Exemplo n.º 1
    private void DeserializeMap(string json)
        MapJSON map = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MapJSON>(json);

        int x = map.mapRows.Length;
        int y = map.mapRows[0].row.Split(',').Length;

        TileValues = new int[x, y];

        for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
            string[] rowValues = map.mapRows[i].row.Split(',');
            for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
                int value;
                TileValues[i, j] = (int.TryParse(rowValues[j], out value) ? value : 0);

                if (TileValues[i, j] != 0)
                    var mapPrefab = TileStatus.GetMapPrefabById(TileValues[i, j]);
                    Instantiate(mapPrefab, new Vector3(i * 1f, 0, j * 1f), Quaternion.identity);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public MapJSON GetCurrentMap()
            Color bgColor = MainWindowViewModel.viewModel.BackgroundColor;

            MapJSON map = new MapJSON()
                BackgroundR = bgColor.R,
                BackgroundG = bgColor.G,
                BackgroundB = bgColor.B

            foreach (GameObject obj in MainWindowViewModel.viewModel.objectManager.GetObjects())
                MapGameObject mapObject = obj as MapGameObject;

                if (mapObject != null)
                    map.Objects.Add(new MapObjectJSON()
                        Layer      = mapObject.Layer,
                        PositionX  = mapObject.GetPosition().X,
                        PositionY  = mapObject.GetPosition().Y,
                        Properties = mapObject.Properties,
                        Info       = mapObject.Info,
                        Name       = mapObject.Name,
                        Components = mapObject.Components

Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SaveProject(bool forceDialog = false)
            Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.AppStarting;
            if (projectManager.ProjectPath == string.Empty || forceDialog)
                SaveFileDialog projectDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
                projectDialog.Filter = "Pest Control Map Project (*.mapproj)|*.mapproj";

                // (== true instead of just leaving it because ShowDialog() returns a nullable bool instead of a regular bool)
                if (projectDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                    var stream = File.Create(projectDialog.FileName);

                    projectManager.ProjectPath = projectDialog.FileName;

                    // Always make sure to dispose your streams, kids.
                    // If the user cancels the save file dialog, cancel saving entirely.
                    Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;

            // We now are certain the project file exists if we've gotten this far in the scope, write to it.
            MapJSON map = GetCurrentMap();

            string jsonOutput = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(map, Formatting.Indented);

            File.WriteAllText(projectManager.ProjectPath, jsonOutput);

            Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public IJSON ToJSON()
     MapJSON json = new MapJSON();
     json.width = layout.width;
     json.height = layout.height;
     json.imagePath = "./Resources/maps/"+layout.name+".png";
     return json;
Exemplo n.º 5
    public IJSON ToJSON()
        MapJSON json = new MapJSON();

        json.width     = layout.width;
        json.height    = layout.height;
        json.imagePath = "./Resources/maps/" + layout.name + ".png";
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void MenuItem_Export(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            SaveFileDialog projectDialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            projectDialog.Filter = "Pest Control Map Project (*.pcmap)|*.pcmap";

            if (projectDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                MapJSON map = GetCurrentMap();

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static Map LoadMap(ModAssetInfo mapFile, GameCore game)
            if (mapFile.AssetName == null)
                return(new Map(game));// it's null
            var data = mapFile.ReadAsString();

            var map = new Map(game, MapJSON.Load(data), data);

            map.AssetInfo = mapFile;

Exemplo n.º 8
        private Map(GameCore game, MapJSON deserialized, string mapData)
            _game         = game;
            _deserialized = deserialized;
            _data         = mapData;

            if (_deserialized.ShadowOffset == null)
                ShadowOffset = new Vector2(0.25f, -0.25f);
                ShadowOffset = _deserialized.ShadowOffset;
            if (_deserialized.ShadowColor == null)
                ShadowColor = new Color(50, 50, 50, 100);
                ShadowColor = _deserialized.ShadowColor;

            if (_deserialized.BackgroundColor == null)
                BackgroundColor = Color.DarkGray;
                BackgroundColor = _deserialized.BackgroundColor;

