Exemplo n.º 1
        //비동기 그랩 콜백 메서드
        private MIL_INT OnGrab(MIL_INT eventProp, MIL_ID eventId, IntPtr userData)
                //지금 콜백에 들어온 Image Buffer ID 가져오기
                MIL_ID currentBuf = MIL.M_NULL;
                MIL.MdigGetHookInfo(eventId, eventProp + MIL.M_BUFFER_ID, ref currentBuf);

                //버퍼 byte[] 로 복사
                byte[] rawImage = new byte[400 * 400];
                MIL.MbufGet2d(currentBuf, 0, 0, 400, 400, rawImage);

                //BitmapSource로 변환
                var img = BitmapSource.Create(400, 400, 96d, 96d, PixelFormats.Indexed8, BitmapPalettes.Gray256, rawImage, 400);
                if (img.CanFreeze)

                DisplayBitmapSource = img;

            catch (Exception err)
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Optional decoding end function called every time a buffer is finished being decompressed.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        static MIL_INT FrameDecodingEndFunction(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID HookId, IntPtr HookDataPtr)
            // this is how to check if the user data is null, the IntPtr class
            // contains a member, Zero, which exists solely for this purpose
            if (!IntPtr.Zero.Equals(HookDataPtr))
                // get the handle to the FrameEndHookDataStruct object back from the IntPtr
                GCHandle hUserData = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(HookDataPtr);

                // get a reference to the FrameEndHookDataStruct object
                DecodingFrameEndHookDataStruct UserHookDataPtr = hUserData.Target as DecodingFrameEndHookDataStruct;

                // Frame end hook post processing.
                if (HookType == MIL.M_FRAME_END)
                    MIL_ID DecompressedBufferId = MIL.M_NULL;

                    // Increment a encoded frame counter.

                    // Retrieve the MIL_ID of the encoded buffer.
                    MIL.MseqGetHookInfo(HookId, MIL.M_MODIFIED_BUFFER + MIL.M_BUFFER_ID, ref DecompressedBufferId);

                    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    // Here you can do any action with the decoded buffer.
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    MIL.MbufCopy(DecompressedBufferId, UserHookDataPtr.MilImageDisp);

Exemplo n.º 3
        private static MIL_INT HookHandler(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID EventId, IntPtr UserDataPtr)
            // this is how to check if the user data is null, the IntPtr class
            // contains a member, Zero, which exists solely for this purpose
            if (!IntPtr.Zero.Equals(UserDataPtr))
                // get the handle to the DigHookUserData object back from the IntPtr
                GCHandle hUserData = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(UserDataPtr);

                // get a reference to the DigHookUserData object
                STestParameters DataStructure = hUserData.Target as STestParameters;

                // Check that the modified graphic is the rectangular region.
                MIL_INT ModifiedGraphicLabel = 0;
                MIL.MgraGetHookInfo(EventId, MIL.M_GRAPHIC_LABEL_VALUE, ref ModifiedGraphicLabel);

                if (ModifiedGraphicLabel == DataStructure.RegionLabel)
                    // Count objects and draw the corresponding annotations.

Exemplo n.º 4
        static MIL_INT ProcessingFunction(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID HookId, IntPtr HookDataPtr)
            MIL_ID ModifiedBufferId = MIL.M_NULL;

            // this is how to check if the user data is null, the IntPtr class
            // contains a member, Zero, which exists solely for this purpose
            if (!IntPtr.Zero.Equals(HookDataPtr))
                // get the handle to the DigHookUserData object back from the IntPtr
                GCHandle hUserData = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(HookDataPtr);

                // get a reference to the DigHookUserData object
                HookDataStruct UserData = hUserData.Target as HookDataStruct;

                // Retrieve the MIL_ID of the grabbed buffer.
                MIL.MdigGetHookInfo(HookId, MIL.M_MODIFIED_BUFFER + MIL.M_BUFFER_ID, ref ModifiedBufferId);

                // Increment the frame counter.

                // Print and draw the frame count (remove to reduce CPU usage).
                Console.Write("Processing frame #{0}.\r", UserData.ProcessedImageCount);
                MIL.MgraText(MIL.M_DEFAULT, ModifiedBufferId, STRING_POS_X, STRING_POS_Y, String.Format("{0}", UserData.ProcessedImageCount));

                // Execute the processing and update the display.
                MIL.MimArith(ModifiedBufferId, MIL.M_NULL, UserData.MilImageDisp, MIL.M_NOT);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public int Init(int camIndex = 0)
                MIL.MappAllocDefault(MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref appID, ref sysID, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL);

                MIL_INT digNum = MIL.MsysInquire(sysID, MIL.M_DIGITIZER_NUM, MIL.M_NULL);//获取Cameralink数量

                if (digNum < camIndex)
                    throw new Exception($"Camera {camIndex} not exits! Please check !");
                MIL.MdigAlloc(sysID, camIndex, dfc, MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref digID);//从DFC文件中加载相机配置,第三个参数就是DFC文件的路径

                MIL.MdigInquire(digID, MIL.M_SIZE_X, ref width);  //获取相机宽度
                MIL.MdigInquire(digID, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, ref height); //获取相机高度

                //MIL.MdigInquire(digID, MIL.M_MODEL_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE, ref imgAttribute);//用于下一步分配相机帧buffer的参数
                imgAttribute = MIL.M_GRAB | MIL.M_IMAGE | MIL.M_DISP | MIL.M_PROC;

                MIL.MbufAlloc2d(sysID, width, height, 8 + MIL.M_UNSIGNED, imgAttribute, ref imgID);

            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// SetEdgeFindParameter
        /// Edge검출 영역 설정
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mPos"></param>
        /// <param name="dWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="dHeight"></param>
        /// <param name="dAng"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int SetEdgeFindParameter(Point mPos, double dWidth, double dHeight, double dAng)
            MIL_INT MARKER_TYPE          = MIL.M_EDGE;
            double  FIRST_EDGE_POLARITY  = (double)MIL.M_POSITIVE;
            double  SECOND_EDGE_POLARITY = (double)MIL.M_DEFAULT;
            double  BOX_CENTER_POS_X     = (double)mPos.X;
            double  BOX_CENTER_POS_Y     = (double)mPos.Y;
            double  BOX_SIZE_X           = dWidth;
            double  BOX_SIZE_Y           = dHeight;
            double  BOX_ANGLE            = dAng;
            double  SUB_REGIONS_NUMBER   = (double)MIL.M_DEFAULT;
            double  NB_MARKERS           = (double)MIL.M_ALL;
            double  EDGEVALUE_MIN        = (double)MIL.M_DEFAULT;

