protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Session["strLoginName"].ToString() != null && Session["strLoginName"].ToString() != "")
         if (topictitle.Text.Trim() != null && topictitle.Text.Trim() != "")
             MSForumTopicDAL topicDal   = new MSForumTopicDAL();
             MSForumTopic    topicModel = new MSForumTopic();
             topicModel.ID         = strID;
             topicModel.TopicTitle = topictitle.Text;;
             topicModel.TopicDesc  = hd_content.Value;
             topicModel.TopicState = 0;
             if (topicDal.UpdateMSForumTopic(topicModel))
                 MessageBox.Show(this, "操作成功!");
                 MessageBox.Show(this, "操作失败!");
             MessageBox.Show(this, "请输入相应标题!");
        void showdetailinfo()
            MSForumTopicDAL topicDal   = new MSForumTopicDAL();
            DataSet         ds         = topicDal.GetTopicDetail(strID);
            MSForumTopic    topicModel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <MSForumTopic>(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]);

            topictitle.Text  = topicModel.TopicTitle;
            hd_content.Value = topicModel.TopicDesc;

            MSForumTopicAtlasDAL AtlasDal = new MSForumTopicAtlasDAL();
            DataSet atlasds = AtlasDal.GetMSFTAtlasList(" AND TID='" + strID + "' ");

            if (atlasds != null && atlasds.Tables.Count > 0 && atlasds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                topicaltaslist = ""; string atlasimg = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < atlasds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    atlasimg        = atlasds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ImgUrl"].ToString();
                    topicaltaslist += "<img src=\"../../Comment/" + atlasimg + "\" />";

            if (strAction == "show")
                this.btnReset.Visible = false;
                this.btnSave.Visible  = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 加载数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strWhere">条件</param>
        void LoadData(string strWhere)
            MSForumTopicDAL TopicDal = new MSForumTopicDAL();
            DataSet         ds       = TopicDal.GetMSForumTopicList(strWhere);
            DataView        dv       = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;

            AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dv.Count;

            PagedDataSource pds = new PagedDataSource();

            pds.DataSource       = dv;
            pds.AllowPaging      = true;
            pds.CurrentPageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1;
            pds.PageSize         = AspNetPager1.PageSize;
            Repeater1.DataSource = pds;
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (null != Common.Common.NoHtml(Request.QueryString["action"]))
                strAction = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request.QueryString["action"]);
            if (null != Common.Common.NoHtml(Request.QueryString["id"]))
                strID = Common.Common.NoHtml(Request.QueryString["id"]);

            MSForumTopicDAL TopicDal = new MSForumTopicDAL();

            switch (strAction)
            case "del":
                if (TopicDal.UpdateMSForumTopicState(strID))
                    strMessage = "操作成功!";
                    strMessage = "操作失败!";

            case "pass":
                if (TopicDal.UpdateMSForumTopicTreview(strID))
                    strMessage = "操作成功!";
                    strMessage = "操作失败!";
Exemplo n.º 5
        void getTemplate()
            #region --------------帖子详细--------------------------
            MSForumTopic    TopicModel = new MSForumTopic();
            MSForumTopicDAL TopicDel   = new MSForumTopicDAL();
            DataSet         TopicDs    = TopicDel.GetTopicDetail(strtid);
            if (null != TopicDs && TopicDs.Tables.Count > 0 && TopicDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                TopicModel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <MSForumTopic>(TopicDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
            #region -----------帖子图集----------------
            List <MSForumTopicAtlas> atlasModelList = new List <MSForumTopicAtlas>();
            MSForumTopicAtlasDAL     atlasDal       = new MSForumTopicAtlasDAL();
            DataSet altasDs = atlasDal.GetMSFTAtlasList(" and tid='" + strtid + "'");
            if (altasDs != null && altasDs.Tables.Count > 0 && altasDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in altasDs.Tables[0].Rows)
                    MSForumTopicAtlas atlasModel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <MSForumTopicAtlas>(row);
            #region ---------点赞或喜欢------------
            MSForumTopicLoveDAL lovelikeDal = new MSForumTopicLoveDAL();
            string likecount = lovelikeDal.GetLoveOrLikeCount(strtid, "tlike").ToString();
            string lovecount = lovelikeDal.GetLoveOrLikeCount(strtid, "tlove").ToString();
            #region ---------评论列表以及图集信息------------
            List <CommentListGetSet> commentModelList = new List <CommentListGetSet>();
            MSForumCommentDAL        commentDal       = new MSForumCommentDAL();
            DataSet commentDs = commentDal.GetCommentList(" and a.tid='" + strtid + "' ");
            List <MSForumTopicAtlas> commatlasModelList = new List <MSForumTopicAtlas>();
            int commentcount = 0;
            if (commentDs != null && commentDs.Tables.Count > 0 && commentDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in commentDs.Tables[0].Rows)
                    CommentListGetSet commentModel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <CommentListGetSet>(row);
                    string            cmmid        = commentModel.ID;
                    if (commentModel.NickName == null || commentModel.NickName == "")
                        commentModel.NickName = "游客";
                    #region ------------评论图集-----------------------
                    DataSet commaltasDs = atlasDal.GetMSFTAtlasList(" and tid='comm" + cmmid + "'");
                    if (commaltasDs != null && commaltasDs.Tables.Count > 0 && commaltasDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        foreach (DataRow commrow in commaltasDs.Tables[0].Rows)
                            MSForumTopicAtlas atlasModel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <MSForumTopicAtlas>(commrow);

