Exemplo n.º 1
        public static MSUltraLight RichTextBox2MS(string textBoxInput, double minimumIntensity)
            MSUltraLight myMS = new MSUltraLight();

            string[] theLines = Regex.Split(textBoxInput, @"\n");

            List <Tuple <float, float> > myIons = new List <Tuple <float, float> >();

            foreach (string line in theLines)
                if (Regex.IsMatch(line, "^[0-9]"))
                    string[] entries   = Regex.Split(line, @" |\t");
                    float    intensity = float.Parse(entries[1]);

                    if (intensity >= minimumIntensity)
                        float thisMZ = float.Parse(entries[0]);
                        myIons.Add(new Tuple <float, float>(thisMZ, intensity));


            Tuple <float, short> precursor = new Tuple <float, short>(myMS.Ions.Last().Item1, 2);

            myMS.Precursors = new List <Tuple <float, short> >()
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void ShowSpectrum(int scanNumber)
            MSUltraLight theMS = MyMS2.Find(a => a.ScanNumber == scanNumber);
            List <Ion>   ions  = theMS.Ions.Select(a => new Ion(a.Item1, a.Item2, 0, scanNumber)).ToList();

            SpectrumEye1.Plot(ions, ions[0].MZ, ions.Last().MZ, 0);

            //MyMSViewer.Modifications = new List<ModificationItem>();
            //MyMSViewer.PeptideSequence = "P";
            //MyMSViewer.MyMS = new MSFull(theMS);
            //MyMSViewer.FuncPrintMS(theMS.Ions.Min(a => a.Item1), theMS.Ions.Max(a => a.Item1));

            TextBoxMSPeaks.Text = PatternTools.MSParserLight.MSUltraLightPrinter.PrintSpectrum(theMS);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public MSFull(MSUltraLight ms2)
            MSData = ms2.Ions.Select(a => new Ion(a.Item1, a.Item2, ms2.CromatographyRetentionTime, ms2.ScanNumber)).ToList();

            isMS2            = true;
            ActivationType   = ms2.ActivationType.ToString();
            ChargedPrecursor = ms2.Precursors[0].Item1;

            //These lines are not working for velos data
            Charges = new List <int>()

            CromatographyRetentionTime = ms2.CromatographyRetentionTime;
            InstrumentType             = ms2.InstrumentType.ToString();
            ScanNumber = ms2.ScanNumber;
            ZLines     = ms2.GetZLines();
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Parsers an MS2 mgf file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <MSUltraLight> ParseMGFFile(string file)
            System.IO.StreamReader sr     = new System.IO.StreamReader(file);
            List <MSUltraLight>    theMS2 = new List <MSUltraLight>();

            string        line    = "";
            MSUltraLight  ms      = new MSUltraLight();
            List <double> charges = new List <double>();

            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                //take care of the header
                if (line.StartsWith("#") || line.StartsWith("_") || line.Equals(""))
                    //This is a header line
                    //msFile.Header += line;
                else if (line.Equals("BEGIN IONS"))
                    //Prepare Z lines
                    ms                = new MSUltraLight();
                    ms.MSLevel        = 2;
                    ms.ActivationType = -1;
                    ms.InstrumentType = -1;
                else if (line.StartsWith("CHARGE"))
                    string[] cols = Regex.Split(line, "=");
                    string   c    = cols[1].Replace(@"+", "");
                    if (c.Equals("2,3"))
                        charges = new List <double>()
                            2, 3
                        int charge = int.Parse(c);
                        charges = new List <double>()
                else if (line.StartsWith("PEPMASS"))
                    string[] cols = Regex.Split(line, "=");
                    string[] nums = Regex.Split(cols[1], " ");

                    float chargedPrecursor;
                    if (nums[0].Equals(""))
                        chargedPrecursor = float.Parse(nums[1]);
                        chargedPrecursor = float.Parse(nums[0]);

                    foreach (short z in charges)
                        float mh = (chargedPrecursor + (z * 1.007276466f)) / (float)z;

