Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Ritorna la credenziale di firma (completa di tutte le sue componenti, quindi slot, id smart-card, PIN, ...)
        /// in forma di nodo Xml.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlCredential">In uscita contiene la credenziale; se in ingresso non è null,
        /// viene rimpiazzato, altrimenti viene creato da zero.</param>
        /// <param name="bAskFor">true per richiedere all'utente di impostare la credenziale,
        /// false per tornare la credenziale corrente</param>
        public void GetCredential(ref System.Xml.XmlElement xmlCredential, bool bAskFor)
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement comXmlCredential = null;

            // Da System.Xml.XmlElement a MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement

            if (xmlCredential != null)
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument comXmlDoc = new MSXML2.DOMDocument30();
                comXmlCredential = comXmlDoc.documentElement;

            // Chiamata effettiva

                NativeMethods.SvScGetCredential(signSCHandle, ref comXmlCredential, bAskFor, ""));

            // Da MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement a System.Xml.XmlElement

            System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();

            if (xmlCredential == null)
                xmlCredential = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;

                xmlCredential.OwnerDocument.InsertAfter(xmlDoc.DocumentElement, xmlCredential);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 給属性赋值
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nd">IXMLDOMElement节点</param>
        /// <param name="name">字段名</param>
        /// <param name="value">字段值</param>
        public static void setAttribute(MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement nd, string name, object value)
            string strValue = "";

            if (value != null && value != DBNull.Value)
                strValue = value.ToString();
            nd.setAttribute(name, strValue);
        // saves and closes XML document
        private void SaveAndCloseDocument(MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement responseElem, MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument document)
            document.async = false;
            // create Processing Instruction for XML documdnt
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction procsInstruct = document.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"");
            // create primary element
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement elem = document.createElement("p2p_lng");

            // add response object passed to the primary element as child node
            // add Processing Instruction object and primary object to document
            // object passed as child nodes and save the document
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Imposta la credenziale di firma a partire da un Xml precedentemente generato dalla GetCredential.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlCredential">Xml generato dalla GetCredential</param>
        /// <param name="bCompleteCredential">True se la credenziale impostata è completa e
        /// si può firmare in batch senza l'intervento dell'utente</param>
        public void SetCredential(System.Xml.XmlElement xmlCredential, out bool bCompleteCredential)
            if (xmlCredential == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Null parameter", "xmlCredential");

            // Da System.Xml.XmlElement a MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement

            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement comXmlCredential = null;

            MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument comXmlDoc = new MSXML2.DOMDocument30();
            comXmlCredential = comXmlDoc.documentElement;
            // Chiamata effettiva
                NativeMethods.SvScSetCredential(signSCHandle, comXmlCredential, out bCompleteCredential));
        // writes request XML according to the parameter passed
        public void WriteRequest(string type, string searchValue, string mask)
            // create a document object
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument document = CreateDocument();

            // create request element
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement requestElem = document.createElement("request");

            // set attributes of request element
            requestElem.setAttribute("type", type);

            // if one of these kinds of request is to be made
            // specify the filename and pertaining info too.
            if (type.CompareTo("SHOWFILES") != 0)
                string ReqType = "";
                if (type.CompareTo("CHAT") == 0)
                    ReqType = "message";
                    ReqType = "scope";

                MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement file_infoElem = document.createElement(ReqType.ToString());

                if (type.CompareTo("CHAT") == 0)
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("sendername", searchValue.Substring(0, searchValue.IndexOf("(")));
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("senderIP", searchValue.Substring(searchValue.IndexOf("(") + 1).Substring(0, searchValue.Substring(searchValue.IndexOf("(") + 1).Length - 1));
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("chatmsg", mask);
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("type", searchValue);
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("mask", mask);

