Rasterization(); //rasterization class, contains the code of
            //lineToGrid methods independent on MapWinGIS functions
            ArrayList vertices = new ArrayList(); //list of line vertex points
            ArrayList pixels = new ArrayList();   //list of calculated pixels on the line
            GridPixel px;

            object val; //the shape's value

            for (s = 0; s < nShps; ++s)
            LineShp = LineSf.get_Shape(s);
            numParts = LineShp.NumParts;
            numPoints = LineShp.numPoints;

            //exclude shapes which are completely outside of the grid extents
            if (!IsGridContainsShape(LineShp, header))

            //get the shape's value
            val = GetCellValue(LineSf, FldID, s, header.NodataValue);

            //process each part of the polyline
            curPartStart = 0;
            for (p = 0; p < numParts; ++p)

                curPartStart = LineShp.get_Part(p);

                // check for multi-part lines
                if (p < numParts - 1)
                    curPartEnd = LineShp.get_Part(p + 1) - 1;
                    curPartEnd = numPoints - 1;

                //go to next part if there's zero points
                if (numPoints <= 0)

                // add all points of current part to rasterization list
                // always add the first point of the part (convert its coordinates to
                // grid row and column)
                curPoint = LineShp.get_Point(curPartStart);
                Newgrd.ProjToCell(curPoint.x, curPoint.y,
                        out vertexCol, out vertexRow);
                px.col = vertexCol;
                px.row = vertexRow;
                lastCol = vertexCol; lastRow = vertexRow;

                // add all other points with different grid coordinates
                for (k = curPartStart + 1; k <= curPartEnd; ++k)
                    // (check if it has a different row or column than the previous point)
                    curPoint = LineShp.get_Point(k);
                    Newgrd.ProjToCell(curPoint.x, curPoint.y,
                        out vertexCol, out vertexRow);
                    if (vertexCol != lastCol || vertexRow != lastRow)
                        px.col = vertexCol;
                        px.row = vertexRow;
                        lastCol = vertexCol;
                        lastRow = vertexRow;

                // convert the polyline and write pixels to grid
                LineBresenham(vertices, pixels);
                writePxList(Newgrd, grType, pixels, val, cback);


            //report the progress
            if (s >= shpsPerc)
                reportProgress(shpsPerc, nShps, "shapefile to grid", cback);
                perc = (int)((s * 100) / nShps);
                shpsPerc = NumPercentShapes(perc + 1, nShps);
            return true;