Exemplo n.º 1
        public void SetBlockNotMakingDirty(int x, int y, int z, int tileType)
            ServerChunk chunk = GetChunk(x, y, z);

            chunk.data[MapUtilCi.Index3d(x % chunksize, y % chunksize, z % chunksize, chunksize, chunksize)] = (ushort)tileType;
            chunk.DirtyForSaving = true;
            UpdateColumnHeight(x, y);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void SetBlock(int x, int y, int z, int tileType)
            ServerChunk chunk = GetChunk(x, y, z);

            chunk.data[MapUtilCi.Index3d(x % chunksize, y % chunksize, z % chunksize, chunksize, chunksize)] = (ushort)tileType;
            chunk.LastChange     = d_CurrentTime.GetSimulationCurrentFrame();
            chunk.DirtyForSaving = true;
            UpdateColumnHeight(x, y);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public override int GetBlock(int x, int y, int z)
        ServerChunk chunk = GetChunk(x, y, z);

        //return chunk.data[MapUtilCi.Index3d(x % chunksize, y % chunksize, z % chunksize, chunksize, chunksize)];
            return(chunk.data[MapUtilCi.Index3d(moduloChunk(x), moduloChunk(y), moduloChunk(z), chunksize, chunksize)]);
Exemplo n.º 4
        int GetColumnHeightInChunk(ushort[] chunk, int xx, int yy)
            int height = chunksize - 1;

            for (int i = chunksize - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                height = i;
                if (!Server.IsTransparentForLight(server.BlockTypes[chunk[MapUtilCi.Index3d(xx, yy, i, chunksize, chunksize)]]))
Exemplo n.º 5
    void RedrawChunk(int x, int y, int z)
#if !CITO
        Chunk c = game.map.chunks[MapUtilCi.Index3d(x, y, z, mapsizexchunks(), mapsizeychunks())];
        if (c == null)
        if (c.rendered == null)
            c.rendered = new RenderedChunk();
        c.rendered.dirty = false;

        GetExtendedChunk(x, y, z);

        TerrainRendererRedraw r = new TerrainRendererRedraw();
        r.c = c;

        VerticesIndicesToLoad[] a = null;
        IntRef retCount           = new IntRef();
        if (!IsSolidChunk(currentChunk, (bufferedChunkSize) * (bufferedChunkSize) * (bufferedChunkSize)))
            CalculateShadows(x, y, z);
            a = game.d_TerrainChunkTesselator.MakeChunk(x, y, z, currentChunk, currentChunkShadows, game.mLightLevels, retCount);

        r.data = new VerticesIndicesToLoad[retCount.value];
        for (int i = 0; i < retCount.value; i++)
            r.data[i] = VerticesIndicesToLoadClone(a[i]);
        r.dataCount           = retCount.value;
        redraw[redrawCount++] = r;
#if !CITO
Exemplo n.º 6
    void ChunkUpdate(Server server, Vector3i p, long lastupdate)
        if (server.config.Monsters)
            AddMonsters(server, p);
        ServerChunk chunk = server.d_Map.GetChunk(p.x, p.y, p.z);

        for (int xx = 0; xx < Server.chunksize; xx++)
            for (int yy = 0; yy < Server.chunksize; yy++)
                for (int zz = 0; zz < Server.chunksize; zz++)
                    int block = chunk.data[MapUtilCi.Index3d(xx, yy, zz, Server.chunksize, Server.chunksize)];

                    for (int i = 0; i < server.modEventHandlers.blockticks.Count; i++)
                        server.modEventHandlers.blockticks[i](p.x + xx, p.y + yy, p.z + zz);
Exemplo n.º 7
    public void Update(EntityPosition_ stateplayerposition, Controls move, float dt, BoolRef soundnow, Vector3Ref push, float modelheight)
        if (game.stopPlayerMove)
            movedz = 0;
            game.stopPlayerMove = false;

        // No air control
        if (!isplayeronground)
            acceleration.acceleration1 = 0.99f;
            acceleration.acceleration2 = 0.2f;
            acceleration.acceleration3 = 70;

        // Trampoline
            int blockunderplayer = game.BlockUnderPlayer();
            if (blockunderplayer != -1 && blockunderplayer == game.d_Data.BlockIdTrampoline() &&
                (!isplayeronground) && !game.controls.shiftkeydown)
                game.controls.wantsjump = true;
                jumpstartacceleration   = 20.666f * constGravity;