                        ms.Precursors.Add(new Tuple <float, short>(mh, z));
                else if (line.StartsWith("RTINSECONDS"))
                    string[] cols = Regex.Split(line, "=");
                    float    retTime;

                    if (cols[1].Contains("-"))
                        string[] nums = Regex.Split(cols[1], "-");
                        retTime = float.Parse(nums[0]);
                        retTime = float.Parse(cols[1]);
                    ms.CromatographyRetentionTime = retTime;
                else if (line.StartsWith("SCANS"))
                    string[] cols = Regex.Split(line, "=");
                    double   scan;

                    if (cols[1].Contains("-"))
                        string[] nums = Regex.Split(cols[1], "-");
                        scan = double.Parse(nums[0]);
                        scan = double.Parse(cols[1]);
                    ms.ScanNumber = (int)scan;
                else if (line.StartsWith("TITLE"))
                    if (line.Contains("Fragmentation:hcd"))
                        ms.ActivationType = 3;
                        ms.InstrumentType = -1;
                else if (Regex.IsMatch(line, "^[0-9]+"))
                    //If the line begins with a number it is an ion line
                    string[] cols = Regex.Split(line, "\t| ");
                        Tuple <float, float> i = new Tuple <float, float>(float.Parse(cols[0]), float.Parse(cols[1]));
                        throw new Exception("An inconsistency has been found in file: " + file + "\nThe line reads:\n" + line);


            //The first one is always bogus!
            if (theMS2.Count > 0)


Exemplo n.º 5
        private void buttonGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Verify write permission to directory

            if (!Directory.Exists(textBoxOutputDirectory.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Please specify a valid output directory");

            if (!Regex.IsMatch(textBoxIsobaricMasses.Text, "[0-9]+ [0-9]+"))
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill out the masses of the isobaric tags.");

            if (!PatternTools.pTools.HasWriteAccessToFolder(textBoxOutputDirectory.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Please specify a valid output directory");

            //Obtain class labels
            if (textBoxClassLabels.Text.Length == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please input the class labels (eg., for iTRAQ 1,2,3,4");
            List <int> labels = Regex.Split(textBoxClassLabels.Text, " ").Select(a => int.Parse(a)).ToList();

            //Obtain the isobaric masses
            string[] im = Regex.Split(textBoxIsobaricMasses.Text, " ");

            List <double> isobaricMasses = im.Select(a => double.Parse(a)).ToList();

            if (labels.Count != isobaricMasses.Count)
                MessageBox.Show("Please make sure that the class labels and isobaric masses match");

            buttonGo.Text = "Working...";



            //Get signal from all
            signalAllNormalizationDictionary = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();
            //if (false)
            FileInfo      fi            = new FileInfo(textBoxitraqSEPro.Text);
            bool          extractSignal = false;
            ResultPackage rp            = null;

            if (checkBoxNormalizationChannelSignal.Checked)
                //We should get the MS infor and merge it the the sepro package
                if (fi.Extension.Equals(".sepr"))
                    rp            = ResultPackage.Load(textBoxitraqSEPro.Text);
                    extractSignal = true;

                List <FileInfo> rawFiles = fi.Directory.GetFiles("*.RAW").ToList();

                foreach (FileInfo rawFile in rawFiles)
                    Console.WriteLine("Extracting data for " + rawFile.Name);
                    PatternTools.RawReader.RawReaderParams rParams = new PatternTools.RawReader.RawReaderParams();
                    rParams.ExtractMS1 = false;
                    rParams.ExtractMS2 = true;
                    rParams.ExtractMS3 = false;

                    PatternTools.RawReader.Reader reader = new PatternTools.RawReader.Reader(rParams);

                    List <MSLight> theMS2 = reader.GetSpectra(rawFile.FullName, new List <int>(), false);

                    theMS2.RemoveAll(a => a.Ions == null);

                    double [] totalSignal = new double[isobaricMasses.Count];

                    List <SQTScan> theScans = null;
                    //Update the sepro result package with the signal
                    if (extractSignal)
                        //Get all the scans from this file
                        string rawName = rawFile.Name.Substring(0, rawFile.Name.Length - 4);
                        theScans = rp.MyProteins.AllSQTScans.FindAll(a => a.FileName.Substring(0, a.FileName.Length - 4).Equals(rawName));

                    foreach (MSLight ms in theMS2)
                        double[] thisQuantitation = GetIsobaricSignal(ms.Ions, isobaricMasses);

                        if (extractSignal)
                            SQTScan scn = theScans.Find(a => a.ScanNumber == ms.ScanNumber);
                            if (scn != null)
                                scn.MSLight = ms;
                                scn.MSLight.Ions.RemoveAll(a => a.MZ > 400);

                        for (int i = 0; i < thisQuantitation.Length; i++)
                            totalSignal[i] += thisQuantitation[i];

                    string theName = rawFile.Name.Substring(0, rawFile.Name.Length - 3);
                    theName += "sqt";

                    signalAllNormalizationDictionary.Add(theName, totalSignal);

