public void SetCipher(Cipher cipher, MAC mac, bool mac_enabled) { _cipher = cipher; _mac = mac; _macEnabled = mac_enabled; _head = new byte[cipher.BlockSize]; }
public ActionResult AddMac() { var currentEmail = User.Identity.GetUserName(); Profile currentProfile = new Profile(); foreach (Profile profile in context.Profile) { if (profile.Email.Equals(currentEmail)) { currentProfile = profile; } } var macAddr = ( from nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces() where nic.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up select nic.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString() ).FirstOrDefault(); MAC mac = new MAC(); mac.MACAdress = macAddr; currentProfile.Macs.Add(mac); context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
public void Read1() { MAC mac = MAC.Parse("FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"); string name = "Adapter 1"; IP localip = IP.Parse(""); IP Subnet = IP.Parse(""); IP DefaultG = IP.Parse(""); IP DNS = IP.Parse(""); Adapter a = new Adapter(mac, 1, name, localip, Subnet, DefaultG, DNS, 1, true); Adapter a2 = null; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load("XMLFile.xml"); foreach (XmlNode node in doc.DocumentElement) { if (node.Name == "AdapterRead1") { foreach (XmlNode n in node.ChildNodes) { if (n.Name == "Adapter") { a2 = Adapter.FromXML(n); } } } } Assert.True(a.Equals(a2)); }
internal override bool isMatched(string _host) { if (!hashed) { return(base.isMatched(_host)); } MAC macsha1 = mykh.getHMACSHA1(); try { lock (macsha1) { macsha1.init(salt); byte[] foo = _host.getBytes(); macsha1.update(foo, 0, foo.Length); byte[] bar = new byte[macsha1.getBlockSize()]; macsha1.doFinal(bar, 0); return(Util.array_equals(hash, bar)); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e); } return(false); }
protected void L_Autenticate_Authenticate(object sender, EventArgs e) { DAOUsuario guardarUsuario = new DAOUsuario(); DataTable data = guardarUsuario.loggin(L_Autenticate.UserName.ToString(), L_Autenticate.Password.ToString()); if (int.Parse(data.Rows[0]["user_id"].ToString()) > 0) { Session["nombre"] = data.Rows[0]["nombre"].ToString(); Session["user_id"] = data.Rows[0]["user_id"].ToString(); EUsuario datosUsuario = new EUsuario(); MAC datosConexion = new MAC(); /* ipAddress = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; * mac = Utilidades.Mac.GetMAC(ref ipAddress);*/ datosUsuario.UserId = int.Parse(Session["user_id"].ToString()); datosUsuario.Ip = datosConexion.ip(); datosUsuario.Mac = datosConexion.mac(); datosUsuario.Session = Session.SessionID; datosUsuario.RolId = int.Parse(data.Rows[0]["rol_id"].ToString()); Session["user"] = datosUsuario; guardarUsuario.guardadoSession(datosUsuario); if (datosUsuario.RolId == 1) { Response.Redirect("MenuAdmin.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("MenuOperador.aspx"); } } }
protected void Login_Conductor_Authenticate1(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e) { Conductor conductor = new Conductor(); conductor.Usuario = Login_Conductor.UserName; conductor.Contrasena = Login_Conductor.Password; ((Label)Login_Conductor.FindControl("LN_Mensaje")).Text = new LConductor().login(conductor); //Session["user"] = null; //Variable vacia (No ha iniciado sesión) conductor = new DaoConductor().login(conductor); MAC conexion = new MAC(); AccesoConductor accesoc = new AccesoConductor(); object s = Session["user"] = conductor; //Variable llena (Se inicio sesión) if (s != null) { Session["user"] = conductor; accesoc.FechaInicio = DateTime.Now; accesoc.Ip = conexion.ip(); accesoc.Mac = conexion.mac(); accesoc.Session = Session.SessionID; accesoc.IdConductor = conductor.IdConductor; new DaoSeguridadConductor().insertarAcceso(accesoc); } }