            //Process basic
            if (_deserialized.Spawns != null)
                foreach (var team in _deserialized.Spawns)
                    var ts = new TeamSpawn();
                    ts.TeamIndex = team.TeamIndex;
                    foreach (var pos in team.SpawnPositions)
                        ts.Positions.Add(new TeamSpawn.SpawnPosition(pos));

                    _spawnsByTeam.Add(team.TeamIndex, ts);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void UI_ShowPrimaryMenu()
            _ui.GoToPageIfNotThere("mapmakermainmenu", page =>
                page.Element <Button>("LoadMapBtn").Click += (a, b) =>
                    var fd    = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
                    fd.Filter = "MP Tanks 2D map files (*.json)|*.json";
                    if (fd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                        if (!File.Exists(fd.FileName))
                            _game = _map.CreateFromMap(MapJSON.Load(
                            _renderer.Game = _game;
                            _ui.ShowMessageBox("Load error",
                                               "An error occurred while loading that map.",
                page.Element <Button>("SaveMapBtn").Click += (a, b) =>
                    var fd    = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog();
                    fd.Filter = "MP Tanks 2D map files (*.json)|*.json";
                    if (fd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                        if (!Directory.Exists(new FileInfo(fd.FileName).Directory.FullName))
                        { File.WriteAllText(fd.FileName, _map.GenerateMap(_game)); }
                            _ui.ShowMessageBox("Save error!",
                                               "An error occurred while saving that map for you.",
                page.Element <StackPanel>("ModsListPanel");
                page.Element <Button>("LoadModBtn").Click += (a, b) => UI_LoadMod();
                page.Element <CheckBox>("LockToGridChkBox", elem =>
                    elem.Checked   += (a, b) => UI_LockToGrid = true;
                    elem.Unchecked += (a, b) => UI_LockToGrid = false;
                page.Element <TextBox>("SearchBox", elem =>
                    elem.KeyUp += (a, b) =>
                        var selector = page.Element <StackPanel>("MapObjectSelectorPanel");
                        foreach (var itm in selector.Children)
                            var info = Engine.Helpers.ReflectionHelper.GetGameObjectInfo((string)itm.Tag);
                            if (info.DisplayName.ToLower().Contains(elem.Text.ToLower()) ||
                                itm.Visibility = EmptyKeys.UserInterface.Visibility.Visible;
                                itm.Visibility = EmptyKeys.UserInterface.Visibility.Collapsed;
                page.Element <StackPanel>("MapObjectSelectorPanel");

                page.Element <Button>("MoreSettingsBtn").Click += (a, b) => UI_ShowMoreSettingsMenu();
            }, (page, state) =>
                //update types
                var modListPanel = page.Element <StackPanel>("ModsListPanel");
                foreach (var mod in _map.Mods)
                    var existing = modListPanel.Children.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Tag.Equals(mod));
                    if (existing != null)
                        //it exists, ignore it
                        var tblk        = new TextBlock();
                        tblk.Tag        = mod;
                        tblk.Text       = mod.ModName + "(v" + mod.ModMajor + "." + mod.ModMinor + ")";
                        tblk.FontFamily = new FontFamily("JHUF");
                        tblk.FontSize   = 12;
                        tblk.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(ColorW.White);
                        tblk.HorizontalContentAlignment = EmptyKeys.UserInterface.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                        tblk.Padding = new EmptyKeys.UserInterface.Thickness(5);
                //update map object types
                var selector = page.Element <StackPanel>("MapObjectSelectorPanel");
                //get all map objects and their information
                foreach (var mapObjReflName in Engine.Maps.MapObjects.MapObject.AvailableTypes.Keys)
                    var info     = Engine.Helpers.ReflectionHelper.GetGameObjectInfo(mapObjReflName);
                    var existing = (Button)selector.Children.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Tag as string == mapObjReflName);
                    if (existing != null)
                        //It exists, ignore it
                        //create one
                        var btn   = new Button();
                        var panel = new StackPanel();
                        var head  = new TextBlock();
                        var desc  = new TextBlock();

