Exemplo n.º 1
        public static List <Locationwp> download(MAVLinkInterface port, MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE type, Action <int, string> progress = null)
            List <Locationwp> commandlist = new List <Locationwp>();

                if (!port.BaseStream.IsOpen)
                    throw new Exception("Please Connect First!");

                bool use_supportfence = (port.MAV.cs.capabilities & (uint)MAVLink.MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY.MISSION_FENCE) > 0;

                bool use_int = (port.MAV.cs.capabilities & (uint)MAVLink.MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY.MISSION_INT) > 0;

                if (!use_supportfence && !port.MAV.mavlinkv2 && type != MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE.MISSION)
                    throw new Exception("Mission type only supported under mavlink2");

                progress?.Invoke(0, "Getting WP count");

                log.Info("Getting WP #");

                int cmdcount = port.getWPCount(type);

                for (ushort a = 0; a < cmdcount; a++)
                    log.Info("Getting WP" + a);
                    progress?.Invoke((a * 100) / cmdcount, "Getting WP " + a);
                    commandlist.Add(port.getWP(a, type));


                progress?.Invoke(100, "Done");

            catch (Exception ex)

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// used to add a marker to the map display
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tag"></param>
        /// <param name="lng"></param>
        /// <param name="lat"></param>
        /// <param name="alt"></param>
        /// <param name="color"></param>
        private void addpolygonmarker(string tag, double lng, double lat, double?alt, Color?color, double wpradius, MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE type = MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE.MISSION, Color?fillcolor = null)
                PointLatLng point = new PointLatLng(lat, lng);
                GMapMarker  m     = null;
                if (type == MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE.MISSION)
                    m = new GMapMarkerWP(point, tag);
                    if (alt.HasValue)
                        m.ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.OnMouseOver;
                        m.ToolTipText = "Alt: " + alt.Value.ToString("0");
                    m.Tag = tag;
                else if (type == MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE.FENCE)
                    m     = new GMarkerGoogle(point, GMarkerGoogleType.blue_dot);
                    m.Tag = tag;
                else if (type == MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE.RALLY)
                    m = new GMapMarkerRallyPt(point);
                    if (alt.HasValue)
                        m.ToolTipMode = MarkerTooltipMode.OnMouseOver;
                        m.ToolTipText = "Alt: " + alt.Value.ToString("0");
                    m.Tag = tag;

                //MissionPlanner.GMapMarkerRectWPRad mBorders = new MissionPlanner.GMapMarkerRectWPRad(point, (int)float.Parse(TXT_WPRad.Text), MainMap);
                GMapMarkerRect mBorders = new GMapMarkerRect(point);
                    mBorders.InnerMarker = m;
                    mBorders.Tag         = tag;
                    mBorders.wprad       = (int)wpradius;
                    if (color.HasValue)
                        mBorders.Color = color.Value;
                    if (fillcolor.HasValue)
                        mBorders.FillColor = fillcolor.Value;

            catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void upload(MAVLinkInterface port, MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE type, List <Locationwp> commandlist, MAVLink.MAV_FRAME frame = MAVLink.MAV_FRAME.GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT)
                if (!port.BaseStream.IsOpen)
                    throw new Exception("Please connect first!");

                int a;

                bool use_int = (port.MAV.cs.capabilities & (uint)MAVLink.MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY.MISSION_INT) > 0;


                // process commandlist to the mav
                for (a = 0; a < commandlist.Count; a++)
                    var temp = commandlist[a];

                    // handle current wp upload number
                    int uploadwpno = a;

                    // try send the wp
                    MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT ans = port.setWP(temp, (ushort)(uploadwpno), (MAVLink.MAV_FRAME)temp.frame, 0, 1, use_int, type);

                    // we timed out while uploading wps/ command wasnt replaced/ command wasnt added
                    if (ans == MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT.MAV_MISSION_ERROR)
                        // resend for partial upload
                        port.setWPPartialUpdate((ushort)(uploadwpno), (ushort)commandlist.Count, type);
                        // reupload this point.
                        ans = port.setWP(temp, (ushort)(uploadwpno), frame, 0, 1, use_int, type);

                    if (ans == MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT.MAV_MISSION_NO_SPACE)
                        throw new Exception("Upload failed, please reduce the number of wp's");
                    if (ans == MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT.MAV_MISSION_INVALID)
                        throw new Exception(
                                  "Upload failed, mission was rejected by the Mav,\n item had a bad option wp# " + a + " " +
                        // invalid sequence can only occur if we failed to see a response from the apm when we sent the request.
                        // or there is io lag and we send 2 mission_items and get 2 responces, one valid, one a ack of the second send

                        // the ans is received via mission_ack, so we dont know for certain what our current request is for. as we may have lost the mission_request

                        // get requested wp no - 1;
                            a = port.getRequestedWPNo() - 1;
                            // resend for partial upload
                            port.setWPPartialUpdate((ushort)(uploadwpno), (ushort)commandlist.Count, type);
                            // reupload this point.

