Exemplo n.º 1
        // Create a joint asset with the given constraints
        public static unsafe BlobAssetReference <JointData> Create(MTransform aFromJoint, MTransform bFromJoint, Constraint[] constraints)
            // Allocate
            int        totalSize = sizeof(JointData) + sizeof(Constraint) * constraints.Length;
            JointData *jointData = (JointData *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(totalSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);

            UnsafeUtility.MemClear(jointData, totalSize);

            // Initialize
                jointData->AFromJoint = aFromJoint;
                jointData->BFromJoint = bFromJoint;
                jointData->Version    = 1;

                byte *end = (byte *)jointData + sizeof(JointData);
                jointData->m_ConstraintsBlob.Offset = UnsafeEx.CalculateOffset(end, ref jointData->m_ConstraintsBlob);
                jointData->m_ConstraintsBlob.Length = constraints.Length;

                for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Length; i++)
                    jointData->Constraints[i] = constraints[i];

            var blob = BlobAssetReference <JointData> .Create(jointData, totalSize);

            UnsafeUtility.Free(jointData, Allocator.Temp);

 public void TransformNewHits(int oldNumHits, float oldFraction, MTransform transform, uint numSubKeyBits, uint subKey)
     m_ClosestHit.Transform(transform, numSubKeyBits, subKey);
        protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
            if (m_MouseGroup.CalculateEntityCount() == 0)

            ComponentDataFromEntity <Translation>     Positions  = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Translation>(true);
            ComponentDataFromEntity <Rotation>        Rotations  = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Rotation>(true);
            ComponentDataFromEntity <PhysicsVelocity> Velocities = GetComponentDataFromEntity <PhysicsVelocity>();
            ComponentDataFromEntity <PhysicsMass>     Masses     = GetComponentDataFromEntity <PhysicsMass>(true);

            // If there's a pick job, wait for it to finish
            if (m_PickSystem.PickJobHandle != null)
                JobHandle.CombineDependencies(inputDeps, m_PickSystem.PickJobHandle.Value).Complete();

            // If there's a picked entity, drag it
            MousePickSystem.SpringData springData = m_PickSystem.SpringDatas[0];
            if (springData.Dragging != 0)
                Entity entity = m_PickSystem.SpringDatas[0].Entity;
                if (!EntityManager.HasComponent <PhysicsMass>(entity))

                PhysicsMass     massComponent     = Masses[entity];
                PhysicsVelocity velocityComponent = Velocities[entity];

                if (massComponent.InverseMass == 0)

                var worldFromBody = new MTransform(Rotations[entity].Value, Positions[entity].Value);

                // Body to motion transform
                var        bodyFromMotion  = new MTransform(Masses[entity].InertiaOrientation, Masses[entity].CenterOfMass);
                MTransform worldFromMotion = Mul(worldFromBody, bodyFromMotion);

                // Damp the current velocity
                const float gain = 0.95f;
                velocityComponent.Linear  *= gain;
                velocityComponent.Angular *= gain;

                // Get the body and mouse points in world space
                float3 pointBodyWs   = Mul(worldFromBody, springData.PointOnBody);
                float3 pointSpringWs = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, springData.MouseDepth));

                // Calculate the required change in velocity
                float3 pointBodyLs = Mul(Inverse(bodyFromMotion), springData.PointOnBody);
                float3 deltaVelocity;
                    float3 pointDiff = pointBodyWs - pointSpringWs;
                    float3 relativeVelocityInWorld = velocityComponent.Linear + math.mul(worldFromMotion.Rotation, math.cross(velocityComponent.Angular, pointBodyLs));

                    const float elasticity = 0.1f;
                    const float damping    = 0.5f;
                    deltaVelocity = -pointDiff * (elasticity / Time.fixedDeltaTime) - damping * relativeVelocityInWorld;

                // Build effective mass matrix in world space
                // TODO how are bodies with inf inertia and finite mass represented
                // TODO the aggressive damping is hiding something wrong in this code if dragging non-uniform shapes
                float3x3 effectiveMassMatrix;
                    float3 arm  = pointBodyWs - worldFromMotion.Translation;
                    var    skew = new float3x3(
                        new float3(0.0f, arm.z, -arm.y),
                        new float3(-arm.z, 0.0f, arm.x),
                        new float3(arm.y, -arm.x, 0.0f)

                    // world space inertia = worldFromMotion * inertiaInMotionSpace * motionFromWorld
                    var invInertiaWs = new float3x3(
                        massComponent.InverseInertia.x * worldFromMotion.Rotation.c0,
                        massComponent.InverseInertia.y * worldFromMotion.Rotation.c1,
                        massComponent.InverseInertia.z * worldFromMotion.Rotation.c2
                    invInertiaWs = math.mul(invInertiaWs, math.transpose(worldFromMotion.Rotation));

                    float3x3 invEffMassMatrix = math.mul(math.mul(skew, invInertiaWs), skew);
                    invEffMassMatrix.c0 = new float3(massComponent.InverseMass, 0.0f, 0.0f) - invEffMassMatrix.c0;
                    invEffMassMatrix.c1 = new float3(0.0f, massComponent.InverseMass, 0.0f) - invEffMassMatrix.c1;
                    invEffMassMatrix.c2 = new float3(0.0f, 0.0f, massComponent.InverseMass) - invEffMassMatrix.c2;

                    effectiveMassMatrix = math.inverse(invEffMassMatrix);

                // Calculate impulse to cause the desired change in velocity
                float3 impulse = math.mul(effectiveMassMatrix, deltaVelocity);

                // Clip the impulse
                const float maxAcceleration = 250.0f;
                float       maxImpulse      = math.rcp(massComponent.InverseMass) * Time.fixedDeltaTime * maxAcceleration;
                impulse *= math.min(1.0f, math.sqrt((maxImpulse * maxImpulse) / math.lengthsq(impulse)));

                // Apply the impulse
                    velocityComponent.Linear += impulse * massComponent.InverseMass;

                    float3 impulseLs        = math.mul(math.transpose(worldFromMotion.Rotation), impulse);
                    float3 angularImpulseLs = math.cross(pointBodyLs, impulseLs);
                    velocityComponent.Angular += angularImpulseLs * massComponent.InverseInertia;

                // Write back velocity
                Velocities[entity] = velocityComponent;

Exemplo n.º 4
 public void Transform(MTransform transform, int rigidBodyIndex)
     Position       = Mul(transform, Position);
     SurfaceNormal  = math.mul(transform.Rotation, SurfaceNormal);
     RigidBodyIndex = rigidBodyIndex;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static unsafe Result ConvexConvex(ref ConvexHull convexA, ref ConvexHull convexB, MTransform aFromB)
                convexA.VerticesPtr, convexA.NumVertices, convexA.ConvexRadius,
                convexB.VerticesPtr, convexB.NumVertices, convexB.ConvexRadius,
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static unsafe Result BoxSphere(BoxCollider *boxA, SphereCollider *sphereB, MTransform aFromB)
            MTransform aFromBoxA        = new MTransform(boxA->Orientation, boxA->Center);
            float3     posBinA          = Mul(aFromB, sphereB->Center);
            float3     posBinBoxA       = Mul(Inverse(aFromBoxA), posBinA);
            float3     innerHalfExtents = boxA->Size * 0.5f - boxA->ConvexRadius;
            float3     normalInBoxA;
            float      distance;
                // from hkAabb::signedDistanceToPoint(), can optimize a lot
                float3 projection = math.min(posBinBoxA, innerHalfExtents);
                projection = math.max(projection, -innerHalfExtents);
                float3 difference      = projection - posBinBoxA;
                float  distanceSquared = math.lengthsq(difference);

                // Check if the sphere center is inside the box
                if (distanceSquared < 1e-6f)
                    float3 projectionLocal    = projection;
                    float3 absProjectionLocal = math.abs(projectionLocal);
                    float3 del  = absProjectionLocal - innerHalfExtents;
                    int    axis = IndexOfMaxComponent(new float4(del, -float.MaxValue));
                    switch (axis)
                    case 0: normalInBoxA = new float3(projectionLocal.x < 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); break;

                    case 1: normalInBoxA = new float3(0.0f, projectionLocal.y < 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f, 0.0f); break;

                    case 2: normalInBoxA = new float3(0.0f, 0.0f, projectionLocal.z < 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f); break;

