Exemplo n.º 1
        // Search for a totalling action with the supplied field_name. If can't find, return null.
        public TotallingMC get_TotallingMC(string field_name)
            // Look for an IndexMC with a Field name matching idx_field_name.
            foreach (MediatorColleague mc in mcList)
                if (mc is MCAction)
                    MCAction mca = (MCAction)mc;
                    // Two parts to the condition: field name must match, must be a TotallingAction
                    if (mca.get_action().field.name == field_name && mca is TotallingMC)
                        return (TotallingMC)mca;

                }// if

            // If got here and not returned - throw exception and return
            return null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Search for a valid index with the supplied field_name. If can't find, return null.
        public List<string> get_index(string idx_field_name)
            List<string> rtn_idx = null;

            // Look for an IndexMC with a Field name matching idx_field_name.
            foreach (MediatorColleague mc in mcList)
                if (mc is MCAction)
                    MCAction mca = (MCAction)mc;
                    // Three parts to the condition: field name must match, must be an Index, and it must be valid
                    if (mca.get_action().field.name == idx_field_name && mca.get_action() is IndexingAction && mca.isValid == true)
                        IndexingAction ia = (IndexingAction)mca.get_action();
                        rtn_idx = ia.getStrLst();

            return rtn_idx;
Exemplo n.º 3
        }// iterate_snapview

        // Pull out an action of type "mytype"
        // Return with the first one matching field_name
        // DEPRECATED : see get_totalling_action(..) below
        public TotallingAction pullOutTotallingAction(string field_name)
            foreach(MediatorColleague mc in mcList){

                if (mc is MCAction)
                    MCAction mca = (MCAction)mc;

                    BaseAction ba = mca.get_action();


                    if (ba is TotallingAction && ba.field.name == field_name)
                        return ba as TotallingAction;



            // If not returned by now, haven't found one.
            return null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // This method polls the snapview to see whether it is "invalid" and if it is, triggers an interate
        public void iterate_snapview()
            //// Poll all the MC's - if find >= 1 which is isValid==false then trigger iteration
            //bool all_mcs_valid = true;

            //foreach (MediatorColleague mc in mcList)
            //    if (!mc.isValid) all_mcs_valid = false;

            //// If the snapview is "not" valid - then we need to iterate
            //if (!all_mcs_valid)
                // Two kinds of iteration:
                //    1) If no filters involved, just iterate without changing snapview
                //    2) If there are filters involved, we have to create a new snapview

                bool filters_involved = false;
                // First collect all the "inValid" actions, and do any initialising

                List<MCAction> mca_list = new List<MCAction>(10);
                foreach(MediatorColleague mc in mcList){
                    if (mc is MCAction)
                        MCAction mca = (MCAction)mc;
                        // ONLY add if this MC is inValid. If it's valid, it doesn't need to be re-calculated in the iteration
                        if (mca.isValid == false)


                            // test for filters
                            if (mca.get_action() is BaseFilter) filters_involved = true;

                            // NASTY: doing both class and interface versions of this. ONLY DO INTERFACE
                            // Call inits if necessary (E.g., all Stat calclation actions need to be re-initialised)
                            if (mca.get_action() is InitAction )
                                InitAction ia = (InitAction)(mca.get_action());
                            if (mca.get_action() is InitActionIface)
                                InitActionIface ia = (InitActionIface)(mca.get_action());

                        }// if isValid==false

                    }// if MCAction
                }// foreach


                    // Do the iteration
                    if (!filters_involved)

                catch(SnapViewNotFoundException exc)

                // Iterate over MC's and perform any Post methods
                // (E.g., caching the index in a field)
                foreach (MCAction mca in mca_list)
                    if (mca.get_action() is PostActionIface)
                        PostActionIface pa = (PostActionIface)mca.get_action();


                // We have just done a fresh iteration. So set all MC's to isValid==true
                foreach (MediatorColleague mc in mcList)
                    mc.isValid = true;

                // Prob relocate this: Remove all FilterMC's because makes no sense to reuse
                var mc_node = mcList.First;
                while (mc_node != null)
                    var nextNode = mc_node.Next;
                    if (mc_node.Value is FilterMC)
                    mc_node = nextNode;

            //}//if !(all mc's valid)


        }// iterate_snapview