internal override bool IsMatched(string _host) { if (!this.hashed) { return(base.IsMatched(_host)); } MAC macsha1 = this._enclosing.GetHMACSHA1(); try { lock (macsha1) { macsha1.Init(this.salt); byte[] foo = Util.Str2byte(_host); macsha1.Update(foo, 0, foo.Length); byte[] bar = new byte[macsha1.GetBlockSize()]; macsha1.DoFinal(bar, 0); return(Util.Array_equals(this.hash, bar)); } } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine(e); } return(false); }
private byte[] GenerateCryptogram(CryptogramType cryptogramType) { var data = new List <byte>(); switch (cryptogramType) { case CryptogramType.Card: data.AddRange(this.HostChallenge); data.AddRange(this.SequenceCounter); data.AddRange(this.CardChallenge); break; case CryptogramType.Host: data.AddRange(this.SequenceCounter); data.AddRange(this.CardChallenge); data.AddRange(this.HostChallenge); break; } data.Pad(); byte[] cryptogram = MAC.Algorithm1(data.ToArray(), this.EncryptionKey); return(cryptogram); }
protected void BT_Ingresar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UUser datos = new UUser(); LUser logic = new LUser(); LMUser lmuser = new LMUser(); datos = lmuser.loggear(TB_UserName.Text, TB_Clave.Text, int.Parse(Session["idioma"].ToString()), NoBotLogin.IsValid()); Session["userId"] = datos.SUserId; Session["userName"] = datos.SUserName; Session["nombre"] = datos.SNombre; Session["apellido"] = datos.SApellido; Session["clave"] = datos.SClave; Session["correo"] = datos.SCorreo; Session["documento"] = datos.SDocumento; Session["foto"] = datos.SFoto; try { MAC datosConexion = new MAC(); lmuser.logicaGuardarSesion(int.Parse(Session["userId"].ToString()), datosConexion.ip(), datosConexion.mac(), Session.SessionID); Response.Redirect(datos.Url); } catch { L_Error.Text = datos.Mensaje; } this.Page.Response.Write(datos.MensajeIntentoErroneos); }
public void CanProveAndVerifyMAC() { // The coordinator generates a composed private key called CoordinatorSecretKey // and derives from that the coordinator's public parameters called CoordinatorParameters. var rnd = new SecureRandom(); var coordinatorKey = new CoordinatorSecretKey(rnd); var coordinatorParameters = coordinatorKey.ComputeCoordinatorParameters(); // A blinded amount is known as an `attribute`. In this case the attribute Ma is the // value 10000 blinded with a random `blindingFactor`. This attribute is sent to // the coordinator. var amount = new Scalar(10_000); var blindingFactor = rnd.GetScalar(); var Ma = amount * Generators.G + blindingFactor * Generators.Gh; // The coordinator generates a MAC and a proof that the MAC was generated using the // coordinator's secret key. The coordinator sends the pair (MAC + proofOfMac) back // to the client. var t = rnd.GetScalar(); var mac = MAC.ComputeMAC(coordinatorKey, Ma, t); var coordinatorStatement = ProofSystem.CreateStatement(coordinatorParameters, mac.V, Ma, t); var proverBuilder = ProofSystem.CreateProver(coordinatorStatement, coordinatorKey); var macProver = proverBuilder(rnd); var proofOfMac = macProver(); // The client receives the MAC and the proofOfMac which let the client know that the MAC // was generated with the coordinator's secret key. var clientStatement = ProofSystem.CreateStatement(coordinatorParameters, mac.V, Ma, mac.T); var verifierBuilder = ProofSystem.CreateVerifier(clientStatement); var macVerifier = verifierBuilder(proofOfMac); var isValidProof = macVerifier(); Assert.True(isValidProof); }
internal void Hash() { if (hashed) { return; } MAC macsha1 = mykh.getHMACSHA1(); if (salt == null) { Random random = Session.random; lock (random) { salt = new byte[macsha1.getBlockSize()]; random.fill(salt, 0, salt.Length); } } try { lock (macsha1) { macsha1.init(salt); byte[] foo = host.getBytes(); macsha1.update(foo, 0, foo.Length); hash = new byte[macsha1.getBlockSize()]; macsha1.doFinal(hash, 0); } } catch //(Exception e) { } host = HASH_MAGIC + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Util.toBase64(salt, 0, salt.Length)) + HASH_DELIM + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Util.toBase64(hash, 0, hash.Length)); hashed = true; }
