Exemplo n.º 1
        private void MakeGrid(sFLTData FLTData, string InitialFile, MapWinGIS.ICallback Callback)
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader h = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();
            int i, j;

            h.dX          = FLTData.cellsize;
            h.dY          = FLTData.cellsize;
            h.Notes       = "Grid文件导入路径 " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(InitialFile);
            h.NodataValue = FLTData.NODATA_value;
            h.NumberCols  = FLTData.ncols;
            h.NumberRows  = FLTData.nrows;
            h.XllCenter   = FLTData.xllcenter;
            h.YllCenter   = FLTData.yllcenter;

            base.CreateNew("", h, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.FloatDataType, -1, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary);

            for (i = 0; i < FLTData.ncols; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < FLTData.nrows; j++)
                    base.Value[i, j] = FLTData.Values[i, j];
                if (Callback != null)
                    Callback.Progress(base.Key, 50 + i / FLTData.ncols * 50, "创建 MapWinGIS grid");
Exemplo n.º 2
        // check user input and set the values of private fields
        // prompts the user to fill in any missing data
        private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader hdr = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();
            double cellSize          = 0F;
            double minX = 0F;
            double minY = 0F;
            double maxX = 0F;
            double maxY = 0F;

            Utils.string2double(txtCellSize.Text, out cellSize);
            if (cellSize <= 0)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("The grid cell size must be a positive number.");
            if (!Utils.string2double(txtMinX.Text, out minX))
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("The minimum X value must be a number.");
            if (!Utils.string2double(txtMinY.Text, out minY))
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("The minimum Y value must be a number.");
            if (!Utils.string2double(txtMaxX.Text, out maxX))
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("The maximum X value must be a number");

            if (!Utils.string2double(txtMaxY.Text, out maxY))
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("The number of rows must be a positive integer.");

            if (MapWinUtility.Strings.IsEmpty(txtGridFile.Text))
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("Please select the result grid filename.");

            //check data type - .bgd format only supports float data type
            if (this.GridDataType != MapWinGIS.GridDataType.FloatDataType &&
                this.GridFileType == MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary)
                cmbDataType.SelectedItem = MapWinGIS.GridDataType.FloatDataType;

            //update the "grid header" object with values from textboxes
            UpdateGridHeader(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, cellSize, cellSize, m_GridHeader);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Er... Changes a grid format?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origFilename">Original Grid Filename</param>
        /// <param name="newFilename">Output Grid Filename</param>
        /// <param name="newFileType">Specifies the original file format of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="newFileFormat">Specifies the new file format</param>
        /// <param name="multFactor">Like Extrusion, this multiplies the Z value</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean, false if there was an error</returns>
        public static bool ChangeGridFormat(string origFilename, string newFilename, MapWinGIS.GridFileType newFileType, MapWinGIS.GridDataType newFileFormat, float multFactor)
            bool Errors = false;

            MapWinGIS.Grid tGrd = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
            tGrd.Open(origFilename, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, null);

            Logger.Status("Writing Grid to New Format");

            //If we're multiplying by a factor, must
            //create the new grid and actually do it ourselves.
            //Otherwise, can save directly
            //Jiri Kadlec 1-28-2009 we still neet to create a new grid when the data or file type is different.
            if (multFactor == 1 && newFileFormat == tGrd.DataType)
                Logger.Dbg("Saving directly to new format");
                tGrd.Save(newFilename, newFileType, null);
                // ProgressForm)
                Logger.Dbg("Saving to new format with mult. factor: " + multFactor.ToString());

                MapWinGIS.GridHeader hdr = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();

                MapWinGIS.Grid newgrid = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
                if (!newgrid.CreateNew(newFilename, hdr, newFileFormat, hdr.NodataValue, true, newFileType, null))
                    Logger.Message("Unable to create new grid!", "Error", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error, System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK);
                    Errors = true;
                    int     ncols  = tGrd.Header.NumberCols;
                    int     nrows  = tGrd.Header.NumberRows;
                    float[] oneRow = new float[ncols + 1];
                    for (int i = 0; i <= nrows - 1; i++)
                        tGrd.GetFloatWindow(i, i, 0, ncols, ref oneRow[0]);
                        for (int z = 0; z <= ncols - 1; z++)
                            oneRow[z] *= multFactor;
                        newgrid.PutFloatWindow(i, i, 0, ncols, ref oneRow[0]);
                    newgrid.Save(newFilename, newFileType, null);

