Exemplo n.º 1
        // Description
        //    Compute the outputSurface attribute.
        //    If there is no history, use cachedSurface as the
        //    input surface. All tweaks will get written directly
        //    to it. Output is just a copy of the cached surface
        //    that can be connected etc.
        public void computeOutputSurface( MPlug plug, MDataBlock datablock )
            // Check for an input surface. The input surface, if it
            // exists, is copied to the cached surface.
            computeInputSurface( plug, datablock );

            // Get a handle to the cached data
            MDataHandle cachedHandle = datablock.outputValue( cachedSurface );
            apiMeshData cached = cachedHandle.asPluginData as apiMeshData;
            if ( null == cached ) {
                MGlobal.displayInfo( "NULL cachedSurface data found" );

            datablock.setClean( plug );

            // Apply any vertex offsets.
            if ( hasHistory() ) {
                applyTweaks( datablock, cached.fGeometry );
            else {
                MArrayDataHandle cpHandle = datablock.inputArrayValue( mControlPoints );

            // Create some output data
            MFnPluginData fnDataCreator = new MFnPluginData();
            fnDataCreator.create(new MTypeId(apiMeshData.id));
            apiMeshData newData = (apiMeshData)fnDataCreator.data();

            // Copy the data
            if ( null != cached ) {
                newData.fGeometry = cached.fGeometry;
            else {
                MGlobal.displayInfo( "computeOutputSurface: NULL cachedSurface data" );

            // Assign the new data to the outputSurface handle
            MDataHandle outHandle = datablock.outputValue( outputSurface );
            outHandle.set( newData );

            // Update the bounding box attributes
            computeBoundingBox( datablock );
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Description
        //    If the shape has history, apply any tweaks (offsets) made
        //    to the control points.
        public void applyTweaks(MDataBlock datablock, apiMeshGeom meshGeom)
            MArrayDataHandle cpHandle = datablock.inputArrayValue( mControlPoints );

            // Loop through the component list and transform each vertex.
            uint elemCount = cpHandle.elementCount();
            for ( uint idx=0; idx<elemCount; idx++ )
                int elemIndex = (int)cpHandle.elementIndex();
                MDataHandle pntHandle = cpHandle.outputValue();
                double[] pnt = pntHandle.Double3;
                MVector offset = new MVector(pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2]);

                // Apply the tweaks to the output surface
                MPoint oldPnt = meshGeom.vertices[elemIndex];
                oldPnt = oldPnt.plus( offset );


        public override bool compute( MPlug plug, MDataBlock block)
            if ( plug.equalEqual(constraintGeometry) )
                MArrayDataHandle targetArray = block.inputArrayValue( compoundTarget );
                uint targetArrayCount = targetArray.elementCount();
                double weight,selectedWeight = 0;
                if ( weightType == GeometrySurfaceConstraintCommand.ConstraintType.kSmallestWeight )
                    selectedWeight = float.MaxValue;
                MObject selectedMesh = null;
                uint i;
                for ( i = 0; i < targetArrayCount; i++ )
                    MDataHandle targetElement = targetArray.inputValue();
                    weight = targetElement.child(targetWeight).asDouble;
                    if ( !equivalent(weight,0.0))
                        if ( weightType == GeometrySurfaceConstraintCommand.ConstraintType.kLargestWeight )
                            if ( weight > selectedWeight )
                                MObject mesh = targetElement.child(targetGeometry).asMesh;
                                if ( !mesh.isNull )
                                    selectedMesh = mesh;
                                    selectedWeight =  weight;
                            if  ( weight < selectedWeight )
                                MObject mesh = targetElement.child(targetGeometry).asMesh;
                                if ( !mesh.isNull )
                                    selectedMesh = mesh;
                                    selectedWeight =  weight;
                if( selectedMesh == null )
                    // The transform node via the geometry attribute will take care of
                    // updating the location of the constrained geometry.
                    MDataHandle outputConstraintGeometryHandle = block.outputValue(constraintGeometry);
                return false;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
		public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
		//	Descriptions:
		//		compute output force.
			if (plug.notEqual(mOutputForce))
                return false;

			// get the logical index of the element this plug refers to.
			uint multiIndex = plug.logicalIndex;

			// Get input data handle, use outputArrayValue since we do not
			// want to evaluate both inputs, only the one related to the
			// requested multiIndex. Evaluating both inputs at once would cause
			// a dependency graph loop.