                    if (ans != MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT.MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED)
                        throw new Exception("Upload wps failed " + Enum.Parse(typeof(MAVLink.MAV_CMD), temp.id.ToString()) +
                                            " " + Enum.Parse(typeof(MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT), ans.ToString()));

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static async Task upload(MAVLinkInterface port, byte sysid, byte compid, MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE type, List <Locationwp> commandlist, Action <int, string> progress = null)
                if (!port.BaseStream.IsOpen)
                    throw new Exception("Please connect first!");

                bool use_supportfence = (port.MAVlist[sysid, compid].cs.capabilities & (uint)MAVLink.MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY.MISSION_FENCE) > 0;

                bool use_int = (port.MAVlist[sysid, compid].cs.capabilities & (uint)MAVLink.MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY.MISSION_INT) > 0;

                if (!use_supportfence && !port.MAVlist[sysid, compid].mavlinkv2 && type != MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE.MISSION)
                    throw new Exception("Mission type only supported under mavlink2");

                int a;

                await port.setWPTotalAsync(sysid, compid, (ushort)commandlist.Count, type).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // process commandlist to the mav
                for (a = 0; a < commandlist.Count; a++)
                    var temp = commandlist[a];

                    // handle current wp upload number
                    int uploadwpno = a;

                    progress?.Invoke(((a * 100) / commandlist.Count), "Uploading WP " + a);

                    // try send the wp
                    MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT ans = await port.setWPAsync(sysid, compid, temp, (ushort)(uploadwpno), (MAVLink.MAV_FRAME) temp.frame, 0, 1, use_int, type).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // we timed out while uploading wps/ command wasnt replaced/ command wasnt added
                    if (ans == MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT.MAV_MISSION_ERROR)
                        // resend for partial upload
                        await port.setWPPartialUpdateAsync(sysid, compid, (ushort)(uploadwpno), (ushort)commandlist.Count, type).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        // reupload this point.
                        ans = await port.setWPAsync(sysid, compid, temp, (ushort)(uploadwpno),
                                                    (MAVLink.MAV_FRAME) temp.frame, 0, 1, use_int, type).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (ans == MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT.MAV_MISSION_NO_SPACE)
                        throw new Exception("Upload failed, please reduce the number of wp's");
                    if (ans == MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT.MAV_MISSION_INVALID)
                        throw new Exception(
                                  "Upload failed, mission was rejected by the Mav,\n item had a bad option wp# " + a + " " +
                        // invalid sequence can only occur if we failed to see a response from the apm when we sent the request.
                        // or there is io lag and we send 2 mission_items and get 2 responces, one valid, one a ack of the second send

                        // the ans is received via mission_ack, so we dont know for certain what our current request is for. as we may have lost the mission_request

                        // get requested wp no - 1;
                            a = await port.getRequestedWPNoAsync(sysid, compid).ConfigureAwait(false) - 1;
                            // resend for partial upload
                            await port.setWPPartialUpdateAsync(sysid, compid, (ushort)(uploadwpno), (ushort)commandlist.Count, type).ConfigureAwait(false);

                            // reupload this point.

                    if (ans != MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT.MAV_MISSION_ACCEPTED)
                        throw new Exception("Upload " + type.ToString() + " failed " + Enum.Parse(typeof(MAVLink.MAV_CMD), temp.id.ToString()) +
                                            " " + Enum.Parse(typeof(MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_RESULT), ans.ToString()));

                port.setWPACK(sysid, compid, type);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static async Task <List <Locationwp> > download(MAVLinkInterface port, byte sysid, byte compid, MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE type, Action <int, string> progress = null)
            List <Locationwp> commandlist = new List <Locationwp>();

                if (!port.BaseStream.IsOpen)
                    throw new Exception("Please Connect First!");

                bool use_supportfence = (port.MAVlist[sysid, compid].cs.capabilities & (uint)MAVLink.MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY.MISSION_FENCE) > 0;

                bool use_int = (port.MAVlist[sysid, compid].cs.capabilities & (uint)MAVLink.MAV_PROTOCOL_CAPABILITY.MISSION_INT) > 0;

                if (!use_supportfence && type == MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE.FENCE)
                    throw new Exception("Fence mission items not supported, please use legacy geofence");

                if (!use_supportfence && !port.MAVlist[sysid, compid].mavlinkv2 && type != MAVLink.MAV_MISSION_TYPE.MISSION)
                    throw new Exception("Mission type only supported under mavlink2");

                progress?.Invoke(0, "Getting WP count");

                log.Info("Getting WP # " + type);

                int cmdcount = await port.getWPCountAsync(sysid, compid, type).ConfigureAwait(false);

                for (ushort a = 0; a < cmdcount; a++)
                    log.Info("Getting WP" + a);
                    progress?.Invoke((a * 100) / cmdcount, "Getting WP " + a);
                    commandlist.Add(await port.getWPAsync(sysid, compid, a, type).ConfigureAwait(false));

                port.setWPACK(sysid, compid, type);

                progress?.Invoke(100, "Done");

                log.Info("Done " + type);
            catch (Exception ex)