            // Edge Find
            m_EdgeMaker = MIL.MmeasAllocMarker(m_MilSystem, MARKER_TYPE, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_NULL);

            MIL.MmeasSetMarker(m_EdgeMaker, MIL.M_BOX_CENTER, BOX_CENTER_POS_X, BOX_CENTER_POS_Y);
            MIL.MmeasSetMarker(m_EdgeMaker, MIL.M_BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE_X, BOX_SIZE_Y);
            MIL.MmeasSetMarker(m_EdgeMaker, MIL.M_BOX_ANGLE, BOX_ANGLE, MIL.M_NULL);
            MIL.MmeasSetMarker(m_EdgeMaker, MIL.M_NUMBER, NB_MARKERS, MIL.M_NULL);
            MIL.MmeasSetMarker(m_EdgeMaker, MIL.M_EDGEVALUE_MIN, EDGEVALUE_MIN, MIL.M_NULL);

Exemplo n.º 7
        private void CalibrateFromDigitizer(object obj)
            MIL.MbufClear(_buffer, MIL.M_COLOR_BLUE);
            if (IsGrabbing)

            MIL.MdigGrab(_digitizer, _buffer);

                MIL.McalGrid(_calibration, _buffer, 0, 0, 0, 16, 16, 2, 2, MIL.M_FULL_CALIBRATION, MIL.M_CIRCLE_GRID);
            catch (MILException ex)

            MIL_INT result = MIL.M_NULL;

            MIL.McalInquire(_calibration, MIL.M_CALIBRATION_STATUS + MIL.M_TYPE_MIL_INT, ref result);
            if (result == MIL.M_CALIBRATED)
                // Associate buffer with new calibration
                // MIL.McalAssociate(_calibration, _calibration, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

                // Don't need to suppy graphics context to clear graphics
                MIL.MgraClear(MIL.M_DEFAULT, _calibrationGraphics);

                // Draw Pixel Coord Sys
                MIL.MgraControl(_calibrationGraphicsContext, MIL.M_COLOR, MIL.M_COLOR_RED);
                MIL.McalDraw(_calibrationGraphicsContext, MIL.M_NULL, _calibrationGraphics, MIL.M_DRAW_PIXEL_COORDINATE_SYSTEM + MIL.M_DRAW_AXES, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

                // Draw World Coord Sys
                MIL.MgraControl(_calibrationGraphicsContext, MIL.M_COLOR, MIL.M_COLOR_GREEN);
                MIL.McalDraw(_calibrationGraphicsContext, _calibration, _calibrationGraphics, MIL.M_DRAW_ABSOLUTE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM + MIL.M_DRAW_AXES, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

                MIL_INT angle = 42;
                // MIL.McalRelativeOrigin(_calibration, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL, 45, MIL.M_DEFAULT);
                // Move and draw Relative Coord Sys
                //MIL.McalFixture(_calibration, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_MOVE_RELATIVE, MIL.M_POINT_AND_DIRECTION_POINT, MIL.M_DEFAULT, 15, 15, 20, 15);

                MIL.MgraControl(_calibrationGraphicsContext, MIL.M_COLOR, MIL.M_COLOR_BLUE);
                MIL.McalDraw(_calibrationGraphicsContext, _calibration, _calibrationGraphics, MIL.M_DRAW_RELATIVE_COORDINATE_SYSTEM + MIL.M_DRAW_AXES, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

                // Associate calibration graphics to display
                MIL.MdispControl(_display, MIL.M_ASSOCIATED_GRAPHIC_LIST_ID, _calibrationGraphics);

                // MIL_INT angle = MIL.M_NULL;
                //MIL.McalInquire(_calibration, MIL.M_RELATIVE_ORIGIN_ANGLE, ref angle);

                IsCalibrated = true;

            // Associate display and buffer
            MIL.MdispSelect(_display, _buffer);
Exemplo n.º 8
        // Main function.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MIL_ID MilApplication  = MIL.M_NULL;                           // Application identifier.
            MIL_ID MilSystem       = MIL.M_NULL;                           // System identifier.
            MIL_ID MilDisplay      = MIL.M_NULL;                           // Display identifier.
            MIL_ID MilImage        = MIL.M_NULL;                           // Image buffer identifier.
            MIL_ID MilOverlayImage = MIL.M_NULL;                           // Overlay buffer identifier.
            MIL_ID HistResult      = MIL.M_NULL;                           // Histogram buffer identifier.

            MIL_INT[] HistValues      = new MIL_INT[HIST_NUM_INTENSITIES]; // Histogram values.
            double[]  XStart          = new double[HIST_NUM_INTENSITIES];
            double[]  YStart          = new double[HIST_NUM_INTENSITIES];
            double[]  XEnd            = new double[HIST_NUM_INTENSITIES];
            double[]  YEnd            = new double[HIST_NUM_INTENSITIES];
            double    AnnotationColor = MIL.M_COLOR_RED;

            // Allocate the default system and image buffer.
            MIL.MappAllocDefault(MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref MilApplication, ref MilSystem, ref MilDisplay, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL);

            // Restore source image into an automatically allocated image buffer.
            MIL.MbufRestore(IMAGE_FILE, MilSystem, ref MilImage);

            // Display the image buffer and prepare for overlay annotations.
            MIL.MdispSelect(MilDisplay, MilImage);
            MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_OVERLAY, MIL.M_ENABLE);
            MIL.MdispInquire(MilDisplay, MIL.M_OVERLAY_ID, ref MilOverlayImage);

            // Allocate a histogram result buffer.
            MIL.MimAllocResult(MilSystem, HIST_NUM_INTENSITIES, MIL.M_HIST_LIST, ref HistResult);

            // Calculate the histogram.
            MIL.MimHistogram(MilImage, HistResult);

            // Get the results.
            MIL.MimGetResult(HistResult, MIL.M_VALUE, HistValues);

            // Draw the histogram in the overlay.
            MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, AnnotationColor);
            for (int i = 0; i < HIST_NUM_INTENSITIES; i++)
                XStart[i] = i + HIST_X_POSITION + 1;
                YStart[i] = HIST_Y_POSITION;
                XEnd[i]   = i + HIST_X_POSITION + 1;
                YEnd[i]   = HIST_Y_POSITION - (HistValues[i] / HIST_SCALE_FACTOR);
            MIL.MgraLines(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilOverlayImage, HIST_NUM_INTENSITIES, XStart, YStart, XEnd, YEnd, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Print a message.
            Console.Write("The histogram of the image was calculated and drawn.\n");
            Console.Write("Press <Enter> to end.\n\n");