                commentcount = commentDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            catch (Exception)
                commentcount = 0;
            string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("HtmlPage/commentlist.html"));
            JinianNet.JNTemplate.TemplateContext context = new JinianNet.JNTemplate.TemplateContext();
            JinianNet.JNTemplate.Template        t       = new JinianNet.JNTemplate.Template(context, text);
            context.TempData["topicdetail"]      = TopicModel;
            context.TempData["altaslist"]        = atlasModelList;
            context.TempData["commentlist"]      = commentModelList;
            context.TempData["commentatlaslist"] = commatlasModelList;
            context.TempData["commentcount"]     = commentcount;
            context.TempData["errorscript"]      = errorscript;
            context.TempData["likecount"]        = likecount;
            context.TempData["lovecount"]        = lovecount;
            context.TempData["fid"]    = strfid;
            context.TempData["uid"]    = strUid;
            context.TempData["footer"] = "奥琦微商易";
Exemplo n.º 6
 void getTemplate()
     #region -----------获取客户信息---------
     MSCustomers    CustomerModel = new MSCustomers();
     MSCustomersDAL CustomerDal   = new MSCustomersDAL();
     DataSet        CustomerDs;
     if (strUid != null && strUid != "")
         CustomerDs = CustomerDal.GetCustomerDetail(strUid);
         if (null != CustomerDs && CustomerDs.Tables.Count > 0 && CustomerDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             CustomerModel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <MSCustomers>(CustomerDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
             if (CustomerModel.NickName == null || CustomerModel.NickName == "" ||
                 CustomerModel.NickName.ToLower() == "null")
                 CustomerModel.NickName = "游客";
     #region ----------获取帖子列表----------------
     MSForumTopicDAL       topicDal       = new MSForumTopicDAL();
     List <TopicModelList> topicModellist = new List <TopicModelList>();
     int     topicCount  = 0;
     DataSet topiclistds = topicDal.GetMSForumTopicList(" and a.[UID]='" + strUid + "' ", 0);
     if (topiclistds != null && topiclistds.Tables.Count > 0 && topiclistds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         topicCount = topiclistds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
         foreach (DataRow row in topiclistds.Tables[0].Rows)
             TopicModelList topicmodel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <TopicModelList>(row);
             if (topicmodel.NickName == null || topicmodel.NickName == "" || topicmodel.NickName.Length < 1)
                 topicmodel.NickName = "游客";
             if (topicmodel.HeadImg == null || topicmodel.HeadImg == "")
                 topicmodel.HeadImg = "images/2.png";
             string msg = topicmodel.TopicDesc;
             msg = JQDialog.GetTextFromHTML(msg);
             if (msg.Length > 250)
                 msg = msg.ToString().Substring(0, 100) + "...";
             topicmodel.TopicDesc = msg;
     #region --------------获取喜欢 总数------------------
     int likecount = 0;
     MSForumTopicLoveDAL likeDal = new MSForumTopicLoveDAL();
         likecount = likeDal.GetLoveOrLikeCountByUID(strUid, "tlike");
     catch (Exception)
         likecount = 0;
     #region ------------获取消息总数---------------
     int msgcount = 0;
     MSForumCommentDAL commentDal = new MSForumCommentDAL();
         msgcount = commentDal.GetCommentCountByUID(strUid);
     catch (Exception)
         msgcount = 0;
     string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("HtmlPage/othertopiclist.html"));
     JinianNet.JNTemplate.TemplateContext context = new JinianNet.JNTemplate.TemplateContext();
     JinianNet.JNTemplate.Template        t       = new JinianNet.JNTemplate.Template(context, text);
     context.TempData["mytopiclist"] = topicModellist;
     context.TempData["topiccount"]  = topicCount;
     context.TempData["customer"]    = CustomerModel;
     context.TempData["fid"]         = strfid;
     context.TempData["likecount"]   = likecount;
     context.TempData["msgcount"]    = msgcount;
     context.TempData["errorscript"] = errorscript;
     context.TempData["uid"]         = strUid;
     context.TempData["myuid"]       = strMyUid;
     context.TempData["footer"]      = "奥琦微商易";
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void getTemplate()
     #region -----------获取客户信息---------
     MSCustomers    CustomerModel = new MSCustomers();
     MSCustomersDAL CustomerDal   = new MSCustomersDAL();
     DataSet        CustomerDs;
     if (strUid != null && strUid != "")
         CustomerDs = CustomerDal.GetCustomerDetail(strUid);
         if (null != CustomerDs && CustomerDs.Tables.Count > 0 && CustomerDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             CustomerModel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <MSCustomers>(CustomerDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
             if (CustomerModel.NickName == null || CustomerModel.NickName == "" ||
                 CustomerModel.NickName.ToLower() == "null")
                 CustomerModel.NickName = "游客";
     #region ---------评论列表以及信息回复------------
     List <CommentListGetSet> commentModelList = new List <CommentListGetSet>();