        // Slippery walk on ice and when swimming
            int blockunderplayer = game.BlockUnderPlayer();
            if ((blockunderplayer != -1 && game.d_Data.IsSlipperyWalk()[blockunderplayer]) || game.SwimmingBody())
                acceleration.acceleration1 = 0.99f;
                acceleration.acceleration2 = 0.2f;
                acceleration.acceleration3 = 70;

        soundnow.value = false;
        Vector3Ref diff1ref = new Vector3Ref();

            (move.movedx * movespeednow * dt,
            move.movedy * movespeednow * dt, stateplayerposition.rotx, stateplayerposition.roty, diff1ref);
        Vector3Ref diff1 = new Vector3Ref();

        diff1.X = diff1ref.X;
        diff1.Y = diff1ref.Y;
        diff1.Z = diff1ref.Z;
        if (MiscCi.Vec3Length(push.X, push.Y, push.Z) > 0.01f)
            push.X *= 5;
            push.Y *= 5;
            push.Z *= 5;
        diff1.X += push.X * dt;
        diff1.Y += push.Y * dt;
        diff1.Z += push.Z * dt;

        bool loaded = false;
        int  cx     = game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.x / Game.chunksize);
        int  cy     = game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.z / Game.chunksize);
        int  cz     = game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.y / Game.chunksize);

        if (game.map.IsValidChunkPos(cx, cy, cz))
            if (game.map.chunks[MapUtilCi.Index3d(cx, cy, cz,
                                                  game.map.MapSizeX / Game.chunksize,
                                                  game.map.MapSizeY / Game.chunksize)] != null)
                loaded = true;
            loaded = true;
        if ((!(move.freemove)) && loaded)
            if (!game.SwimmingBody())
                movedz += -constGravity;//gravity
                movedz += -constGravity * constWaterGravityMultiplier; //more gravity because it's slippery.
        game.movedz = movedz;
        if (constEnableAcceleration)
            curspeed.X *= acceleration.acceleration1;
            curspeed.Y *= acceleration.acceleration1;
            curspeed.Z *= acceleration.acceleration1;
            curspeed.X  = MakeCloserToZero(curspeed.X, acceleration.acceleration2 * dt);
            curspeed.Y  = MakeCloserToZero(curspeed.Y, acceleration.acceleration2 * dt);
            curspeed.Z  = MakeCloserToZero(curspeed.Z, acceleration.acceleration2 * dt);
            diff1.Y    += move.moveup ? 2 * movespeednow * dt : 0;
            diff1.Y    -= move.movedown ? 2 * movespeednow * dt : 0;
            curspeed.X += diff1.X * acceleration.acceleration3 * dt;
            curspeed.Y += diff1.Y * acceleration.acceleration3 * dt;
            curspeed.Z += diff1.Z * acceleration.acceleration3 * dt;
            if (curspeed.Length() > movespeednow)
                curspeed.X *= movespeednow;
                curspeed.Y *= movespeednow;
                curspeed.Z *= movespeednow;
            if (MiscCi.Vec3Length(diff1.X, diff1.Y, diff1.Z) > 0)
            curspeed.X = diff1.X * movespeednow;
            curspeed.Y = diff1.Y * movespeednow;
            curspeed.Z = diff1.Z * movespeednow;
        Vector3Ref newposition = Vector3Ref.Create(0, 0, 0);

        if (!(move.freemove))
            newposition.X = stateplayerposition.x + curspeed.X;
            newposition.Y = stateplayerposition.y + curspeed.Y;
            newposition.Z = stateplayerposition.z + curspeed.Z;
            if (!game.SwimmingBody())
                newposition.Y = stateplayerposition.y;
            // Fast move when looking at the ground
            float diffx      = newposition.X - stateplayerposition.x;
            float diffy      = newposition.Y - stateplayerposition.y;
            float diffz      = newposition.Z - stateplayerposition.z;
            float difflength = MiscCi.Vec3Length(diffx, diffy, diffz);
            if (difflength > 0)
                diffx /= difflength;
                diffy /= difflength;
                diffz /= difflength;
                diffx *= curspeed.Length();
                diffy *= curspeed.Length();
                diffz *= curspeed.Length();
            newposition.X = stateplayerposition.x + diffx * dt;
            newposition.Y = stateplayerposition.y + diffy * dt;
            newposition.Z = stateplayerposition.z + diffz * dt;
            newposition.X = stateplayerposition.x + (curspeed.X) * dt;
            newposition.Y = stateplayerposition.y + (curspeed.Y) * dt;
            newposition.Z = stateplayerposition.z + (curspeed.Z) * dt;
        newposition.Y += movedz * dt;
        Vector3Ref previousposition = Vector3Ref.Create(stateplayerposition.x, stateplayerposition.y, stateplayerposition.z);

