Exemplo n.º 1
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (enemyController.freezeEnemy)
            // add anything here to happen while frozen i.e. time compensations

        // Mambu has two states - Closed and Open - and alternates between them while in play
        //   Closed - invincible (set in animation) and moves across the screen for closedTimer time
        //            when closedTimer expires then switches to his Open state and sets two timers
        //            openTimer (how long his shell remains open) and
        //            shootTimer (how long to wait before shooting his 8 bullets)
        //            an alternative to the shootTimer approach could be to define a length to his
        //            Open animation and add another animation event to do the shooting - I took this
        //            approach when I created Screw Driver because he does multiple firings - but Mambu
        //            is a single shot so I just use a timer instead of dragging out the animation
        //     Open - vulnerable to bullets (set in animation) and doesn't move on screen. animation
        //            switches to Open, shootTimer counts down then shoots his bullets when time is up.
        //            shootTimer is half of how long his shell stays open, so being one second open
        //            he fires at half a second in. there is a flag isShooting that is false initially
        //            and once he fires gets set to true so he doesn't keep firing - this ensures a single
        //            occurrence. openTimer counts down while in this state and once expires switches to
        //            his Closed state, sets closedTimer, and resets isShooting back to false.
        // Note: the invincibility doesn't have to be set via animation events, they could be set during
        //       state changes by calling enemyController.Invincible(bool); however I wanted to show
        //       how to use the animations events for learning purposes.
        switch (mambuState)
        case MambuState.Closed:
            rb2d.velocity = new Vector2(((isFacingRight) ? moveSpeed : -moveSpeed), rb2d.velocity.y);
            closedTimer  -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (closedTimer < 0)
                mambuState = MambuState.Open;
                openTimer  = openDelay;
                shootTimer = shootDelay;

        case MambuState.Open:
            rb2d.velocity = new Vector2(0, rb2d.velocity.y);
            shootTimer   -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (shootTimer < 0 && !isShooting)
                isShooting = true;
            openTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (openTimer < 0)
                mambuState  = MambuState.Closed;
                closedTimer = closedDelay;
                isShooting  = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void SetState(MambuState state)
        // set mambu state
        mambuState = state;

        // not shooting...yet
        isShooting = false;

        // set up the state timer we're starting with
        if (mambuState == MambuState.Closed)
            closedTimer = closedDelay;
        else if (mambuState == MambuState.Open)
            openTimer = openDelay;