/// Changes a btManifoldPoint collision normal to the normal from the mesh.
        public static void AdjustInternalEdgeContacts(ManifoldPoint cp, CollisionObject colObj0, CollisionObject colObj1, int partId0, int index0, InternalEdgeAdjustFlags normalAdjustFlags)
            //btAssert(colObj0.GetCollisionShape().GetShapeType() == TRIANGLE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE);
            if (colObj0.GetCollisionShape().GetShapeType() != BroadphaseNativeTypes.TRIANGLE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)

            BvhTriangleMeshShape trimesh = null;

            if (colObj0.GetRootCollisionShape().GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.SCALED_TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                //trimesh = ((ScaledBvhTriangleMeshShape)colObj0.GetRootCollisionShape()).GetChildShape();
                trimesh = (BvhTriangleMeshShape)colObj0.GetRootCollisionShape();

            TriangleInfoMap triangleInfoMapPtr = (TriangleInfoMap)trimesh.GetTriangleInfoMap();
            if (triangleInfoMapPtr == null)

            int hash = GetHash(partId0, index0);

            TriangleInfo info;
            if (!triangleInfoMapPtr.TryGetValue(hash, out info))

            float frontFacing = (normalAdjustFlags & InternalEdgeAdjustFlags.BT_TRIANGLE_CONVEX_BACKFACE_MODE) == 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;

            TriangleShape tri_shape = colObj0.GetCollisionShape() as TriangleShape;
            IndexedVector3 v0, v1, v2;
            tri_shape.GetVertex(0, out v0);
            tri_shape.GetVertex(1, out v1);
            tri_shape.GetVertex(2, out v2);

            IndexedVector3 center = (v0 + v1 + v2) * (1.0f / 3.0f);

            IndexedVector3 red = new IndexedVector3(1, 0, 0), green = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0), blue = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 1), white = new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 1), black = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0);
            IndexedVector3 tri_normal;
            tri_shape.CalcNormal(out tri_normal);

            //float dot = tri_normal.dot(cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
            IndexedVector3 nearest;
            NearestPointInLineSegment(ref cp.m_localPointB, ref v0, ref v1, out nearest);

            IndexedVector3 contact = cp.m_localPointB;
            IndexedMatrix tr = colObj0.GetWorldTransform();
            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * cp.m_localPointB, red);

            bool isNearEdge = false;

            int numConcaveEdgeHits = 0;
            int numConvexEdgeHits = 0;

            IndexedVector3 localContactNormalOnB = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis.Transpose() * cp.m_normalWorldOnB;
            localContactNormalOnB.Normalize();//is this necessary?

            // Get closest edge
            int bestedge = -1;
            float disttobestedge = MathUtil.BT_LARGE_FLOAT;
            // Edge 0 . 1
            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV0V1Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                //IndexedVector3 nearest;
                NearestPointInLineSegment(ref cp.m_localPointB, ref v0, ref v1, out nearest);
                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < disttobestedge)
                    bestedge = 0;
                    disttobestedge = len;
            // Edge 1 . 2
            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV1V2Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                //IndexedVector3 nearest;
                NearestPointInLineSegment(ref  cp.m_localPointB, ref v1, ref v2, out nearest);
                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < disttobestedge)
                    bestedge = 1;
                    disttobestedge = len;
            // Edge 2 . 0
            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV2V0Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                //IndexedVector3 nearest;
                NearestPointInLineSegment(ref  cp.m_localPointB, ref v2, ref v0, out nearest);
                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < disttobestedge)
                    bestedge = 2;
                    disttobestedge = len;

            IndexedVector3 upfix = tri_normal * new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
            DebugDrawLine(tr * v0 + upfix, tr * v1 + upfix, red);
            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV0V1Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                DebugDrawLine(tr * contact, tr * (contact + cp.m_normalWorldOnB * 10), black);
                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_edgeDistanceThreshold)
                    if (bestedge == 0)
                        IndexedVector3 edge = (v0 - v1);
                        isNearEdge = true;

                        if (info.m_edgeV0V1Angle == 0.0f)

                            bool isEdgeConvex = (info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V0V1_CONVEX) != 0;
                            float swapFactor = isEdgeConvex ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
                            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * (nearest + swapFactor * tri_normal * 10), white);