            // Free all allocations.
            MIL.MappFreeDefault(MilApplication, MilSystem, MilDisplay, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL);
Exemplo n.º 9
 private MIL_INT FrameEvent(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID EventId, IntPtr UserDataPtr)
     if (grabResetEvent != null)
Exemplo n.º 10
 public RecordSettings()
     Type              = "Vídeo";
     outputFormat      = MIL.M_FILE_FORMAT_MP4;
     fps               = 0;
     value_postTrigger = 0;
     UnitTimeStop      = "Segundos";
     Root              = @"C:\Recording\Records";
Exemplo n.º 11
        // Master MIL Function definition.
        // -------------------------------

        static MIL_INT AddConstant(MIL_ID SrcImageId, MIL_ID DstImageId, MIL_INT ConstantToAdd)
            MIL_ID  Func             = MIL.M_NULL;
            MIL_INT SlaveReturnValue = 0;

            // Allocate a MIL function context that will be used to call a target
            // Slave function locally on the Host to do the processing.
            MFUNCFCTPTR SlaveAddConstantDelegate = new MFUNCFCTPTR(SlaveAddConstant);

                           SlaveAddConstantDelegate, MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_NULL,
                           MIL.M_USER_MODULE_1 + FUNCTION_OPCODE_ADD_CONSTANT,
                           MIL.M_LOCAL + MIL.M_SYNCHRONOUS_FUNCTION,
                           ref Func);

            // Register the parameters.
            MIL.MfuncParamMilId(Func, 1, SrcImageId, MIL.M_IMAGE, MIL.M_IN);
            MIL.MfuncParamMilId(Func, 2, DstImageId, MIL.M_IMAGE, MIL.M_OUT);
            MIL.MfuncParamMilInt(Func, 3, ConstantToAdd);

            // To pass a pointer to MIL, we need to use a reference type such as an array
            // to be able to pin the object and prevent the garbage collector from moving the object.
            MIL_INT[] slaveReturnValueArray = new MIL_INT[1] {
            GCHandle slaveReturnValueArrayHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(slaveReturnValueArray, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                // Get the address of the pinned object, for an array, the address is pointing to the first element.
                IntPtr slaveReturnValuePtr = slaveReturnValueArrayHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
                MIL.MfuncParamDataPointer(Func, 4, slaveReturnValuePtr, MIL_INT.Size * 2, MIL.M_OUT);

                // Call the target Slave function.

                SlaveReturnValue = slaveReturnValueArray[0];

                // Make sure that the delegate survives garbage collection until the slave function is executed.
                // Free the allocated GCHandle to allow the array object to be garbage collected.
                if (slaveReturnValueArrayHandle.IsAllocated)

            // Free the MIL function context.

Exemplo n.º 12
        static void SimulateGrabFromCamera(MIL_ID SourceImage, MIL_ID FocusImage, MIL_INT Iteration, MIL_ID AnnotationDisplay)
            int NbSmoothNeeded = 0;                 // Number of smooths needed.

            MIL_INT BufType           = 0;          // Buffer type.
            MIL_INT BufSizeX          = 0;          // Buffer size X.
            MIL_INT BufSizeY          = 0;          // Buffer size Y.
            int     Smooth            = 0;          // Smooth index.
            MIL_ID  TempBuffer        = MIL.M_NULL; // Temporary buffer.
            MIL_ID  SourceOwnerSystem = MIL.M_NULL; // Owner system of the source buffer.

            // Compute number of smooths needed to simulate focus.
            NbSmoothNeeded = (int)Math.Abs(Iteration - FOCUS_BEST_POSITION);

            // Buffer inquires.
            BufType  = MIL.MbufInquire(FocusImage, MIL.M_TYPE, MIL.M_NULL);
            BufSizeX = MIL.MbufInquire(FocusImage, MIL.M_SIZE_X, MIL.M_NULL);
            BufSizeY = MIL.MbufInquire(FocusImage, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, MIL.M_NULL);

            if (NbSmoothNeeded == 0)
                // Directly copy image source to destination.
                MIL.MbufCopy(SourceImage, FocusImage);
            else if (NbSmoothNeeded == 1)
                // Directly convolve image from source to destination.
                MIL.MimConvolve(SourceImage, FocusImage, MIL.M_SMOOTH);
                SourceOwnerSystem = (MIL_ID)MIL.MbufInquire(SourceImage, MIL.M_OWNER_SYSTEM, MIL.M_NULL);

                // Allocate temporary buffer.
                MIL.MbufAlloc2d(SourceOwnerSystem, BufSizeX, BufSizeY, BufType, MIL.M_IMAGE + MIL.M_PROC, ref TempBuffer);

                // Perform first smooth.
                MIL.MimConvolve(SourceImage, TempBuffer, MIL.M_SMOOTH);

                // Perform smooths.
                for (Smooth = 1; Smooth < NbSmoothNeeded - 1; Smooth++)
                    MIL.MimConvolve(TempBuffer, TempBuffer, MIL.M_SMOOTH);

                // Perform last smooth.
                MIL.MimConvolve(TempBuffer, FocusImage, MIL.M_SMOOTH);

                // Free temporary buffer.

            // Draw position cursor.
            DrawCursor(AnnotationDisplay, Iteration);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void mil(IntPtr UserWindowHandle)
            MIL_ID MilDigitizer = MIL.M_NULL;

            MIL_INT BufSizeX = DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_X;
            MIL_INT BufSizeY = DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_Y;

            MIL_INT bufsx = DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_X;
            MIL_INT bufsy = DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_Y;

            MIL.MappAllocDefault(MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref MilApplication, ref MilSystem, ref MilDisplay, ref MilDigitizer, ref MilImage);

            MIL.MdispSelectWindow(MilDisplay, MilImage, UserWindowHandle);

            //MIL.MdispSelect(MilDisplay, MilImage);

            ////MIL.MdigAlloc(MilSystem, MIL.M_DEFAULT, "M_DEFAULT", MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref MilDigitizer);
            MIL.MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, MIL.M_SIZE_X, ref BufSizeX);
            MIL.MdigInquire(MilDigitizer, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, ref BufSizeY);