                        normalInBoxA = new float3(1, 0, 0);
                    distance = math.max(del.x, math.max(del.y, del.z));
                    float invDistance = math.rsqrt(distanceSquared);
                    normalInBoxA = difference * invDistance;
                    distance     = distanceSquared * invDistance;

            float3 normalInA = math.mul(aFromBoxA.Rotation, normalInBoxA);

            return(new Result
                NormalInA = normalInA,
                PositionOnAinA = posBinA + normalInA * (distance - boxA->ConvexRadius),
                Distance = distance - (sphereB->Radius + boxA->ConvexRadius)
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void Transform(MTransform transform, uint numSubKeyBits, uint subKey)
     Position      = Mul(transform, Position);
     SurfaceNormal = math.mul(transform.Rotation, SurfaceNormal);
     ColliderKey.PushSubKey(numSubKeyBits, subKey);
Exemplo n.º 8
        // Reference implementations of queries using simple brute-force methods

        static unsafe float RefConvexConvexDistance(ref ConvexHull a, ref ConvexHull b, MTransform aFromB)
            bool success = false;

            if (a.NumVertices + b.NumVertices < 64) // too slow without burst
                // Build the minkowski difference in a-space
                int  maxNumVertices = a.NumVertices * b.NumVertices;
                Aabb aabb           = Aabb.Empty;
                for (int iB = 0; iB < b.NumVertices; iB++)
                    float3 vertexB = Math.Mul(aFromB, b.Vertices[iB]);
                    for (int iA = 0; iA < a.NumVertices; iA++)
                        float3 vertexA = a.Vertices[iA];
                        aabb.Include(vertexA - vertexB);
                ConvexHullBuilderStorage diffStorage = new ConvexHullBuilderStorage(maxNumVertices, Allocator.Temp, aabb, 0.0f, ConvexHullBuilder.IntResolution.Low);
                ref ConvexHullBuilder    diff        = ref diffStorage.Builder;
                success = true;
                for (int iB = 0; iB < b.NumVertices; iB++)
                    float3 vertexB = Math.Mul(aFromB, b.Vertices[iB]);
                    for (int iA = 0; iA < a.NumVertices; iA++)
                        float3 vertexA = a.Vertices[iA];
                        diff.AddPoint(vertexA - vertexB, (uint)(iA | iB << 16));

                float distance = 0.0f;
                if (success && diff.Dimension == 3)
                    // Find the closest triangle to the origin
                    distance = float.MaxValue;
                    bool penetrating = true;
                    foreach (int t in diff.Triangles.Indices)
                        ConvexHullBuilder.Triangle triangle = diff.Triangles[t];
                        float3 v0 = diff.Vertices[triangle.GetVertex(0)].Position;
                        float3 v1 = diff.Vertices[triangle.GetVertex(1)].Position;
                        float3 v2 = diff.Vertices[triangle.GetVertex(2)].Position;
                        float3 n  = diff.ComputePlane(t).Normal;
                        DistanceQueries.Result result = DistanceQueries.TriangleSphere(v0, v1, v2, n, float3.zero, 0.0f, MTransform.Identity);
                        if (result.Distance < distance)
                            distance = result.Distance;
                        penetrating = penetrating & (math.dot(n, -result.NormalInA) < 0.0f); // only penetrating if inside of all planes

                    if (penetrating)
                        distance = -distance;

                    distance -= a.ConvexRadius + b.ConvexRadius;
                    success = false;


                if (success)
Exemplo n.º 9
        static void DrawManifold(bool useExerimentalMethod, ConvexConvexDistanceQueries.Result distance,
                                 MTransform trsA, ref ConvexHullBuilder hullA, ref HullFaceData dataA,
                                 MTransform trsB, ref ConvexHullBuilder hullB, ref HullFaceData dataB)
            MTransform btoA = Mul(Inverse(trsA), trsB);
            MTransform atoB = Mul(Inverse(trsB), trsA);

            Face faceA = SelectBestFace(dataA.Faces, distance.ClosestPoints.NormalInA);
            Face faceB = SelectBestFace(dataB.Faces, math.mul(atoB.Rotation, -distance.ClosestPoints.NormalInA));

            if (useExerimentalMethod)
                var legacyFaceA = faceA;
                var legacyFaceB = faceB;

                // Experimental method.

                // Extract faces sub-set of A.
                    float bestDot = -2;
                    var   normal  = distance.ClosestPoints.NormalInA;
                    for (int i = 0; i < distance.SimplexDimension; ++i)
                        int vi = distance.SimplexVertexA(i);
                        for (int j = 0; j < dataA.VertexFaces[vi].NumFaces; ++j)
                            var k    = dataA.FaceIndices[dataA.VertexFaces[vi].FirstFace + j];
                            var face = dataA.Faces[k];
                            var d    = math.dot(face.Plane.Normal, normal);
                            if (d > bestDot)
                                faceA   = face;
                                bestDot = d;

                // Extract faces sub-set of B.
                    float bestDot = -2;
                    var   normal  = math.mul(atoB.Rotation, -distance.ClosestPoints.NormalInA);
                    for (int i = 0; i < distance.SimplexDimension; ++i)
                        int vi = distance.SimplexVertexB(i);
                        for (int j = 0; j < dataB.VertexFaces[vi].NumFaces; ++j)
                            var k    = dataB.FaceIndices[dataB.VertexFaces[vi].FirstFace + j];
                            var face = dataB.Faces[k];
                            var d    = math.dot(face.Plane.Normal, normal);
                            if (d > bestDot)
                                faceB   = face;
                                bestDot = d;

                if (legacyFaceA.FirstVertex != faceA.FirstVertex || legacyFaceB.FirstVertex != faceB.FirstVertex)
                    Debug.LogError("Different face set found.");

            var facePlaneAinA = faceA.Plane;
            var facePlaneBinA = TransformPlane(btoA, faceB.Plane);

            /*drawFace(trsA, ref hullA, faceA, dataA.faceVertices, 0.01f, Color.yellow);
            *  drawFace(trsB, ref hullB, faceB, dataB.faceVertices, 0.01f, Color.yellow);*/

            const float eps = 1e-6f;
            var         va  = new List <float3>();
            var         vb  = new List <float3>();

            for (int i = 0; i < faceA.NumVertices; ++i)
                va.Add(hullA.Vertices[dataA.FaceVertices[faceA.FirstVertex + i]].Position);
            for (int i = 0; i < faceB.NumVertices; ++i)
                vb.Add(Mul(btoA, hullB.Vertices[dataB.FaceVertices[faceB.FirstVertex + i]].Position));

            var vt = new List <float3>();

            for (int ai = va.Count - 1, aj = 0; aj < va.Count; ai = aj++)
                var plane = new float4(math.normalize(math.cross(distance.ClosestPoints.NormalInA, va[ai] - va[aj])), 0);
                plane.w = -math.dot(plane.xyz, va[ai]);

                if (vb.Count > 1)
                    int   bi   = vb.Count - 1;
                    float d2Pi = DistanceToPlaneEps(plane, vb[bi], eps);
                    for (int bj = 0; bj < vb.Count; bi = bj++)
                        var d2Pj = DistanceToPlaneEps(plane, vb[bj], eps);
                        if ((d2Pi * d2Pj) < 0)
                            float isec = d2Pi / (d2Pi - d2Pj);
                            vt.Add(vb[bi] + (vb[bj] - vb[bi]) * isec);

                        if (d2Pj <= 0)

                        d2Pi = d2Pj;

                var temp = vb;
                vb = vt;
                vt = temp;

            if (vb.Count == 0)

                GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle();
                labelStyle.fontSize = 16;

                var projectionInvDen = 1 / math.dot(distance.ClosestPoints.NormalInA, facePlaneAinA.Normal);

                int i     = vb.Count - 1;
                var piOnB = vb[i];
                var piD   = math.dot(facePlaneAinA, new float4(piOnB, 1)) * projectionInvDen;
                var piOnA = piOnB - distance.ClosestPoints.NormalInA * piD;
                for (int j = 0; j < vb.Count; i = j++)
                    var center = Mul(trsA, (piOnA + piOnB) / 2);
                    Handles.Label(center, $"{piD}", labelStyle);
                    var pjOnB = vb[j];
                    var pjD   = math.dot(facePlaneAinA, new float4(pjOnB, 1)) * projectionInvDen;
                    var pjOnA = pjOnB - distance.ClosestPoints.NormalInA * pjD;

                    Gizmos.DrawLine(Mul(trsA, piOnB), Mul(trsA, pjOnB));
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(Mul(trsA, piOnA), Mul(trsA, pjOnA));

                    Gizmos.DrawLine(Mul(trsA, pjOnB), Mul(trsA, pjOnA));

                    piOnB = pjOnB;
                    piOnA = pjOnA;
                    piD   = pjD;
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a rotation from global space into the local space of the MTransform
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transform"></param>
 /// <param name="globalRotation"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static MQuaternion InverseTransformRotation(this MTransform transform, MQuaternion globalRotation)
Exemplo n.º 11
        static void ValidateDistanceResult(DistanceQueries.Result result, ref ConvexHull a, ref ConvexHull b, MTransform aFromB, float referenceDistance, string failureMessage)
            // Calculate the support distance along the separating normal
            float3 tempA            = getSupport(ref a, -result.NormalInA);
            float3 supportQuery     = tempA - result.NormalInA * a.ConvexRadius;
            float3 tempB            = Math.Mul(aFromB, getSupport(ref b, math.mul(aFromB.InverseRotation, result.NormalInA)));
            float3 supportTarget    = tempB + result.NormalInA * b.ConvexRadius;
            float  supportQueryDot  = math.dot(supportQuery, result.NormalInA);
            float  supportTargetDot = math.dot(supportTarget, result.NormalInA);
            float  supportDistance  = supportQueryDot - supportTargetDot;

            // Increase the tolerance in case of core penetration
            float adjustedTolerance = tolerance;
            float zeroCoreDistance  = -a.ConvexRadius - b.ConvexRadius; // Distance of shapes including radius at which core shapes are penetrating

            if (result.Distance < zeroCoreDistance || referenceDistance < zeroCoreDistance || supportDistance < zeroCoreDistance)
                // Core shape penetration distances are less accurate, and error scales with the number of vertices (as well as shape size). See stopThreshold in ConvexConvexDistanceQueries.
                // This is not usually noticeable in rigid body simulation because accuracy improves as the penetration resolves.
                // The tolerance is tuned for these tests, it might require further tuning as the tests change.
                adjustedTolerance = 1e-2f + 1e-3f * (a.NumVertices + b.NumVertices);

            // Check that the distance is consistent with the reference distance
            Assert.AreEqual(result.Distance, referenceDistance, adjustedTolerance, failureMessage + ": incorrect distance");