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Overloaded version of the function
        /// Sets the "grid extent" box to the same extention as the grid header
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header"></param>
        private void UpdateExtentBox(MapWinGIS.GridHeader header)
            double xMin  = header.XllCenter - (header.dX / 2.0);
            double yMin  = header.YllCenter - (header.dY / 2.0);
            double nCols = header.NumberCols;
            double nRows = header.NumberRows;
            double xMax  = xMin + header.dX * nCols;
            double yMax  = yMin + header.dY * nRows;

            txtMinX.Text       = xMin.ToString();
            txtMinY.Text       = yMin.ToString();
            txtMaxX.Text       = xMax.ToString();
            txtMaxY.Text       = yMax.ToString();
            lblNumberCols.Text = nCols.ToString();
            lblNumberRows.Text = nRows.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of a MapWinGIS Grid according to the parameters required by IRaster
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Filename">The string full path filename of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="newFileType">A MapWindow.Interfaces.Type.GridFileType specifying a file format</param>
        /// <param name="dX">Double, specifies the cell width of a single "pixel" for the grid</param>
        /// <param name="dY">Double, specifies the cell height of a single pixel of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="xllCenter">Double, The longitude/X-coordinate of the lower left pixel in the grid</param>
        /// <param name="yllCenter">Double, The latitude/Y-coordinate of the lower left pixel of the grid</param>
        /// <param name="noDataVal">Double, The value to use as a no-data value in the grid</param>
        /// <param name="projection">String: the proj-4 string to use to describe the grid projection</param>
        /// <param name="nCols">Int, the number of columns in the grid</param>
        /// <param name="nrows">Int, the number of rows in the grid</param>
        /// <param name="DataType">A MapWindow.Interfaces.Type.GridDataType that specifies the numeric data format</param>
        /// <param name="CreateINRam">Boolean, if true, the entire element will be created in ram</param>
        /// <param name="initialValue">The intial value for the grid</param>
        /// <param name="applyinitialValue">I'm not sure this is an option in the old grid</param>
        public void CreateNew(string Filename, GridFileType newFileType, double dX, double dY, double xllCenter, double yllCenter, double noDataVal, string projection, int nCols, int nrows, GridDataType DataType, bool CreateINRam, double initialValue, bool applyinitialValue)
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader gh = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();
            gh.dX          = dX;
            gh.dY          = dY;
            gh.XllCenter   = xllCenter;
            gh.YllCenter   = yllCenter;
            gh.Projection  = projection;
            gh.NumberCols  = nCols;
            gh.NumberRows  = nrows;
            gh.NodataValue = noDataVal;

            if (m_Grid.CreateNew(Filename, gh, MapWinGeoProc.Compatibility.Convert.mwGridDataType(DataType),
                                 initialValue, CreateINRam, MapWinGeoProc.Compatibility.Convert.mwGridFileType(newFileType), null) == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Error calling CreateNew in MapWinGIS.Grid");
                throw new MapWinException(m_Grid.LastErrorCode);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static void CreateGridFromExtents(MapWinGIS.Extents InExtents, double CellSize, String Projection, double NoDataValue, string OutGridPath, out MapWinGIS.Grid OutGrid)
            double height = Math.Abs(InExtents.yMax - InExtents.yMin);
            double width  = Math.Abs(InExtents.xMax - InExtents.xMin);

            OutGrid = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader hdr = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();

            hdr.dX          = CellSize;
            hdr.dY          = CellSize;
            hdr.NodataValue = NoDataValue;
            hdr.NumberRows  = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling(height / CellSize).ToString());
            hdr.NumberCols  = int.Parse(Math.Ceiling(width / CellSize).ToString());
            hdr.Projection  = Projection;
            hdr.XllCenter   = InExtents.xMin + 0.5 * CellSize;
            hdr.YllCenter   = InExtents.yMin + 0.5 * CellSize;