            //MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_SIZE_BIT, 8);
            // Resize the display window
            //if ((BufSizeX > DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_X) || (BufSizeY > DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_Y))
            //    FromHandle(UserWindowHandle).Size = new Size((int)BufSizeX, (int)BufSizeY);

            // MIL.MdispZoom(MilDisplay, -2.0, -2.0);

            //MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_VIEW_BIT_SHIFT, 8);
            MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_SCALE_DISPLAY, MIL.M_ENABLE);
            MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_SCALE_DISPLAY, MIL.M_ENABLE);

            ////MIL.MdispInquire(MilDisplay, MIL.M_SIZE_X, ref DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_X);
            //MIL_INT imageWidth, imageHeight;
            //imageWidth = MIL.MbufInquire(MilImage, MIL.M_SIZE_X, MIL.M_NULL);
            //imageHeight = MIL.MbufInquire(MilImage, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, MIL.M_NULL);

            //MIL.MbufInquire(MilImage, MIL.M_SIZE_X, bufsx);

            //MIL.MbufInquire(MilImage, MIL.M_SIZE_X, bufsy);

            if (MilDigitizer != MIL.M_NULL)
                MIL.MdigGrabContinuous(MilDigitizer, MilImage);
                //MessageBox.Show("Image Acquisition", "Acquisition");

            //MIL.MappFreeDefault(MilApplication, MilSystem, MilDisplay, MilDigitizer, MilImage);
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Edge를 찾음
        /// dPosX,dPosY에 검출된 값을 보내줌
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iCam"></param>
        /// <param name="dPosX"></param>
        /// <param name="dPosY"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public int FindEdge(int iCam, ref CEdgeData pEdgeData)
            // Edge 검출 설정이 되어 있는지를 확인함.
            if (m_EdgeMaker == MIL.M_NULL)

            // 검출할 영상 Image를 가져온다.
            MIL_ID m_MilImage = m_pDisplay[iCam].GetImage();
            // 결과를 Display할 Overlay를 가져온다.
            MIL_ID m_DisplayGraph = m_pDisplay[iCam].GetViewGraph();

            // Find the marker and compute all applicable measurements.
            // Edge검출 명령 실행
            MIL.MmeasFindMarker(MIL.M_DEFAULT, m_MilImage, m_EdgeMaker, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Overlay Clear
            MIL.MgraClear(MIL.M_DEFAULT, m_DisplayGraph);

            // Edge 검출 영역을  Overlay에 표시함
            MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_COLOR_GREEN);
            MIL.MmeasDraw(MIL.M_DEFAULT, m_EdgeMaker, m_DisplayGraph, MIL.M_DRAW_SEARCH_REGION, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_RESULT);

            // Edge 개수 확인
            MIL_INT FindEdgeNum = 0;

            MIL.MmeasGetResult(m_EdgeMaker, MIL.M_NUMBER + MIL.M_TYPE_MIL_INT, ref FindEdgeNum, MIL.M_NULL);
            // Edge 검출 되었을 경우
            if (FindEdgeNum >= 1)
                pEdgeData.m_bSuccess = true;
                pEdgeData.m_iEdgeNum = FindEdgeNum;
                pEdgeData.m_dPosX    = new double[FindEdgeNum];
                pEdgeData.m_dPosY    = new double[FindEdgeNum];

                // 검출된 Edge를 Overlay에 표시함.
                MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_COLOR_RED);
                MIL.MmeasDraw(MIL.M_DEFAULT, m_EdgeMaker, m_DisplayGraph, MIL.M_DRAW_POSITION, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_RESULT);
                MIL.MmeasGetResult(m_EdgeMaker, MIL.M_POSITION + MIL.M_EDGE_FIRST, ref pEdgeData.m_dPosX[0], ref pEdgeData.m_dPosY[0]);

                pEdgeData.m_bSuccess = false;
                //pEdgeData.m_dPosX = 0.0;
                //pEdgeData.m_dPosY = 0.0;
                pEdgeData.m_iEdgeNum = 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
        // Benchmark function.
        private static void Benchmark(ref PROC_PARAM ProcParamPtr, ref double Time, ref double FramesPerSecond)
            MIL_INT EstimatedNbLoop = DEFAULT_NB_LOOP;
            double  StartTime       = 0.0;
            double  EndTime         = 0.0;
            double  MinTime         = 0;
            MIL_INT n;

            // Wait for the completion of all functions in this thread.

            // Call the processing once before benchmarking for a more accurate time.
            // This compensates for Dll load time, etc.
            MIL.MappTimer(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_TIMER_READ, ref StartTime);
            ProcessingExecute(ref ProcParamPtr);
            MIL.MappTimer(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_TIMER_READ, ref EndTime);

            MinTime = EndTime - StartTime;

            // Estimate the number of loops required to benchmark the processing for
            // the specified minimum time.
            for (n = 0; n < ESTIMATION_NB_LOOP; n++)
                MIL.MappTimer(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_TIMER_READ, ref StartTime);
                ProcessingExecute(ref ProcParamPtr);
                MIL.MappTimer(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_TIMER_READ, ref EndTime);

                Time    = EndTime - StartTime;
                MinTime = (Time < MinTime) ? Time : MinTime;

            if (MinTime > 0)
                EstimatedNbLoop = (MIL_INT)(MINIMUM_BENCHMARK_TIME / MinTime) + 1;

            // Benchmark the processing according to the estimated number of loops.
            MIL.MappTimer(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_TIMER_READ, ref StartTime);
            for (n = 0; n < EstimatedNbLoop; n++)
                ProcessingExecute(ref ProcParamPtr);
            MIL.MappTimer(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_TIMER_READ, ref EndTime);

            Time = EndTime - StartTime;

            FramesPerSecond = EstimatedNbLoop / Time;
            Time            = Time * 1000 / EstimatedNbLoop;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static void CountObjects(MIL_ID MilDisplay, MIL_ID MilGraphicsList, MIL_ID MilGraphicsContext, MIL_ID MilBinImage, MIL_ID MilBlobFeatureList, MIL_ID MilBlobResult)
            MIL_INT NumberOfBlobs      = 0;
            MIL_INT NumberOfPrimitives = 0;
            MIL_INT Index;

            string TextLabel;

            // Disable the display update for better performance.
            MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_UPDATE, MIL.M_DISABLE);

