Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override bool PerformDeviceLoad(string deviceId)
            DeviceWrapper device = null;
            using (MagnumProxy magnumProxy = new MagnumProxy())
                device = magnumProxy.Client.LoadDevice(deviceId, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);

            if (device != null)
                AssociatedSubscriberId = device.Location.SubscriberId;

            return device.DatabaseDataLoad;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected override bool PerformDeviceLoad(string deviceId)
            string ontSerial = "";

            // We can only build an ONT off of an ONT serial number or ONT Port serial number
            switch (DeviceLogic.GetDeviceTypeById(deviceId))
                case DeviceTypeEnum.ONT: ontSerial = deviceId; break;
                case DeviceTypeEnum.ONTPort: ontSerial = DeviceLogic.DetermineONTSerial(deviceId); break;
                default: throw new ArgumentException("OPDL139: Invalid ONT Id or ONT Port Id. Can't create object.");

            // Now that we have the serial number, perform the magnum search for the ONT and related ports
            SearchWrapper s = new SearchWrapper();
            s.SearchByDevice = new DeviceSearchWrapper();
            s.SearchByDevice.DeviceId = ontSerial;
            s.SearchType = SearchTypeEnum.SearchByDevice;
            List<SearchWrapper> results = null;
            DeviceWrapper device = new DeviceWrapper() { DeviceId = ontSerial };
            using (_magnumProxy = new MagnumProxy())
                results = _magnumProxy.Client.Search(s, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name).ToList();

            if (results.Count > 0)
                // Using the results, assign values to the properties of our ONT object
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    // do nothing (omits bad port from list of ports)

                DeviceLoaded = true;
            return DeviceLoaded;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public bool SwapONT(string inONT, string outONT, out string errorMessage)
         using (MagnumProxy _magnum = new MagnumProxy())
             MagnumApiServiceReference.Error err = _magnum.Client.SwapONTBasic(inONT, outONT, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);
             errorMessage = MagnumApi.MagnumErrorHandler.ErrorFound(err);
             bool success = string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage);
                if (success)
                return success;
     catch (Exception ex)
         errorMessage = ex.TargetSite + " " + ex.Message;
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public bool SwapONT(string inONT, string outONT, string outDeviceStatus, string outLocationId, out string errorMessage)
         using (MagnumProxy _magnum = new MagnumProxy())
             MagnumApiServiceReference.Error err = _magnum.Client.SwapONT(inONT, outDeviceStatus, outLocationId, outONT, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);
             errorMessage = MagnumApi.MagnumErrorHandler.ErrorFound(err);
             return string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage);
     catch (Exception ex)
         errorMessage = ex.TargetSite + " " + ex.Message;
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void SwapTNPort(string subId, string portId1, string portId2)
            /* Steps to swapping TN ports:
             * Considerations: Are both ports active? Both on same ONT? Both belong to same subscriber?
             * If statuses not equal, swap statuses
             * If ports do not have same subscriber
             * */
            _magnumProxy = new MagnumProxy();
            using (_magnumProxy)
                SubscriberWrapper sub = _magnumProxy.Client.LoadSubscriber(subId, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name); // load sub wrapper from Magnum
                DeviceWrapperBase p1 = sub.DeviceList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeviceId == portId1);
                DeviceWrapperBase p2 = sub.DeviceList.FirstOrDefault(d => d.DeviceId == portId2);

                // if either of the following are null, it means there is no phone number currently assigned
                // to the port (portId1/portId2) and the port must be ACTIVATED in addition to having a number assigned to it
                PhoneWrapperBase tn1 = sub.PhoneList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.DeviceId == portId1);
                PhoneWrapperBase tn2 = sub.PhoneList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.DeviceId == portId2);

                // if either port ID is not assigned to subscriber, exit function
                if (p1 == null || p2 == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("ONT Ports do not belong to the same subscriber.");

                if (tn1 == null && tn2 == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Neither voice port has a TN assigned");