            // close and save the documdent
            SaveAndCloseDocument(requestElem, document);
        // The following CreateBasicXMLItmesForSchematicElt private procedure is used to create the first expected XML items for a XML NodeFeature or LinkFeature
        private void CreateBasicXMLItemsForSchematicElt(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeature inFeature,
                                                        ref MSXML2.DOMDocument outDOMDoc,
                                                        ref MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement outXMLElement,
                                                        string inEltTypeName)
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlElt_EltTypeName;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlElt_ExternalUID;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlElt_DatasourceName;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlElt_UCID;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlElt_UOID;

            // Specifying its FeatureClassName
            xmlElt_EltTypeName = outDOMDoc.createElement("FeatureClassName");
            if (inFeature.Fields.FindField("Feeder") != -1)
                xmlElt_EltTypeName.nodeTypedValue = inEltTypeName + "sFeeder" + inFeature.get_Value(inFeature.Fields.FindField("Feeder")).ToString();
                xmlElt_EltTypeName.nodeTypedValue = inEltTypeName + "s";

            // Specifying its ExternalUniqueID
            xmlElt_ExternalUID = outDOMDoc.createElement("ExternalUniqueID");
            xmlElt_ExternalUID.nodeTypedValue = inEltTypeName + "-" + inFeature.OID.ToString();

            // Specifying its DatasourceName
            xmlElt_DatasourceName = outDOMDoc.createElement("DatasourceName");
            xmlElt_DatasourceName.nodeTypedValue = "XMLDataSource";

            // Specifying its UCID
            xmlElt_UCID = outDOMDoc.createElement("UCID");
            xmlElt_UCID.nodeTypedValue = inFeature.Class.ObjectClassID;

            // Add UOID to NodeElement
            xmlElt_UOID = outDOMDoc.createElement("UOID");
            xmlElt_UOID.nodeTypedValue = inFeature.OID;
        // writes error XML responses
        public void WriteErrorResponse(string error)
            // create a document object
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument document = CreateDocument();
            // create response and error info elements
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement responseElem  = document.createElement("response");
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement errorInfoElem = document.createElement("errorinfo");

            // set attribute of response element
            responseElem.setAttribute("type", "ERROR");
            // set attribute of errorinfo element
            errorInfoElem.setAttribute("errorcode", "1");
            errorInfoElem.setAttribute("severity", "Error");
            errorInfoElem.setAttribute("description", error);
            // add errorinfo element to response object as a child
            // save the document
            SaveAndCloseDocument(responseElem, document);
        // The following CompleteXMLEltByProperties private procedure is used to create all the expected propertyset properties listed in the input PropertiesArray array
        private void CompleteXMLEltByProperties(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeature inFeature,
                                                ref MSXML2.DOMDocument outDOMDoc,
                                                ref MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement outXMLElement,
                                                string[] propertiesArray)
            int i = 0;

            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlPropertySet;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlPropertyArray;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlPropertySetProperty;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlProperty_Key;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlProperty_Value;

            if (propertiesArray.Length > 0)
                //-------- PropertySet Section START --------
                // Creating the PropertySet element for the input outXMLElement
                xmlPropertySet = outDOMDoc.createElement("PropertySet");
                // Creating the PropertyArray element
                xmlPropertyArray = outDOMDoc.createElement("PropertyArray");

                while (i < propertiesArray.Length)
                    // Creating the i PropertySetProperty
                    xmlPropertySetProperty = outDOMDoc.createElement("PropertySetProperty");
                    // Specifying the key && value field related to that i PropertySetProperty
                    xmlProperty_Key = outDOMDoc.createElement("Key");
                    xmlProperty_Key.nodeTypedValue = propertiesArray[i].ToString();
                    xmlProperty_Value = outDOMDoc.createElement("Value");
                    xmlProperty_Value.nodeTypedValue = inFeature.get_Value(inFeature.Fields.FindField(propertiesArray[i].ToString()));
                    i += 1;
            //-------- PropertySet Section END --------
        private void WriteShowfileResponse(string reqType)
            // create a document object
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument document = CreateDocument();
            // create response and error info elements
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement responseElem = document.createElement("response");
            // set attribute of response element
            responseElem.setAttribute("type", reqType);

            // open share.ini for reading
            StreamReader readfile = new StreamReader(SharedResourceInfoPath);
            string       readData;