            // Remove all elements from the graphics list, except the rectangle
            // region primitive at index 0.
            MIL.MgraInquireList(MilGraphicsList, MIL.M_LIST, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_NUMBER_OF_GRAPHICS, ref NumberOfPrimitives);
            for (Index = NumberOfPrimitives - 1; Index > 0; Index--)
                MIL.MgraControlList(MilGraphicsList, MIL.M_GRAPHIC_INDEX(Index), MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_DELETE, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Set the input region. The blob analysis will be done
            // from the (filled) interactive rectangle.
            MIL.MbufSetRegion(MilBinImage, MilGraphicsList, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_RASTERIZE + MIL.M_FILL_REGION, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Calculate the blobs and their features.
            MIL.MblobCalculate(MilBinImage, MIL.M_NULL, MilBlobFeatureList, MilBlobResult);

            // Get the total number of blobs.
            MIL.MblobGetNumber(MilBlobResult, ref NumberOfBlobs);

            // Set the input units to display unit for the count annotations.
            MIL.MgraControl(MilGraphicsContext, MIL.M_INPUT_UNITS, MIL.M_DISPLAY);
            TextLabel = string.Format(" Number of blobs found: {0:00} ", NumberOfBlobs);

            MIL.MgraColor(MilGraphicsContext, MIL.M_COLOR_WHITE);
            MIL.MgraText(MilGraphicsContext, MilGraphicsList, 10, 10, TextLabel);

            // Restore the input units to pixel units for result annotations.
            MIL.MgraControl(MilGraphicsContext, MIL.M_INPUT_UNITS, MIL.M_PIXEL);

            // Draw blob center of gravity annotation.
            MIL.MgraColor(MilGraphicsContext, MIL.M_COLOR_RED);
            MIL.MblobDraw(MilGraphicsContext, MilBlobResult, MilGraphicsList, MIL.M_DRAW_CENTER_OF_GRAVITY, MIL.M_INCLUDED_BLOBS, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Draw blob bounding box annotations.
            MIL.MgraColor(MilGraphicsContext, MIL.M_COLOR_GREEN);
            MIL.MblobDraw(MilGraphicsContext, MilBlobResult, MilGraphicsList, MIL.M_DRAW_BOX, MIL.M_INCLUDED_BLOBS, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Enable the display to update the drawings.
            MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_UPDATE, MIL.M_ENABLE);
Exemplo n.º 17
        // User's archive function called each time a new buffer is grabbed.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------*/

        // Local defines for the annotations.

        static MIL_INT ArchiveFunction(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID HookId, IntPtr HookDataPtr)
            GCHandle       HookDataHandle  = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(HookDataPtr);
            HookDataObject UserHookDataPtr = HookDataHandle.Target as HookDataObject;
            MIL_ID         ModifiedImage   = 0;

            // Retrieve the MIL_ID of the grabbed buffer.
            MIL.MdigGetHookInfo(HookId, MIL.M_MODIFIED_BUFFER + MIL.M_BUFFER_ID, ref ModifiedImage);

            // Increment the frame count.

            // Draw the frame count in the image if enabled.
                MIL.MgraText(MIL.M_DEFAULT, ModifiedImage, STRING_POS_X, STRING_POS_Y, UserHookDataPtr.NbGrabbedFrames.ToString());

            // Compress the new image.
            if (UserHookDataPtr.MilCompressedImage != MIL.M_NULL)
                MIL.MbufCopy(ModifiedImage, UserHookDataPtr.MilCompressedImage);

            // Archive the new image.
            if (UserHookDataPtr.SaveSequenceToDisk)
                MIL_ID ImageToExport;
                if (UserHookDataPtr.MilCompressedImage != MIL.M_NULL)
                    ImageToExport = UserHookDataPtr.MilCompressedImage;
                    ImageToExport = ModifiedImage;

                MIL.MbufExportSequence(SEQUENCE_FILE, MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref ImageToExport, 1, MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_WRITE);
                Console.Write("Frame #{0}               \r", UserHookDataPtr.NbArchivedFrames);

            // Copy the new grabbed image to the display.
            MIL.MbufCopy(ModifiedImage, UserHookDataPtr.MilImageDisp);

Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the image buffer using MIL drawing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bufferSizeX">The width of the image buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="bufferSizeY">The height of the image buffer.</param>
        private void FillImageBuffer(MIL_INT bufferSizeX, MIL_INT bufferSizeY)
            // Start by clearing the buffer
            MIL.MbufClear(_bufId, MIL.M_RGB888(0, 0, 0));

            // Fill the buffer with default content.
            MIL_INT defaultGraFont = MIL.MgraInquire(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_FONT, MIL.M_NULL);

            MIL.MgraText(MIL.M_DEFAULT, _bufId, ((bufferSizeX / 8) * 2), bufferSizeY / 2, " Welcome to MIL !!! ");
            MIL.MgraRect(MIL.M_DEFAULT, _bufId, ((bufferSizeX / 8) * 2) - 60, (bufferSizeY / 2) - 80, ((bufferSizeX / 8) * 2) + 370, (bufferSizeY / 2) + 100);
            MIL.MgraRect(MIL.M_DEFAULT, _bufId, ((bufferSizeX / 8) * 2) - 40, (bufferSizeY / 2) - 60, ((bufferSizeX / 8) * 2) + 350, (bufferSizeY / 2) + 80);
            MIL.MgraRect(MIL.M_DEFAULT, _bufId, ((bufferSizeX / 8) * 2) - 20, (bufferSizeY / 2) - 40, ((bufferSizeX / 8) * 2) + 330, (bufferSizeY / 2) + 60);
            MIL.MgraFont(MIL.M_DEFAULT, defaultGraFont);
Exemplo n.º 19
        // Calculate the rotated center of the model to compare the accuracy with
        // the center of the occurrence found during pattern matching.
        static void RotateModelCenter(MIL_ID Buffer, ref double X, ref double Y, double Angle)
            MIL_INT BufSizeX = MIL.MbufInquire(Buffer, MIL.M_SIZE_X, MIL.M_NULL);
            MIL_INT BufSizeY = MIL.MbufInquire(Buffer, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, MIL.M_NULL);

            double RadAngle = Angle * ROTATED_FIND_RAD_PER_DEG;
            double CosAngle = Math.Cos(RadAngle);
            double SinAngle = Math.Sin(RadAngle);

            double OffSetX = (BufSizeX - 1) / 2.0;
            double OffSetY = (BufSizeY - 1) / 2.0;

