Exemplo n.º 1
        }       //	doIt

        /// <summary>
        /// Process Translation Table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">table</param>
        /// <param name="AD_Client_ID">AD_Client_ID</param>
        private void ProcessTable(MTable table, int AD_Client_ID)
            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

            MColumn[] columns = table.GetColumns(false);
            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++)
                MColumn column = columns[i];
                if (column.GetAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayType.String ||
                    column.GetAD_Reference_ID() == DisplayType.Text)
                    String columnName = column.GetColumnName();
                    if (sql.Length != 0)
            String baseTable = table.GetTableName();

            baseTable = baseTable.Substring(0, baseTable.Length - 4);

            log.Config(baseTable + ": " + sql);
            String columnNames = sql.ToString();

            sql = new StringBuilder();
            sql.Append("UPDATE ").Append(table.GetTableName()).Append(" t SET (")
            .Append(columnNames).Append(") = (SELECT ").Append(columnNames)
            .Append(" FROM ").Append(baseTable).Append(" b WHERE t.")
            .Append(baseTable).Append("_ID=b.").Append(baseTable).Append("_ID) WHERE AD_Client_ID=")
            int no = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql.ToString(), null, Get_Trx());

            AddLog(0, null, new Decimal(no), baseTable);
        } //	processTable
        /// <summary>
        /// Process logic to verify database columns and Columns in Application Dictionary
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override string DoIt()
            // if table not found, in case if run from menu
            // or from table, then return with message
            if (p_AD_Table_ID.Trim() == "")
                return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_TableNotSelected"));

            DataSet dsDT = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT AD_Reference_ID, Name FROM AD_Reference WHERE IsActive = 'Y' AND ValidationType = 'D'");

            string[] tableIDs = p_AD_Table_ID.Split(',');

            // loop through tables selected in parameter or
            // if run from window then single table ID
            for (int i = 0; i < tableIDs.Length; i++)
                int AD_Table_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(tableIDs[i]);

                MTable table = MTable.Get(GetCtx(), AD_Table_ID);

                // Check on table whether it has single or multiple keys
                bool hasSingleKey = true;
                if (!table.IsSingleKey())
                    hasSingleKey = false;

                if (table == null || table.Get_ID() == 0)
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_TableNotFound"));

                // create HTML for tables
                sbHTML.Append("<div class='vis-val-tc-parCtr'> "
                              + "<div class='vis-val-tc-hdr'><label>" + Msg.Translate(GetCtx(), "AD_Table_ID") + ": </label>" + table.GetTableName() + "</div>"
                              + "<div class='vis-val-tc-colCtr'>"
                              + "<div class='vis-val-tc-colHdrs'>" + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_ADCols") + "</div>"
                              + "<div class='vis-val-tc-colHdrs'>" + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_DBCols") + "</div>"
                              + "</div>");

                //	Find Column in Database
                DatabaseMetaData md      = new DatabaseMetaData();
                String           catalog = "";
                String           schema  = DataBase.DB.GetSchema();

                //get table name
                string tableName = table.GetTableName();
                //get columns of a table
                DataSet dt        = md.GetColumns(catalog, schema, tableName);
                bool    hasDBCols = false;
                if (dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    hasDBCols = true;

                // get all columns from table
                MColumn[] columnsAD = table.GetColumns(true);

                // variables to create HTML as string for both AD and in DB
                StringBuilder adColName = new StringBuilder("");
                StringBuilder dbColName = new StringBuilder("");

                List <string> ADCols = new List <string>();

                // check whether process is running from menu or from table and column Window
                // if process is executing from window then apply style
                string mainMenuWrap = "";
                if (!fromMenu)
                    mainMenuWrap = "style='max-height: 450px;'";

                sbHTML.Append("<div class='vis-val-tc-mainwrap' " + mainMenuWrap + "> ");

                if (columnsAD.Length > 0)
                    // loop through Columns present in Application dictionary
                    for (int c = 0; c < columnsAD.Length; c++)
                        var col = columnsAD[c];


                        DataRow[] dr = null;
                        if (hasDBCols && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            dr = dt.Tables[0].Select("COLUMN_NAME = '" + adColName.ToString() + "'");

                        DataRow[] drRef = dsDT.Tables[0].Select("AD_Reference_ID = " + col.GetAD_Reference_ID());

                        // if column is virtual, then add style
                        var style = " color: red; font-style: italic;";
                        if (col.IsVirtualColumn() || (dr != null && dr.Length > 0))
                            style = " color: green;";

                        // add different style for key column
                        string keyCol = "";
                        // Condition for Multikey columns and Single key to mark as Primary key columns
                        if ((hasSingleKey && col.GetAD_Reference_ID() == 13) || (!hasSingleKey && col.IsParent()))
                            keyCol = " * ";
                            style += " font-weight: bold; font-size: initial;";