			MArrayDataHandle hInputArray = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mInputData);

			// get children of aInputData.

			MDataHandle hCompond = hInputArray.inputValue();

			MDataHandle hPosition = hCompond.child(mInputPositions);
			MObject dPosition = hPosition.data();
			MFnVectorArrayData fnPosition = new MFnVectorArrayData(dPosition);
			MVectorArray points = fnPosition.array();

			// The attribute mInputPPData contains the attribute in an array form 
			// prepared by the particleShape if the particleShape has per particle 
			// attribute fieldName_attrName.  
			// Suppose a field with the name dynExprField1 is connecting to 
			// particleShape1, and the particleShape1 has per particle float attribute
			// dynExprField1_magnitude and vector attribute dynExprField1_direction,
			// then hInputPPArray will contains a MdoubleArray with the corresponding
			// name "magnitude" and a MvectorArray with the name "direction".  This 
			// is a mechanism to allow the field attributes being driven by dynamic 
			// expression.
			MArrayDataHandle mhInputPPData = dataBlock.inputArrayValue(mInputPPData);
			MDataHandle hInputPPData = mhInputPPData.inputValue();
			MObject dInputPPData = hInputPPData.data();
			MFnArrayAttrsData inputPPArray = new MFnArrayAttrsData(dInputPPData);

			MDataHandle hOwnerPPData = dataBlock.inputValue(mOwnerPPData);
			MObject dOwnerPPData = hOwnerPPData.data();
			MFnArrayAttrsData ownerPPArray = new MFnArrayAttrsData(dOwnerPPData);

			string magString = "magnitude";
			MFnArrayAttrsData.Type doubleType = MFnArrayAttrsData.Type.kDoubleArray;

			bool arrayExist;
			MDoubleArray magnitudeArray;
			arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, out doubleType);
            if (arrayExist)
                magnitudeArray = inputPPArray.getDoubleData(magString);
                magnitudeArray = new MDoubleArray();
			MDoubleArray magnitudeOwnerArray;
			arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, out doubleType);
			if (arrayExist)
				magnitudeOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getDoubleData(magString);
                magnitudeOwnerArray = new MDoubleArray();

			string dirString = "direction";
			MFnArrayAttrsData.Type vectorType = MFnArrayAttrsData.Type.kVectorArray;
			MVectorArray directionArray;
			arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, out vectorType);
            if (arrayExist)
                directionArray = inputPPArray.getVectorData(dirString);
                directionArray = new MVectorArray();
			MVectorArray directionOwnerArray;
			arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, out vectorType);
            if (arrayExist)
                directionOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getVectorData(dirString);
                directionOwnerArray = new MVectorArray();

			// Compute the output force.
			MVectorArray forceArray = new MVectorArray();

			apply(dataBlock, points.length, magnitudeArray, magnitudeOwnerArray,
				   directionArray, directionOwnerArray, forceArray);

			// get output data handle
			MArrayDataHandle hOutArray = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mOutputForce);
			MArrayDataBuilder bOutArray = hOutArray.builder();

			// get output force array from block.
			MDataHandle hOut = bOutArray.addElement(multiIndex);
			MFnVectorArrayData fnOutputForce = new MFnVectorArrayData();
			MObject dOutputForce = fnOutputForce.create(forceArray);

			// update data block with new output force data.

			return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock dataBlock)
        //	Descriptions:
        //		compute output force.
            if (plug.notEqual(mOutputForce))

            // get the logical index of the element this plug refers to.
            uint multiIndex = plug.logicalIndex;

            // Get input data handle, use outputArrayValue since we do not
            // want to evaluate both inputs, only the one related to the
            // requested multiIndex. Evaluating both inputs at once would cause
            // a dependency graph loop.

            MArrayDataHandle hInputArray = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mInputData);


            // get children of aInputData.

