Exemplo n.º 1
        public FuNet1()
                foreach (UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info in UIManager.InstalledLookAndFeels)
                    if ("Nimbus".Equals(info.Name))
                        UIManager.LookAndFeel = info.ClassName;
            catch (Exception)
                // If Nimbus is not available, you can set the GUI to another look and feel.
                network = network.load(new FileInputStream("/home/mithquissir/Desktop/cnn/5-50-100/30.nnet"));
                testSet = MNISTDataSet.createFromFile(MNISTDataSet.TEST_LABEL_NAME, MNISTDataSet.TEST_IMAGE_NAME, 10000);
            catch (Exception e)

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <param name="args"> Command line parameters used to initialize parameters of multi layer neural network optimizer
        ///             [0] - maximal number of epochs during learning
        ///             [1] - learning error stop condition
        ///             [2] - learning rate used during learning process
        ///             [3] - number of validation folds
        ///             [4] - max number of layers in neural network
        ///             [5] - min neuron count per layer
        ///             [6] - max neuron count per layer
        ///             [7] - neuron increment count </param>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static void main(String[] args) throws java.io.IOException
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            int    maxIter      = 10000;     //Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            double maxError     = 0.01;      // Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
            double learningRate = 0.2;       // Double.parseDouble(args[2]);

            int validationFolds = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]);

            int maxLayers       = Convert.ToInt32(args[4]);
            int minNeuronCount  = Convert.ToInt32(args[5]);
            int maxNeuronCount  = Convert.ToInt32(args[6]);
            int neuronIncrement = Convert.ToInt32(args[7]);

            LOG.info("MLP learning for MNIST started.....");

            DataSet trainSet = MNISTDataSet.createFromFile(MNISTDataSet.TRAIN_LABEL_NAME, MNISTDataSet.TRAIN_IMAGE_NAME, 60000);
            DataSet testSet  = MNISTDataSet.createFromFile(MNISTDataSet.TEST_LABEL_NAME, MNISTDataSet.TEST_IMAGE_NAME, 10000);

            BackPropagation bp = new BackPropagation();

            bp.MaxIterations = maxIter;
            bp.MaxError      = maxError;
            bp.LearningRate  = learningRate;
            // commented out due to errors
            //        KFoldCrossValidation errorEstimationMethod = new KFoldCrossValidation(neuralNet, trainSet, validationFolds);
            //        NeuralNetwork neuralNet = new MultilayerPerceptronOptimazer<>()
            //                .withLearningRule(bp)
            //                .withErrorEstimationMethod(errorEstimationMethod)
            //                .withMaxLayers(maxLayers)
            //                .withMaxNeurons(maxNeuronCount)
            //                .withMinNeurons(minNeuronCount)
            //                .withNeuronIncrement(neuronIncrement)
            //                .createOptimalModel(trainSet);

            LOG.info("Evaluating model on Test Set.....");
            // commented out due to errors
            //  Evaluation.runFullEvaluation(neuralNet, testSet);

            LOG.info("MLP learning for MNIST successfully finished.....");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <param name="args"> Command line parameters used to initialize parameters of convolutional network
        ///             [0] - maximal number of epochs during learning
        ///             [1] - learning error stop condition
        ///             [2] - learning rate used during learning process
        ///             [3] - number of feature maps in 1st convolutional layer
        ///             [4] - number of feature maps in 2nd convolutional layer
        ///             [5] - number of feature maps in 3rd convolutional layer </param>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
                int    maxIter      = 10000;         // Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
                double maxError     = 0.01;          //Double.parseDouble(args[1]);
                double learningRate = 0.2;           //  Double.parseDouble(args[2]);

                int layer1 = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]);
                int layer2 = Convert.ToInt32(args[4]);
                int layer3 = Convert.ToInt32(args[5]);

                LOG.info("{}-{}-{}", layer1, layer2, layer3);

                DataSet trainSet = MNISTDataSet.createFromFile(MNISTDataSet.TRAIN_LABEL_NAME, MNISTDataSet.TRAIN_IMAGE_NAME, 100);
                DataSet testSet  = MNISTDataSet.createFromFile(MNISTDataSet.TEST_LABEL_NAME, MNISTDataSet.TEST_IMAGE_NAME, 10000);

                Dimension2D inputDimension    = new Dimension2D(32, 32);
                Dimension2D convolutionKernel = new Dimension2D(5, 5);
                Dimension2D poolingKernel     = new Dimension2D(2, 2);

                ConvolutionalNetwork convolutionNetwork = (new ConvolutionalNetwork.Builder()).withInputLayer(32, 32, 1).withConvolutionLayer(5, 5, layer1).withPoolingLayer(2, 2).withConvolutionLayer(5, 5, layer2).withPoolingLayer(2, 2).withConvolutionLayer(5, 5, layer3).withFullConnectedLayer(10).build();

                ConvolutionalBackpropagation backPropagation = new ConvolutionalBackpropagation();
                backPropagation.LearningRate  = learningRate;
                backPropagation.MaxError      = maxError;
                backPropagation.MaxIterations = maxIter;
                backPropagation.addListener(new LearningListener(convolutionNetwork, testSet));
                backPropagation.ErrorFunction = new MeanSquaredError();

                convolutionNetwork.LearningRule = backPropagation;

                Evaluation.runFullEvaluation(convolutionNetwork, testSet);
            catch (IOException e)