                // device ID must be moved from tn2 to tn1
                if (tn1 == null && tn2 != null)
                    if (p1.DeviceStatus.ToUpper() != SIMPLDbEnums.ToTriadStatusString(
                    tn2.DeviceId = portId1;
                    if (p2.DeviceStatus.ToUpper() == SIMPLDbEnums.ToTriadStatusString(

                // device ID must be moved from tn1 to tn2
                else if (tn2 == null && tn1 != null)
                    if (p2.DeviceStatus.ToUpper() != SIMPLDbEnums.ToTriadStatusString(
                    tn1.DeviceId = portId2;
                    if (p2.DeviceStatus.ToUpper() == SIMPLDbEnums.ToTriadStatusString(
                    string tempId = tn1.DeviceId;
                    tn1.DeviceId = tn2.DeviceId;
                    tn2.DeviceId = tempId;

                _magnumProxy.Client.SaveSubscriber(sub, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected void LoadAndSetPortsList(List<SearchWrapper> results = null)
            Boolean proceed = false;
            List<ONTPort> portList = new List<ONTPort>();

            // Create search objects
            //magnumHelper = new MagnumHelper();
            SearchWrapper srch = new SearchWrapper();
            srch.SearchByDevice = new DeviceSearchWrapper();
            srch.SearchType = SearchTypeEnum.SearchByDevice;

            // Determine Root ONT Serial number
            switch (DeviceLogic.GetDeviceTypeById(SerialNumber))
                case DeviceTypeEnum.ONT:
                        proceed = true; // set proceed flag
                        srch.SearchByDevice.DeviceId = SerialNumber + "%"; // search for all ports for this ONT
                case DeviceTypeEnum.ONTPort:
                        proceed = true; // set proceed flag
                        // get ONT serial from port ID, then get associated ports from Triad
                        srch.SearchByDevice.DeviceId = DeviceLogic.DetermineONTSerial(SerialNumber + "%");
                default: break;

            if (proceed)
                // initialize individual portType lists (allows sorting into logical order --> voice, data, video
                List<ONTPort> voicePorts = new List<ONTPort>();
                List<ONTPort> dataPorts = new List<ONTPort>();
                List<ONTPort> mocaPorts = new List<ONTPort>();
                List<ONTPort> videoPorts = new List<ONTPort>();
                DeviceWrapper dev = new DeviceWrapper();
                SubscriberWrapper sub = new SubscriberWrapper();

                using (_magnumProxy = new MagnumProxy())
                    // if no search wrapper was passed in, perform our own search
                    if (results == null)
                        results = _magnumProxy.Client.Search(srch, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name).ToList();

                    if (results.Count > 0)
                        dev = _magnumProxy.Client.LoadDevice(results[0].SearchByDevice.DeviceId, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);

                // once we have a definite result set, parse out the ports, assign the type and property values
                // from the search results
                foreach (SearchWrapper wrapper in results)
                    ONTPort port = null;
                    // double check that we are working with an ONT Port
                    if (DeviceLogic.GetDeviceTypeById(wrapper.SearchByDevice.DeviceId) == DeviceTypeEnum.ONTPort)
                        // get new port from factory and add to correct type list
                        port = ONTPortFactory.GetONTPort(wrapper.SearchByDevice);
                        switch (port.PortType)
                            case ONTPortTypeEnum.Ethernet: dataPorts.Add(port); break;
                            case ONTPortTypeEnum.Moca: mocaPorts.Add(port); break;
                            case ONTPortTypeEnum.Video: videoPorts.Add(port); break;
                            case ONTPortTypeEnum.Voice: voicePorts.Add(port); break;

                // internally order all port lists
                voicePorts = voicePorts.OrderBy(p => p.SerialNumber).ToList();
                dataPorts = dataPorts.OrderBy(p => p.SerialNumber).ToList();
                videoPorts = videoPorts.OrderBy(p => p.SerialNumber).ToList();
                mocaPorts = mocaPorts.OrderBy(p => p.SerialNumber).ToList();