                            IndexedVector3 nA = swapFactor * tri_normal;

                            IndexedQuaternion orn = new IndexedQuaternion(edge, info.m_edgeV0V1Angle);
                            IndexedVector3 computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(ref orn, ref tri_normal);
                            if ((info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V0V1_SWAP_NORMALB) != 0)
                                computedNormalB *= -1;
                            IndexedVector3 nB = swapFactor * computedNormalB;

                            float NdotA = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nA);
                            float NdotB = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nB);
                            bool backFacingNormal = (NdotA < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon) && (NdotB < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon);


                                DebugDrawLine(cp.GetPositionWorldOnB(), cp.GetPositionWorldOnB() + tr._basis * (nB * 20), red);

                            if (backFacingNormal)
                                IndexedVector3 clampedLocalNormal;
                                bool isClamped = ClampNormal(edge, swapFactor * tri_normal, localContactNormalOnB, info.m_edgeV0V1Angle, out clampedLocalNormal);
                                if (isClamped)
                                    if (((normalAdjustFlags & InternalEdgeAdjustFlags.BT_TRIANGLE_CONVEX_DOUBLE_SIDED) != 0) || (clampedLocalNormal.Dot(frontFacing * tri_normal) > 0))
                                        IndexedVector3 newNormal = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis * clampedLocalNormal;
                                        //					cp.m_distance1 = cp.m_distance1 * newNormal.dot(cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
                                        cp.m_normalWorldOnB = newNormal;
                                        // Reproject collision point along normal. (what about cp.m_distance1?)
                                        cp.m_positionWorldOnB = cp.m_positionWorldOnA - cp.m_normalWorldOnB * cp.m_distance1;
                                        cp.m_localPointB = colObj0.GetWorldTransform().InvXform(cp.m_positionWorldOnB);


            NearestPointInLineSegment(ref contact, ref v1, ref v2, out nearest);
            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * cp.m_localPointB, green);

            DebugDrawLine(tr * v1 + upfix, tr * v2 + upfix, green);

            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV1V2Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                DebugDrawLine(tr * contact, tr * (contact + cp.m_normalWorldOnB * 10), black);

                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_edgeDistanceThreshold)
                    if (bestedge == 1)
                        isNearEdge = true;
                        DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * (nearest + tri_normal * 10), white);

                        IndexedVector3 edge = (v1 - v2);

                        isNearEdge = true;

                        if (info.m_edgeV1V2Angle == 0f)
                            bool isEdgeConvex = (info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V1V2_CONVEX) != 0;
                            float swapFactor = isEdgeConvex ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
                            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * (nearest + swapFactor * tri_normal * 10), white);

                            IndexedVector3 nA = swapFactor * tri_normal;

                            IndexedQuaternion orn = new IndexedQuaternion(edge, info.m_edgeV1V2Angle);
                            IndexedVector3 computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(ref orn, ref tri_normal);
                            if ((info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V1V2_SWAP_NORMALB) != 0)
                                computedNormalB *= -1;
                            IndexedVector3 nB = swapFactor * computedNormalB;

                                DebugDrawLine(cp.GetPositionWorldOnB(), cp.GetPositionWorldOnB() + tr._basis * (nB * 20), red);

                            float NdotA = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nA);
                            float NdotB = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nB);
                            bool backFacingNormal = (NdotA < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon) && (NdotB < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon);

                            if (backFacingNormal)
                                IndexedVector3 localContactNormalOnB2 = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis.Transpose() * cp.m_normalWorldOnB;
                                IndexedVector3 clampedLocalNormal;
                                bool isClamped = ClampNormal(edge, swapFactor * tri_normal, localContactNormalOnB2, info.m_edgeV1V2Angle, out clampedLocalNormal);
                                if (isClamped)
                                    if (((normalAdjustFlags & InternalEdgeAdjustFlags.BT_TRIANGLE_CONVEX_DOUBLE_SIDED) != 0) || (clampedLocalNormal.Dot(frontFacing * tri_normal) > 0))
                                        IndexedVector3 newNormal = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis * clampedLocalNormal;
                                        //					cp.m_distance1 = cp.m_distance1 * newNormal.dot(cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
                                        cp.m_normalWorldOnB = newNormal;
                                        // Reproject collision point along normal.
                                        cp.m_positionWorldOnB = cp.m_positionWorldOnA - cp.m_normalWorldOnB * cp.m_distance1;
                                        cp.m_localPointB = colObj0.GetWorldTransform().InvXform(cp.m_positionWorldOnB);