            OutGrid.CreateNew(OutGridPath, hdr, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.DoubleDataType, NoDataValue, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, null);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public bool GetGridInformation()
            //now show the grid form
            bool    result   = false;
            frmGrid gridForm = new frmGrid(m_MapWin, m_ShpFileName);

            if (gridForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                m_GridHeader   = gridForm.GridHeader;
                m_GridDataType = gridForm.GridDataType;
                m_GridFileName = gridForm.GridFileName;
                m_GridFileType = gridForm.GridFileType;
                result         = true;
                //the user clicked the BACK button - go back to 'select shapefile' dialog
                result = GetShapeInformation();
Exemplo n.º 8
        public int GetNumCellsByDEMAndMask(MapWinGIS.GridHeader head, string strMask)
            int numCells = 0, maskCells = 0;

            numCells = head.NumberCols * head.NumberRows;
            MapWinGIS.Shapefile sf = new MapWinGIS.Shapefile();
            for (int iShape = 0; iShape < sf.NumShapes; iShape++)
                MapWinGIS.Shape tempShape = sf.Shape[iShape];
                int             temp      = Convert.ToInt32(MapWinGeoProc.Utils.Area(ref tempShape) / (head.dX * head.dY));
                maskCells = maskCells + temp;
            if (numCells > maskCells)
                numCells = maskCells;

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new form object for setting properties of the
        /// new grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IMapWin">The MapWindow interface</param>
        /// <param name="shpFileName">File name of the shapefile</param>
        /// <param name="fieldType">Type of field containing data</param>
        public frmGrid(MapWindow.Interfaces.IMapWin IMapWin,
            string shpFileName, MapWinGIS.FieldType fieldType)

            //setup event handler
            this.txtCellSize.TextChanged += new EventHandler(txtCellSize_TextChanged);

            //initialize the global variables and default values
            m_MapWin = IMapWin;
            m_ShpFileName = shpFileName;
            m_FieldType = fieldType;
            m_DefaultCellSize = calcDefaultCellsize();
            m_DefaultNodataValue = -9999F;
            m_GridHeader = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();

            //populate the combo boxes
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new form object for setting properties of the
        /// new grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IMapWin">The MapWindow interface</param>
        /// <param name="shpFileName">File name of the shapefile</param>
        /// <param name="fieldType">Type of field containing data</param>
        public frmGrid(MapWindow.Interfaces.IMapWin IMapWin,
                       string shpFileName, MapWinGIS.FieldType fieldType)

            //setup event handler
            this.txtCellSize.TextChanged += new EventHandler(txtCellSize_TextChanged);

            //initialize the global variables and default values
            m_MapWin             = IMapWin;
            m_ShpFileName        = shpFileName;
            m_FieldType          = fieldType;
            m_DefaultCellSize    = calcDefaultCellsize();
            m_DefaultNodataValue = -9999F;
            m_GridHeader         = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();

            //populate the combo boxes
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void MakeGrid(sDEMData DEMData, MapWinGIS.ICallback Callback)
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader h = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();
            int i;
            int j;
            int m;
            int n;

            h.dX          = 30;
            h.dY          = 30;
            h.Notes       = "DEMData.Notes";
            h.NodataValue = -1;
            h.NumberCols  = DEMData.NumCols;
            h.NumberRows  = System.Convert.ToInt32((DEMData.MaxY() - DEMData.MinY() / 30)) + 1;
            h.XllCenter   = DEMData.MinX();
            h.YllCenter   = DEMData.MinY();

            base.CreateNew("", h, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.ShortDataType, h.NodataValue, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary);