     MSForumCommentDAL        commentDal       = new MSForumCommentDAL();
     DataSet commentDs = commentDal.GetCommentList(" and a.[uid]='" + strUid + "' ");
     DataSet repcommentds;
     List <CommentListGetSet> repcommentModelList = new List <CommentListGetSet>();
     int commentcount = 0;
     if (commentDs != null && commentDs.Tables.Count > 0 && commentDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         foreach (DataRow row in commentDs.Tables[0].Rows)
             CommentListGetSet commentModel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <CommentListGetSet>(row);
             if (commentModel.NickName == null || commentModel.NickName == "")
                 commentModel.NickName = "游客";
             #region ----------------获取回复信息-----------------------
             string repid = commentModel.ID;
             repcommentds = commentDal.GetRepCommentList(" and a.[uid]='" + strUid + "' and a.UpID='" + repid + "' ");
             if (repcommentds != null && repcommentds.Tables.Count > 0 && repcommentds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                 foreach (DataRow reprow in repcommentds.Tables[0].Rows)
                     CommentListGetSet repcommentModel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <CommentListGetSet>(reprow);
                     if (repcommentModel.NickName == null || repcommentModel.NickName == "")
                         repcommentModel.NickName = "游客";
         commentcount = commentDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
     catch (Exception)
         commentcount = 0;
     #region --------------获取喜欢 总数------------------
     int likecount = 0;
     MSForumTopicLoveDAL likeDal = new MSForumTopicLoveDAL();
         likecount = likeDal.GetLoveOrLikeCountByUID(strUid, "tlike");
     catch (Exception)
         likecount = 0;
     #region ------------获取消息总数---------------
     int msgcount = 0;
         msgcount = commentDal.GetCommentCountByUID(strUid);
     catch (Exception)
         msgcount = 0;
     #region ---------帖子总数-------------
     int             topiccount = 0;
     MSForumTopicDAL topicdal   = new MSForumTopicDAL();
         topiccount = topicdal.GetTopicCountByUID(strUid);
     catch (Exception)
         topiccount = 0;
     string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("HtmlPage/Mycommentlist.html"));
     JinianNet.JNTemplate.TemplateContext context = new JinianNet.JNTemplate.TemplateContext();
     JinianNet.JNTemplate.Template        t       = new JinianNet.JNTemplate.Template(context, text);
     context.TempData["customer"]       = CustomerModel;
     context.TempData["commentlist"]    = commentModelList;
     context.TempData["repcommentlist"] = repcommentModelList;
     context.TempData["fid"]            = strfid;
     context.TempData["likecount"]      = likecount;
     context.TempData["msgcount"]       = msgcount;
     context.TempData["topiccount"]     = topiccount;
     context.TempData["errorscript"]    = errorscript;
     context.TempData["uid"]            = strUid;
     context.TempData["footer"]         = "奥琦微商易";
Exemplo n.º 8
        void GetTopicList()
            #region ---------------论坛详细----------------------
            MSForumSetDAL   ForumDal = new MSForumSetDAL();
            MSForumTopicDAL topicDal = new MSForumTopicDAL();
            MSForumSet      ForumModel = new MSForumSet();
            string          pagetitle = string.Empty; int topicCount = 0; int forumvisit = 0;
            DataSet         ForumDs = ForumDal.GetMSForumSetDetail(strfid);
            if (ForumDs != null && ForumDs.Tables.Count > 0 && ForumDs.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                ForumModel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <MSForumSet>(ForumDs.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
                pagetitle  = ForumModel.FTitle;
                forumvisit = ForumModel.Visit;
                topicCount = Convert.ToInt32(topicDal.GetMSForumTopicCount(strfid));
            catch (Exception)
                topicCount = 0;
            forumvisit = forumvisit + 1;
            if (strUID != null && strUID != "")
                ForumDal.UpdateForumVist(forumvisit, strfid);
            #region --------------获取帖子列表------------------
            List <TopicModelList> topicModellist = new List <TopicModelList>();
            DataSet topiclistds = topicDal.GetMSForumTopicList(" and a.fid='" + strfid + "' ", 0);
            if (topiclistds != null && topiclistds.Tables.Count > 0 && topiclistds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in topiclistds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    TopicModelList topicmodel = DataConvert.DataRowToModel <TopicModelList>(row);
                    if (topicmodel.NickName == null || topicmodel.NickName == "" || topicmodel.NickName.Length < 1)
                        topicmodel.NickName = "游客";
                    if (topicmodel.HeadImg == null || topicmodel.HeadImg == "")
                        topicmodel.HeadImg = "images/2.png";
                    string msg = topicmodel.TopicDesc;
                    msg = JQDialog.GetTextFromHTML(msg);
                    if (msg.Length > 250)
                        msg = msg.ToString().Substring(0, 100) + "...";
                    topicmodel.TopicDesc = msg;