                        head.FontFamily          = new FontFamily("JHUF");
                        head.FontSize            = 12;
                        head.Text                = info.DisplayName;
                        head.Width               = 175;
                        desc.FontFamily          = new FontFamily("JHUF");
                        desc.FontSize            = 12;
                        desc.Text                = UserInterface.SplitStringIntoLines(info.DisplayDescription, 28);
                        desc.Width               = 175;
                        desc.HorizontalAlignment = EmptyKeys.UserInterface.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                        desc.Foreground          = new SolidColorBrush(new ColorW(Color.Gray.R, Color.Gray.G, Color.Gray.B));

                        panel.Orientation = EmptyKeys.UserInterface.Orientation.Vertical;
                        panel.Width       = 175;

                        btn.Content = panel;
                        btn.Width   = 175;

                        btn.Tag     = mapObjReflName;
                        btn.Padding = new EmptyKeys.UserInterface.Thickness(0, 0, 0, 10);

                        btn.Click += (a, b) =>
                            //Spawn and select an object
                            var reflName = (string)btn.Tag;
                            var obj      = _game.AddMapObject(reflName);
                            obj.Position = UI_ComputeWorldSpaceFromMouse(
                                new Vector2(
                                    Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2,
                                    Window.ClientBounds.Height / 2


            _ui.UpdateState(new object());
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static Map Load(string map, GameCore game)
            var m = new Map(game, MapJSON.Load(map), map);

Exemplo n.º 11
        private MapJSON CreateMapFromGame(GameCore game)
            var mapJSON = new MapJSON();
            //Find all of the objects and spawns
            var objs = game.GameObjects.Where(a => a.GetType().FullName != "MPTanks.CoreAssets.MapObjects.SpawnPoint")
                       .Where(a => a.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(Engine.Maps.MapObjects.MapObject)))
                       .Select(a => (Engine.Maps.MapObjects.MapObject)a);
            var spawns = game.GameObjects.Where(a => a.GetType().FullName == "MPTanks.CoreAssets.MapObjects.SpawnPoint")
                         .Select(a => (dynamic)a); //Cast to dynamic because we *cannot* preload the CoreAssets assembly

            //Remap the spawns from SpawnPoint mapobjects to "spawns" in map terms

            //Find out how many teams
            var teams = spawns.Select(a => a.Team).Distinct()
                        .Select(a => new MapTeamsJSON()
                TeamIndex = a

            //And append the spawn points
            foreach (var team in teams)
                team.SpawnPositions = spawns
                                      .Where(a => a.Team == team.TeamIndex)
                                      .Select(a => a.Position)
                                      .Select(a => new JSONVector {
                    X = a.X, Y = a.Y

            mapJSON.Spawns = teams;

            //Map all of the objects
            mapJSON.Objects = objs.Select(a => new MapObjectJSON
                ConfiguredSettings = a.InstanceSettings.ToDictionary(b => b.Key, b => b.Value),
                DesiredSize        = a.Size,
                DrawLayer          = a.DrawLayer,
                Mask           = a.ColorMask,
                Position       = a.Position,
                ReflectionName = a.ReflectionName,
                Rotation       = a.Rotation

            mapJSON.ModDependencies = Mods.Select(a => a.ModName + ":" + a.ModMajor + "." + a.ModMinor).ToArray();

            //And find the map size
            Vector2 min = new Vector2(float.PositiveInfinity), max = new Vector2(float.NegativeInfinity);

            //Loop through the bounding boxes of each object and find the minimum and maximum
            foreach (var obj in game.GameObjects)
                //Get the aabb
                var aabbs = obj.Body.FixtureList.Select(a =>
                    Transform tf;
                    obj.Body.GetTransform(out tf);
                    AABB aabb;
                    a.Shape.ComputeAABB(out aabb, ref tf, 0);

                foreach (var ab in aabbs)
                    foreach (var vertF in ab.Vertices)
                        var vert = vertF;
                        vert /= game.Settings.PhysicsScale;
                        if (vert.X > max.X)
                            max.X = vert.X;
                        if (vert.Y > max.Y)
                            max.Y = vert.Y;
                        if (vert.X < min.X)
                            min.X = vert.X;
                        if (vert.Y < min.Y)
                            min.Y = vert.Y;

            mapJSON.Size = new JSONVector
                X = max.X - min.X,
                Y = max.Y - min.Y
            mapJSON.TopLeft     = min;
            mapJSON.BottomRight = max;

            mapJSON.Author          = MapAuthor;
            mapJSON.Name            = MapName;
            mapJSON.ShadowColor     = ShadowColor;
            mapJSON.ShadowOffset    = ShadowOffset;
            mapJSON.BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor;