        if (!move.noclip)
            float[] v = WallSlide(
                Vec3.FromValues(stateplayerposition.x, stateplayerposition.y, stateplayerposition.z),
                Vec3.FromValues(newposition.X, newposition.Y, newposition.Z),
            stateplayerposition.x = v[0];
            stateplayerposition.y = v[1];
            stateplayerposition.z = v[2];
            stateplayerposition.x = newposition.X;
            stateplayerposition.y = newposition.Y;
            stateplayerposition.z = newposition.Z;
        if (!(move.freemove))
            if ((isplayeronground) || game.SwimmingBody())
                jumpacceleration = 0;
                movedz           = 0;
            if ((move.wantsjump || move.wantsjumphalf) && (((jumpacceleration == 0 && isplayeronground) || game.SwimmingBody()) && loaded) && (!game.SwimmingEyes()))
                jumpacceleration = move.wantsjumphalf ? jumpstartaccelerationhalf : jumpstartacceleration;
                soundnow.value   = true;

            if (jumpacceleration > 0)
                isplayeronground = false;
                jumpacceleration = jumpacceleration / 2;

            //if (!this.reachedceiling)
                movedz += jumpacceleration * constJump;
            isplayeronground = true;
        game.isplayeronground = isplayeronground;
Exemplo n.º 8
    public override void OnReadOnlyBackgroundThread(Game game_, float dt)
        game = game_;

        chunksize      = Game.chunksize;
        mapsizexchunks = game.map.MapSizeX / chunksize;
        mapsizeychunks = game.map.MapSizeY / chunksize;
        mapsizezchunks = game.map.MapSizeZ / chunksize;

        int px = game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.x) / chunksize;
        int py = game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.z) / chunksize;
        int pz = game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.y) / chunksize;

        int chunksxy = this.mapAreaSize() / chunksize / 2;
        int chunksz  = this.mapAreaSizeZ() / chunksize / 2;

        int startx = px - chunksxy;
        int endx   = px + chunksxy;
        int starty = py - chunksxy;
        int endy   = py + chunksxy;
        int startz = pz - chunksz;
        int endz   = pz + chunksz;

        if (startx < 0)
            startx = 0;
        if (starty < 0)
            starty = 0;
        if (startz < 0)
            startz = 0;
        if (endx >= mapsizexchunks)
            endx = mapsizexchunks - 1;
        if (endy >= mapsizeychunks)
            endy = mapsizeychunks - 1;
        if (endz >= mapsizezchunks)
            endz = mapsizezchunks - 1;

        int mapsizexchunks_ = mapsizexchunks;
        int mapsizeychunks_ = mapsizeychunks;
        int mapsizezchunks_ = mapsizezchunks;

        int count;

        if (game.platform.IsFastSystem())
            count = 1000;
            count = 250;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            if (unloadIterationXy >= mapsizexchunks_ * mapsizeychunks_ * mapsizezchunks_)
                unloadIterationXy = 0;
            MapUtilCi.PosInt(unloadIterationXy, mapsizexchunks_, mapsizeychunks_, unloadxyztemp);
            int  x        = unloadxyztemp.X;
            int  y        = unloadxyztemp.Y;
            int  z        = unloadxyztemp.Z;
            int  pos      = MapUtilCi.Index3d(x, y, z, mapsizexchunks_, mapsizeychunks_);
            bool unloaded = false;

            Chunk c = game.map.chunks[pos];
            if (c == null ||
                c.rendered == null ||
                c.rendered.ids == null)
            if (x < startx || y < starty || z < startz ||
                x > endx || y > endy || z > endz)
                int unloadChunkPos = pos;

                UnloadRendererChunksCommit commit = new UnloadRendererChunksCommit();
                commit.game           = game;
                commit.unloadChunkPos = unloadChunkPos;
            unloaded = true;
            if (unloaded)
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override int GetBlock(int x, int y, int z)
            ServerChunk chunk = GetChunk(x, y, z);

            return(chunk.data[MapUtilCi.Index3d(x % chunksize, y % chunksize, z % chunksize, chunksize, chunksize)]);