Exemplo n.º 1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Stream sw = new MemoryStream(_file.bytes);

        System.IO.BinaryReader br = new System.IO.BinaryReader(sw);

        MagicaVoxel magica = MagicaVoxelFormater.ReadFromBinary(br);
        VoxelStruct vs     = magica.vs;

        VoxelData[] datas = vs.datas.ToArray();

        VoxelProduct product = new VoxelProduct();

        (new VoxelData2Point(datas)).build(product);
        (new VoxelSplitSmall(new VectorInt3(8, 8, 8))).build(product);
        (new VoxelMeshBuild()).build(product);
        (new VoxelRemoveSameVertices()).build(product);

        (new VoxelRemoveFace()).build(product);
        (new VoxelRemoveSameVertices()).build(product);

        VoxelMeshData data = product.getMeshData();


        //通过模型数据生成Mesh 和 MeshFilter。
        Mesh       mesh   = VoxelBuilder.Data2Mesh(data);
        MeshFilter filter = VoxelBuilder.Mesh2Filter(mesh);

        VoxelBuilder.FilterAddRenderer(filter, _material);

        filter.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
        filter.transform.localPosition    = data.offset;
        filter.name = "Voxel";
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void VoxelFormaterTest()
        // var gameObject = new GameObject();

        //Try to rename the GameObject
        // var newGameObjectName = "My game object";
        //gameObject.name = newGameObjectName;

        //VoxelWriter writer = gameObject.GetComponent<VoxelWriter> ();
        //VoxelFormater formater = gameObject.GetComponent<VoxelFormater> ();

        FileStream sr = new FileStream(".//Assets//Voxel//chr_cop2.bytes", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);

        System.IO.BinaryReader br = new System.IO.BinaryReader(sr);

        MagicaVoxel magic = MagicaVoxelFormater.ReadFromBinary(br);

        FileStream sw = new FileStream("fly2.vox", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

        System.IO.BinaryWriter bw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(sw);
        MagicaVoxelFormater.WriteToBinary(magic.structure, bw);


        FileStream sr2 = new FileStream("fly2.vox", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);

        System.IO.BinaryReader br2 = new System.IO.BinaryReader(sr2);

        MagicaVoxel magic2 = MagicaVoxelFormater.ReadFromBinary(br2);

        Assert.AreEqual(magic.main.name, magic2.main.name);
        Assert.AreEqual(magic.main.size, magic2.main.size);
        Assert.AreEqual(magic.main.chunks, magic2.main.chunks);

        Assert.AreEqual(magic.size.box, magic2.size.box);
        Assert.AreEqual(magic.size.name, magic2.size.name);
        Assert.AreEqual(magic.size.size, magic2.size.size);
        Assert.AreEqual(magic.size.chunks, magic2.size.chunks);

        Assert.AreEqual(magic.rgba.palette.Length, magic2.rgba.palette.Length);
        for (int i = 0; i < magic.rgba.palette.Length; ++i)
            Assert.AreEqual(magic.rgba.palette[i], magic2.rgba.palette[i]);

//		Debug.Log (vs2.rgba.palette.Length);
        Assert.AreEqual(magic.rgba.name, magic2.rgba.name);
        Assert.AreEqual(magic.rgba.size, magic2.rgba.size);
        Assert.AreEqual(magic.rgba.chunks, magic2.rgba.chunks);


        for (int i = 0; i < MagicaVoxelFormater.palette_.Length; ++i)
            ushort s  = MagicaVoxelFormater.palette_ [i];
            Color  c  = MagicaVoxelFormater.Short2Color(s);
            ushort s2 = MagicaVoxelFormater.Color2Short(c);
            Color  c2 = MagicaVoxelFormater.Short2Color(s2);
            Assert.AreEqual(s, s2);
            Assert.AreEqual(c, c2);

        //Debug.Log ();
        Assert.AreEqual(magic.structure.count, magic2.structure.count);

//		Debug.Log (vs2.datas.Length);
        for (int i = 0; i < magic.structure.count; ++i)
            Assert.AreEqual(magic.structure.getData(i).color, magic2.structure.getData(i).color);
            Assert.AreEqual(magic.structure.getData(i).position.x, magic2.structure.getData(i).position.x);
            Assert.AreEqual(magic.structure.getData(i).position.y, magic2.structure.getData(i).position.y);
            Assert.AreEqual(magic.structure.getData(i).position.z, magic2.structure.getData(i).position.z);

        Assert.AreEqual(magic.structure.count, magic.structure.count);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void SplitVoxelTest()
        Vector3Int a = new Vector3Int(3, 4, 5);
        Vector3Int b = new Vector3Int(1, 2, 3);

        Assert.AreEqual(a - b, new Vector3Int(2, 2, 2));

        FileStream sr2 = new FileStream(".//Assets//Voxel//grass.bytes", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);

        System.IO.BinaryReader br2 = new System.IO.BinaryReader(sr2);
        VoxelStruct            vs  = MagicaVoxelFormater.ReadFromBinary(br2).structure;

        SplitVoxel split = new SplitVoxel(vs);

        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(0, 0, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(0, 17, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(0, 34, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(0, 54, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));