            NearestPointInLineSegment(ref contact, ref v2, ref v0, out nearest);
            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * cp.m_localPointB, blue);
            DebugDrawLine(tr * v2 + upfix, tr * v0 + upfix, blue);

            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV2V0Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)

                DebugDrawLine(tr * contact, tr * (contact + cp.m_normalWorldOnB * 10), black);

                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_edgeDistanceThreshold)
                    if (bestedge == 2)
                        isNearEdge = true;
                        DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * (nearest + tri_normal * 10), white);

                        IndexedVector3 edge = (v2 - v0);

                        if (info.m_edgeV2V0Angle == 0f)

                            bool isEdgeConvex = (info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V2V0_CONVEX) != 0;
                            float swapFactor = isEdgeConvex ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
                            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * (nearest + swapFactor * tri_normal * 10), white);

                            IndexedVector3 nA = swapFactor * tri_normal;
                            IndexedQuaternion orn = new IndexedQuaternion(edge, info.m_edgeV2V0Angle);
                            IndexedVector3 computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(ref orn, ref tri_normal);
                            if ((info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V2V0_SWAP_NORMALB) != 0)
                                computedNormalB *= -1;
                            IndexedVector3 nB = swapFactor * computedNormalB;

                                DebugDrawLine(cp.GetPositionWorldOnB(), cp.GetPositionWorldOnB() + tr._basis * (nB * 20), red);

                            float NdotA = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nA);
                            float NdotB = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nB);
                            bool backFacingNormal = (NdotA < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon) && (NdotB < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon);

                            if (backFacingNormal)
                                //				printf("hitting convex edge\n");

                                IndexedVector3 localContactNormalOnB2 = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis.Transpose() * cp.m_normalWorldOnB;
                                IndexedVector3 clampedLocalNormal;
                                bool isClamped = ClampNormal(edge, swapFactor * tri_normal, localContactNormalOnB2, info.m_edgeV2V0Angle, out clampedLocalNormal);
                                if (isClamped)
                                    if (((normalAdjustFlags & InternalEdgeAdjustFlags.BT_TRIANGLE_CONVEX_DOUBLE_SIDED) != 0) || (clampedLocalNormal.Dot(frontFacing * tri_normal) > 0))
                                        IndexedVector3 newNormal = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis * clampedLocalNormal;
                                        //					cp.m_distance1 = cp.m_distance1 * newNormal.dot(cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
                                        cp.m_normalWorldOnB = newNormal;
                                        // Reproject collision point along normal.
                                        cp.m_positionWorldOnB = cp.m_positionWorldOnA - cp.m_normalWorldOnB * cp.m_distance1;
                                        cp.m_localPointB = colObj0.GetWorldTransform().InvXform(cp.m_positionWorldOnB);


                IndexedVector3 color = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 1);
                DebugDrawLine(cp.GetPositionWorldOnB(), cp.GetPositionWorldOnB() + cp.m_normalWorldOnB * 10, color);

            if (isNearEdge)

                if (numConcaveEdgeHits > 0)
                    if ((normalAdjustFlags & InternalEdgeAdjustFlags.BT_TRIANGLE_CONCAVE_DOUBLE_SIDED) != 0)
                        //fix tri_normal so it pointing the same direction as the current local contact normal
                        if (tri_normal.Dot(ref localContactNormalOnB) < 0)
                            tri_normal *= -1;
                        cp.m_normalWorldOnB = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis * tri_normal;
                        IndexedVector3 newNormal = tri_normal * frontFacing;
                        //if the tri_normal is pointing opposite direction as the current local contact normal, skip it
                        float d = newNormal.Dot(ref localContactNormalOnB);
                        if (d < 0)
                        //modify the normal to be the triangle normal (or backfacing normal)
                        cp.m_normalWorldOnB = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis * newNormal;