            // Check that the separating normal and closest point are consistent with the distance
            Assert.AreEqual(result.Distance, supportDistance, adjustedTolerance, failureMessage + ": incorrect normal");
            float positionDot = math.dot(result.PositionOnAinA, result.NormalInA);

            Assert.AreEqual(supportQueryDot, positionDot, adjustedTolerance, failureMessage + ": incorrect position");
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a rotation form local space of the MTransform to the global space
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transform"></param>
 /// <param name="localRotation"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static MQuaternion TransformRotation(this MTransform transform, MQuaternion localRotation)
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a point from the global space to the local space of the MTransform
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transform"></param>
 /// <param name="globalPosition"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static MVector3 InverseTransformPoint(this MTransform transform, MVector3 globalPosition)
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a point from the local space of the MTransform to the global space
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="transform"></param>
 /// <param name="localPosition"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static MVector3 TransformPoint(this MTransform transform, MVector3 localPosition)
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Unity collider based on the MCollider and a transform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collider"></param>
        /// <param name="transform"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Collider CreateCollider(MCollider collider, MTransform transform)
            if (collider == null || transform == null)

            GameObject result = null;

            switch (collider.Type)
            case MColliderType.Box:
                MBoxColliderProperties mboxCollider = collider.BoxColliderProperties;

                if (mboxCollider == null)
                    Debug.Log("Box collider is null");

                GameObject boxGameObject = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
                boxGameObject.transform.position = transform.Position.ToVector3();
                boxGameObject.transform.rotation = transform.Rotation.ToQuaternion();

                //Assign the properties of the collider
                BoxCollider boxCollider = boxGameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
                boxCollider.center = collider.PositionOffset.ToVector3();
                boxCollider.size   = mboxCollider.Size.ToVector3();

                result = boxGameObject;

            case MColliderType.Sphere:
                MSphereColliderProperties mSphereCollider = collider.SphereColliderProperties;

                if (mSphereCollider == null)
                    Debug.Log("Sphere collider is null");

                GameObject sphereGameObject = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
                sphereGameObject.transform.position = transform.Position.ToVector3();
                sphereGameObject.transform.rotation = transform.Rotation.ToQuaternion();

                SphereCollider sphereCollider = sphereGameObject.GetComponent <SphereCollider>();
                sphereCollider.center = collider.PositionOffset.ToVector3();
                sphereCollider.radius = (float)mSphereCollider.Radius;

                result = sphereGameObject;

            case MColliderType.Capsule:
                MCapsuleColliderProperties mCapsuleCollider = collider.CapsuleColliderProperties;

                if (mCapsuleCollider == null)
                    Debug.Log("Capsule collider is null");

                GameObject capsule = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
                capsule.transform.position = transform.Position.ToVector3();
                capsule.transform.rotation = transform.Rotation.ToQuaternion();

                CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider = capsule.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
                capsuleCollider.center = collider.PositionOffset.ToVector3();
                capsuleCollider.radius = (float)mCapsuleCollider.Radius;
                capsuleCollider.height = (float)mCapsuleCollider.Height;

                result = capsule;


            case MColliderType.Mesh:

                MMeshColliderProperties mMeshCollider = collider.MeshColliderProperties;

                if (mMeshCollider == null)
                    Debug.Log("Mesh collider is null");

                //To do

            return(result.GetComponent <Collider>());
Exemplo n.º 16
        void OnDrawGizmos()
                var s   = 0.25f;
                var com = MassProperties.CenterOfMass;
                Gizmos.color = Color.white;
                Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.TransformPoint(com + new float3(-s, 0, 0)), transform.TransformPoint(com + new float3(+s, 0, 0)));
                Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.TransformPoint(com + new float3(0, -s, 0)), transform.TransformPoint(com + new float3(0, +s, 0)));
                Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.TransformPoint(com + new float3(0, 0, -s)), transform.TransformPoint(com + new float3(0, 0, +s)));

            if (UpdateMesh)
                UpdateMesh = false;

            // Display faces.
            if (ShowFaces && HullData.Faces != null)
                MTransform trs = new MTransform(transform.rotation, transform.position);

                Gizmos.color = Color.white;
                foreach (Face face in HullData.Faces)
                    var offset = face.Plane.Normal * 0.0001f;
                    for (int i = face.NumVertices - 1, j = 0; j < face.NumVertices; i = j++)
                        var a = Hull.Vertices[HullData.FaceVertices[face.FirstVertex + i]].Position;
                        var b = Hull.Vertices[HullData.FaceVertices[face.FirstVertex + j]].Position;
                        a = Mul(trs, a + offset);
                        b = Mul(trs, b + offset);
                        Gizmos.DrawLine(a, b);

            // Display triangles.
            if (ShowTriangles)
                MTransform trs = new MTransform(transform.rotation, transform.position);
                Gizmos.color = Color.white;
                for (int i = Hull.Triangles.GetFirstIndex(); i != -1; i = Hull.Triangles.GetNextIndex(i))
                    var a = Mul(trs, Hull.Vertices[Hull.Triangles[i].Vertex0].Position);
                    var b = Mul(trs, Hull.Vertices[Hull.Triangles[i].Vertex1].Position);
                    var c = Mul(trs, Hull.Vertices[Hull.Triangles[i].Vertex2].Position);
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(a, b);
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(b, c);
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(c, a);

            // Display vertex normals.
            if (ShowVertexNormals)
                MTransform trs = new MTransform(transform.rotation, transform.position);
                Gizmos.color = Color.white;
                for (var vertex = Hull.Triangles.GetFirstIndex(); vertex != -1; vertex = Hull.Triangles.GetNextIndex(vertex))
                    var normal = math.mul(trs.Rotation, Hull.ComputeVertexNormal(vertex)) * 0.25f;
                    var start  = Mul(trs, Hull.Vertices[vertex].Position);
                    Gizmos.DrawRay(start, normal);

            // Display labels.
            if (ShowLabels)

            // Compute distance to every other convex hulls.
            if (CollideOthers)
                var thisId = GetInstanceID();
                var cvxs   = FindObjectsOfType <ConvexConvexDistanceTest>();

                MTransform transformA = new MTransform(transform.rotation, transform.position);
                float3[]   verticesA  = GetVertexArray();
                foreach (var cvx in cvxs)
                    if (cvx.GetInstanceID() == thisId)

                    MTransform transformB = new MTransform(cvx.transform.rotation, cvx.transform.position);
                    float3[]   verticesB  = cvx.GetVertexArray();

                    MTransform btoA = Mul(Inverse(transformA), transformB);

                    ConvexConvexDistanceQueries.Result result;
                    fixed(float3 *va = verticesA)
                        fixed(float3 *vb = verticesB)
                            result = ConvexConvexDistanceQueries.ConvexConvex(va, verticesA.Length, vb, verticesB.Length, btoA, PenetrationHandling);

                    var from = Mul(transformA, result.ClosestPoints.PositionOnAinA);
                    var to   = Mul(transformA, result.ClosestPoints.PositionOnBinA);

                    if (TraceQueryResults)
                        Debug.Log($"Iterations={result.Iterations}, plane={result.ClosestPoints.NormalInA}, distance={result.ClosestPoints.Distance}");
                        Debug.Log($"Features A = [{result.Simplex[0] >> 16}, {result.Simplex[1] >> 16}, {result.Simplex[2] >> 16}]");
                        Debug.Log($"Features B = [{result.Simplex[0] & 0xffff}, {result.Simplex[1] & 0xffff}, {result.Simplex[2] & 0xffff}]");

                    if (ShowManifold && Hull.Dimension == 3 && cvx.Hull.Dimension == 3)
                        DrawManifold(Experimental, result,
                                     transformA, ref Hull, ref HullData,
                                     transformB, ref cvx.Hull, ref cvx.HullData);

                    if (ShowProjection)
                        Gizmos.color = Color.white;
                        var trs = Mul(transformA, new MTransform(float3x3.identity, result.ClosestPoints.NormalInA * result.ClosestPoints.Distance));
                            var tv = stackalloc float3[Hull.Vertices.PeakCount];
                            for (var vertex = Hull.Vertices.GetFirstIndex(); vertex != -1; vertex = Hull.Vertices.GetNextIndex(vertex))
                                tv[vertex] = Mul(trs, Hull.Vertices[vertex].Position);

                            if (Hull.Dimension == 3)
                                for (var edge = Hull.GetFirstPrimaryEdge(); edge.IsValid; edge = Hull.GetNextPrimaryEdge(edge))
                                    Gizmos.DrawLine(tv[Hull.StartVertex(edge)], tv[Hull.EndVertex(edge)]);
                            else if (Hull.Dimension >= 1)
                                for (int i = Hull.Vertices.PeakCount - 1, j = 0; j < Hull.Vertices.PeakCount; i = j++)
                                    Gizmos.DrawLine(tv[i], tv[j]);

                    Gizmos.color = Color.red;
                    Gizmos.DrawSphere(from, 0.05f);

                    Gizmos.color = Color.green;
                    Gizmos.DrawSphere(to, 0.05f);

                    Gizmos.color = Color.white;
                    Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to);

                    if (ShowCso)
                        Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;