                        sbHTML.Append("<div class='vis-val-tc-colWid'>"
                                      + "<div class='vis-val-tc-col-l' style='" + style + "'> " + keyCol + " " + col.GetColumnName() + " (" + drRef[0]["Name"] + " (" + col.GetFieldLength() + ") " + " ) " + "</div>");
                        if (dr != null && dr.Length > 0)
                            sbHTML.Append("<div class='vis-val-tc-col-r' style='" + style + "'>" + Util.GetValueOfString(dr[0]["Column_Name"]) + " (" + Util.GetValueOfString(dr[0]["DATATYPE"]) + " (" + Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[0]["LENGTH"]) + ") " + " ) " + "</div>");
                            if (col.IsVirtualColumn())
                                sbHTML.Append("<div class='vis-val-tc-virCol' style='" + style + "'>" + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_VirtualCol") + "</div>");
                                sbHTML.Append("<div class='vis-val-tc-col-r' style='" + style + "'>" + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_DBNotFound") + "</div>");

                // if columns present in database
                if (hasDBCols)
                    // loop through columns in DB
                    for (int d = 0; d < dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; d++)
                        if (ADCols.Contains(dbColName.ToString()))
                            sbHTML.Append("<div class='vis-val-tc-colWid'>");

                            DataRow dr = null;
                            if (hasDBCols && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                dr = dt.Tables[0].Rows[d];

                            if (dr != null)
                                sbHTML.Append("<div class='vis-val-tc-col-red-r'>" + Util.GetValueOfString(dr["Column_Name"]) + " (" + Util.GetValueOfString(dr["DATATYPE"]) + " (" + Util.GetValueOfInt(dr["LENGTH"]) + ") " + " ) " + "</div>");
                                sbHTML.Append("<div class='vis-val-tc-col-red-r'>" + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_ADNotFound") + "</div>");

                            sbHTML.Append("<div class='vis-val-tc-col-red-l'>" + Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VIS_ADNotFound") + "</div>");





                ProcessInfo pi = GetProcessInfo();

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the parent record for every row (if exists)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentTable">Current table to be parsed</param>
        /// <param name="exportdata">Exportdata info</param>
        private string GetForeignData(MTable currentTable, ExportDataRecords exportdata)
                //check if the record is already exported.
                var res = _ExecutedRecordList.Where((a) => a.AD_Table_ID == exportdata.AD_Table_ID)
                          .Where((a) => a.Record_ID == exportdata.Record_ID)
                          .Where((a) => a.AD_ColOne_ID == exportdata.AD_ColOne_ID);

                //if (res.Count() <= 0)

                    String tableName = currentTable.GetTableName();

                    if (!_ExceptionTables.Contains(tableName))
                        if (exportdata.AD_ColOne_ID == 0)
                            File.AppendAllText(HostingEnvironment.ApplicationPhysicalPath + "\\log\\XMLLog.txt", tableName + " : " + exportdata.Record_ID);
                            int found = 0;
                            if (ds.Tables[tableName] != null)
                                found = ds.Tables[tableName].Select(tableName + "_ID = " + exportdata.Record_ID).Count();
                            MColumn[] columns = currentTable.GetColumns(true); //Fetch column details
                            if (columns.Length > 0)
                                string sql = GetSql(currentTable.GetAD_Table_ID(), currentTable.GetTableName(), exportdata);

                                DataSet tmpDS = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, null);

                                if (tmpDS == null || tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0)
                                    //sql = sql.Substring(sql.IndexOf("WHERE"));
                                    if (tmpDS != null)
                                        deleteSqlExp.Add("delete from AD_ExportData Where record_ID = " + exportdata.Record_ID + " and ad_table_id = " + exportdata.AD_Table_ID + " and ad_Moduleinfo_id = " + _AD_ModuleInfo_ID);

                                if (tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Export_ID"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                    tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Export_ID"] = ManageExportID(exportdata.Record_ID, tableName);

                                ds.AddOrCopy(tmpDS, tableName, exportdata.Record_ID, 0, null, rowNum++);     //add or copy

                                for (int cols = 0; cols <= columns.Length - 1; cols++)
                                    string colName = columns[cols].GetColumnName();
                                    int    refVID  = columns[cols].GetAD_Reference_Value_ID();
                                    int    refID   = columns[cols].GetAD_Reference_ID();