            MDataHandle hCompond = hInputArray.inputValue();

            MDataHandle        hPosition  = hCompond.child(mInputPositions);
            MObject            dPosition  = hPosition.data();
            MFnVectorArrayData fnPosition = new MFnVectorArrayData(dPosition);
            MVectorArray       points     = fnPosition.array();

            // The attribute mInputPPData contains the attribute in an array form
            // prepared by the particleShape if the particleShape has per particle
            // attribute fieldName_attrName.
            // Suppose a field with the name dynExprField1 is connecting to
            // particleShape1, and the particleShape1 has per particle float attribute
            // dynExprField1_magnitude and vector attribute dynExprField1_direction,
            // then hInputPPArray will contains a MdoubleArray with the corresponding
            // name "magnitude" and a MvectorArray with the name "direction".  This
            // is a mechanism to allow the field attributes being driven by dynamic
            // expression.
            MArrayDataHandle mhInputPPData = dataBlock.inputArrayValue(mInputPPData);


            MDataHandle       hInputPPData = mhInputPPData.inputValue();
            MObject           dInputPPData = hInputPPData.data();
            MFnArrayAttrsData inputPPArray = new MFnArrayAttrsData(dInputPPData);

            MDataHandle       hOwnerPPData = dataBlock.inputValue(mOwnerPPData);
            MObject           dOwnerPPData = hOwnerPPData.data();
            MFnArrayAttrsData ownerPPArray = new MFnArrayAttrsData(dOwnerPPData);

            string magString = "magnitude";

            MFnArrayAttrsData.Type doubleType = MFnArrayAttrsData.Type.kDoubleArray;

            bool         arrayExist;
            MDoubleArray magnitudeArray;

            arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, out doubleType);
            if (arrayExist)
                magnitudeArray = inputPPArray.getDoubleData(magString);
                magnitudeArray = new MDoubleArray();

            MDoubleArray magnitudeOwnerArray;

            arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(magString, out doubleType);
            if (arrayExist)
                magnitudeOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getDoubleData(magString);
                magnitudeOwnerArray = new MDoubleArray();

            string dirString = "direction";

            MFnArrayAttrsData.Type vectorType = MFnArrayAttrsData.Type.kVectorArray;
            MVectorArray           directionArray;

            arrayExist = inputPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, out vectorType);
            if (arrayExist)
                directionArray = inputPPArray.getVectorData(dirString);
                directionArray = new MVectorArray();

            MVectorArray directionOwnerArray;

            arrayExist = ownerPPArray.checkArrayExist(dirString, out vectorType);
            if (arrayExist)
                directionOwnerArray = ownerPPArray.getVectorData(dirString);
                directionOwnerArray = new MVectorArray();

            // Compute the output force.
            MVectorArray forceArray = new MVectorArray();

            apply(dataBlock, points.length, magnitudeArray, magnitudeOwnerArray,
                  directionArray, directionOwnerArray, forceArray);

            // get output data handle
            MArrayDataHandle  hOutArray = dataBlock.outputArrayValue(mOutputForce);
            MArrayDataBuilder bOutArray = hOutArray.builder();

            // get output force array from block.
            MDataHandle        hOut          = bOutArray.addElement(multiIndex);
            MFnVectorArrayData fnOutputForce = new MFnVectorArrayData();
            MObject            dOutputForce  = fnOutputForce.create(forceArray);

            // update data block with new output force data.

Exemplo n.º 6
        public override bool compute(MPlug plug, MDataBlock block)
            if (plug.equalEqual(constraintGeometry))
                MArrayDataHandle targetArray = block.inputArrayValue(compoundTarget);
                uint             targetArrayCount = targetArray.elementCount();
                double           weight, selectedWeight = 0;
                if (weightType == GeometrySurfaceConstraintCommand.ConstraintType.kSmallestWeight)
                    selectedWeight = float.MaxValue;
                MObject selectedMesh = null;
                uint    i;
                for (i = 0; i < targetArrayCount; i++)
                    MDataHandle targetElement = targetArray.inputValue();
                    weight = targetElement.child(targetWeight).asDouble;
                    if (!equivalent(weight, 0.0))
                        if (weightType == GeometrySurfaceConstraintCommand.ConstraintType.kLargestWeight)
                            if (weight > selectedWeight)
                                MObject mesh = targetElement.child(targetGeometry).asMesh;
                                if (!mesh.isNull)
                                    selectedMesh   = mesh;
                                    selectedWeight = weight;
                            if (weight < selectedWeight)
                                MObject mesh = targetElement.child(targetGeometry).asMesh;
                                if (!mesh.isNull)
                                    selectedMesh   = mesh;
                                    selectedWeight = weight;
                if (selectedMesh == null)
                    // The transform node via the geometry attribute will take care of
                    // updating the location of the constrained geometry.
                    MDataHandle outputConstraintGeometryHandle = block.outputValue(constraintGeometry);
