Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a paginator for the files in the specified folder, ordered by descending date by default.
        /// Includes only .md or .mdh files
        /// Excludes files with a name starting with "_", with the name "index" or "default".
        /// By default includes only the files directly inside the folder, not in subfolders
        /// Syntax: PaginatorFor folderName topFolderOnly(true*/false or 1/0) sortDirection (desc*/asc)
        /// Examples:
        /// PaginatorFor folderName
        /// PaginatorFor folderName false
        /// PaginatorFor folderName true asc
        /// It can automatically detect the tag or categ params to filter by tag or category if available
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentFile"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns>A List of file information objects that can be used in Liquid tags</MIISFile></returns>
        object IFMSource.GetValue(MIISFile currentFile, params string[] parameters)
            //Get all published files with the current parameters
            var currentFiles = FilesFromFolderParamSrc.GetFilesFromParameters(currentFile, parameters);

            //Get current page from QS
            NameValueCollection qs = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString;
            int page = 1;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(qs["page"]))
                _ = int.TryParse(qs["page"], out page);

            //Get current specified page size (10 by default, in the constructor)
            int PageSize    = 0;
            var valPageSize = currentFile["paginate"];

            if (valPageSize != null)
                _ = int.TryParse(valPageSize.ToString(), out PageSize);

            //Define the paginator object
            return(new Paginator(currentFiles, page, PageSize));
Exemplo n.º 2
        object IFMSource.GetValue(MIISFile currentFile, params string[] srcParams)
            int min = 0, max = 100;

            //Parse paramenters
            if (srcParams.Length == 1)
                max = int.Parse(srcParams[0]);

            if (srcParams.Length == 2)
                min = int.Parse(srcParams[0]);
                max = int.Parse(srcParams[1]);

            if (min > max)  //Swap them
                var t = max;
                max = min;
                min = t;

            Random rnd = new Random();

            //Force the file to be cached for 10 seconds
            //Force the file to not do any caching despite of the Caching parameter

            return(rnd.Next(min, max));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a file proxy to access the data of the specified file to be used in a content
        /// Very useful for loading a specific file when we know it's name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentFile"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns>A MIISFile object to be used in a file content with liquid tags</returns>
        object IFMSource.GetValue(MIISFile currentFile, params string[] parameters)
            if (parameters.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("Data file not specified!!");

            string filePath = FilesEnumeratorHelper.GetFolderAbsPathFromName(parameters[0]);

            if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                throw new Exception($"The file {filePath} does not exist!!");

            //Add cache dependency on the loaded file

            //Return the file data proxy
            return(new MIISFile(new MarkdownFile(filePath)));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds cache dependencies for the source file depending on the current files being processed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentFile"></param>
        /// <param name="folderPath"></param>
        /// <param name="allFiles"></param>
        /// <param name="topOnly">If only the top folder is being watched</param>
        public static void AddFileCacheDependencies(MIISFile currentFile, string folderPath, IEnumerable <MarkdownFile> allFiles, bool topOnly)
            if (topOnly)
                //Establish the processed folder as a caching dependency for the current file this FM souce is working on
                //Add an special FolderTreeCacheDependency to watch all the subfolders
                currentFile.AddFileDependency(new FolderTreeCacheDependency(folderPath));

            //If any of the files has a (publishing) date later than now, then add the first one as a cache dependency to refresh the listings at that point
            double maxDateSecs = NumSecondsToNextFilePubDate(allFiles);

            if (maxDateSecs > 0)
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an array with all the distinct tags available in the files of the specified folder ordered by tag name (ascending).
        /// Includes only .md or .mdh files
        /// Excludes files with a name starting with "_", with the name "index" or "default".
        /// By default includes only the files directly inside the folder, not in subfolders
        /// Syntax: TagsFromFolder folderName topFolderOnly(true*/false or 1/0)
        /// Examples:
        /// TagsFromFolder folderName
        /// TagsFromFolder folderName false
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentFile"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns>An array of strings with tag names in files, that can be used in Liquid tags</MIISFile></returns>
        object IFMSource.GetValue(MIISFile currentFile, params string[] parameters)
            //Expects these parameters (* indicates the default value):
            //- Folder path relative to the current file or to the root of the site
            //- Top folder files only (true*/false, could be 1*/0)

            //Check if there's a folder specified
            if (parameters.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("Folder not specified!!");
            string folderPath = FilesEnumeratorHelper.GetFolderAbsPathFromName(parameters[0]);

            //Include top folder only or all subfolders (second parameter)
            bool topOnly = true;

                string sTopOnly = parameters[1].ToLowerInvariant();
                topOnly = topOnly = FilesEnumeratorHelper.IsTruthy(sTopOnly);   //If the second parameter is "false" or "0", then use topOnly files
            catch { }