            string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("HtmlPage/index.html"));
            JinianNet.JNTemplate.TemplateContext context = new JinianNet.JNTemplate.TemplateContext();
            JinianNet.JNTemplate.Template        t       = new JinianNet.JNTemplate.Template(context, text);
            context.TempData["errorscript"] = errorscript;
            context.TempData["uid"]         = strUID;
            context.TempData["title"]       = pagetitle;
            context.TempData["ForumDetail"] = ForumModel;
            context.TempData["topicCount"]  = topicCount;
            context.TempData["topiclist"]   = topicModellist;
            context.TempData["forumvisit"]  = forumvisit;
            context.TempData["footer"]      = "奥琦微商易";
Exemplo n.º 9
        void topicpublish()
            string topicdesc = string.Empty;

            #region --------获取标题和内容---------------
                topictitle = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.Get("topictitle").ToString();
            catch (Exception)
                topictitle = "";
                topicdesc = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.Get("topicdeschidden").ToString();
            catch (Exception)
                topicdesc = "";
            MSForumTopicDAL forumtopicDal   = new MSForumTopicDAL();
            MSForumTopic    forumtopicModel = new MSForumTopic();
            StreamReader    rd      = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("emotion/key.txt"));
            string          keyword = rd.ReadLine();
            if (topictitle != null && topictitle != "")
                topictitle = JQDialog.FilterKeyWord(topictitle, keyword);
                topictitle = JQDialog.GetTextFromHTML(topictitle);
                forumtopicModel.TopicTitle = topictitle;
            if (topicdesc != null && topicdesc != "")
                topicdesc = JQDialog.FilterKeyWord(topicdesc, keyword);
                topicdesc = JQDialog.GetTextFromHTML(topicdesc);
                forumtopicModel.TopicDesc = topicdesc;
            if (!forumtopicDal.ExistMSForumTopic(topictitle, strfid, strUid))
                strTid                     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToUpper();
                forumtopicModel.ID         = strTid;
                forumtopicModel.TopicState = 0;
                forumtopicModel.FID        = strfid;
                forumtopicModel.Treview    = 1;
                forumtopicModel.UID        = strUid;
                if (forumtopicDal.AddMSForumTopic(forumtopicModel))
                    errorscript = JQDialog.alertOKMsgBox(5, "操作成功", "MyTopicList.aspx?fid=" + strfid, "succeed");
                    errorscript = JQDialog.alertOKMsgBoxGoBack(5, "操作失败<br/>请核对后再操作!", true);
                errorscript = JQDialog.alertOKMsgBoxGoBack(5, "操作失败<br/>请核对后再操作!", true);