            Console.WriteLine("Loading SEPro File");

            if (!File.Exists(textBoxitraqSEPro.Text))
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to find SEPro file");

            #region Load the spero or pepexplorer file

            theScansToAnalyze = new List <SQTScan>();
            List <FastaItem> theFastaItems = new List <FastaItem>();

            if (fi.Extension.Equals(".sepr"))
                Console.WriteLine("Loading SEPro file");

                if (!extractSignal)
                    rp = ResultPackage.Load(textBoxitraqSEPro.Text);
                rp.MyProteins.AllSQTScans.RemoveAll(a => a.MSLight == null);
                theScansToAnalyze = rp.MyProteins.AllSQTScans;
                Console.WriteLine("Done reading SEPro result");
                theFastaItems = rp.MyProteins.MyProteinList.Select(a => new FastaItem(a.Locus, a.Sequence, a.Description)).ToList();
            else if (fi.Extension.Equals(".mpex"))
                Console.WriteLine("Loading PepExplorer file....");
                PepExplorer2.Result2.ResultPckg2 result = PepExplorer2.Result2.ResultPckg2.DeserializeResultPackage(textBoxitraqSEPro.Text);
                theFastaItems = result.MyFasta;

                theScansToAnalyze = new List <SQTScan>();

                foreach (PepExplorer2.Result2.AlignmentResult al in result.Alignments)
                    foreach (var dnr in al.DeNovoRegistries)
                        SQTScan sqt = new SQTScan();
                        sqt.ScanNumber      = dnr.ScanNumber;
                        sqt.FileName        = dnr.FileName;
                        sqt.PeptideSequence = dnr.PtmSequence;

                //And now we need to retrieve the mass spectra.  For this, the raw files should be inside the directory containing the mpex file
                List <string> rawFiles = theScansToAnalyze.Select(a => a.FileName).Distinct().ToList();

                for (int i = 0; i < rawFiles.Count; i++)
                    rawFiles[i] = rawFiles[i].Remove(rawFiles[i].Length - 3, 3);
                    rawFiles[i] = rawFiles[i] += "raw";

                foreach (string fn in rawFiles)
                    Console.WriteLine("Retrieving spectra for file: " + fn);
                    ParserUltraLightRAW parser = new ParserUltraLightRAW();

                    string tmpFile = fn.Substring(0, fn.Length - 3);

                    List <SQTScan> scansForThisFile = theScansToAnalyze.FindAll(a => Regex.IsMatch(tmpFile, a.FileName.Substring(0, a.FileName.Length - 3), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).ToList();

                    List <int> scnNumbers = scansForThisFile.Select(a => a.ScanNumber).ToList();

                    FileInfo theInputFile = new FileInfo(textBoxitraqSEPro.Text);

                    List <MSUltraLight> theSpectra = parser.ParseFile(theInputFile.DirectoryName + "/" + fn, -1, 2, scnNumbers);

                    foreach (SQTScan sqt in scansForThisFile)
                        MSUltraLight spec = theSpectra.Find(a => a.ScanNumber == sqt.ScanNumber);
                        sqt.MSLight           = new MSLight();
                        sqt.MSLight.MZ        = spec.Ions.Select(a => (double)a.Item1).ToList();
                        sqt.MSLight.Intensity = spec.Ions.Select(a => (double)a.Item2).ToList();

                    Console.WriteLine("\tDone processing this file.");
                throw new Exception("This file format is not supported.");


            //Obtaining multiplexed spectra
            SEProQ.IsobaricQuant.YadaMultiplexCorrection.YMC ymc = null;
            if (textBoxCorrectedYadaDirectory.Text.Length > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Reading Yada results");
                ymc = new IsobaricQuant.YadaMultiplexCorrection.YMC(new DirectoryInfo(textBoxCorrectedYadaDirectory.Text));
                Console.WriteLine("Done loading Yada results");

            //Remove multiplexed spectra from sepro results
            if (textBoxCorrectedYadaDirectory.Text.Length > 0)
                int removedCounter = 0;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <int> > kvp in ymc.fileNameScanNumberMultiplexDictionary)
                    Console.WriteLine("Removing multiplexed spectra for file :: " + kvp.Key);
                    richTextBoxLog.AppendText("Removing multiplexed spectra for file :: " + kvp.Key + "\n");

                    string cleanName = kvp.Key.Substring(0, kvp.Key.Length - 4);
                    cleanName += ".sqt";
                    foreach (int scnNo in kvp.Value)
                        int index = theScansToAnalyze.FindIndex(a => a.ScanNumber == scnNo && a.FileName.Equals(cleanName));
                        if (index >= 0)
                            Console.Write(theScansToAnalyze[index].ScanNumber + " ");
                            richTextBoxLog.AppendText(theScansToAnalyze[index].ScanNumber + " ");



