Exemplo n.º 1
 public static void TestDoStatement()
     MakeMethod.DoStatement("Examples.AStr = \"Some string contents\" ; ");
     if (AStr != "Some string contents")
         MessageBox.Show("Error in TestDoStatement");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static void TestDoStatement2()
 Examples.Counter = 0 ; 
 foreach ( var s in Examples.ColoursList ) {
   if (s == ""red"") Examples.Counter = Examples.Counter + 1 ; 
     //Note, I have only implemented the ++ and -- operator after a single identifier. X++ is ok, Y.X++ is not. ++X and ++X.Y and not implemented.
     if (Counter != 3)
         MessageBox.Show("Error in TestDoStatement2");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void TestDoExpression()
            Double d = MakeMethod.DoExpression <double>("23.45 / 32");

            if (d != (23.45 / 32))
                MessageBox.Show("Error in TestDoExpression");

            string s2 = MakeMethod.DoExpression <string>("Examples.AStr + Examples.AStr ");

            if (s2 != "A stringA string")
                MessageBox.Show("Error in TestDoExpression");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void TestMakeMethod2()
            Action <int, double> act = MakeMethod <Action <int, double> > .
                                       Compile(parser, LexList.Get(@"
          public void TheMethod ( int i , double d ) 
            if (Examples.StrProperty != null && Examples.StrProperty != """") {
              Examples.StrProperty = Examples.StrProperty + "","" ; 
            Examples.StrProperty = Examples.StrProperty + i.ToString() + "","" + d.ToString() ; 

            StrProperty = "";
            act(1, 23.4);
            act(2, 45.23);
            act(99, 1.23);
            if (StrProperty != "1,23.4,2,45.23,99,1.23")
                MessageBox.Show("Error in TestMakeMethod2");
Exemplo n.º 5
        //Compiling a single method to produce a delegate

        public static void TestMakeMethod1()
            Func <int, string> fn = MakeMethod <Func <int, string> > .
                                    Compile(parser, LexList.Get(@"
          public string TheMethod ( int i ) 
            return i.ToString() ;

            string s = fn(123);

            if (s != "123")
                MessageBox.Show("Error in TestMakeMethod1");

            List <int> listOfIntegers = new List <int>()
                99, 120, 4, 134, 18, 19, 200
            List <string> list =
                (from i
                 in listOfIntegers
                 where i > 100
                 select fn(i)

            if (list.Count != 3 ||
                list[0] != "120" ||
                list[1] != "134" ||
                list[2] != "200")
                MessageBox.Show("Error 2 in TestMakeMethod1");
        public static Func <int, bool> GetIntConditionFunction(string condition, string argName = "")
            Func <int, bool> condFunc;

            string str;
            int    outValue;

            if (condition == null || condition.Trim().Length == 0)
                condFunc = new Func <int, bool>((x) =>
                    return(true); //무조건 pass
                });               //기본함수..
            else if (int.TryParse(condition, out outValue))
                //simple function..
                condFunc = new Func <int, bool>((x) =>
                    if (x == outValue)
                TypeParser.DefaultParser = parser;
                //이때는 형식을 x: x==1 과 같은 식으로 썼을 때이다. 아니면 x==1과 같이 쓰면 된다.
                // x: x==1 에서 x값을 바꾸면 cond: cond==1 이라고 쓸 수 있다.
                //string[] tokens = condition.Split(":".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string name;
                string cond;
                if (argName.Equals(""))
                    name = "x";
                    int val;
                    if (int.TryParse(condition, out val))
                        cond = "x==" + condition;
                        cond = condition;
                    name = argName;
                    cond = condition;
                if (cond.Length == 0)
                    cond = "true";
                str = @"
                bool Test (int " + name + @") 
                    return " + cond + @";
                LexList lexList = LexListGet(str);
                condFunc = MakeMethod <Func <int, bool> > .Compile(parser, lexList);

        public static void Main()
            LexToken.ShowError = (msg, theList) =>
                new LexErrorDialog()
                    Message      = msg,
                    CompilerList = theList,

            TypeParser parser = new TypeParser(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), new List <string>()

            TypeParser.DefaultParser = parser;


            try {
                    var s = "";
                    Func <int, string> fn = MakeMethod <Func <int, string> > .Compile(parser, LexListGet(@"
          string Test (int howMany) 
            string s = '' ;
            for ( int i = howMany ; i > 0 ; i -- ) s = s + i.ToString() + `~` ;
            return s ; 

                    bool error = false;
                    if (fn(0) != "")
                        error = true;
                    if (fn(1) != "1~")
                        error = true;
                    if (fn(2) != "2~1~")
                        error = true;
                    if (fn(3) != "3~2~1~")
                        error = true;
                    if (fn(-1) != "")
                        error = true;
                    if (error)
                        MessageBox.Show("There was an error", "Test Make with dialog");
                        MessageBox.Show("Ran OK", "Test Make with dialog");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageBox.Show("There was a compilation or execution error.", "Test Make with dialog");

Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void Main()
            LexToken.ShowError = (msg, theList) =>
                MessageBox.Show(msg + "\n" + theList.CodeFormat, "Error found");

            TypeParser parser = new TypeParser(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), new List <string>()

            TypeParser.DefaultParser = parser;

            try {
                    var s = "";
                    Func <int, string> fn = MakeMethod <Func <int, string> > .Compile(parser, LexListGet(@"
          string Test (int howMany) 
            string s = '' ;
            for ( int i = howMany ; i > 0 ; i -- ) s = s + i.ToString() + `~` ;
            return s ; 

                    bool error = false;
                    if (fn(0) != "")
                        error = true;
                    if (fn(1) != "1~")
                        error = true;
                    if (fn(2) != "2~1~")
                        error = true;
                    if (fn(3) != "3~2~1~")
                        error = true;
                    if (fn(-1) != "")
                        error = true;
                    if (error)
                        MessageBox.Show("There was an error", "Test Make with dialog");
                        MessageBox.Show("Ran OK", "Test Make with dialog");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                MessageBox.Show("There was a compilation or execution error.", "Test Make with dialog");