                    // Reproject collision point along normal.
                    cp.m_positionWorldOnB = cp.m_positionWorldOnA - cp.m_normalWorldOnB * cp.m_distance1;
                    cp.m_localPointB = colObj0.GetWorldTransform().InvXform(cp.m_positionWorldOnB);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// Changes a btManifoldPoint collision normal to the normal from the mesh.
        public static void AdjustInternalEdgeContacts(ManifoldPoint cp, CollisionObject colObj0, CollisionObject colObj1, int partId0, int index0, InternalEdgeAdjustFlags normalAdjustFlags)
            //btAssert(colObj0.GetCollisionShape().GetShapeType() == TRIANGLE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE);
            if (colObj0.GetCollisionShape().GetShapeType() != BroadphaseNativeTypes.TRIANGLE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)

            BvhTriangleMeshShape trimesh = null;

            if (colObj0.GetRootCollisionShape().GetShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.SCALED_TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
                //trimesh = ((ScaledBvhTriangleMeshShape)colObj0.GetRootCollisionShape()).GetChildShape();
                trimesh = (BvhTriangleMeshShape)colObj0.GetRootCollisionShape();

            TriangleInfoMap triangleInfoMapPtr = (TriangleInfoMap)trimesh.GetTriangleInfoMap();

            if (triangleInfoMapPtr == null)

            int hash = GetHash(partId0, index0);

            TriangleInfo info;

            if (!triangleInfoMapPtr.TryGetValue(hash, out info))

            float frontFacing = (normalAdjustFlags & InternalEdgeAdjustFlags.BT_TRIANGLE_CONVEX_BACKFACE_MODE) == 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;

            TriangleShape  tri_shape = colObj0.GetCollisionShape() as TriangleShape;
            IndexedVector3 v0, v1, v2;

            tri_shape.GetVertex(0, out v0);
            tri_shape.GetVertex(1, out v1);
            tri_shape.GetVertex(2, out v2);

            IndexedVector3 center = (v0 + v1 + v2) * (1.0f / 3.0f);

            IndexedVector3 red = new IndexedVector3(1, 0, 0), green = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 0), blue = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 1), white = new IndexedVector3(1, 1, 1), black = new IndexedVector3(0, 0, 0);
            IndexedVector3 tri_normal;

            tri_shape.CalcNormal(out tri_normal);

            //float dot = tri_normal.dot(cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
            IndexedVector3 nearest;

            NearestPointInLineSegment(ref cp.m_localPointB, ref v0, ref v1, out nearest);

            IndexedVector3 contact = cp.m_localPointB;

            IndexedMatrix tr = colObj0.GetWorldTransform();
            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * cp.m_localPointB, red);

            bool isNearEdge = false;

            int numConcaveEdgeHits = 0;
            int numConvexEdgeHits  = 0;

            IndexedVector3 localContactNormalOnB = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis.Transpose() * cp.m_normalWorldOnB;
            localContactNormalOnB.Normalize();//is this necessary?

            // Get closest edge
            int   bestedge       = -1;
            float disttobestedge = MathUtil.BT_LARGE_FLOAT;
            // Edge 0 . 1
            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV0V1Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                //IndexedVector3 nearest;
                NearestPointInLineSegment(ref cp.m_localPointB, ref v0, ref v1, out nearest);
                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < disttobestedge)
                    bestedge       = 0;
                    disttobestedge = len;
            // Edge 1 . 2
            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV1V2Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                //IndexedVector3 nearest;
                NearestPointInLineSegment(ref cp.m_localPointB, ref v1, ref v2, out nearest);
                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < disttobestedge)
                    bestedge       = 1;
                    disttobestedge = len;
            // Edge 2 . 0
            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV2V0Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                //IndexedVector3 nearest;
                NearestPointInLineSegment(ref cp.m_localPointB, ref v2, ref v0, out nearest);
                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < disttobestedge)
                    bestedge       = 2;
                    disttobestedge = len;

            IndexedVector3 upfix = tri_normal * new IndexedVector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
            DebugDrawLine(tr * v0 + upfix, tr * v1 + upfix, red);
            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV0V1Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                DebugDrawLine(tr * contact, tr * (contact + cp.m_normalWorldOnB * 10), black);
                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_edgeDistanceThreshold)
                    if (bestedge == 0)
                        IndexedVector3 edge = (v0 - v1);
                        isNearEdge = true;