        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(20, 0, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(20, 17, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(20, 34, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(20, 54, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));

        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(37, 0, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(37, 17, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(37, 34, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(37, 54, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));

        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(54, 0, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(54, 17, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(54, 34, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new Vector3Int(54, 54, 0), new Vector3Int(16, 16, 3));

        VoxelStruct[] voxels = split.doIt();
        for (int i = 0; i < voxels.Length; ++i)
            FileStream sw = new FileStream("cool" + i + ".vox", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

            System.IO.BinaryWriter bw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(sw);
            //voxels [i].normal ;
            MagicaVoxelFormater.WriteToBinary(voxels[i], bw);
        //VoxelStruct vs2 = splice.spliceAll ();

    public void JoinVoxelTest()
        FileStream sr2 = new FileStream(".//Assets//Voxel//temp.vox", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);

        System.IO.BinaryReader br2 = new System.IO.BinaryReader(sr2);
        VoxelStruct            vs  = MagicaVoxelFormater.ReadFromBinary(br2).structure;


    public void VoxelMapMakerTest()     /*
                                         * VoxelMapMaker vmm = Component.FindObjectOfType<VoxelMapMaker> ();
                                         * VoxelStruct map = vmm.building ();
                                         * FileStream sw = new FileStream ("map.vox", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                                         * System.IO.BinaryWriter bw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter (sw);
                                         * VoxelFormater.WriteToMagicaVoxel (map, bw);
                                         * sw.Close ();
                                         * Debug.Log (vmm);*/
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void SplitVoxelTest()
        VectorInt3 a = new VectorInt3(3, 4, 5);
        VectorInt3 b = new VectorInt3(1, 2, 3);

        Assert.AreEqual(a - b, new VectorInt3(2, 2, 2));

        FileStream sr2 = new FileStream(".//Assets//Voxel//grass.bytes", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);

        System.IO.BinaryReader br2 = new System.IO.BinaryReader(sr2);
        VoxelStruct            vs  = MagicaVoxelFormater.ReadFromBinary(br2).vs;

        SplitVoxel split = new SplitVoxel(vs);

        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(0, 0, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(0, 17, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(0, 34, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(0, 54, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));

        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(20, 0, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(20, 17, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(20, 34, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(20, 54, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));

        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(37, 0, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(37, 17, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(37, 34, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(37, 54, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));

        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(54, 0, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(54, 17, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(54, 34, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));
        split.addBox(new VectorInt3(54, 54, 0), new VectorInt3(16, 16, 3));

        VoxelStruct[] voxels = split.doIt();
        for (int i = 0; i < voxels.Length; ++i)
            FileStream sw = new FileStream("cool" + i + ".vox", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

            System.IO.BinaryWriter bw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(sw);
            //voxels [i].normal ;
            MagicaVoxelFormater.WriteToBinary(voxels[i], bw);
        //VoxelStruct vs2 = splice.spliceAll ();

    public void JoinVoxelTest()
        FileStream sr2 = new FileStream(".//Assets//Voxel//temp.vox", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);

        System.IO.BinaryReader br2 = new System.IO.BinaryReader(sr2);

        VoxelStruct vs = MagicaVoxelFormater.ReadFromBinary(br2).vs;

        //vs.arrange ();


         *      FileStream sr2 = new FileStream ("fly2.vox", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);
         *      System.IO.BinaryReader br2 = new System.IO.BinaryReader (sr2);
         *      VoxelStruct vs = VoxelFormater.ReadFromMagicaVoxel (br2);
         *      sr2.Close ();
         *      JoinVoxel join = new JoinVoxel ();
         *      join.addVoxel(vs, new VectorInt3(0, 0, 0));
         *      join.addVoxel(vs, new VectorInt3(10, 10, 10));
         *      VoxelStruct vs2 = join.doIt ();
         *      FileStream sw = new FileStream ("fly3.vox", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
         *      System.IO.BinaryWriter bw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter (sw);
         *      VoxelFormater.WriteToMagicaVoxel (vs2, bw);
         *      sw.Close ();
         *      /*
         *      Assert.AreEqual(vs.main.name, vs2.main.name);
         *      Assert.AreEqual(vs.main.size, vs2.main.size);
         *      Assert.AreEqual(vs.main.chunks, vs2.main.chunks);
         *      Assert.AreEqual(vs.size.box, vs2.size.box);
         *      Assert.AreEqual(vs.size.name, vs2.size.name);
         *      Assert.AreEqual(vs.size.size, vs2.size.size);
         *      Assert.AreEqual(vs.size.chunks, vs2.size.chunks);

        //Assert.AreEqual(vs.rgba.palette.Length, vs2.rgba.palette.Length);

        /*for (int i = 0; i < vs.rgba.palette.Length; ++i) {
         *      Assert.AreEqual(vs.rgba.palette[i], vs2.rgba.palette[i]);
         * }*/
        /*//		Debug.Log (vs2.rgba.palette.Length);
         * Assert.AreEqual(vs.rgba.name, vs2.rgba.name);
         * Assert.AreEqual(vs.rgba.size, vs2.rgba.size);
         * Assert.AreEqual(vs.rgba.chunks, vs2.rgba.chunks);