Exemplo n.º 1
    void AdjustPositionsRetraction(int j)
        var start = j + 1;

        for (int i = start; i < path.Count - 1; i++)
            var   posBefore = path.GetPosition(i - 1);
            var   position  = path.GetPosition(i);
            float factor    = (i - start) / (path.Count - start);
            var   dist      = Vector3.Distance(posBefore, position);
            if (dist >= Statics.meanDist && factor < 0.999f)
//				var newPos = Vector3.Lerp (posBefore, position, 0.5f + 0.5f * Mathf.Clamp01 (factor));
                var newPos = Vector3.Lerp(posBefore, position, Statics.meanDist / dist);

                Collider collider1;
                bool     hasHit1 = Misc.HasHit(newPos, out collider1);
                if (hasHit1)
                    newPos = Misc.PushOutOfObstacle(collider1, newPos);
                path.SetPosition(i, new Vector3(newPos.x, newPos.y, position.z));
        var beforeLast = path.GetPosition(path.Count - 2);
        var last       = path.GetPosition(path.Count - 1);

        if (Vector3.Distance(beforeLast, last) > Statics.meanDist)
            path.InsertPositionAt(path.Count - 1, Vector3.Lerp(beforeLast, last, Statics.meanDist / Vector3.Distance(beforeLast, last)));
Exemplo n.º 2
    public IEnumerator Cut(MPath path)
        while (buildingGraph)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.01f));

        DebugTime("Total Cut");
        Vector3 normal = path.GetNormal(0);

        path.InsertPositionAt(0, path.dotFrom.transform.position);
        path.InsertNormalAt(0, normal);

        DebugTime("Identify Cuts");
        mesh = manifold.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh;
        var vertices = mesh.vertices.ToList();

        meshTriangles = mesh.triangles.ToList();
        meshNormals   = mesh.normals.ToList();

        // Misc.DebugSphere (vertices[1299], Color.blue, "1299");
        // Misc.DebugSphere (vertices[1334], Color.blue, "1334");
        // Misc.DebugSphere (vertices[1335], Color.blue, "1335");
        // DebugAtTriangle (2596, Color.white, "2596");
        // DebugAtTriangle (2597, Color.white, "2597");
        var cutPointIdentifier = new CutPointIdentifier(g, manifold);


        var cutPoints     = cutPointIdentifier.cutPoints;
        var cutEdges      = cutPointIdentifier.cutEdges;
        var cutPointType  = cutPointIdentifier.cutPointType;
        var cutTriangles  = cutPointIdentifier.cutTriangles;
        var cutAlongEdges = cutPointIdentifier.cutAlongEdges;
        var cutNodes      = cutPointIdentifier.cutNodes;

        DebugTime("Identify Cuts");
        Debug.Log("Identification done, resulting in " + cutPoints.Count + " cut Points.");

        List <HashSet <int> > bounds;
        List <HashSet <int> > meshVertexPres;

        GetNewMeshVertices(vertices, cutNodes, cutAlongEdges, cutEdges, out bounds, out meshVertexPres);
        Debug.Log("GetBounds done, resulting in " + bounds.Count + " bounds.");
        int numComponents = meshVertexPres.Count;

        DebugTime("Set up Polygons");
        var polyAtTriangle = new Dictionary <int, List <MPolygon> > ();

        foreach (var i in cutTriangles.Keys)
            var index = cutTriangles[i];

            polyAtTriangle[index] = new List <MPolygon> ();
            var list = new MPolygon();
            list.Add(meshTriangles[index * 3]);
            list.Add(meshTriangles[index * 3 + 1]);
            list.Add(meshTriangles[index * 3 + 2]);
        DebugTime("Set up Polygons");
        // foreach (var item in cutTriangles.Keys) {
        //     DebugAtTriangle (cutTriangles[item], Color.red, item + "");
        // }
        DebugTime("Cut up Polygons");
        oldVertexNumber = vertices.Count;
        var            polygonCutter       = new PolygonCutter(meshTriangles, meshNormals, vertices, polyAtTriangle);
        var            sidesOfCut          = polygonCutter.Cut(cutPoints, cutEdges, cutNodes, cutTriangles);
        List <Vector3> normals             = polygonCutter.normals;
        var            cutPointsToVertices = polygonCutter.cutPointVertices;

        DebugTime("Cut up Polygons");
        // for (int i = 0; i < cutPoints.Count; i++) {
        //     Vector3 cp = cutPoints[i];
        //     Misc.DebugSphere (cp, Color.red, i + "cp");
        // }

        var to = new TriangleOrdering(vertices, polyAtTriangle, bounds, cutNodes, cutPointsToVertices, sidesOfCut);
        Pair <HashSet <int> > sideBounds;
        var polygons = to.orderTriangles(out sideBounds);

        Debug.Log("Triangulation done, resulting in " + polygons.Count + " lists of polygons.");

        // foreach (var item in sidesOfCut.left) {
        //     DebugAtPolygon (vertices, item, Color.green);
        // }
        // foreach (var item in sidesOfCut.right) {
        //     DebugAtPolygon (vertices, item, Color.red);
        // }

        var newMeshVertexPres = new List <HashSet <int> > ();

        newMeshVertexPres.Add(new HashSet <int> ());
        newMeshVertexPres.Add(new HashSet <int> ());
        foreach (var bound in sideBounds.left)
        foreach (var bound in sideBounds.right)
        numComponents = 2;
        if (newMeshVertexPres[0].SetEquals(newMeshVertexPres[1]))
            numComponents = 1;
        List <List <int> >     meshts;
        List <List <Vector3> > meshvs, meshns;

        SetUpNewMeshes(vertices, cutTriangles, newMeshVertexPres, out meshts, out meshvs, out meshns);
        DebugTime("Set Normals and Triangles");

        DebugTime("Set up manifolds");
        SetUpManifolds(vertices, meshts, meshvs, meshns, normals, polygons, cutPoints, numComponents);
        DebugTime("Set up manifolds");  //SLOW
        DebugTime("Total Cut");