                        if (info.m_edgeV0V1Angle == 0.0f)
                            bool  isEdgeConvex = (info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V0V1_CONVEX) != 0;
                            float swapFactor   = isEdgeConvex ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
                            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * (nearest + swapFactor * tri_normal * 10), white);

                            IndexedVector3 nA = swapFactor * tri_normal;

                            IndexedQuaternion orn             = new IndexedQuaternion(edge, info.m_edgeV0V1Angle);
                            IndexedVector3    computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(ref orn, ref tri_normal);
                            if ((info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V0V1_SWAP_NORMALB) != 0)
                                computedNormalB *= -1;
                            IndexedVector3 nB = swapFactor * computedNormalB;

                            float NdotA            = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nA);
                            float NdotB            = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nB);
                            bool  backFacingNormal = (NdotA < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon) && (NdotB < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon);

                                DebugDrawLine(cp.GetPositionWorldOnB(), cp.GetPositionWorldOnB() + tr._basis * (nB * 20), red);

                            if (backFacingNormal)
                                IndexedVector3 clampedLocalNormal;
                                bool           isClamped = ClampNormal(edge, swapFactor * tri_normal, localContactNormalOnB, info.m_edgeV0V1Angle, out clampedLocalNormal);
                                if (isClamped)
                                    if (((normalAdjustFlags & InternalEdgeAdjustFlags.BT_TRIANGLE_CONVEX_DOUBLE_SIDED) != 0) || (clampedLocalNormal.Dot(frontFacing * tri_normal) > 0))
                                        IndexedVector3 newNormal = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis *clampedLocalNormal;
                                        //					cp.m_distance1 = cp.m_distance1 * newNormal.dot(cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
                                        cp.m_normalWorldOnB = newNormal;
                                        // Reproject collision point along normal. (what about cp.m_distance1?)
                                        cp.m_positionWorldOnB = cp.m_positionWorldOnA - cp.m_normalWorldOnB * cp.m_distance1;
                                        cp.m_localPointB      = colObj0.GetWorldTransform().InvXform(cp.m_positionWorldOnB);

            NearestPointInLineSegment(ref contact, ref v1, ref v2, out nearest);
            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * cp.m_localPointB, green);

            DebugDrawLine(tr * v1 + upfix, tr * v2 + upfix, green);

            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV1V2Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                DebugDrawLine(tr * contact, tr * (contact + cp.m_normalWorldOnB * 10), black);

                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_edgeDistanceThreshold)
                    if (bestedge == 1)
                        isNearEdge = true;
                        DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * (nearest + tri_normal * 10), white);

                        IndexedVector3 edge = (v1 - v2);

                        isNearEdge = true;

                        if (info.m_edgeV1V2Angle == 0f)
                            bool  isEdgeConvex = (info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V1V2_CONVEX) != 0;
                            float swapFactor   = isEdgeConvex ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
                            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * (nearest + swapFactor * tri_normal * 10), white);

                            IndexedVector3 nA = swapFactor * tri_normal;

                            IndexedQuaternion orn             = new IndexedQuaternion(edge, info.m_edgeV1V2Angle);
                            IndexedVector3    computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(ref orn, ref tri_normal);
                            if ((info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V1V2_SWAP_NORMALB) != 0)
                                computedNormalB *= -1;
                            IndexedVector3 nB = swapFactor * computedNormalB;

                                DebugDrawLine(cp.GetPositionWorldOnB(), cp.GetPositionWorldOnB() + tr._basis * (nB * 20), red);

                            float NdotA            = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nA);
                            float NdotB            = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nB);
                            bool  backFacingNormal = (NdotA < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon) && (NdotB < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon);

                            if (backFacingNormal)
                                IndexedVector3 localContactNormalOnB2 = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis.Transpose() * cp.m_normalWorldOnB;
                                IndexedVector3 clampedLocalNormal;
                                bool           isClamped = ClampNormal(edge, swapFactor * tri_normal, localContactNormalOnB2, info.m_edgeV1V2Angle, out clampedLocalNormal);
                                if (isClamped)
                                    if (((normalAdjustFlags & InternalEdgeAdjustFlags.BT_TRIANGLE_CONVEX_DOUBLE_SIDED) != 0) || (clampedLocalNormal.Dot(frontFacing * tri_normal) > 0))
                                        IndexedVector3 newNormal = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis *clampedLocalNormal;
                                        //					cp.m_distance1 = cp.m_distance1 * newNormal.dot(cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
                                        cp.m_normalWorldOnB = newNormal;
                                        // Reproject collision point along normal.
                                        cp.m_positionWorldOnB = cp.m_positionWorldOnA - cp.m_normalWorldOnB * cp.m_distance1;
                                        cp.m_localPointB      = colObj0.GetWorldTransform().InvXform(cp.m_positionWorldOnB);

