public Uri GetAuthorizationUri(MBUser user, AuthorizationState state, string[] additionalScopes = null) { var scopes = user.SpotifyScopesList ?? new List <string>(); if (additionalScopes != null) { foreach (var scope in additionalScopes) { if (!scopes.Contains(scope)) { scopes.Add(scope); } } } return(new LoginRequest( RedirectUri, config.SpotifyClientId, LoginRequest.ResponseType.Code ) { Scope = scopes, State = SerializeState(state) }.ToUri()); }
private async Task <IActionResult> HandleTextMessage(Message message, MBUser user, ILogger log) { log.LogDebug("Handling text message {message}", message.Text); if (!(message.Entities?.Any(x => x.Type == MessageEntityType.BotCommand) ?? false)) { log.LogInformation("Non-Command received"); return(new OkResult()); } var command = commandService.GetCommand(message.Text); if (command == null) { log.LogInformation("Nothing to do for {message} from {user}", message.Text, user); return(new OkResult()); } log.LogInformation("Processing command {command} for {user} and message {message}", command.GetType().Name, user, message.Text ); await command.Process(user, message, log); return(new OkResult()); }
public async Task UpdateSpotifyDetails(MBUser user, string scopes, string spotifyId) { user.SpotifyScopes = scopes; user.SpotifyId = spotifyId; user.LastSeen = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; await table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Merge(user)); }
protected override async Task ProcessListenSessionCommandInternalAsync(MBUser user, Message message, ILogger logger, bool isAuthorizationCallback = false) { if (ListenGroup != null) { logger.LogInformation("Group {group} is already setup for listen session", ListenGroup); await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, "This group is already setup for listening."); return; } var spotifyClient = await SpotifyService.GetClientAsync(user); var playlist = await spotifyClient.Playlists.Create(user.SpotifyId, new PlaylistCreateRequest($"{message.Chat.Title} Playlist") { Description = $"Playlist managed by Music Bot. For Telegram group chat '{message.Chat.Title}'", Collaborative = true, Public = false }); var group = new ListenGroup() { Id = ListenGroup.GetId(ChatServices.Telegram, message.Chat.Id.ToString()), ServiceId = message.Chat.Id.ToString(), OwnerMBDisplayName = user.DisplayName, OwnerMBUserId = user.Id, OwnerSpotifyUserId = user.SpotifyId, ActiveListenerIds = new string[] { }, LastListened = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, SpotifyPlaylistDisplayName = playlist.Name, SpotifyPlaylistId = playlist.Id, Created = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow }; await ListenSessionService.CreateGroupAsync(group); await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, "Setup Complete. " + playlist.ExternalUrls.FirstOrDefault().Value); return; }
public async Task <PrivateUser> RedeemAuthorizationCode(MBUser user, string authorizationCode) { var response = await new OAuthClient().RequestToken( new AuthorizationCodeTokenRequest( config.SpotifyClientId, config.SpotifyClientSecret, authorizationCode, RedirectUri) ); var spotify = new SpotifyClient(response.AccessToken); var profile = await spotify.UserProfile.Current(); await userService.UpdateSpotifyDetails(user, response.Scope, profile.Id); await SaveTokenAsync(user.Id, response); return(profile); }
protected override async Task ProcessListenSessionCommandInternalAsync(MBUser user, Message message, ILogger logger, bool isAuthorizationCallback = false) { var listenSession = await ListenSessionService.GetGroupAsync(ChatServices.Telegram, message.Chat.Id.ToString()); if (listenSession == null) { await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, "This group isn't setup for listening. Run /init first."); } if (CurrentGroupPlaylist.Tracks.Total == 0) { await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, "No tracks queued up. Add one!"); return; } }
protected override async Task ProcessListenSessionCommandInternalAsync(MBUser user, Message message, ILogger logger, bool isAuthorizationCallback = false) { var splits = new List <string>(message.Text.Trim().Split(' ')); splits.RemoveAll(x => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Trim())); if (splits.Count == 1) { await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, "You didn't provide a song, dummy."); return; } var resource = splits[1]; // TODO: Allow Playlist, Album // TODO: Artist?? // URL: if (resource.StartsWith(UrlQualifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { await Queue(resource.Substring(UrlQualifier.Length, resource.IndexOf('?') - UrlQualifier.Length), '/', logger); } // URI: spotify:track:2wJDK6Epha7t2rewssvELD else if (resource.StartsWith(UriQualifier, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { await Queue(resource.Substring(UriQualifier.Length), ':', logger); } else { // TODO: Search??? await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, "I'm not sure how to handle that"); return; } }
protected override async Task ProcessInternalAsync(MBUser user, Message message, ILogger logger, bool isAuthorizationCallback = false) { ListenGroup = await ListenSessionService.GetGroupAsync(ChatServices.Telegram, message.Chat.Id.ToString()); if (ListenGroup != null) { OwnerSpotifyClient = await SpotifyService.GetClientAsync(ListenGroup.OwnerMBUserId); MessageSenderSpotifyClient = await SpotifyService.GetClientAsync(user); try { CurrentGroupPlaylist = await OwnerSpotifyClient.Playlists.Get(ListenGroup.SpotifyPlaylistId); if (CurrentGroupPlaylist == null) { // TODO: handle User deleted playlist logger.LogError("Playlist wasn't found.. must have been deleted"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "Error retrieving playlist"); } } else if (RequiresActiveGroup) { logger.LogInformation("Requires active group to run this command."); await TelegramClient.SendTextMessageAsync( message.Chat.Id, "Requires an active group to do this. Run /init"); return; } await ProcessListenSessionCommandInternalAsync(user, message, logger, isAuthorizationCallback); }
public Task <ISpotifyClient> GetClientAsync(MBUser user) { return(GetClientAsync(user.Id)); }
private async Task <IActionResult> HandleGroupCreatedMessage(Message message, MBUser user, ILogger log) { log.LogDebug("Invited to group by {user} group created message {chat}", user, message.Chat.Title); // TODO: Onboard channel return(new OkResult()); }
protected override Task ProcessInternalAsync(MBUser user, CallbackQuery callback, ILogger logger) { // Nothing to do return(Task.CompletedTask); }
protected abstract Task ProcessListenSessionCommandInternalAsync(MBUser user, Message message, ILogger logger, bool isAuthorizationCallback = false);
public async Task UpdateUser(MBUser user) { await table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Merge(user)); }
public async Task <MBUser> GetUser(string id) { var result = await table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Retrieve <MBUser>(MBUser.GetPartitionKey(id), id)); return(result.Result as MBUser); }
public async Task SetLastSeenUser(MBUser user) { user.LastSeen = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; await table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(user)); }
public async Task CreateUser(MBUser user) { await table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Insert(user)); }
public static string ToTelegramUserLink(this MBUser user) { return($"<a href=\"tg://user?id={user.ServiceId}\">{user.DisplayName}</a>"); }
protected override async Task ProcessInternalAsync(MBUser user, CallbackQuery callback, ILogger logger) { // Nothing to respond to yet }