            X = (ROTATED_FIND_MODEL_X_CENTER - OffSetX) * CosAngle + (ROTATED_FIND_MODEL_Y_CENTER - OffSetY) * SinAngle + OffSetX;
            Y = (ROTATED_FIND_MODEL_Y_CENTER - OffSetY) * CosAngle - (ROTATED_FIND_MODEL_X_CENTER - OffSetX) * SinAngle + OffSetY;
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocates a MIL application, system, display, image buffer and digitizer (if available).
        /// </summary>
        public void Allocate()
            // Allocate a MIL application.
            MIL.MappAlloc(MIL.M_NULL, MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref _appId);

            // Allocate a MIL system.
            MIL.MsysAlloc(MIL.M_DEFAULT, "M_DEFAULT", MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref _sysId);

            // Allocate a MIL display.
            MIL.MdispAlloc(_sysId, MIL.M_DEFAULT, "M_DEFAULT", MIL.M_WINDOWED, ref _dispId);

            // Set default values for the image buffer in case no digitizer can be allocated.
            MIL_INT bufferSizeX     = DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_X;
            MIL_INT bufferSizeY     = DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_Y;
            MIL_INT bufferSizeBand  = DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_BAND;
            long    imageAttributes = MIL.M_IMAGE | MIL.M_DISP | MIL.M_PROC;

            // Inquire the number of digitizers for the system.
            MIL_INT numberOfDigitizers = MIL.MsysInquire(_sysId, MIL.M_DIGITIZER_NUM, MIL.M_NULL);

            if (numberOfDigitizers > 0)
                // Allocate a digitizer.
                MIL.MdigAlloc(_sysId, MIL.M_DEFAULT, "M_DEFAULT", MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref _digId);

                // Inquire the digitizer to determine the image buffer size.
                bufferSizeBand = MIL.MdigInquire(_digId, MIL.M_SIZE_BAND, MIL.M_NULL);
                bufferSizeX    = MIL.MdigInquire(_digId, MIL.M_SIZE_X, MIL.M_NULL);
                bufferSizeY    = MIL.MdigInquire(_digId, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, MIL.M_NULL);

                // Add the M_GRAB attibute to the image buffer.
                imageAttributes |= MIL.M_GRAB;

            // Notify the UI that grabbing options have changed.

            // Allocate the image buffer.
            MIL.MbufAllocColor(_sysId, bufferSizeBand, bufferSizeX, bufferSizeY, 8 + MIL.M_UNSIGNED, imageAttributes, ref _bufId);

            // Notify the UI that the buffer size changed.

            // Fill the buffer with a default message.
            FillImageBuffer(bufferSizeX, bufferSizeY);
Exemplo n.º 21
        // Local defines.
        private static MIL_INT ProcessingFunction(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID HookId, IntPtr HookDataPtr)
            // get the handle to the DigHookUserData object back from the IntPtr
            GCHandle hUserData = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(HookDataPtr);

            // get a reference to the DigHookUserData object
            DigitizerImp pThis = hUserData.Target as DigitizerImp;

            pThis.HookId   = HookId;
            pThis.HookType = HookType;


Exemplo n.º 22
        // Grab Start hook function:
        // This function is called at the start of each frame captured.
        private static MIL_INT GrabStart(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID EventId, IntPtr UserObjectPtr)
            if (UserObjectPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                GCHandle       userObjectHandle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(UserObjectPtr);
                UserDataObject userData         = userObjectHandle.Target as UserDataObject;
                if (userData != null)
                    // Increment grab start count and print it.
                    Console.Write("#{0}\r", userData.NbGrabStart);

Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        ///  현재 Grab하는 Image를 저장함.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SaveImage(MIL_ID pImage, string strPath)
            MIL_ID pSaveImage = MIL.M_NULL;
            // Inquire overlay size.
            MIL_INT iWidth  = MIL.MbufInquire(pImage, MIL.M_SIZE_X, MIL.M_NULL);
            MIL_INT iHeight = MIL.MbufInquire(pImage, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, MIL.M_NULL);

            MIL.MbufAlloc2d(m_pMilSystemID, iWidth, iHeight,
                            MIL.M_UNSIGNED + 8, MIL.M_IMAGE + MIL.M_PROC + MIL.M_DISP,
                            ref pSaveImage);

            MIL.MbufCopy(pImage, pSaveImage);

            MIL.MbufExport(strPath, MIL.M_BMP, pSaveImage);

Exemplo n.º 24
        // Function to draw the current LUT's shape in the image.
        //   Note: This simple annotation method requires significant update
        //  and CPU time since it repaints the entire image every time.
        static void DrawLutShape(MIL_ID MilDisplay, MIL_ID MilOriginalImage, MIL_ID MilImage, MIL_INT Start, MIL_INT End, MIL_INT InflexionIntensity, MIL_INT ImageMaxValue, MIL_INT DisplayMaxValue)
            double  Xstart     = 0.0;
            double  Xend       = 0.0;
            double  Xstep      = 0.0;
            double  Ymin       = 0.0;
            double  Yinf       = 0.0;
            double  Ymax       = 0.0;
            double  Ystep      = 0.0;
            MIL_INT ImageSizeX = 0;
            MIL_INT ImageSizeY = 0;

            // Inquire image dimensions.
            MIL.MbufInquire(MilImage, MIL.M_SIZE_X, ref ImageSizeX);
            MIL.MbufInquire(MilImage, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, ref ImageSizeY);

            // Calculate the drawing parameters.
            Xstep  = (double)ImageSizeX / (double)ImageMaxValue;
            Xstart = Start * Xstep;
            Xend   = End * Xstep;
            Ystep  = ((double)ImageSizeY / 4.0) / (double)DisplayMaxValue;
            Ymin   = ((double)ImageSizeY - 2);
            Yinf   = Ymin - (InflexionIntensity * Ystep);
            Ymax   = Ymin - (DisplayMaxValue * Ystep);

            // To increase speed, disable display update until all annotations are done.
            MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_UPDATE, MIL.M_DISABLE);

            // Restore the original image.
            MIL.MbufCopy(MilOriginalImage, MilImage);

            // Draw axis max and min values.
            MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, (double)ImageMaxValue);
            MIL.MgraText(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilImage, 4, (int)Ymin - 22, "0");
            MIL.MgraText(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilImage, 4, (int)Ymax - 16, String.Format("{0}", DisplayMaxValue));
            MIL.MgraText(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilImage, ImageSizeX - 38, (int)Ymin - 22, String.Format("{0}", ImageMaxValue));