            for (i = 0; i < DEMData.NumCols; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < DEMData.NumElevs[i]; j++)
                    base.ProjToCell(DEMData.ColStarts[i].X, System.Convert.ToInt32(DEMData.ColStarts[i].Y) + (30 * j), out m, out n);
                    base.Value[m, n] = DEMData.Values[i, j];
                MapWinGIS.Utility.Logger.Dbg("创建 MapWinGIS grid 对象. numCols: " + i.ToString());
                if (Callback != null)
                    Callback.Progress(base.Key, 50 + i / DEMData.NumCols * 50, "创建 MapWinGIS grid 对象");
Exemplo n.º 12
        // updates the internal Grid header object which stores
        // the extent and cellsize of the new grid
        private void UpdateGridHeader(double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax,
                                      double dX, double dY, MapWinGIS.GridHeader hdr)
            if (hdr == null)
                hdr = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();

            double noData    = m_DefaultNodataValue;
            double halfX     = dX / 2F;
            double halfY     = dY / 2F;
            double xllCenter = xMin + halfX;
            double yllCenter = yMin + halfX;
            int    nCols     = (int)(Math.Abs(xMax - xMin) / dX);
            int    nRows     = (int)(Math.Abs(yMax - yMin) / dY);

            hdr.dX          = dX;
            hdr.dY          = dY;
            hdr.NumberCols  = nCols;
            hdr.NumberRows  = nRows;
            hdr.XllCenter   = xllCenter;
            hdr.YllCenter   = yllCenter;
            hdr.NodataValue = noData;
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Dangerous. Too dangerous.
        // Does the caller want a reference to the header so they can change it?
        // Does the caller want a copy of the header that they can safely modify for creating a new (slightly different) grid?

        /*public MapWinGIS.GridHeader GetHeader()
         *      {
         *              return grid.Header;
         *      }*/
        // Create functions explcitly for each so those using it will choose the right one
        public MapWinGIS.GridHeader GetHeaderCopy()
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader newHdr = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();
Exemplo n.º 14
        // updates the internal Grid header object which stores
        // the extent and cellsize of the new grid
        private void UpdateGridHeader(double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax, 
            double dX, double dY, MapWinGIS.GridHeader hdr)
            if (hdr == null)
                hdr = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();

            double noData = m_DefaultNodataValue;
            double halfX = dX / 2F;
            double halfY = dY / 2F;
            double xllCenter = xMin + halfX;
            double yllCenter = yMin + halfX;
            int nCols = (int) ( Math.Abs( xMax - xMin ) / dX );
            int nRows = (int) ( Math.Abs( yMax - yMin ) / dY );

            hdr.dX = dX;
            hdr.dY = dY;
            hdr.NumberCols = nCols;
            hdr.NumberRows = nRows;
            hdr.XllCenter = xllCenter;
            hdr.YllCenter = yllCenter;
            hdr.NodataValue = noData;
Exemplo n.º 15
        // check user input and set the values of private fields
        // prompts the user to fill in any missing data
        private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader hdr = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();
            double cellSize = 0F;
            double minX = 0F;
            double minY = 0F;
            double maxX = 0F;
            double maxY = 0F;

            Utils.string2double(txtCellSize.Text, out cellSize);
            if (cellSize <= 0)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("The grid cell size must be a positive number.");
            if (!Utils.string2double(txtMinX.Text, out minX))
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("The minimum X value must be a number.");
            if (!Utils.string2double(txtMinY.Text, out minY))
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("The minimum Y value must be a number.");
            if (!Utils.string2double(txtMaxX.Text, out maxX))
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("The maximum X value must be a number");

            if (!Utils.string2double(txtMaxY.Text, out maxY))
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("The number of rows must be a positive integer.");

            if (MapWinUtility.Strings.IsEmpty(txtGridFile.Text))
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Msg("Please select the result grid filename.");

            //check data type - .bgd format only supports float data type
            if (this.GridDataType != MapWinGIS.GridDataType.FloatDataType &&
                this.GridFileType == MapWinGIS.GridFileType.Binary)
                cmbDataType.SelectedItem = MapWinGIS.GridDataType.FloatDataType;