            //Third parameter: include default files (index, default)
            bool includeDefFiles = false;

                string sincludeDefFiles = parameters[2].ToLowerInvariant();
                includeDefFiles = FilesEnumeratorHelper.IsTruthy(sincludeDefFiles);
            catch { }

            string cacheKey = folderPath + "_tags" + "_" + topOnly + "_" + includeDefFiles;
            //Check if tags are already cached
            var tags = HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey];

            if (tags == null)    //Get tags from disk
                //Get al files in the folder (and subfolders if indicated), without specific ordering (we don't need it and it'll save some processing time)
                IEnumerable <MarkdownFile> allFiles = FilesEnumeratorHelper.GetAllFilesFromFolder(folderPath, topOnly);

                //Filter only those that are published
                var publishedFilesProxies = FilesEnumeratorHelper.OnlyPublished(allFiles);

                //Get all the tags in the published files (if any)
                HashSet <string> hTags = new HashSet <string>();
                foreach (MIISFile mf in publishedFilesProxies)

                //Get the number of files in each tag
                tags = from t in hTags
                       select new
                    name  = t,
                    count = (from f in publishedFilesProxies
                             where f.Tags.Contains <string>(t)
                             select f).Count()

                //FILE CACHING
                FilesEnumeratorHelper.AddFileCacheDependencies(currentFile, folderPath, allFiles, topOnly);

                //Add tags to cache depending on the folder and the time until the next published file
                FilesEnumeratorHelper.AddFileListToCache(folderPath, cacheKey,
                                                         tags, topOnly);

Exemplo n.º 6
        //Ugly method to have in one place all the code common to various FM Sources that are in this assembly
        //DRY, you know ;-)
        internal static IEnumerable <MIISFile> GetFilesFromParameters(MIISFile currentFile, params string[] parameters)
            //Expects these parameters (* indicates the default value):
            //- Folder path relative to the current file or to the root of the site
            //- Top folder files only (true*/false, could be 1*/0)

            //First parameter: folder to process
            //Check if there's a folder specified
            if (parameters.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("Folder not specified!!");
            string folderPath = FilesEnumeratorHelper.GetFolderAbsPathFromName(parameters[0]);

            //Second parameter: include files in subfolders
            //Include top folder only or all subfolders
            bool topOnly = true;

                string sTopOnly = parameters[1].ToLowerInvariant();
                topOnly = FilesEnumeratorHelper.IsTruthy(sTopOnly); //If the second parameter is "false" or "0", then use topOnly files
            catch { }

            //Third parameter: include default files (index, default)
            bool includeDefFiles = false;

                string sincludeDefFiles = parameters[2].ToLowerInvariant();
                includeDefFiles = FilesEnumeratorHelper.IsTruthy(sincludeDefFiles);
            catch { }

            //Get al files in the folder (and subfolders if indicated), ordered by date desc
            IEnumerable <MarkdownFile> allFiles = FilesEnumeratorHelper.GetAllFilesFromFolder(folderPath, topOnly, includeDefFiles);

            //File caching dependencies
            FilesEnumeratorHelper.AddFileCacheDependencies(currentFile, folderPath, allFiles, topOnly);

            //Filter only those that are published
            IEnumerable <MIISFile> publishedFilesProxies = FilesEnumeratorHelper.OnlyPublished(allFiles);
            int numPublishedFiles = publishedFilesProxies.Count();

            //Filter by tag or category from QueryString params
            NameValueCollection qs = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(qs["tag"]))  //More specific, takes precedence
                string tag = qs["tag"].ToLowerInvariant();
                publishedFilesProxies = from file in publishedFilesProxies
                                        where file.Tags.Contains <string>(tag)
                                        select file;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(qs["categ"]))
                string categ = qs["categ"].ToLowerInvariant();
                publishedFilesProxies = from file in publishedFilesProxies
                                        where file.Categories.Contains <string>(categ)
                                        select file;

Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the files in the specified folder ordered by descending date by default.
 /// Includes only .md or .mdh files
 /// Excludes files with a name starting with "_", with the name "index" or "default".
 /// By default includes only the files directly inside the folder, not in subfolders
 /// Syntax: FilesFromFolder folderName topFolderOnly(true*/false or 1/0) sortDirection (desc*/asc)
 /// Examples:
 /// FilesFromFolder folderName
 /// FilesFromFolder folderName false
 /// FilesFromFolder folderName true asc
 /// It can automatically detect the tag or categ params to filter by tag or category if available
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="currentFile"></param>
 /// <param name="parameters"></param>
 /// <returns>A List of file information objects that can be used in Liquid tags</MIISFile></returns>
 object IFMSource.GetValue(MIISFile currentFile, params string[] parameters)
     //Get all published files with the current parameters
     return(GetFilesFromParameters(currentFile, parameters).ToList <MIISFile>());