            NearestPointInLineSegment(ref contact, ref v2, ref v0, out nearest);
            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * cp.m_localPointB, blue);
            DebugDrawLine(tr * v2 + upfix, tr * v0 + upfix, blue);

            if (Math.Abs(info.m_edgeV2V0Angle) < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_maxEdgeAngleThreshold)
                DebugDrawLine(tr * contact, tr * (contact + cp.m_normalWorldOnB * 10), black);

                float len = (contact - nearest).Length();
                if (len < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_edgeDistanceThreshold)
                    if (bestedge == 2)
                        isNearEdge = true;
                        DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * (nearest + tri_normal * 10), white);

                        IndexedVector3 edge = (v2 - v0);

                        if (info.m_edgeV2V0Angle == 0f)
                            bool  isEdgeConvex = (info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V2V0_CONVEX) != 0;
                            float swapFactor   = isEdgeConvex ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
                            DebugDrawLine(tr * nearest, tr * (nearest + swapFactor * tri_normal * 10), white);

                            IndexedVector3    nA              = swapFactor * tri_normal;
                            IndexedQuaternion orn             = new IndexedQuaternion(edge, info.m_edgeV2V0Angle);
                            IndexedVector3    computedNormalB = MathUtil.QuatRotate(ref orn, ref tri_normal);
                            if ((info.m_flags & TriangleInfoMap.TRI_INFO_V2V0_SWAP_NORMALB) != 0)
                                computedNormalB *= -1;
                            IndexedVector3 nB = swapFactor * computedNormalB;

                                DebugDrawLine(cp.GetPositionWorldOnB(), cp.GetPositionWorldOnB() + tr._basis * (nB * 20), red);

                            float NdotA            = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nA);
                            float NdotB            = localContactNormalOnB.Dot(ref nB);
                            bool  backFacingNormal = (NdotA < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon) && (NdotB < triangleInfoMapPtr.m_convexEpsilon);

                            if (backFacingNormal)
                                //				printf("hitting convex edge\n");

                                IndexedVector3 localContactNormalOnB2 = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis.Transpose() * cp.m_normalWorldOnB;
                                IndexedVector3 clampedLocalNormal;
                                bool           isClamped = ClampNormal(edge, swapFactor * tri_normal, localContactNormalOnB2, info.m_edgeV2V0Angle, out clampedLocalNormal);
                                if (isClamped)
                                    if (((normalAdjustFlags & InternalEdgeAdjustFlags.BT_TRIANGLE_CONVEX_DOUBLE_SIDED) != 0) || (clampedLocalNormal.Dot(frontFacing * tri_normal) > 0))
                                        IndexedVector3 newNormal = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis *clampedLocalNormal;
                                        //					cp.m_distance1 = cp.m_distance1 * newNormal.dot(cp.m_normalWorldOnB);
                                        cp.m_normalWorldOnB = newNormal;
                                        // Reproject collision point along normal.
                                        cp.m_positionWorldOnB = cp.m_positionWorldOnA - cp.m_normalWorldOnB * cp.m_distance1;
                                        cp.m_localPointB      = colObj0.GetWorldTransform().InvXform(cp.m_positionWorldOnB);