                        using (var cso = new ConvexHullBuilder(8192, 8192 * 2))
                            for (int i = 0; i < verticesA.Length; ++i)
                                for (int j = 0; j < verticesB.Length; ++j)
                                    cso.AddPoint(verticesA[i] - Mul(btoA, verticesB[j]));
                            if (cso.Dimension == 2)
                                for (int n = cso.Vertices.PeakCount, i = n - 1, j = 0; j < n; i = j++)
                                    Gizmos.DrawLine(cso.Vertices[i].Position, cso.Vertices[j].Position);
                            else if (cso.Dimension == 3)
                                foreach (var triangle in cso.Triangles.Elements)
                                    Gizmos.DrawLine(cso.Vertices[triangle.Vertex0].Position, cso.Vertices[triangle.Vertex1].Position);
                                    Gizmos.DrawLine(cso.Vertices[triangle.Vertex1].Position, cso.Vertices[triangle.Vertex2].Position);
                                    Gizmos.DrawLine(cso.Vertices[triangle.Vertex2].Position, cso.Vertices[triangle.Vertex0].Position);
                            Gizmos.DrawLine(new float3(-0.1f, 0, 0), new float3(+0.1f, 0, 0));
                            Gizmos.DrawLine(new float3(0, -0.1f, 0), new float3(0, +0.1f, 0));
                            Gizmos.DrawLine(new float3(0, 0, -0.1f), new float3(0, 0, +0.1f));

            // Draw vertices.
            GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle();
            labelStyle.fontSize = 24;

            Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
            for (int i = Hull.Vertices.GetFirstIndex(); i != -1; i = Hull.Vertices.GetNextIndex(i))
                var w = transform.TransformPoint(Hull.Vertices[i].Position);
                if (ShowLabels)
                    Handles.color = Color.white;
                    Handles.Label(w, $"{i}:{Hull.Vertices[i].Cardinality}", labelStyle);
                    Gizmos.DrawSphere(w, 0.01f);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public static unsafe Result SphereSphere(SphereCollider *sphereA, SphereCollider *sphereB, MTransform aFromB)
            float3 posBinA = Mul(aFromB, sphereB->Center);

            return(PointPoint(sphereA->Center, posBinA, sphereA->Radius, sphereA->Radius + sphereB->Radius));
Exemplo n.º 18
    protected void RCS(Vector3 vTurnProp)
        //angular acceleration = torque/mass
        rates = torques / m_rigidbody.mass;

        Vector3 vThrustProp = vTurnProp;

//		//determine targer rates of rotation based on user input as a percentage of the maximum angular velocity
        m_vTargetVelocity = new Vector3(vThrustProp.x * rates.x, vThrustProp.y * rates.y, vThrustProp.z * rates.z);

//		//take the rigidbody.angularVelocity and convert it to local space; we need this for comparison to target rotation velocities

        curVelocity = MTransform.InverseTransformDirection(m_rigidbody.angularVelocity);

        //For each axis:  If the ship's current rate of rotation does not equal the desired rate of rotation, first check to see
        //if it is a matter of drift or "jittering", which is when it keeps jumping from positive to negative to positive thrust because the
        //values are so close to zero (to see what I mean, set  snapThreshold = 0, rotate the ship on multiple axes, then let it try
        //to come to a complete stop.  It won't.)  If it is just drift/jittering, turn off the thrust for the axis, and just set the current
        //angular velocity to the target angular velocity.  Otherwise, the user is still giving input, and we haven't reached the
        //desired rate of rotation.  In that case, we set the axis activation value = to the direction in which we need thrust.

        if (curVelocity.x != m_vTargetVelocity.x)
            if (Mathf.Abs(m_vTargetVelocity.x - curVelocity.x) < rates.x * Time.fixedDeltaTime * snapThreshold)
                tActivation.x = 0;
                curVelocity.x = m_vTargetVelocity.x;
                tActivation.x = Mathf.Sign(m_vTargetVelocity.x - curVelocity.x);

        if (curVelocity.y != m_vTargetVelocity.y)
            if (Mathf.Abs(m_vTargetVelocity.y - curVelocity.y) < rates.y * Time.fixedDeltaTime * snapThreshold)
                tActivation.y = 0;
                curVelocity.y = m_vTargetVelocity.y;
                tActivation.y = Mathf.Sign(m_vTargetVelocity.y - curVelocity.y);

        if (curVelocity.z != m_vTargetVelocity.z)
            if (Mathf.Abs(m_vTargetVelocity.z - curVelocity.z) < rates.z * Time.fixedDeltaTime * snapThreshold)
                tActivation.z = 0;
                curVelocity.z = m_vTargetVelocity.z;
                tActivation.z = Mathf.Sign(m_vTargetVelocity.z - curVelocity.z);

        //here, we manually set the rigidbody.angular velocity to the value of our current velocity.
        //this is done to effect the manual changes we may have made on any number of axes.
        //if we didn't do this, the jittering would continue to occur.

        if (InputManager.Instance.NoviceMode)
            m_rigidbody.angularVelocity = MTransform.TransformDirection(curVelocity);

        //call the function that actually handles applying the torque
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static unsafe Result CapsuleCapsule(CapsuleCollider *capsuleA, CapsuleCollider *capsuleB, MTransform aFromB)
            // Transform capsule B into A-space
            float3 pointB = Mul(aFromB, capsuleB->Vertex0);
            float3 edgeB  = math.mul(aFromB.Rotation, capsuleB->Vertex1 - capsuleB->Vertex0);

            // Get point and edge of A
            float3 pointA = capsuleA->Vertex0;
            float3 edgeA  = capsuleA->Vertex1 - capsuleA->Vertex0;

            // Get the closest points on the capsules
            SegmentSegment(pointA, edgeA, pointB, edgeB, out float3 closestA, out float3 closestB);
            float3 diff           = closestA - closestB;
            float  coreDistanceSq = math.lengthsq(diff);

            if (coreDistanceSq < distanceEpsSq)
                // Special case for extremely small distances, should be rare
                float3 normal = math.cross(edgeA, edgeB);
                if (math.lengthsq(normal) < 1e-5f)
                    float3 edge = math.normalizesafe(edgeA, math.normalizesafe(edgeB, new float3(1, 0, 0))); // edges are parallel or one of the capsules is a sphere
                    Math.CalculatePerpendicularNormalized(edge, out normal, out float3 unused);              // normal is anything perpendicular to edge
                    normal = math.normalize(normal); // normal is cross of edges, sign doesn't matter
                return(new Result
                    NormalInA = normal,
                    PositionOnAinA = pointA - normal * capsuleA->Radius,
                    Distance = -capsuleA->Radius - capsuleB->Radius
            return(PointPoint(closestA, closestB, capsuleA->Radius, capsuleA->Radius + capsuleB->Radius));
Exemplo n.º 20
    protected void FireThrusters(Vector3 vOrientationProp)
        //for each axis, applies torque based on the torque available to the axis in the direction indicated by the activation value.
        //-1 means we are applying torque to effect a negative rotation.  +1 does just the opposite.  0 means no torque is needed.
        Vector3 vThrustProp = vOrientationProp;
        Vector3 vXTorque    = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 vYTorque    = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 vZTorque    = Vector3.zero;

        if (!InputManager.Instance.NoviceMode)
            vXTorque = tActivation.x * MTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right) * torques.x * Mathf.Abs(vThrustProp.x) * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            vYTorque = tActivation.y * MTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up) * torques.y * Mathf.Abs(vThrustProp.y) * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            vZTorque = tActivation.z * MTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward) * torques.z * Mathf.Abs(vThrustProp.z) * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            Vector3 vLocalRight = MTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right);
            vLocalRight.y = 0;

            vXTorque = tActivation.x * vLocalRight.normalized * torques.x * Mathf.Abs(vThrustProp.x) * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
            vYTorque = tActivation.y * (Vector3.up) * torques.y * Mathf.Abs(vThrustProp.y) * Time.fixedDeltaTime;

        if (!MLandingAbility.Landed)
            Vector3 localVelocity = MTransform.InverseTransformDirection(m_rigidbody.velocity);
            float   ForwardSpeed  = Mathf.Max(0, localVelocity.z);

            Vector3 vTorque = Vector3.zero;

            if (InputManager.Instance.NoviceMode)
                Quaternion localRotation = MTransform.localRotation;
                Quaternion axisRotation  = Quaternion.AngleAxis(localRotation.eulerAngles[0], rotateAround);

                float angleFromMin = Quaternion.Angle(axisRotation, minQuaternion);
                float angleFromMax = Quaternion.Angle(axisRotation, maxQuaternion);

                float fDotUp           = Vector3.Dot(MTransform.forward, Vector3.up);
                float fDotDown         = Vector3.Dot(MTransform.forward, -Vector3.up);
                bool  bDiffUp          = (1f - fDotUp) < 0.1f;
                bool  bDiffDown        = (1f - fDotDown) < 0.1f;
                bool  bDiff            = bDiffUp || bDiffDown;
                bool  bDownDirMovement = bDiffUp && !bDiffDown && tActivation.x > 0;
                bool  bUpDirMovement   = bDiffDown && !bDiffUp && tActivation.x < 0;

                if (!bDiff || bDownDirMovement || bUpDirMovement)
                    if (tActivation.x != 0)
                        vTorque += vXTorque;
                    Vector3 vAngular = m_rigidbody.angularVelocity;
                    vAngular.x = 0f;
                    vAngular.z = 0f;
                    m_rigidbody.angularVelocity = vAngular;

                if (tActivation.y != 0)
                    vTorque += vYTorque;
                if (tActivation.x != 0)
                    vTorque += vXTorque;
                if (tActivation.y != 0)
                    vTorque += vYTorque;
                if (tActivation.z != 0)
                    vTorque += vZTorque;

            if (AllowTorquing && !InputManager.Instance.NoviceMode)
            else if (AllowTorquing && InputManager.Instance.NoviceMode)

        if (InputManager.Instance.IsMovement() && !m_playerShip.m_airBrakePress.IsActive)