            // Draw LUT Shape (X axis is display values and Y is image values).
            MIL.MgraLine(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilImage, 0, (int)Ymin, (int)Xstart, (int)Ymin);
            MIL.MgraLine(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilImage, (int)Xstart, (int)Ymin, (int)Xend, (int)Yinf);
            MIL.MgraLine(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MilImage, (int)Xend, (int)Yinf, ImageSizeX - 1, (int)Ymax);

            // Enable display update to show the result.
            MIL.MdispControl(MilDisplay, MIL.M_UPDATE, MIL.M_ENABLE);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public int SetLocalOverlay(bool milSystem)
            // Prepare overlay buffer.
            // Enable the display of overlay annotations.
            MIL.MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, MIL.M_OVERLAY, MIL.M_ENABLE);

            // Inquire the overlay buffer associated with the display.
            MIL.MdispInquire(m_MilDisplay, MIL.M_OVERLAY_ID, ref m_MilOverlay);

            // Clear the overlay to transparent.
            MIL.MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, MIL.M_OVERLAY_CLEAR, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

            // Disable the overlay display update to accelerate annotations.
            MIL.MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, MIL.M_OVERLAY_SHOW, MIL.M_DISABLE);

            // Inquire overlay size.
            m_ImageWidth  = MIL.MbufInquire(m_MilOverlay, MIL.M_SIZE_X, MIL.M_NULL);
            m_ImageHeight = MIL.MbufInquire(m_MilOverlay, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, MIL.M_NULL);

            // Draw MIL overlay annotations.
            // Set the graphic text background to transparent.
            MIL.MgraControl(m_ImgText, MIL.M_BACKGROUND_MODE, MIL.M_TRANSPARENT);

            // Re-enable the overlay display after all annotations are done.
            MIL.MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, MIL.M_OVERLAY_SHOW, MIL.M_ENABLE);

            m_MilOverLayID = MIL.MgraAlloc(m_pMilSystemID, MIL.M_NULL);

            // Draw GDI color overlay annotation.
            // The inquire might not be supported

            // Allocate a graphic list to hold the subpixel annotations to draw.
            MIL.MgraAllocList(m_pMilSystemID, MIL.M_DEFAULT, ref GraphicList);

            // Associate the graphic list to the display for annotations.
            MIL.MdispControl(m_MilDisplay, MIL.M_ASSOCIATED_GRAPHIC_LIST_ID, GraphicList);

            MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_COLOR_GREEN);

Exemplo n.º 26
        const int HALF_LUMINANCE  = 128;            // All colors have half luminance.

        // Creates a color display LUT to show defects in red.
        static void SetupColorDisplay(MIL_ID MilSystem, MIL_ID MilDisplay, MIL_INT SizeBit)
            MIL_ID  MilRampLut1Band   = MIL.M_NULL; // LUT containing hue values.
            MIL_ID  MilRampLut3Band   = MIL.M_NULL; // RGB LUT used by display.
            MIL_ID  MilColorImage     = MIL.M_NULL; // Image used for HSL to RGB conversion.
            MIL_INT DefectGrayLevel   = 0;          // Gray level under which all is red.
            MIL_INT ExpectedGrayLevel = 0;          // Gray level over which all is blue.
            MIL_INT NbGrayLevels;

            // Number of possible gray levels in corrected depth map.
            NbGrayLevels = (MIL_INT)(1 << (int)SizeBit);

            // Allocate 1-band LUT that will contain hue values.
            MIL.MbufAlloc1d(MilSystem, NbGrayLevels, 8 + MIL.M_UNSIGNED, MIL.M_LUT, ref MilRampLut1Band);

            // Compute limit gray values.
            ExpectedGrayLevel = (MIL_INT)(EXPECTED_HEIGHT * SCALE_FACTOR);

            // Create hue values for each possible gray level.
            MIL.MgenLutRamp(MilRampLut1Band, 0, RED_HUE, DefectGrayLevel, RED_HUE);
            MIL.MgenLutRamp(MilRampLut1Band, DefectGrayLevel, RED_HUE, ExpectedGrayLevel, BLUE_HUE);
            MIL.MgenLutRamp(MilRampLut1Band, ExpectedGrayLevel, BLUE_HUE, NbGrayLevels - 1, BLUE_HUE);

            // Create a HSL image buffer.
            MIL.MbufAllocColor(MilSystem, 3, NbGrayLevels, 1, 8 + MIL.M_UNSIGNED, MIL.M_IMAGE, ref MilColorImage);
            MIL.MbufClear(MilColorImage, MIL.M_RGB888(0, FULL_SATURATION, HALF_LUMINANCE));

            // Set its H band (hue) to the LUT contents and convert the image to RGB.
            MIL.MbufCopyColor2d(MilRampLut1Band, MilColorImage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NbGrayLevels, 1);
            MIL.MimConvert(MilColorImage, MilColorImage, MIL.M_HSL_TO_RGB);

            // Create RGB LUT to give to display and copy image contents.
            MIL.MbufAllocColor(MilSystem, 3, NbGrayLevels, 1, 8 + MIL.M_UNSIGNED, MIL.M_LUT, ref MilRampLut3Band);
            MIL.MbufCopy(MilColorImage, MilRampLut3Band);

            // Associates LUT to display.
            MIL.MdispLut(MilDisplay, MilRampLut3Band);

            // Free all allocations.
Exemplo n.º 27
        static MIL_INT ProcessingFunction(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID HookId, IntPtr HookDataPtr)
            // this is how to check if the user data is null, the IntPtr class
            // contains a member, Zero, which exists solely for this purpose
            if (!IntPtr.Zero.Equals(HookDataPtr))
                // get the handle to the ProcessingHookDataStruct object back from the IntPtr
                GCHandle hUserData = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(HookDataPtr);

                // get a reference to the ProcessingHookDataStruct object
                ProcessingHookDataStruct UserHookDataPtr = hUserData.Target as ProcessingHookDataStruct;
                MIL_ID ModifiedBufferId = MIL.M_NULL;
                string Text;

                // Retrieve the MIL_ID of the grabbed buffer.
                MIL.MdigGetHookInfo(HookId, MIL.M_MODIFIED_BUFFER + MIL.M_BUFFER_ID, ref ModifiedBufferId);

                switch (UserHookDataPtr.ProcessingOperation)
                case ProcessingHookOperation.DISPLAY:
                    // Update the display with the last captured image.
                    MIL.MbufCopy(ModifiedBufferId, UserHookDataPtr.MilImageDisp);

                case ProcessingHookOperation.ENCODE:
                    // Increase the compressed images count.