                IndexedVector3 color = new IndexedVector3(0, 1, 1);
                DebugDrawLine(cp.GetPositionWorldOnB(), cp.GetPositionWorldOnB() + cp.m_normalWorldOnB * 10, color);

            if (isNearEdge)
                if (numConcaveEdgeHits > 0)
                    if ((normalAdjustFlags & InternalEdgeAdjustFlags.BT_TRIANGLE_CONCAVE_DOUBLE_SIDED) != 0)
                        //fix tri_normal so it pointing the same direction as the current local contact normal
                        if (tri_normal.Dot(ref localContactNormalOnB) < 0)
                            tri_normal *= -1;
                        cp.m_normalWorldOnB = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis *tri_normal;
                        IndexedVector3 newNormal = tri_normal * frontFacing;
                        //if the tri_normal is pointing opposite direction as the current local contact normal, skip it
                        float d = newNormal.Dot(ref localContactNormalOnB);
                        if (d < 0)
                        //modify the normal to be the triangle normal (or backfacing normal)
                        cp.m_normalWorldOnB = colObj0.GetWorldTransform()._basis *newNormal;

                    // Reproject collision point along normal.
                    cp.m_positionWorldOnB = cp.m_positionWorldOnA - cp.m_normalWorldOnB * cp.m_distance1;
                    cp.m_localPointB      = colObj0.GetWorldTransform().InvXform(cp.m_positionWorldOnB);
Exemplo n.º 3
            public override void ReportContacts(ChContactContainer mcontactcontainer)
                // This should remove all old contacts (or at least rewind the index)

                // NOTE: Bullet does not provide information on radius of curvature at a contact point.
                // As such, for all Bullet-identified contacts, the default value will be used (SMC only).
                ChCollisionInfo icontact = new ChCollisionInfo();

                int numManifolds = bt_collision_world.GetDispatcher().GetNumManifolds();

                for (int i = 0; i < numManifolds; i++)
                    PersistentManifold contactManifold = bt_collision_world.GetDispatcher().GetManifoldByIndexInternal(i);
                    CollisionObject    obA             = (CollisionObject)(contactManifold.GetBody0());
                    CollisionObject    obB             = (CollisionObject)(contactManifold.GetBody1());

                    if (obA != null && obA != null) // Alan
                        contactManifold.RefreshContactPoints(ref obA.GetWorldTransform(), ref obB.GetWorldTransform());

                        icontact.modelA = (ChCollisionModel)obA.GetUserPointer();
                        icontact.modelB = (ChCollisionModel)obB.GetUserPointer();

                        double envelopeA = icontact.modelA.GetEnvelope();
                        double envelopeB = icontact.modelB.GetEnvelope();

                        double marginA = icontact.modelA.GetSafeMargin();
                        double marginB = icontact.modelB.GetSafeMargin();

                        // Execute custom broadphase callback, if any
                        bool do_narrow_contactgeneration = true;
                        if (this.broad_callback != null)
                            do_narrow_contactgeneration = this.broad_callback.OnBroadphase(icontact.modelA, icontact.modelB);

                        if (do_narrow_contactgeneration)
                            int numContacts = contactManifold.GetNumContacts();
                            //GetLog() << "numContacts=" << numContacts << "\n";
                            for (int j = 0; j < numContacts; j++)
                                // Debug.Log("contacts " + numContacts);
                                ManifoldPoint pt = contactManifold.GetContactPoint(j);

                                // Discard "too far" constraints (the Bullet engine also has its threshold)
                                if (pt.GetDistance() < marginA + marginB)
                                    IndexedVector3 ptA = pt.GetPositionWorldOnA();
                                    IndexedVector3 ptB = pt.GetPositionWorldOnB();

                                    icontact.vpA.Set(ptA.X, ptA.Y, ptA.Z);
                                    icontact.vpB.Set(ptB.X, ptB.Y, ptB.Z);

                                    icontact.vN.Set(-pt.GetNormalWorldOnB().X, -pt.GetNormalWorldOnB().Y,

                                    double ptdist = pt.GetDistance();

                                    icontact.vpA      = icontact.vpA - icontact.vN * envelopeA;
                                    icontact.vpB      = icontact.vpB + icontact.vN * envelopeB;
                                    icontact.distance = ptdist + envelopeA + envelopeB;

                                    icontact.reaction_cache = pt.reactions_cache;// reactions_cache;

                                    // Execute some user custom callback, if any
                                    bool add_contact = true;
                                    if (this.narrow_callback != null)
                                        add_contact = this.narrow_callback.OnNarrowphase(icontact);

                                    // Add to contact container
                                    if (add_contact)

                    // you can un-comment out this line, and then all points are removed
                    // contactManifold->clearManifold();