            if (MTransform.forward.y < 0f)
                Vector3 vDownForce = Physics.gravity.y * GameSimulation.Instance.GravityMultiplier * MTransform.forward.y * MTransform.forward * GameSimulation.Instance.GravityMultiplier;
                m_rigidbody.AddForce(vDownForce, ForceMode.Force);

        if (!MLandingAbility.Landed)
            SpeedStat.AddForce(vThrustProp.x, vThrustProp.y);

        bool bDashCheck = m_playerShip.MDashAbility == null ||
                          (m_playerShip.MDashAbility != null && m_playerShip.MDashAbility.Cooldown.IsMin()) ||

        if (m_bAeroSteering)
            if ((Rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > 0 && bDashCheck) || DisableAeroDynamic)
                AeroDynamicEffect.ModifyCurrent(Time.fixedDeltaTime * m_fAeroGainMod);
                // compare the direction we're pointing with the direction we're moving:
                m_AeroFactor = Vector3.Dot(MTransform.forward, Rigidbody.velocity.normalized);
                // multipled by itself results in a desirable rolloff curve of the effect
                m_AeroFactor *= m_AeroFactor;
                // Finally we calculate a new velocity by bending the current velocity direction towards
                // the the direction the plane is facing, by an amount based on this aeroFactor
                Vector3 newVelocity = Vector3.Lerp(Rigidbody.velocity, MTransform.forward * Rigidbody.velocity.magnitude,
                                                   m_AeroFactor * Rigidbody.velocity.magnitude * AeroDynamicEffect.Current * Time.fixedDeltaTime);

                Rigidbody.velocity = newVelocity;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public static unsafe Result CapsuleTriangle(CapsuleCollider *capsuleA, PolygonCollider *triangleB, MTransform aFromB)
            // Get vertices
            float3 c0 = capsuleA->Vertex0;
            float3 c1 = capsuleA->Vertex1;
            float3 t0 = Mul(aFromB, triangleB->ConvexHull.Vertices[0]);
            float3 t1 = Mul(aFromB, triangleB->ConvexHull.Vertices[1]);
            float3 t2 = Mul(aFromB, triangleB->ConvexHull.Vertices[2]);

            float3 direction;
            float  distanceSq;
            float3 pointCapsule;
            float  sign = 1.0f; // negated if penetrating
                // Calculate triangle edges and edge planes
                float3 faceNormal = math.mul(aFromB.Rotation, triangleB->ConvexHull.Planes[0].Normal);
                FourTransposedPoints vertsB;
                FourTransposedPoints edgesB;
                FourTransposedPoints perpsB;
                CalcTrianglePlanes(t0, t1, t2, faceNormal, out vertsB, out edgesB, out perpsB);

                // c0 against triangle face
                    FourTransposedPoints rels = new FourTransposedPoints(c0) - vertsB;
                    PointTriangleFace(c0, t0, faceNormal, vertsB, edgesB, perpsB, rels, out float signedDistance);
                    distanceSq = signedDistance * signedDistance;
                    if (distanceSq > distanceEpsSq)
                        direction = -faceNormal * signedDistance;
                        direction = math.select(faceNormal, -faceNormal, math.dot(c1 - c0, faceNormal) < 0); // rare case, capsule point is exactly on the triangle face
                    pointCapsule = c0;

                // c1 against triangle face
                    FourTransposedPoints rels = new FourTransposedPoints(c1) - vertsB;
                    PointTriangleFace(c1, t0, faceNormal, vertsB, edgesB, perpsB, rels, out float signedDistance);
                    float  distanceSq1 = signedDistance * signedDistance;
                    float3 direction1;
                    if (distanceSq1 > distanceEpsSq)
                        direction1 = -faceNormal * signedDistance;
                        direction1 = math.select(faceNormal, -faceNormal, math.dot(c0 - c1, faceNormal) < 0); // rare case, capsule point is exactly on the triangle face
                    SelectMin(ref direction, ref distanceSq, ref pointCapsule, direction1, distanceSq1, c1);

                // axis against triangle edges
                float3 axis = c1 - c0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    float3 closestOnCapsule, closestOnTriangle;
                    SegmentSegment(c0, axis, vertsB.GetPoint(i), edgesB.GetPoint(i), out closestOnCapsule, out closestOnTriangle);
                    float3 edgeDiff       = closestOnCapsule - closestOnTriangle;
                    float  edgeDistanceSq = math.lengthsq(edgeDiff);
                    edgeDiff = math.select(edgeDiff, perpsB.GetPoint(i), edgeDistanceSq < distanceEpsSq); // use edge plane if the capsule axis intersects the edge
                    SelectMin(ref direction, ref distanceSq, ref pointCapsule, edgeDiff, edgeDistanceSq, closestOnCapsule);

                // axis against triangle face
                    // Find the intersection of the axis with the triangle plane
                    float axisDot = math.dot(axis, faceNormal);
                    float dist0   = math.dot(t0 - c0, faceNormal); // distance from c0 to the plane along the normal
                    float t       = dist0 * math.select(math.rcp(axisDot), 0.0f, axisDot == 0.0f);
                    if (t > 0.0f && t < 1.0f)
                        // If they intersect, check if the intersection is inside the triangle
                        FourTransposedPoints rels = new FourTransposedPoints(c0 + axis * t) - vertsB;
                        float4 dots = perpsB.Dot(rels);
                        if (math.all(dots <= float4.zero))
                            // Axis intersects the triangle, choose the separating direction
                            float  dist1            = axisDot - dist0;
                            bool   use1             = math.abs(dist1) < math.abs(dist0);
                            float  dist             = math.select(-dist0, dist1, use1);
                            float3 closestOnCapsule = math.select(c0, c1, use1);
                            SelectMin(ref direction, ref distanceSq, ref pointCapsule, dist * faceNormal, dist * dist, closestOnCapsule);

                            // Even if the edge is closer than the face, we now know that the edge hit was penetrating
                            sign = -1.0f;

            float  invDistance = math.rsqrt(distanceSq);
            float  distance;
            float3 normal;

            if (distanceSq < distanceEpsSq)
                normal   = math.normalize(direction); // rare case, capsule axis almost exactly touches the triangle
                distance = 0.0f;
                normal   = direction * invDistance * sign; // common case, distanceSq = lengthsq(direction)
                distance = distanceSq * invDistance * sign;
            return(new Result
                NormalInA = normal,
                PositionOnAinA = pointCapsule - normal * capsuleA->Radius,
                Distance = distance - capsuleA->Radius
Exemplo n.º 22
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)

        for (int i = 0; i < collision.contacts.Length; ++i)
            Vector3  vLoc   = collision.contacts[i].point;
            Collider hitCol = collision.contacts[i].thisCollider;

            if (hitCol == GetComponent <Collider>())
                if (MLandingAbility.Landing || MLandingAbility.Landed)

                bool bCollideDamageLayer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Scenery") == collision.collider.gameObject.layer ||
                                           LayerMask.NameToLayer("Building") == collision.collider.gameObject.layer;
                if (bCollideDamageLayer)
                    m_speedDamageMod.Amount = -m_playerShip.m_fSpeed;
                    LastCollisionVector     = collision.impulse / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                    collision.gameObject.SendMessage("OnRammedByPlayer", m_speedDamageMod, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

                else if (LayerMask.NameToLayer("Water") == collision.collider.gameObject.layer)
                    Vector3 vAdded = m_playerShip.MTransform.forward;
                    vAdded.y = 0;
                    vAdded *= 4f;
                    PoolBoss.Spawn(m_waterCollisionPrefab.transform, vLoc + vAdded, Quaternion.identity, null);
                else if (LayerMask.NameToLayer("Actor") == collision.collider.gameObject.layer)
                else if (LayerMask.NameToLayer("FlockingSpirits") == collision.collider.gameObject.layer)

                    Transform mForm = PoolBoss.Spawn(m_impactEffect.transform, vLoc, Quaternion.identity, MTransform);
                    mForm.parent        = MTransform;
                    mForm.localPosition = MTransform.InverseTransformPoint(vLoc);
                else if (LayerMask.NameToLayer("Vehicle") == collision.collider.gameObject.layer)