                Console.WriteLine("Done removing multiplexed spectra :: " + removedCounter);

            PatternTools.CSML.Matrix correctionMatrix = new PatternTools.CSML.Matrix();
            if (checkBoxApplyPurityCorrection.Checked)
                List <List <double> > correctionData = GetPurityCorrectionsFromForm();
                correctionMatrix = IsobaricQuant.IsobaricImpurityCorrection.GenerateInverseCorrectionMatrix(correctionData);


            //Prepare normalization Dictionary
            signalIdentifiedNormalizationDictionary = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

            List <string> fileNames = theScansToAnalyze.Select(a => a.FileName).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (string fileName in fileNames)
                signalIdentifiedNormalizationDictionary.Add(fileName, new double[isobaricMasses.Count]);

            //If necessary, correct for impurity and feed global signal dictionary
            foreach (SQTScan scn in theScansToAnalyze)
                double[] thisQuantitation = GetIsobaricSignal(scn.MSLight.Ions, isobaricMasses);

                double maxSignal = thisQuantitation.Max();

                //We can only correct for signal for those that have quantitation values in all places
                if (checkBoxApplyPurityCorrection.Checked && (thisQuantitation.Count(a => a > maxSignal * (double)numericUpDownIonCountThreshold.Value) == isobaricMasses.Count))
                    thisQuantitation = IsobaricQuant.IsobaricImpurityCorrection.CorrectForSignal(correctionMatrix, thisQuantitation).ToArray();

                if (checkBoxNormalizationChannelSignal.Checked)
                    for (int k = 0; k < thisQuantitation.Length; k++)
                        signalIdentifiedNormalizationDictionary[scn.FileName][k] += thisQuantitation[k];

                scn.Quantitation = new List <List <double> >()

            //And now normalize -------------------

            if (checkBoxNormalizationChannelSignal.Checked)
                Console.WriteLine("Performing channel signal normalization for " + theScansToAnalyze.Count + " scans.");

                foreach (SQTScan scn2 in theScansToAnalyze)
                    for (int m = 0; m < isobaricMasses.Count; m++)
                        scn2.Quantitation[0][m] /= signalIdentifiedNormalizationDictionary[scn2.FileName][m];

                    if (scn2.Quantitation[0].Contains(double.NaN))
                        Console.WriteLine("Problems on signal of scan " + scn2.FileNameWithScanNumberAndChargeState);

            foreach (string file in signalIdentifiedNormalizationDictionary.Keys.ToList())

            tabControlMain.SelectedIndex = 1;

            if (radioButtonAnalysisPeptideReport.Checked)
                //Peptide Analysis

                //Write Peptide Analysis
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(textBoxOutputDirectory.Text + "/" + "PeptideQuantitationReport.txt");

                //Eliminate problematic quants
                int removed = theScansToAnalyze.RemoveAll(a => Object.ReferenceEquals(a.Quantitation, null));
                Console.WriteLine("Problematic scans removed: " + removed);

                var pepDic = from scn in theScansToAnalyze
                             group scn by scn.PeptideSequenceCleaned

                             into groupedSequences
                             select new { PeptideSequence = groupedSequences.Key, TheScans = groupedSequences.ToList() };

                foreach (var pep in pepDic)
                    sw.WriteLine("Peptide:" + pep.PeptideSequence + "\tSpecCounts:" + pep.TheScans.Count);

                    foreach (SQTScan sqt in pep.TheScans)
                        sw.WriteLine(sqt.FileNameWithScanNumberAndChargeState + "\t" + string.Join("\t", sqt.Quantitation[0]));

                //And now write the Fasta
                sw.WriteLine("#Fasta Items");
                foreach (FastaItem fastaItem in theFastaItems)
                    sw.WriteLine(">" + fastaItem.SequenceIdentifier + " " + fastaItem.Description);

                rp = ResultPackage.Load(textBoxitraqSEPro.Text);