            // read entire file
            while ((readData = readfile.ReadLine()) != null)
                    // for each entry in share .ini create a fileinfo element
                    // and fill it with required information
                    MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement file_infoElem = document.createElement("fileinfo");
                    int index = readData.IndexOf("=", 0);
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("filename", readData.Substring(0, index));
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("mask", readData.Substring(index + 1, 1));

                    int secindex = -1;
                    if (-1 != (secindex = readData.IndexOf("=", index + 1)))
                        file_infoElem.setAttribute("filesize", readData.Substring(secindex + 1));

                    // add this element to response element as child
                catch (Exception e)      { MessageBox.Show("Problem faced while responding : " + e.Message); }
            // close and save the documdent
            SaveAndCloseDocument(responseElem, document);
Exemplo n.º 10
 bool SvScGetCredential(
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]           uint hSignSC,
     /*[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]*/ ref MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xml,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]         bool bAskFor,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]        string sAskOnlyForThisAttribute);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Actual Parsing of ERROR XML
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Filename"> </param>
        /// <param name="outStruct"> </param>
        protected int ParseERRORXML(string Filename, out XMLSTRUCT outStruct)
            // initializes all the required variables

            // Initialize outStruct variable of this function
            outStruct = new XMLSTRUCT();

            // Process the XML document syncronously
            document.async = false;

            // load the xml document in memory for parsing
            if (document.load(Filename))
                // get the first element of the XML
                element = document.documentElement;

                // get the first child of the element
                node = element.firstChild;

                // extracts the node list present under the node
                nodeList = node.childNodes;

                // iTags will assigns to the number of nodes present
                // in node list
                iTags = nodeList.length;

                // Initialize the ERROR sructure of the outStruct
                // variable
                outStruct.ERROR = new XMLSTRUCT.__ERROR();

                // move the node to the next node of the nodelist
                node = nodeList.nextNode();

                // Extract each value from its specific node
                for (iCounter = 0; iCounter < iTags; iCounter++)
                    // gets the attribute map that is how many attributes
                    // are present in the node
                    nodeMap = node.attributes;

                    // extract the next node from the node map
                    ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode();

                    // The following 9 lines of code will extract the
                    // various attribute values from the XML node
                    // and fills it to the outStruct's corresponding
                    // structure
                        if (0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("errorcode"))
                            outStruct.ERROR.iErrCode = Convert.ToInt32(ChildNode.nodeValue);
                        else if (0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("severity"))
                            outStruct.ERROR.sSeverity = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
                        else if (0 == ChildNode.nodeName.CompareTo("description"))
                            outStruct.ERROR.sDescription = ChildNode.nodeValue.ToString();
                    } while(null != (ChildNode = nodeMap.nextNode()));

                    // now move to next node
                    node = nodeList.nextNode();

            // Return the number of nodes parsed for the values
            return(iCounter == iTags?iCounter:0);
        // The following CreateXMLLNodeElt private procedure is used to create all the expected
        // XML items for a XML NodeFeature related to a Station or Feeder simple junction feature
        private void CreateXMLNodeElt(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeature inFeature, ref MSXML2.DOMDocument outDOMDoc, ref MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement outXMLElements, string inNodeTypeName)
            if (!inFeature.HasOID)
                MessageBox.Show("No OID");

            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlNode;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlNode_XCoord;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlNode_YCoord;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlNode_RelatedContainerID;
            bool relatedContainer;

            MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList xmlNodeList;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement  xmlDrawing;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement  xmlDrawing_EltTypeName;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement  xmlDrawing_ExternalUID;

            //-------- Feature Section START related to the "infeature" --------
            // Creating the NodeFeature element
            xmlNode = outDOMDoc.createElement("NodeFeature");
            // Specifying basic XML items for this NodeFeature
            CreateBasicXMLItemsForSchematicElt(inFeature, ref outDOMDoc, ref xmlNode, inNodeTypeName);