                    Transform mForm = PoolBoss.Spawn(m_impactEffect.transform, vLoc, Quaternion.identity, MTransform);
                    mForm.parent        = MTransform;
                    mForm.localPosition = MTransform.InverseTransformPoint(vLoc);
Exemplo n.º 23
        // Dispatch any pair of convex colliders
        public static unsafe Result ConvexConvex(Collider *convexA, Collider *convexB, MTransform aFromB)
            Result result;
            bool   flip = false;

            switch (convexA->Type)
            case ColliderType.Sphere:
                SphereCollider *sphereA = (SphereCollider *)convexA;
                switch (convexB->Type)
                case ColliderType.Sphere:
                    result = SphereSphere(sphereA, (SphereCollider *)convexB, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Capsule:
                    CapsuleCollider *capsuleB = (CapsuleCollider *)convexB;
                    result = CapsuleSphere(capsuleB->Vertex0, capsuleB->Vertex1, capsuleB->Radius, sphereA->Center, sphereA->Radius, Inverse(aFromB));
                    flip   = true;

                case ColliderType.Triangle:
                    PolygonCollider *triangleB = (PolygonCollider *)convexB;
                    result = TriangleSphere(
                        triangleB->Vertices[0], triangleB->Vertices[1], triangleB->Vertices[2], triangleB->Planes[0].Normal,
                        sphereA->Center, sphereA->Radius, Inverse(aFromB));
                    flip = true;

                case ColliderType.Quad:
                    PolygonCollider *quadB = (PolygonCollider *)convexB;
                    result = QuadSphere(
                        quadB->Vertices[0], quadB->Vertices[1], quadB->Vertices[2], quadB->Vertices[3], quadB->Planes[0].Normal,
                        sphereA->Center, sphereA->Radius, Inverse(aFromB));
                    flip = true;

                case ColliderType.Box:
                    result = BoxSphere((BoxCollider *)convexB, sphereA, Inverse(aFromB));
                    flip   = true;

                case ColliderType.Cylinder:
                case ColliderType.Convex:
                    result = ConvexConvex(ref sphereA->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexB)->ConvexHull, aFromB);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            case ColliderType.Capsule:
                CapsuleCollider *capsuleA = (CapsuleCollider *)convexA;
                switch (convexB->Type)
                case ColliderType.Sphere:
                    SphereCollider *sphereB = (SphereCollider *)convexB;
                    result = CapsuleSphere(capsuleA->Vertex0, capsuleA->Vertex1, capsuleA->Radius, sphereB->Center, sphereB->Radius, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Capsule:
                    result = CapsuleCapsule(capsuleA, (CapsuleCollider *)convexB, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Triangle:
                    result = CapsuleTriangle(capsuleA, (PolygonCollider *)convexB, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Box:
                case ColliderType.Quad:
                case ColliderType.Cylinder:
                case ColliderType.Convex:
                    result = ConvexConvex(ref capsuleA->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexB)->ConvexHull, aFromB);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            case ColliderType.Triangle:
                PolygonCollider *triangleA = (PolygonCollider *)convexA;
                switch (convexB->Type)
                case ColliderType.Sphere:
                    SphereCollider *sphereB = (SphereCollider *)convexB;
                    result = TriangleSphere(
                        triangleA->Vertices[0], triangleA->Vertices[1], triangleA->Vertices[2], triangleA->Planes[0].Normal,
                        sphereB->Center, sphereB->Radius, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Capsule:
                    result = CapsuleTriangle((CapsuleCollider *)convexB, triangleA, Inverse(aFromB));
                    flip   = true;

                case ColliderType.Box:
                case ColliderType.Triangle:
                case ColliderType.Quad:
                case ColliderType.Cylinder:
                case ColliderType.Convex:
                    result = ConvexConvex(ref triangleA->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexB)->ConvexHull, aFromB);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            case ColliderType.Box:
                BoxCollider *boxA = (BoxCollider *)convexA;
                switch (convexB->Type)
                case ColliderType.Sphere:
                    result = BoxSphere(boxA, (SphereCollider *)convexB, aFromB);

                case ColliderType.Capsule:
                case ColliderType.Box:
                case ColliderType.Triangle:
                case ColliderType.Quad:
                case ColliderType.Cylinder:
                case ColliderType.Convex:
                    result = ConvexConvex(ref boxA->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexB)->ConvexHull, aFromB);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            case ColliderType.Quad:
            case ColliderType.Cylinder:
            case ColliderType.Convex:
                result = ConvexConvex(ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexA)->ConvexHull, ref ((ConvexCollider *)convexB)->ConvexHull, aFromB);

                throw new NotImplementedException();

            if (flip)
                result.PositionOnAinA = Mul(aFromB, result.PositionOnBinA);
                result.NormalInA      = math.mul(aFromB.Rotation, -result.NormalInA);

        public override MBoolResponse AssignInstruction(MInstruction instruction, MSimulationState simulationState)
            //Create a response
            MBoolResponse response = new MBoolResponse(true);

            //Set default values
            this.abort = false;
            this.filterSceneObjects = true;

            //Assign the simulation state
            this.simulationState = simulationState;

            //Assign the instruction
            this.instruction = instruction;

            //Reset the elapsed time
            this.elapsedTime = TimeSpan.Zero;

            ///Parse the properties
            bool requiredPropertiesSet = this.ParseProperties(instruction);

            //Check if all required properties have been set
            if (!requiredPropertiesSet)
                response.LogData = new List <string>()
                    "Properties are not defined -> cannot start the MMU"

                response.Successful = false;

            //Get the target transform
            MTransform targetTransform = this.GetTarget();

            if (targetTransform == null)
                response.Successful = false;
                response.LogData    = new List <string>()
                    "Problem at fetching the target transform!"

            //Flag indicates wheather a predefined trajectory should be used
            bool usePredefinedTrajectory = false;

            //Execute instructions on main thread
            this.ExecuteOnMainThread(() =>
                //Set the channel data of the current simulation state

                //Get the root position and rotation
                MVector3 rootPosition    = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.PelvisCentre);
                MQuaternion rootRotation = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointRotation(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.PelvisCentre);

                //Extract the start position
                Vector2 startPosition = new Vector2((float)rootPosition.X, (float)rootPosition.Z);

                //Get the goal position
                this.goalPosition = new Vector2((float)targetTransform.Position.X, (float)targetTransform.Position.Z);

                this.lastGoalPosition = this.goalPosition;

                //Fetch the trajectory if available
                if (instruction.Properties.ContainsKey("Trajectory"))
                        //Get the path constraint
                        MPathConstraint pathConstraint = instruction.Constraints.Find(s => s.ID == instruction.Properties["Trajectory"]).PathConstraint;

                        //Get the actual trajectory from the path constraint
                        List <Vector2> pointList = pathConstraint.GetVector2List();

                        //Estimate the distance between the start point and first point of trajectory
                        float distance = (startPosition - pointList[0]).magnitude;

                        //If distance to first point of trajectory is below threshold -> Directly connect the start point with the first point of the trajectory
                        if (distance < 0.5)
                            pointList.Insert(0, startPosition);
                            trajectory = new MotionTrajectory2D(pointList, this.Velocity);

                            //Compute a path to the trajectory start location
                            this.trajectory = this.ComputePath(startPosition, pointList[0], this.filterSceneObjects);

                            //Add the defined trajectory

                            //Finally estimate the timestamps based on the velocity

                        //Set flag that no more planning is required
                        usePredefinedTrajectory = true;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, "UnityLocomotionMMU: Cannot parse trajectory -> plan new one: " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace);

                //Only plan the path if no predefined trajectory should be used
                if (!usePredefinedTrajectory)
                    //Compute a path which considers the indivudal path goals and the constraints
                    this.trajectory = this.ComputePath(startPosition, this.goalPosition, filterSceneObjects);

                if (this.trajectory == null || this.trajectory.Poses.Count == 0)
                    this.abort = true;

                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, $"No path found in assign instruction. Aborting MMU.");

                    response.LogData = new List <string>()
                        "No path found"

                    response.Successful = false;

                //Valid path found
                if (this.trajectory != null && this.trajectory.Poses.Count > 0)
                    //Create the visualization data for the trajectory (drawing calls)

                    //Set the speed of the animator
                    this.animator.speed = this.Velocity / 2.0f;

                    //Reset the goal direction
                    this.goalPosition = new Vector2();

                    //Update the animation
                    this.animator.SetFloat("Velocity", 0);
                    this.animator.SetFloat("Direction", 0.5f);

                    //Reset the current index
                    this.currentIndex = 0;

                    //Set the internal fields
                    this.transform.position = new Vector3((float)rootPosition.X, 0, (float)rootPosition.Z);

                    // In the new intermediate skeleton definition, x is pointing backwards, y up, z right.
                    this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, new Quaternion((float)rootRotation.X, (float)rootRotation.Y, (float)rootRotation.Z, (float)rootRotation.W).eulerAngles.y - 90.0f, 0);

                    //Get the discrete poses representing the trajectory
                    this.discretePoses = this.trajectory.SampleFrames(60);

                    //Set state to starting
                    this.state = WalkState.Starting;

                    //Set flag which indicates the start
                    this.firstFrame = true;

                    //Reset the foot trackers

            public unsafe void Execute()
                // Color palette
                var colorA     = Unity.DebugDisplay.ColorIndex.Cyan;
                var colorB     = Unity.DebugDisplay.ColorIndex.Magenta;
                var colorError = Unity.DebugDisplay.ColorIndex.Red;
                var colorRange = Unity.DebugDisplay.ColorIndex.Yellow;


                for (int iJoint = 0; iJoint < Joints.Length; iJoint++)
                    Joint joint = Joints[iJoint];

                    if (!joint.BodyPair.IsValid)

                    RigidBody bodyA = Bodies[joint.BodyPair.BodyIndexA];
                    RigidBody bodyB = Bodies[joint.BodyPair.BodyIndexB];

                    MTransform worldFromA, worldFromB;
                    MTransform worldFromJointA, worldFromJointB;
                        worldFromA = new MTransform(bodyA.WorldFromBody);
                        worldFromB = new MTransform(bodyB.WorldFromBody);

                        worldFromJointA = Mul(worldFromA, joint.AFromJoint);
                        worldFromJointB = Mul(worldFromB, joint.BFromJoint);

                    float3 pivotA = worldFromJointA.Translation;
                    float3 pivotB = worldFromJointB.Translation;

                    for (var i = 0; i < joint.Constraints.Length; i++)
                        Constraint constraint = joint.Constraints[i];
                        switch (constraint.Type)
                        case ConstraintType.Linear:

                            float3 diff = pivotA - pivotB;

                            // Draw the feature on B and find the range for A
                            float3 rangeOrigin;
                            float3 rangeDirection;
                            float  rangeDistance;
                            switch (constraint.Dimension)
                            case 0:

                            case 1:
                                float3 normal = worldFromJointB.Rotation[constraint.ConstrainedAxis1D];
                                OutputStream.Plane(pivotB, normal * k_Scale, colorB);
                                rangeDistance  = math.dot(normal, diff);
                                rangeOrigin    = pivotA - normal * rangeDistance;
                                rangeDirection = normal;

                            case 2:
                                float3 direction = worldFromJointB.Rotation[constraint.FreeAxis2D];
                                OutputStream.Line(pivotB - direction * k_Scale, pivotB + direction * k_Scale, colorB);
                                float dot = math.dot(direction, diff);
                                rangeOrigin    = pivotB + direction * dot;
                                rangeDirection = diff - direction * dot;
                                rangeDistance  = math.length(rangeDirection);
                                rangeDirection = math.select(rangeDirection / rangeDistance, float3.zero, rangeDistance < 1e-5);

                            case 3:
                                OutputStream.Point(pivotB, k_Scale, colorB);
                                rangeOrigin    = pivotB;
                                rangeDistance  = math.length(diff);
                                rangeDirection = math.select(diff / rangeDistance, float3.zero, rangeDistance < 1e-5);


                            // Draw the pivot on A
                            OutputStream.Point(pivotA, k_Scale, colorA);

                            // Draw error
                            float3 rangeA   = rangeOrigin + rangeDistance * rangeDirection;
                            float3 rangeMin = rangeOrigin + constraint.Min * rangeDirection;
                            float3 rangeMax = rangeOrigin + constraint.Max * rangeDirection;
                            if (rangeDistance < constraint.Min)
                                OutputStream.Line(rangeA, rangeMin, colorError);
                            else if (rangeDistance > constraint.Max)
                                OutputStream.Line(rangeA, rangeMax, colorError);
                            if (math.length(rangeA - pivotA) > 1e-5f)
                                OutputStream.Line(rangeA, pivotA, colorError);

                            // Draw the range
                            if (constraint.Min != constraint.Max)
                                OutputStream.Line(rangeMin, rangeMax, colorRange);


                        case ConstraintType.Angular:
                            switch (constraint.Dimension)
                            case 0:

                            case 1:
                                // Get the limited axis and perpendicular in joint space
                                int    constrainedAxis      = constraint.ConstrainedAxis1D;
                                float3 axisInWorld          = worldFromJointA.Rotation[constrainedAxis];
                                float3 perpendicularInWorld = worldFromJointA.Rotation[(constrainedAxis + 1) % 3] * k_Scale;

                                // Draw the angle of A
                                OutputStream.Line(pivotA, pivotA + perpendicularInWorld, colorA);

                                // Calculate the relative angle
                                float angle;
                                    float3x3 jointBFromA = math.mul(math.inverse(worldFromJointB.Rotation), worldFromJointA.Rotation);
                                    angle = CalculateTwistAngle(new quaternion(jointBFromA), constrainedAxis);

                                // Draw the range in B
                                float3 axis = worldFromJointA.Rotation[constraint.ConstrainedAxis1D];
                                OutputStream.Arc(pivotB, axis, math.mul(quaternion.AxisAngle(axis, constraint.Min - angle), perpendicularInWorld), constraint.Max - constraint.Min, colorB);


                            case 2:
                                // Get axes in world space
                                int    axisIndex = constraint.FreeAxis2D;
                                float3 axisA     = worldFromJointA.Rotation[axisIndex];
                                float3 axisB     = worldFromJointB.Rotation[axisIndex];

                                // Draw the cones in B
                                if (constraint.Min == 0.0f)
                                    OutputStream.Line(pivotB, pivotB + axisB * k_Scale, colorB);
                                    OutputStream.Cone(pivotB, axisB * k_Scale, constraint.Min, colorB);
                                if (constraint.Max != constraint.Min)
                                    OutputStream.Cone(pivotB, axisB * k_Scale, constraint.Max, colorB);

                                // Draw the axis in A
                                OutputStream.Arrow(pivotA, axisA * k_Scale, colorA);


                            case 3:
                                // TODO - no idea how to visualize this if the limits are nonzero :)



        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the motion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timespan"></param>
        public override MSimulationResult DoStep(double time, MSimulationState simulationState)
            //Create a simulation result
            MSimulationResult result = new MSimulationResult()
                Posture            = simulationState.Current,
                Constraints        = simulationState.Constraints ?? new List <MConstraint>(),
                SceneManipulations = simulationState.SceneManipulations ?? new List <MSceneManipulation>(),
                Events             = simulationState.Events

            //Abort the whole MMU if required
            if (abort)
                result.Events.Add(new MSimulationEvent("No path found", MMIStandard.mmiConstants.MSimulationEvent_Abort, this.instruction.ID));

            List <MConstraint> constraints = result.Constraints;

            //Get the current target transform
            MTransform targetTransform = this.GetTarget();

            if (targetTransform == null)
                Debug.Log("No target defined -> error");
                result.LogData = new List <string>()
                    "No target defined -> error"

            //Update the goal position
            this.goalPosition = new Vector2((float)targetTransform.Position.X, (float)targetTransform.Position.Z);

            //Set the current state
            this.simulationState = simulationState;

            TimeSpan timespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time);

            //Clear all events

            ///Moreover the drawing calls
            if (!firstFrame)
                this.drawingCalls = null;

            //Set started flag to false
            if (firstFrame)
                firstFrame = false;

            //Execute instructions on main thread
            this.ExecuteOnMainThread(() =>
                    if (this.state != WalkState.Idle)
                        //Update the tracker for tracking the velocity
                        this.leftFootAnimationTracker.UpdateStats(this.animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftFoot), (float)time);
                        this.rightFootAnimationTracker.UpdateStats(this.animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightFoot), (float)time);

                        //Do the local steering

                        //Update the animator and sample new animation

                        //Get the posture of the animation at the specified time
                        this.simulationState.Current = this.GetPosture();

                        //Increment the time
                        this.timespan     = timespan;
                        this.elapsedTime += timespan;

                    result.Posture      = this.GetRetargetedPosture();
                    result.Events       = this.events;
                    result.DrawingCalls = this.drawingCalls;

                    //Set constraints relevant for the posture
                    //this.constraintManager.SetEndeffectorConstraint(MEndeffectorType.LeftFoot, this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.LeftAnkle), this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointRotation(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.LeftAnkle));
                    //this.constraintManager.SetEndeffectorConstraint(MEndeffectorType.RightFoot, this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.RightAnkle), this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointRotation(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.RightAnkle));

                    //this.constraintManager.SetEndeffectorConstraint(MEndeffectorType.LeftHand, result.Posture.GetGlobalPosition(MJointType.LeftWrist), result.Posture.GetGlobalRotation(MJointType.LeftWrist));
                    //this.constraintManager.SetEndeffectorConstraint(MEndeffectorType.RightHand, result.Posture.GetGlobalPosition(MJointType.RightWrist), result.Posture.GetGlobalRotation(MJointType.RightWrist));
                catch (Exception e)
                    MMICSharp.Adapter.Logger.Log(MMICSharp.Adapter.Log_level.L_ERROR, $"Problem within do-step of UnityLocomotionMMU: {e.Message} {e.StackTrace}");

 public void TransformNewHits(int oldNumHits, float oldFraction, MTransform transform, int rigidBodyIndex)
     m_ClosestHit.Transform(transform, rigidBodyIndex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method does the local steering
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">The planning time for the present frame</param>
        private void FollowPathRootTransform(float time)
            //Use the root transform
            Vector2    currentPosition = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z);
            Quaternion currentRotation = transform.rotation;

            //Check if target position has changed
            float dist = (this.lastGoalPosition - this.goalPosition).magnitude;

            //Estimate the distance to the goal
            float goalDistance = (currentPosition - this.goalPosition).magnitude;

            bool replanPath = false;

            //Check if the target object has changed -> Replanning required
            if (dist > 0.1f)
                this.goalPosition = new Vector2(this.goalPosition.x, this.goalPosition.y);
                replanPath        = true;

            //Check if replanning is enforced by replanning time
                replanPath = goalDistance > 0.5f && replanningTime > 0 && elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds > 0 && (int)elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds % this.replanningTime == 0;

            //Optionally do reactive replanning
            if (replanPath)
                //Compute a new path
                this.trajectory = this.ComputePath(new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z), this.goalPosition);

                //Get the discrete poses from the path
                this.discretePoses = this.trajectory.SampleFrames(60);

                //Reset index and first frame flag
                this.currentIndex = 0;
                this.firstFrame   = true;

                //Create a visualization of the trajectory (drawing calls)

            //Get the next waypoint
            Vector2 nextWaypoint = this.GetNextWaypoint(this.trajectory, currentPosition, this.TimeHorizon);

            //Use the goal position directly if below threshold
            if (goalDistance < 0.5)
                nextWaypoint = new Vector2(this.goalPosition.x, this.goalPosition.y);

            switch (this.state)
            //Rotate towards the target before starting
            case WalkState.Starting:

                //Call the method of the dhm
                if (this.OrientateTowards(nextWaypoint, this.timespan, 5))
                    //Change the state if finished
                    this.state = WalkState.Walking;


            //The main state during walking
            case WalkState.Walking:

                //Determine the next target position
                Vector2 nextTarget = this.GetNextWaypoint(this.trajectory, currentPosition, this.TimeHorizon);

                //Check if the goal distance is below a defined threhsold -> Set the next target to goal position
                if (goalDistance < 0.5)
                    nextTarget = new Vector2(this.goalPosition.x, this.goalPosition.y);

                //Determine the trajectory direction
                Vector2 trajectoryDirection = (nextTarget - currentPosition);