                                    // Special case applied for workflow table to bypass the start node on workflow- asked by mukesh sir- done by mohit- 1 February 2019.
                                    if (tableName == "AD_Workflow" && colName == "AD_WF_Node_ID")
                                    if (!columns[cols].IsStandardColumn() && !columns[cols].IsKey())
                                        if (colName.EndsWith("_ID"))    //only columns ending with _ID to be processed (indicated Foreign Key )
                                            if (!columns[cols].GetColumnName().Equals("Export_ID"))
                                                Object colValue = tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0][colName];
                                                if (colValue != null)
                                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(colValue.ToString()))
                                                        MTable fkTable = columns[cols].GetFKTable(); //Get the Parent table of the FK Column
                                                        if (fkTable != null)
                                                            GetForeignData(fkTable, new ExportDataRecords()
                                                                AD_Table_ID = fkTable.GetAD_Table_ID(), Record_ID = Convert.ToInt32(colValue)
                                        else if (refID == DisplayType.List || refID == DisplayType.Table)
                                            Object    colValue = tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0][colName];
                                            MRefTable refTable = CheckReference(new ExportDataRecords()
                                                Record_ID = refVID, AD_Table_ID = MTable.Get_Table_ID("AD_Reference")
                                            }, "AD_Reference");

                                            if (refTable != null && colValue != null && colValue.ToString() != "")
                                                    MTable tbl = MTable.Get(GetCtx(), refTable.GetAD_Table_ID());

                                                    //string tName  =  MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), refTable.GetAD_Table_ID());
                                                    string cName = MColumn.GetColumnName(GetCtx(), refTable.GetColumn_Key_ID());

                                                    int recordId;
                                                    if (int.TryParse(colValue.ToString(), out recordId)) //If Value is type of int
                                                        recordId = Convert.ToInt32(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT " + tbl.GetTableName() + "_ID FROM " + tbl.GetTableName() + " WHERE " + cName + " = '" + colValue.ToString() + "'"));
                                                        cName    = tbl.GetTableName() + "_ID";

                                                    DataSet temp = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT * FROM " + tbl.GetTableName() + " WHERE " + cName + " = " + recordId);

                                                    ds.AddOrCopy(temp, tbl.GetTableName(), recordId, 0, null, rowNum++);

                                                    GetForeignData(tbl, new ExportDataRecords()
                                                        AD_Table_ID = tbl.GetAD_Table_ID(), Record_ID = recordId
                                                catch (Exception ex)
                                                    log.Severe("Table Reference =>" + ex.Message);
                            }   //column length #if
                            MColumn[] columns = currentTable.GetColumns(true); //Fetch column details
                            if (columns.Length > 0)
                                string sql = GetSql(currentTable.GetAD_Table_ID(), currentTable.GetTableName(), exportdata);

                                DataSet tmpDS = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, null);

                                if (tmpDS == null || tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 0)
                                    //sql = sql.Substring(sql.IndexOf("WHERE"));
                                    if (tmpDS != null)
                                        deleteSqlExp.Add("delete from AD_ExportData Where record_ID = " + exportdata.Record_ID + " and ad_table_id = " + exportdata.AD_Table_ID + " and ad_Moduleinfo_id = " + _AD_ModuleInfo_ID);

                                if (tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Export_ID"].Equals(DBNull.Value))
                                    tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Export_ID"] = ManageExportID(exportdata.Record_ID, exportdata.AD_ColOne_ID, tableName, currentTable.GetAD_Table_ID());

                                ds.AddOrCopy(tmpDS, tableName, exportdata.Record_ID, exportdata.AD_ColOne_ID, GetParentColumns(currentTable.GetAD_Table_ID()), rowNum++);     //add or copy

                                for (int cols = 0; cols <= columns.Length - 1; cols++)
                                    string colName = columns[cols].GetColumnName();
                                    int    refVID  = columns[cols].GetAD_Reference_Value_ID();
                                    int    refID   = columns[cols].GetAD_Reference_ID();

                                    if (!columns[cols].IsStandardColumn() && !columns[cols].IsKey())
                                        if (colName.EndsWith("_ID"))    //only columns ending with _ID to be processed (indicated Foreign Key )
                                            if (!columns[cols].GetColumnName().Equals("Export_ID"))
                                                Object colValue = tmpDS.Tables[0].Rows[0][colName];
                                                if (colValue != null)
                                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(colValue.ToString()))
                                                        MTable fkTable = columns[cols].GetFKTable(); //Get the Parent table of the FK Column
                                                        if (fkTable != null)
                                                            GetForeignData(fkTable, new ExportDataRecords()
                                                                AD_Table_ID = fkTable.GetAD_Table_ID(), Record_ID = Convert.ToInt32(colValue)
                                        else if (refID == DisplayType.List || refID == DisplayType.Table)
                                            CheckReference(new ExportDataRecords()
                                                Record_ID = refVID, AD_Table_ID = MTable.Get_Table_ID("AD_Reference")
                                            }, "AD_Reference");
                            } //c
                    }         //exception table #if
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, ex.Message);