public void TestEquipToHand_WhereWeaponIsNotUseableByAMagicUser()
            Dictionary <Dungeons_and_Dragons.Attribute, int> dict = new Dictionary <Dungeons_and_Dragons.Attribute, int>();

            dict.Add(Dungeons_and_Dragons.Attribute.Strength, 15);
            dict.Add(Dungeons_and_Dragons.Attribute.Dexterity, 4);
            dict.Add(Dungeons_and_Dragons.Attribute.Intelligence, 10);
            dict.Add(Dungeons_and_Dragons.Attribute.Wisdom, 8);
            dict.Add(Dungeons_and_Dragons.Attribute.Constitution, 17);
            dict.Add(Dungeons_and_Dragons.Attribute.Charisma, 9);
            int       xp        = 0;
            int       hp        = 4;
            MagicUser magicUser = new MagicUser("Gandolf", Race.Human, dict, hp, xp);

            Sword sword = new Sword();

            Assert.IsNull(magicUser.equippedInRightHand, "TEST1: It was expected that nothing should be equipped to the Magic-User's right hand");

            bool val = magicUser.EquipToHand(sword, Hand.Right);

            Assert.IsFalse(val, "TEST2: It was expected equipping the sword to the right hand should return false");
            Assert.IsNull(magicUser.equippedInRightHand, "TEST3: It was expected that the right hand is empty");
            Assert.IsNull(magicUser.equippedInLeftHand, "TEST4: It was expected that the left hand is empty");