            // Specifying its X && Y when they exist
            if ((inFeature.Fields.FindField("X") > 0) && (inFeature.Fields.FindField("Y") > 0))
                // Specifying InitialX
                xmlNode_XCoord = outDOMDoc.createElement("InitialX");
                xmlNode_XCoord.nodeTypedValue = inFeature.get_Value(inFeature.Fields.FindField("X"));
                // Specifying InitialY
                xmlNode_YCoord = outDOMDoc.createElement("InitialY");
                xmlNode_YCoord.nodeTypedValue = inFeature.get_Value(inFeature.Fields.FindField("Y"));
                // Retrieving initial position from Geometry
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint oPoint = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint)inFeature.ShapeCopy;

                if (oPoint != null)
                    // Specifying InitialX
                    xmlNode_XCoord = outDOMDoc.createElement("InitialX");
                    xmlNode_XCoord.nodeTypedValue = oPoint.X;
                    // Specifying InitialY
                    xmlNode_YCoord = outDOMDoc.createElement("InitialY");
                    xmlNode_YCoord.nodeTypedValue = oPoint.Y;

            xmlNode_RelatedContainerID = outDOMDoc.createElement("RelatedContainerID");

            // Specifying its properties
            switch (inFeature.Class.AliasName)
            case "Station":
                xmlNode_RelatedContainerID.nodeTypedValue = "Container-" + System.Convert.ToString(inFeature.get_Value(inFeature.Fields.FindField("Feeder")));
                // For Station feature, the field contained in the StationsPropertiesArray will be exported
                CompleteXMLEltByProperties(inFeature, ref outDOMDoc, ref xmlNode, m_stationsPropertiesArray);

            case "Feeder":
                xmlNode_RelatedContainerID.nodeTypedValue = "Container-" + inFeature.OID.ToString();
                // For Feeder feature, the field contained in the StationsPropertiesArray will be exported
                CompleteXMLEltByProperties(inFeature, ref outDOMDoc, ref xmlNode, m_feedersPropertiesArray);
            //-------- Feature Section END related to the "infeature" --------

            // Checking the existence of the related container
            xmlNodeList      = outXMLElements.selectNodes("NodeFeature/ExternalUniqueID");
            relatedContainer = false;

            foreach (MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode node in xmlNodeList)
                if (node.text == xmlNode_RelatedContainerID.nodeTypedValue.ToString())
                    relatedContainer = true;
            }             // pNode

            // Creating the related container when it doesn//t already exist
            if (!relatedContainer)
                xmlDrawing = outDOMDoc.createElement("NodeFeature");
                // Specifying its FeatureClassName
                xmlDrawing_EltTypeName = outDOMDoc.createElement("FeatureClassName");
                xmlDrawing_EltTypeName.nodeTypedValue = "Containers";
                // Specifying its ExternalUniqueID
                xmlDrawing_ExternalUID = outDOMDoc.createElement("ExternalUniqueID");
                xmlDrawing_ExternalUID.nodeTypedValue = xmlNode_RelatedContainerID.nodeTypedValue;
        // determins the request type passed in the given XML document
        public string DetermineRequestType(string path, out int UploadDownloadPrint, out string[] chatInfo)
            int    b        = 0;
            string scopeVal = "";
            bool   flag     = false;

            string[] st = new string[3];

                // load the XML document
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument document = new MSXML2.DOMDocument();
                if (!document.load(path))
                    throw new Exception("XML request found corrupted.");

                // retrieve the request element
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement      element = document.documentElement;
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode         node    = element.firstChild;
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap nodemap = node.attributes;
                // retrieve it's attributes
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode childNode = nodemap.nextNode();

                if (0 == node.nodeName.CompareTo("request"))
                    // see what value does the element tequest holds
                    // and react apprpriately
                    switch (childNode.nodeValue.ToString())
                    case "CHAT":
                        b = 4;
                        MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode         scope      = node.firstChild;
                        MSXML2.IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap nodemap2   = scope.attributes;
                        MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode         childNode2 = nodemap2.nextNode();
                        MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode         childNode3 = nodemap2.nextNode();
                        MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode         childNode4 = nodemap2.nextNode();
                        // set file name to upload to "path" parameter
                        st.SetValue(childNode2.nodeValue.ToString(), 0);
                        st.SetValue(childNode3.nodeValue.ToString(), 1);
                        st.SetValue(childNode4.nodeValue.ToString(), 2);