                    // Print and draw the frame count (comment to reduce CPU usage).
                    Console.Write("Processing frame #{0}.\r", UserHookDataPtr.ProcessedImageCount);
                    Text = string.Format("{0}", UserHookDataPtr.ProcessedImageCount);
                    MIL.MgraText(MIL.M_DEFAULT, ModifiedBufferId, STRING_POS_X, STRING_POS_Y, Text);
                    // Enqueue the grabbed buffer for parallel encoding.
                    MIL.MseqFeed(UserHookDataPtr.MilSeqContext, ModifiedBufferId, MIL.M_DEFAULT);

                    // Update the display with the last captured image.
                    MIL.MbufCopy(ModifiedBufferId, UserHookDataPtr.MilImageDisp);

Exemplo n.º 28
        // Draw the samples as color patches.
        static void DrawSampleColors(MIL_ID DestImage, MIL_INT[,] pSamplesColors, string[] pSampleNames, MIL_INT NumSamples, MIL_INT XSpacing, MIL_INT YOffset)
            MIL_INT DestSizeX = MIL.MbufInquire(DestImage, MIL.M_SIZE_X, MIL.M_NULL);
            MIL_INT DestSizeY = MIL.MbufInquire(DestImage, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, MIL.M_NULL);
            double  OffsetX   = (DestSizeX - (NumSamples * COLOR_PATCH_SIZEX) - ((NumSamples - 1) * XSpacing)) / 2.0;
            double  OffsetY   = YOffset > 0 ? YOffset : (DestSizeY - COLOR_PATCH_SIZEY) / 2.0;
            double  TextOffsetX;


            for (MIL_INT SampleIndex = 0; SampleIndex < NumSamples; SampleIndex++)
                MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_RGB888((int)pSamplesColors[SampleIndex, 0], (int)pSamplesColors[SampleIndex, 1], (int)pSamplesColors[SampleIndex, 2]));
                MIL.MgraRectFill(MIL.M_DEFAULT, DestImage, OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetX + COLOR_PATCH_SIZEX, OffsetY + COLOR_PATCH_SIZEY);
                MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, MIL.M_COLOR_YELLOW);
                TextOffsetX = OffsetX + COLOR_PATCH_SIZEX / 2.0 - 4.0 * pSampleNames[SampleIndex].Length + 0.5;
                MIL.MgraText(MIL.M_DEFAULT, DestImage, TextOffsetX, OffsetY - 20, pSampleNames[SampleIndex]);
                OffsetX += (COLOR_PATCH_SIZEX + XSpacing);
Exemplo n.º 29
        // Optional encoding end function called every time a buffer is finished being compressed.
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        static MIL_INT FrameEncodingEndFunction(MIL_INT HookType, MIL_ID HookId, IntPtr HookDataPtr)
            // this is how to check if the user data is null, the IntPtr class
            // contains a member, Zero, which exists solely for this purpose
            if (!IntPtr.Zero.Equals(HookDataPtr))
                // get the handle to the FrameEndHookDataStruct object back from the IntPtr
                GCHandle hUserData = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(HookDataPtr);

                // get a reference to the FrameEndHookDataStruct object
                EncodingFrameEndHookDataStruct UserHookDataPtr = hUserData.Target as EncodingFrameEndHookDataStruct;

                // Frame end hook post processing.
                if (HookType == MIL.M_FRAME_END)
                    MIL_ID  CompressedBufferId = MIL.M_NULL;
                    MIL_INT CompressedDataPtr  = MIL.M_NULL;
                    MIL_INT CompressedDataSize = 0;

                    // Increment a encoded frame counter

                    // Retrieve the MIL_ID of the encoded buffer.
                    MIL.MseqGetHookInfo(HookId, MIL.M_MODIFIED_BUFFER + MIL.M_BUFFER_ID, ref CompressedBufferId);

                    // Retrieves the address of the encoded data.
                    MIL.MbufInquire(CompressedBufferId, MIL.M_HOST_ADDRESS, ref CompressedDataPtr);

                    // Retrieves the size in bytes of the encoded data.
                    MIL.MbufInquire(CompressedBufferId, MIL.M_SIZE_BYTE, ref CompressedDataSize);

                    //  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    //  Here you can do any action with the encoded data such as send buffer through a network stream.
                    //  If the processing done on the compressed data is long, it is recommended to copy the
                    //  buffer and to process it in a separate thread to avoid blocking the compressions flow.
                    //  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Exemplo n.º 30
        static void DrawCursor(MIL_ID AnnotationDisplay, MIL_INT Position)
            MIL_ID  AnnotationImage = MIL.M_NULL;
            MIL_INT BufSizeX        = 0;
            MIL_INT BufSizeY        = 0;
            MIL_INT n = 0;

            // Prepare for overlay annotations.
            MIL.MdispControl(AnnotationDisplay, MIL.M_OVERLAY, MIL.M_ENABLE);
            MIL.MdispControl(AnnotationDisplay, MIL.M_OVERLAY_CLEAR, MIL.M_DEFAULT);
            MIL.MdispInquire(AnnotationDisplay, MIL.M_OVERLAY_ID, ref AnnotationImage);
            MIL.MbufInquire(AnnotationImage, MIL.M_SIZE_X, ref BufSizeX);
            MIL.MbufInquire(AnnotationImage, MIL.M_SIZE_Y, ref BufSizeY);
            MIL.MgraColor(MIL.M_DEFAULT, CURSOR_COLOR);

            // Write annotations.
            n = (BufSizeX / FOCUS_MAX_NB_POSITIONS);
            MIL.MgraLine(MIL.M_DEFAULT, AnnotationImage, 0, CURSOR_POSITION(BufSizeY) + CURSOR_SIZE, BufSizeX - 1, CURSOR_POSITION(BufSizeY) + CURSOR_SIZE);
            MIL.MgraLine(MIL.M_DEFAULT, AnnotationImage, Position * n, CURSOR_POSITION(BufSizeY) + CURSOR_SIZE, Position * n - CURSOR_SIZE, CURSOR_POSITION(BufSizeY));
            MIL.MgraLine(MIL.M_DEFAULT, AnnotationImage, Position * n, CURSOR_POSITION(BufSizeY) + CURSOR_SIZE, Position * n + CURSOR_SIZE, CURSOR_POSITION(BufSizeY));
            MIL.MgraLine(MIL.M_DEFAULT, AnnotationImage, Position * n - CURSOR_SIZE, CURSOR_POSITION(BufSizeY), Position * n + CURSOR_SIZE, CURSOR_POSITION(BufSizeY));