            //update the "grid header" object with values from textboxes
            UpdateGridHeader(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, cellSize, cellSize, m_GridHeader);
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// This overload calculates the difference between files.  THe number of rows and columns should be the same.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SourceFile1">String filename of one grid to compare</param>
        /// <param name="SourceFile2">String filename of another grid to compare</param>
        /// <param name="DestFile">String filename of the output difference file</param>
        /// <param name="Overwrite">Boolean, true if you wish to overwrite an existing output
        /// file and delete the associated .bmp file.  False raises a messagebox if the files exist.</param>
        /// <param name="ICallBack">A MapWinGIS.ICallBack for status messages</param>
        public static void Difference(string SourceFile1, string SourceFile2, string DestFile, bool Overwrite, MapWinGIS.ICallback ICallBack)
            MapWinGIS.Grid Source1 = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
            MapWinGIS.Grid Source2 = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
            MapWinGIS.Grid Dest    = new MapWinGIS.Grid();
            bool           res;

            // Open the source grids
            if (ICallBack != null)
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Opening Files...");
            res = Source1.Open(SourceFile1, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, ICallBack);
            if (res == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: " + Source1.get_ErrorMsg(Source1.LastErrorCode));
                throw new ArgumentException(Source1.get_ErrorMsg(Source1.LastErrorCode));
            res = Source2.Open(SourceFile2, MapWinGIS.GridDataType.UnknownDataType, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, ICallBack);
            if (res == false)
                throw new ArgumentException(Source2.get_ErrorMsg(Source2.LastErrorCode));

            // Delete any existing files for our output grid
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(DestFile))
                string bmp   = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(DestFile, "bmp");
                string bpw   = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(DestFile, "bpw");
                string prj   = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(DestFile, "prj");
                string mwleg = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(DestFile, "mwleg");
                if (Overwrite == false)
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(bmp) || System.IO.File.Exists(bpw) ||
                        System.IO.File.Exists(prj) || System.IO.File.Exists(mwleg))
                        if (MapWinUtility.Logger.Message("The output file exists, or associated files of the same name exist.  Do you wish to delete the existing files?\n", "Output Files Exist", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning, System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
                        // This ensures mapwindow will recognize the new image as a new file.
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(bmp))
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(bpw))
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(prj))
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(mwleg))
                        if (MapWinUtility.Logger.Message("The output file already exists.  Do you wish to delete it?", "Destination File Already Exists",
                                                         System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning, System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
                            == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(bmp))
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(bpw))
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(prj))
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(mwleg))

            // Create a new output grid
            MapWinGIS.GridHeader newHeader = new MapWinGIS.GridHeader();
            if (ICallBack != null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Creating Output File...");
                ICallBack.Progress("Status", 0, "Creating Output File...");
            res = Dest.CreateNew(DestFile, newHeader, Source1.DataType, 0, true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, ICallBack);
            if (res == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: " + Dest.get_ErrorMsg(Dest.LastErrorCode));
                throw new ArgumentException(Dest.get_ErrorMsg(Dest.LastErrorCode));

            // Calculate the differences
            Difference(Source1, Source2, Dest, ICallBack);

            // Close Source grids

            // Save and close the output grid
            res = Dest.Save(DestFile, MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, ICallBack);
            if (res == false)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Application Exception: " + Dest.get_ErrorMsg(Dest.LastErrorCode));
                throw new ArgumentException(Dest.get_ErrorMsg(Dest.LastErrorCode));
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished Difference");
Exemplo n.º 17
 public override bool CreateNew(string Filename, MapWinGIS.GridHeader Header, MapWinGIS.GridDataType DataType, object InitialValue, bool InRam = true, MapWinGIS.GridFileType FileType = MapWinGIS.GridFileType.UseExtension, MapWinGIS.ICallback cBack = null)
     return(base.CreateNew(Filename, Header, DataType, InitialValue, InRam, FileType, cBack));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public bool GetGridInformation()
            //now show the grid form
            bool result = false;
            frmGrid gridForm = new frmGrid(m_MapWin, m_ShpFileName);

            if (gridForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                m_GridHeader = gridForm.GridHeader;
                m_GridDataType = gridForm.GridDataType;
                m_GridFileName = gridForm.GridFileName;
                m_GridFileType = gridForm.GridFileType;
                result = true;
                //the user clicked the BACK button - go back to 'select shapefile' dialog
                result = GetShapeInformation();
            return result;