                    case "SEARCH":

                    case "SHOWFILES":

                    case "DOWNLOAD":
                        // set flag that its download request
                        b    = 2;
                        flag = true;

                    case "UPLOAD":
                        // set flag that its upload request
                        b    = 1;
                        flag = true;

                    case "PRINT":
                        // set flag that its print request
                        b    = 3;
                        flag = true;

                    case "STREAMING":
                        // set flag that its Streaming request
                        b    = 5;
                        flag = true;

                        throw new Exception("Request type could not be resolved.");

                    if (flag)
                        MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode         scope      = node.firstChild;
                        MSXML2.IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap nodemap2   = scope.attributes;
                        MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode         childNode2 = nodemap2.nextNode();
                        // set file name to upload to "path" parameter
                        scopeVal = childNode2.nodeValue.ToString();
            catch (Exception e)

            chatInfo            = st;
            UploadDownloadPrint = b;
        // responds for search requests
        private void WriteSearchResponse(MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode node)
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode         scope      = node.firstChild;
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap nodemap    = scope.attributes;
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode         childNode  = nodemap.nextNode();
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode         childNode2 = nodemap.nextNode();
                string scopeVal = childNode.nodeValue.ToString();
                string maskVal  = childNode2.nodeValue.ToString();

                // make sure that search request has criteria specified in it
                if (0 != scope.nodeName.CompareTo("scope"))

                // validated that directory's existing
                if (!Directory.Exists(scopeVal.Substring(0, scopeVal.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1)))
                    throw new Exception("Directory does not exists any more");

                MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument document     = CreateDocument();
                MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement  responseElem = document.createElement("response");
                responseElem.setAttribute("type", "SHOWFILES");

                int i = 0;
                // get files in the specified directory satisfying the
                // given criteria
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(scopeVal.Substring(0, scopeVal.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1), scopeVal.Substring(scopeVal.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1));

                while (i < files.Length)
                    // make fileinfo elements and fill then up with
                    // required
                    MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement file_infoElem = document.createElement("fileinfo");
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("filename", files[i]);
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("mask", maskVal);
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("filesize", Convert.ToString(new FileInfo(files[i]).Length));
                    // add them to response element as children;

                // get files in the specified directory satisfying the
                // given criteria
                string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(scopeVal.Substring(0, scopeVal.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1), scopeVal.Substring(scopeVal.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1));

                i = 0;
                while (i < dirs.Length)
                    // make fileinfo elements and fill then up with
                    // required
                    MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement file_infoElem = document.createElement("fileinfo");
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("filename", dirs[i] + "\\");
                    file_infoElem.setAttribute("mask", maskVal);

                    // add them to response element as children;
                // close and save the document
                SaveAndCloseDocument(responseElem, document);
            catch (Exception e) { WriteErrorResponse(e.Message); }
Exemplo n.º 15
 bool SvScSetCredential(
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]           uint hSignSC,
     /*[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]*/ MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xml,
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]         out bool bCredentialComplete);
Exemplo n.º 16
 bool SvScGetCertXml(
     [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]           uint hSignSC,
     ref MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xml);
        // The following CreateXMLLinkElt private procedure is used to create all the expected XML items for a XML LinkFeature related to a HV_Line or LV_Line simple edge feature
        private void CreateXMLLinkElt(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IFeature inFeature, ref MSXML2.DOMDocument outDOMDoc, ref MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement outXMLElements, string inLinkTypeName)
            if (!inFeature.HasOID)
                MessageBox.Show("No OID");

            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlLink;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlLink_FromNode;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlLink_ToNode;
            int    indexListPoints;
            string listPoints;
            int    nbVertices;
            string vertices;