                //Estimate the max distance allowed
                float travelDistance = time * this.Velocity;

                //Compute the new position
                Vector2 nextPosition = currentPosition + trajectoryDirection.normalized * travelDistance;

                //Update the position and rotation according to the animation
                this.transform.position = this.animator.rootPosition;
                this.transform.rotation = this.animator.rootRotation;

                //The current direction vector
                Vector3 currentDirection = (this.transform.rotation * Vector3.forward);
                currentDirection.y = 0;

                //Estimate the current angle mismatch
                float currentDeltaAngle = Vector3.Angle(currentDirection, new Vector3(trajectoryDirection.x, 0, trajectoryDirection.y));

                //Rotate to direction
                //Adjust the rotation
                //Only adjust the rotation if a sufficient distance to the goal can be encountred
                //In case the distance is too low -> Turning in place is used instead
                if (Math.Abs(currentDeltaAngle) > 1e-5f && goalDistance > 0.3f)
                    float maxAngle  = time * this.AngularVelocity;
                    float goalDelta = Math.Abs(currentDeltaAngle);
                    float delta     = Math.Min(maxAngle, goalDelta);

                    Vector3 right = (this.transform.rotation * Vector3.right);
                    Vector3 left  = (this.transform.rotation * Vector3.left);

                    //Determine the sign of the angle
                    float sign = -1;

                    if (Vector3.Angle(right, new Vector3(trajectoryDirection.x, 0, trajectoryDirection.y)) < Vector3.Angle(left, new Vector3(trajectoryDirection.x, 0, trajectoryDirection.y)))
                        sign = 1;

                    this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, sign * delta, 0) * this.transform.rotation;

                //Update the animation -> Set the flots of the animator component to control the animation tree
                this.animator.SetFloat("Velocity", ((nextPosition - currentPosition).magnitude / time));
                this.animator.SetFloat("Direction", 0.5f);

                //Check if target reached
                if ((nextPosition - this.goalPosition).magnitude < this.goalAccuracy)
                    //Set velocity to zero
                    this.animator.SetFloat("Velocity", 0f);

                    //Check velocity threshold if defined
                    if (!useVelocityStoppingThreshold || (this.leftFootAnimationTracker.Velocity < velocityStoppingThreshold && this.rightFootAnimationTracker.Velocity < velocityStoppingThreshold))
                        //Go to finishing state and perform further reorientation
                        if (this.useTargetOrientation)
                            this.state = WalkState.Finishing;

                        //Finish and move to idle
                            this.state = WalkState.Idle;
                            this.events.Add(new MSimulationEvent(this.instruction.Name, mmiConstants.MSimulationEvent_End, this.instruction.ID));


            //The finishing state which performs the final fine-grained rotation
            case WalkState.Finishing:

                //Get the ttarget transform
                MTransform targetTransform = this.GetTarget();

                MVector3 forward  = targetTransform.Rotation.Multiply(new MVector3(0, 0, 1));
                Vector2  forward2 = new Vector2((float)forward.X, (float)forward.Z).normalized;

                bool validOrientation = false;

                if (this.OrientateTowards(goalPosition + forward2 * 10f, this.timespan, 5))
                    validOrientation = true;

                //Only finish if velocity is close to zero
                if (validOrientation)
                    //Set to finished -> Reset state machine
                    this.state = WalkState.Idle;

                    //Add finished event
                    this.events.Add(new MSimulationEvent(this.instruction.Name, mmiConstants.MSimulationEvent_End, this.instruction.ID));

Exemplo n.º 29
 public static float3 Mul(MTransform a, float3 x)
     return(math.mul(a.Rotation, x) + a.Translation);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void ScaleSkeleton(MAvatarPosture globalTarget, Dictionary <MJointType, string> joint_map)
            List <MJointType> spine = new List <MJointType>()
                MJointType.S1L5Joint, MJointType.T12L1Joint, MJointType.T1T2Joint, MJointType.C4C5Joint, MJointType.HeadJoint

            if (spine.Contains(this.GetMJoint().Type))
                //float shoulder_height = getJointPosition(HumanBodyBones.LeftUpperArm, anim).y;
                double shoulder_height = getJointPosition(globalTarget, joint_map[MJointType.HeadJoint]).Y;
                double hip_height      = getJointPosition(globalTarget, joint_map[MJointType.PelvisCentre]).Y;
                double spine_length    = shoulder_height - hip_height;

                ((RJoint)this.parentJoint).boneLength = (this.GetOffsetPositions()).Multiply(spine_length).Magnitude();
                this.GetOffsetPositions().X           = 0;
                this.GetOffsetPositions().Y           = 1.0;
                this.GetOffsetPositions().Z           = 0;
            if (this.joint.Type == MJointType.Root)
                //MVector3 rootPos = getJointPosition(globalTarget, joint_map[MJointType.Root]);
            else if (this.joint.Type == MJointType.PelvisCentre)
                MVector3 hips      = getJointPosition(globalTarget, joint_map[MJointType.PelvisCentre]).Clone();
                MVector3 shoulder  = getJointPosition(globalTarget, joint_map[MJointType.LeftShoulder]);
                MVector3 leftupleg = getJointPosition(globalTarget, joint_map[MJointType.LeftHip]);

                // find the average z axis position of shoulders and hips to find initial position of hip
                hips.Z = (shoulder.Z + leftupleg.Z) / 2;
                // raise hip to the hight of the target avatars hip height.
                hips.Y = leftupleg.Y;
                MVector3 root = new MVector3(hips.X, 0, hips.Z);
                hips.X = 0;
                hips.Z = 0;
                double factor = 0.0d;
                if (this.parentJoint.children.Count == 3 && this.parentJoint.children[0] != this)
                    // If there are two children (e.g. pelvis / upper spine), take the half distance between both children
                    factor = GetJointDistance(globalTarget, joint_map[this.parentJoint.children[1].GetMJoint().Type], joint_map[this.parentJoint.children[2].GetMJoint().Type]) / 2.0d;
                    // If there is one child, take the parent bone length to scale target position
                    factor = ((RJoint)this.parentJoint).boneLength;
                // scale offset to scale the skeleton to match bone lengths.

                // handle special cases for shoulders and hands
                string jointID = this.GetMJoint().ID;

                if (jointID.Contains("Shoulder"))
                    // in case of shoulders, they have to be raised in up direction.
                    double shoulder_height = getJointPosition(globalTarget, joint_map[this.GetMJoint().Type]).Y;
                    double current_Pos     = this.GetShoulderHeight();
                    shoulder_height             = shoulder_height - current_Pos;
                    this.GetOffsetPositions().Y = shoulder_height;
            if (this.children.Count > 0 && this.children[0].GetMJoint().ID.Contains("Tip"))
                // Finger Tips
                MVector3 offsetVector = this.children[0].GetOffsetPositions();
                this.boneLength = offsetVector.Magnitude();
                // if this is not the last joint in a sequence, scale depending on distance to child human bone
                if (joint_map.ContainsKey(this.children[0].GetMJoint().Type) && joint_map.ContainsKey(this.GetMJoint().Type))
                    this.boneLength = GetJointDistance(globalTarget, joint_map[this.GetMJoint().Type], joint_map[this.children[0].GetMJoint().Type]);
                    this.boneLength = 0.1;

            // recurse
            foreach (Joint child in this.children)
                if (!child.GetMJoint().ID.Contains("Tip"))
                    ((RJoint)(child)).ScaleSkeleton(globalTarget, joint_map);

            if (this.GetMJoint().ID.Contains("Wrist"))
                MVector3   wristPos = this.GetGlobalPosition();//getJointPosition(globalTarget, joint_map[this.GetMJoint().Type]);
                MTransform Twrist   = new MTransform("tmp", this.GetGlobalPosition(), this.GetGlobalRotation());
                Joint      middle   = this.children[0];

                Joint index  = this.children[1];
                Joint ring   = this.children[2];
                Joint little = this.children[3];
                Joint thumb  = this.children[4];

                double middle_shift = 0.0;
                if (joint_map.ContainsKey(middle.GetMJoint().Type))
                    MVector3 MiddlePos = ((RJoint)middle).GetFingerPosition(globalTarget, joint_map, 0);
                    middle_shift = MiddlePos.Z;
                    MiddlePos.Z  = 0;
                    ((RJoint)this.children[0]).SetOffsets(new MVector3(0, 0.1, 0));

                if (joint_map.ContainsKey(index.GetMJoint().Type))
                    MVector3 IndexPos = ((RJoint)index).GetFingerPosition(globalTarget, joint_map, middle_shift);
                    ((RJoint)this.children[1]).SetOffsets(new MVector3(0, 0.1, 0.02));

                if (joint_map.ContainsKey(ring.GetMJoint().Type))
                    MVector3 RingPos = ((RJoint)ring).GetFingerPosition(globalTarget, joint_map, middle_shift);
                    ((RJoint)this.children[2]).SetOffsets(new MVector3(0, 0.1, -0.02));
                if (joint_map.ContainsKey(little.GetMJoint().Type))
                    MVector3 LittlePos = ((RJoint)little).GetFingerPosition(globalTarget, joint_map, middle_shift);
                    ((RJoint)this.children[3]).SetOffsets(new MVector3(0, 0.1, -0.04));

                if (joint_map.ContainsKey(thumb.GetMJoint().Type))
                    MVector3 ThumbPos = ((RJoint)thumb).GetFingerPosition(globalTarget, joint_map, middle_shift);
                    ((RJoint)this.children[4]).SetOffsets(new MVector3(0, 0.02, 0.02));