Exemplo n.º 12
        private GameCore CreateGameFromMapAndUpdateModsList(MapJSON map)
            MapName         = map.Name;
            MapAuthor       = map.Author;
            BackgroundColor = map.BackgroundColor;
            ShadowColor     = map.ShadowColor;
            ShadowOffset    = map.ShadowOffset;

            var game = new GameCore(null, new NullGamemode(), Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(map));

            game.Authoritative = true;
            //Blow up the mod infos
            var deps = map.ModDependencies.Select(a =>
                var name  = a.Split(':')[0];
                var major = int.Parse(a.Split(':')[1].Split('.')[0]);
                var minor = int.Parse(a.Split(':')[1].Split('.')[1].Split('-')[0]);

                return(new Modding.ModInfo()
                    ModName = name,
                    ModMajor = major,
                    ModMinor = minor

            //And make sure they're loaded
            foreach (var itm in deps)
                var db = Modding.ModDatabase.Get(itm.ModName, itm.ModMajor);
                if (db == null || db.Minor < itm.ModMinor)
                    throw new Exception($"Mod {db.Name} v{db.Major}.{db.Minor} not found or is out of date.");

                string err;
                var    mod = db.LoadIfNotLoaded(GameSettings.Instance.ModUnpackPath,
                                                GameSettings.Instance.ModAssetPath, out err);
                if (mod == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Failed to load mod {db.Name} v{db.Major}.{db.Minor}", new Exception(err));

            Mods = deps.ToList();

            //Recreate the SpawnPoint objects from the map spawns list

            //TODO: Figure out why this doesn't work correctly
            foreach (var teamSpawns in map.Spawns)
                foreach (var pos in teamSpawns.SpawnPositions)
                    var gObj = game.AddMapObject("CoreAssets+SpawnPoint", true);
                    gObj.SetInstanceSetting("Team Number", teamSpawns.TeamIndex.ToString());
                    gObj.Position = pos;

Exemplo n.º 13
 public GameCore CreateFromMap(MapJSON map) => CreateGameFromMapAndUpdateModsList(map);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void OpenProject()
            OpenFileDialog projectDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            projectDialog.Filter = "Pest Control Map Project (*.mapproj)|*.mapproj";

            if (projectDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                projectManager.ProjectPath = projectDialog.FileName;

                // Clear objects of map objects
                List <MapGameObject> toRemove = new List <MapGameObject>();

                foreach (GameObject obj in MainWindowViewModel.viewModel.objectManager.GetObjects())
                    MapGameObject mapObject = obj as MapGameObject;

                    if (mapObject != null)

                foreach (MapGameObject obj in toRemove)

                // Add new map objects from json file
                string jsonInput = File.ReadAllText(projectDialog.FileName);

                MapJSON map = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MapJSON>(jsonInput);

                MainWindowViewModel.viewModel.BackgroundColor = new Color(map.BackgroundR, map.BackgroundG, map.BackgroundB);

                foreach (MapObjectJSON objectJson in map.Objects)
                    MapGameObject mapObject = new MapGameObject(objectJson.Info)
                        Properties       = objectJson.Properties,
                        Layer            = objectJson.Layer,
                        Name             = objectJson.Name,
                        HelperRectangles = objectJson.Info.HelperRectangles,
                        Components       = objectJson.Components

                    mapObject.SetPosition(new Vector2(objectJson.PositionX, objectJson.PositionY));

                    mapObject.CurrentAnimation = objectJson.Info.DefaultAnimation;


            // Update background color box
            Color backColor = MainWindowViewModel.viewModel.BackgroundColor;

            BackColorTextBox.Text = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToHtml(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, backColor.R, backColor.G, backColor.B));