            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlLink_Vertices;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlLink_Vertex;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlLink_XVertex;
            MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement xmlLink_YVertex;
            string xValue;
            string yValue;

            //-------- Feature Section START related to the "infeature" --------
            // Creating the LinkFeature Feature
            xmlLink = outDOMDoc.createElement("LinkFeature");

            // Specifying basic XML items for this LinkFeature
            CreateBasicXMLItemsForSchematicElt(inFeature, ref outDOMDoc, ref xmlLink, inLinkTypeName);
            // Specifying its FromNode
            xmlLink_FromNode = outDOMDoc.createElement("FromNode");
            xmlLink_FromNode.nodeTypedValue = inFeature.get_Value(inFeature.Fields.FindField("FromJunctionType")) + "-" + inFeature.get_Value(inFeature.Fields.FindField("FromJunctionOID"));
            // Specifying its ToNode
            xmlLink_ToNode = outDOMDoc.createElement("ToNode");
            xmlLink_ToNode.nodeTypedValue = inFeature.get_Value(inFeature.Fields.FindField("ToJunctionType")) + "-" + inFeature.get_Value(inFeature.Fields.FindField("ToJunctionOID"));

            //Add Vertices to LinkFeature ---- NEED TO BE COMPLETED
            indexListPoints = inFeature.Fields.FindField("ListPoints");
            if (indexListPoints > 0)
                listPoints = "";
                listPoints = inFeature.get_Value(indexListPoints).ToString();
                if (listPoints != "")
                    int foundChar = listPoints.IndexOf(";", 1);
                    nbVertices = System.Convert.ToInt32(listPoints.Substring(0, foundChar));
                    vertices   = listPoints.Substring(foundChar + 1);
                    if (nbVertices > 0)
                        // Specifying its Vertices
                        xmlLink_Vertices = outDOMDoc.createElement("Vertices");

                        int iLoc;
                        for (int i = 1; i <= nbVertices; i++)
                            xValue = "";
                            yValue = "";
                            iLoc   = vertices.IndexOf(";", 1);
                            if (vertices != "" && (iLoc) > 0)
                                xValue = vertices.Substring(0, iLoc);
                            vertices = vertices.Substring(iLoc + 1);
                            iLoc     = vertices.IndexOf(";", 1);
                            if (vertices != ";" && (iLoc) > 0)
                                yValue = vertices.Substring(0, iLoc);

                            if (xValue != "" && yValue != "")
                                xmlLink_Vertex = outDOMDoc.createElement("Vertex");
                                xmlLink_XVertex = outDOMDoc.createElement("X");
                                xmlLink_XVertex.nodeTypedValue = xValue;
                                xmlLink_YVertex = outDOMDoc.createElement("Y");
                                xmlLink_YVertex.nodeTypedValue = yValue;
                                if (vertices.Length - iLoc > 0)
                                    vertices = vertices.Substring(iLoc + 1);                                     //sVertices.Length - iLoc)
            {            // Retrieving ListPoint from geometry
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPolyline        oPoly   = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPolyline)inFeature.ShapeCopy;
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPointCollection colLink = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPointCollection)oPoly;
                if (colLink != null && colLink.PointCount > 2)
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint oPoint;

                    xmlLink_Vertices = outDOMDoc.createElement("Vertices");
                    for (int i = 1; i < colLink.PointCount - 1; i++)
                        oPoint = colLink.get_Point(i);

                        xmlLink_Vertex = outDOMDoc.createElement("Vertex");
                        xmlLink_XVertex = outDOMDoc.createElement("X");
                        xmlLink_XVertex.nodeTypedValue = oPoint.X;
                        xmlLink_YVertex = outDOMDoc.createElement("Y");
                        xmlLink_YVertex.nodeTypedValue = oPoint.Y;

            //Specifying its properties
            switch (inFeature.Class.AliasName)
            case "LV_Line":
                CompleteXMLEltByProperties(inFeature, ref outDOMDoc, ref xmlLink, m_LVLinesPropertiesArray);
            //-------- Feature Section END related to the "infeature" --------