                //Peptide Level
                if (true)
                    PatternTools.SparseMatrixIndexParserV2 ip = new SparseMatrixIndexParserV2();
                    List <int>           allDims  = new List <int>();
                    List <PeptideResult> peptides = rp.MyProteins.MyPeptideList;

                    if (checkBoxOnlyUniquePeptides.Checked)
                        int removedPeptides = peptides.RemoveAll(a => a.MyMapableProteins.Count > 1);
                        Console.WriteLine("Removing {0} peptides for not being unique.", removedPeptides);

                    for (int i = 0; i < peptides.Count; i++)
                        SparseMatrixIndexParserV2.Index index = new SparseMatrixIndexParserV2.Index();
                        index.Name        = peptides[i].PeptideSequence;
                        index.Description = string.Join(" ", peptides[i].MyMapableProteins);
                        index.ID          = i;

                        ip.Add(index, true);

                    SparseMatrix sm = new SparseMatrix();

                    List <int> dims = ip.allIDs();

                    for (int l = 0; l < labels.Count; l++)
                        if (labels[l] < 0)

                        sparseMatrixRow smr    = new sparseMatrixRow(labels[l]);
                        List <double>   values = new List <double>(dims.Count);

                        List <int> dimsWithValues = new List <int>();

                        foreach (int d in dims)
                            List <SQTScan> scns = peptides[d].MyScans.FindAll(a => !object.ReferenceEquals(a.Quantitation, null));

                            if (scns.Count > 0)
                                double signalSum = scns.FindAll(a => !double.IsNaN(a.Quantitation[0][l])).Sum(a => a.Quantitation[0][l]);

                        smr.Dims     = dimsWithValues;
                        smr.Values   = values;
                        smr.FileName = isobaricMasses[l].ToString();


                    PatternLabProject plp = new PatternLabProject(sm, ip, "IsobaricQuant");
                    plp.Save(textBoxOutputDirectory.Text + "/MyPatternLabProjectPeptides.plp");

                //Protein Level
                if (true)
                    //Generate Index
                    PatternTools.SparseMatrixIndexParserV2 ip = new SparseMatrixIndexParserV2();

                    List <MyProtein> theProteins = rp.MyProteins.MyProteinList;

                    if (checkBoxOnlyUniquePeptides.Checked)
                        int removedProteins = theProteins.RemoveAll(a => !a.PeptideResults.Exists(b => b.NoMyMapableProteins == 1));
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} removed proteins for not having unique peptides", removedProteins);

                    for (int i = 0; i < theProteins.Count; i++)
                        SparseMatrixIndexParserV2.Index index = new SparseMatrixIndexParserV2.Index();
                        index.ID          = i;
                        index.Name        = theProteins[i].Locus;
                        index.Description = theProteins[i].Description;

                        ip.Add(index, false);

                    SparseMatrix sm = new SparseMatrix();

                    List <int> dims = ip.allIDs();

                    for (int l = 0; l < labels.Count; l++)
                        if (labels[l] < 0)

                        if (!sm.ClassDescriptionDictionary.ContainsKey(labels[l]))
                            sm.ClassDescriptionDictionary.Add(labels[l], labels[l].ToString());

                        sparseMatrixRow smr    = new sparseMatrixRow(labels[l]);
                        List <double>   values = new List <double>(dims.Count);

                        List <int> dimsToInclude = new List <int>();

                        foreach (int d in dims)
                            double signalSum = 0;

                            List <PeptideResult> thePeptides = theProteins[d].PeptideResults;

                            if (checkBoxOnlyUniquePeptides.Checked)
                                thePeptides.RemoveAll(a => a.MyMapableProteins.Count > 1);

                            foreach (PeptideResult pr in thePeptides)
                                List <SQTScan> scns = pr.MyScans.FindAll(a => !object.ReferenceEquals(a.Quantitation, null));

                                foreach (SQTScan sqt in scns)
                                    if (!double.IsNaN(sqt.Quantitation[0][l]) && !double.IsInfinity(sqt.Quantitation[0][l]))
                                        signalSum += sqt.Quantitation[0][l];

                            if (signalSum > 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("No signal found for " + theProteins[d].Locus + " on marker " + l);

                        smr.Dims     = dims;
                        smr.Values   = values;
                        smr.FileName = isobaricMasses[l].ToString();


                    PatternLabProject plp = new PatternLabProject(sm, ip, "IsobaricQuant");
                    plp.Save(textBoxOutputDirectory.Text + "/MyPatternLabProjectProteins.plp");

            comboBoxSelectFileForGraphs.Enabled = true;
            tabControlMain.SelectedIndex        = 2;
            buttonGo.Text = "Generate Report";