                // add to main list in order of precedence

            Ports = portList;
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="locId"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected virtual Boolean PerformLocationChange(string locId)
     DeviceWrapper device = null;
     using (_magnumProxy = new MagnumProxy())
         device = _magnumProxy.Client.LoadDevice(SerialNumber, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);
         device.Location.LocationId = locId;
         device.ReloadDataAfterSave = true;
         _magnumProxy.Client.SaveDevice(device, DEVICE_WAIT_TIME, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);
     if (device.LocationId == locId)
         LocationId = locId;
         if (MagnumEventLogger.LogDeviceAction(new MagnumEventLoggingArgs(this, SIMPLDbEnums.TransactionTypeEnum.LocationChange)))
             return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected virtual Boolean PerformDeviceLoad(string deviceId)
            DeviceWrapper device = null;
            using (_magnumProxy = new MagnumProxy())
                device = _magnumProxy.Client.LoadDevice(deviceId, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(device.DeviceModel))
                throw new ArgumentException("PDL134: Device does not exist in Triad");

            if (device != null)
                this.SerialNumber = device.DeviceId;
                this.Model = device.DeviceModel;
                this.HeadendCode = device.Location.HeadendCode;
                this.Status = device.DeviceStatus;
                this.DeviceType = device.DeviceType;
                this.IsActive = device.DeviceStatus == "ACTIVE";
                this.LocationId = device.LocationId;
                this._associatedSubscriberId = device.Location.SubscriberId;
                this.UnitAddress = device.UnitAddress;

            return device.DatabaseDataLoad;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public virtual bool ReturnToHeadend()
     bool statSuccess = false;
     bool moveSuccess = false;
     using (_magnumProxy = new MagnumProxy())
         DeviceWrapper device = _magnumProxy.Client.LoadDevice(SerialNumber, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);
         device.ReloadDataAfterSave = true;
         device.DeviceStatus = SIMPLDbEnums.ToTriadStatusString(SIMPLDbEnums.EquipStatusEnum.FieldReturn);
         statSuccess = device.DeviceStatus == SIMPLDbEnums.ToTriadStatusString(SIMPLDbEnums.EquipStatusEnum.FieldReturn);
         if (statSuccess)
             MagnumEventLogger.LogDeviceAction(new MagnumEventLoggingArgs(this, SIMPLDbEnums.TransactionTypeEnum.StatusChange));
     moveSuccess = this.MoveToLocation(DBCache.HeadEndCodes.First(h => h.headend_code == HeadendCode).location_id);
     return (statSuccess && moveSuccess);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Public facing method to move a device to a location. Performs necessary validation before passing
        /// to protected method for actual device relocation in Triad.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locId"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if successful</returns>
        public virtual Boolean MoveToLocation(string locId)
            Boolean success = false;

            using (_magnumProxy = new MagnumProxy())
                SearchWrapper srch = new SearchWrapper();
                srch.SearchByLocation = new LocationSearchWrapper();
                srch.SearchByLocation.LocationId = locId;
                srch.SearchType = SearchTypeEnum.SearchByLocation;
                SearchWrapper[] results = _magnumProxy.Client.Search(srch, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);

                if (results.Length == 1) // if and only if one result is returned, move the device
                    success = PerformLocationChange(locId);
                    if (success)
                        LocationId = locId;

            return success;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public virtual Boolean Deactivate()
         using (_magnumProxy = new MagnumProxy())
             DeviceWrapper device = _magnumProxy.Client.LoadDevice(SerialNumber, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);
             this.Status = SIMPLDbEnums.ToTriadStatusString(SIMPLDbEnums.EquipStatusEnum.Disabled);
             device.DeviceStatus = this.Status;
             _magnumProxy.Client.SaveDevice(device, DEVICE_WAIT_TIME, CurrentUser.AsRosettianUser().Name);
             MagnumEventLogger.LogDeviceAction(new MagnumEventLoggingArgs(this, SIMPLDbEnums.TransactionTypeEnum.StatusChange));
         return true;
     catch (Exception)
         return false;