/// <summary> /// Overrides Close() /// </summary> /// <param name="cipher"></param> /// <param name="rnd"></param> /// <param name="mac"></param> /// <param name="sequence"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override DataFragment Close(Cipher cipher, Random rnd, MAC mac, int sequence) { byte[] buf = DataWriter.UnderlyingBuffer; int sftpDataLength = DataWriter.Length - OFFSET_SFTP_PACKET_TYPE; SSHUtil.WriteIntToByteArray(buf, OFFSET_CHANNEL_DATA_LENGTH, sftpDataLength + 4); SSHUtil.WriteIntToByteArray(buf, OFFSET_SFTP_DATA_LENGTH, sftpDataLength); return base.Close(cipher, rnd, mac, sequence); }
public bool isAvailable(IP ip, MAC client) { lock (Leaseslock) { if (Leases.ContainsKey(ip)) { if (Leases[ip].chaddr == client) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } if (Reserved.ContainsKey(ip)) { if ((bool)Reserved[ip].chaddr?.Equals(client)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { return(true); } } }
public void Close(Cipher cipher, Random rnd, MAC mac, int sequence, DataFragment result) { if(!_is_open) throw new SSHException("internal state error"); int blocksize = cipher==null? 8 : cipher.BlockSize; int payload_length = _writer.Length - (SEQUENCE_MARGIN + LENGTH_MARGIN + PADDING_MARGIN); int r = 11 - payload_length % blocksize; while(r < 4) r += blocksize; _paddingLength = r; _packetLength = PADDING_MARGIN + payload_length + _paddingLength; int image_length = _packetLength + LENGTH_MARGIN; //fill padding for(int i=0; i<_paddingLength; i+=4) _writer.Write(rnd.Next()); //manipulate stream byte[] rawbuf = _writer.UnderlyingBuffer; SSHUtil.WriteIntToByteArray(rawbuf, 0, sequence); SSHUtil.WriteIntToByteArray(rawbuf, SEQUENCE_MARGIN, _packetLength); rawbuf[SEQUENCE_MARGIN + LENGTH_MARGIN] = (byte)_paddingLength; //mac if(mac!=null) { _mac = mac.ComputeHash(rawbuf, 0, _packetLength+LENGTH_MARGIN+SEQUENCE_MARGIN); Array.Copy(_mac, 0, rawbuf, _packetLength+LENGTH_MARGIN+SEQUENCE_MARGIN, _mac.Length); image_length += _mac.Length; } //encrypt if(cipher!=null) cipher.Encrypt(rawbuf, SEQUENCE_MARGIN, _packetLength+LENGTH_MARGIN, rawbuf, SEQUENCE_MARGIN); result.Init(rawbuf, SEQUENCE_MARGIN, image_length); _is_open = false; }
public Lease(IP ClientIP, MAC ClientHardwareAddress, uint LeaseStartTick, uint LeaseLength) { ciaddr = ClientIP; chaddr = ClientHardwareAddress; this.LeaseStartTick = LeaseStartTick; this.LeaseLength = LeaseLength; }
public void Identicalbytearray() { Byte[] b1 = new byte[] { 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 }; Byte[] b2 = new byte[] { 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255 }; MAC m1 = new MAC(b1); MAC m2 = new MAC(b2); Assert.True(m1.Equals(m2)); }
private void ProcessBuffer() { // buffer may contains multiple packet data while (ConstructPacket()) { if (IsMsgNewKeys(_packet)) { // next packet must be decrypted with the new key _cipher = null; _mac = null; _macEnabled = false; _head = null; _pending = true; // retain trailing packets in the buffer _keyErrorDetectionTimeout = DateTime.MaxValue; SSH2MsgNewKeys newKeysPacket = new SSH2MsgNewKeys(_packet, new SSH2MsgNewKeys.Handler(OnMsgNewKeysDequeued)); _inner_handler.OnData(newKeysPacket); break; } _inner_handler.OnData(_packet); } }
private void GetWingParameters() { N = Int16.Parse(txt_Segments.Text); AR = Double.Parse(txt_AR.Text); B = new Double[N, N]; txt_Sw.Text = S_w.ToString(); tr_w = Double.Parse(txt_Taper.Text); b_w = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(AR * S_w), 4); txt_WingSpan.Text = b_w.ToString(); MAC = Math.Round(S_w / b_w, 4); txt_MAC.Text = MAC.ToString(); cr_w = Math.Round((1.5 * MAC * (1 + tr_w)) / (1 + tr_w + Math.Pow(tr_w, 2)), 4); txt_RootChord.Text = cr_w.ToString(); i_w = Double.Parse(txt_WingSetting.Text); alpha0 = Double.Parse(txt_Zerolift.Text); a_2d = Double.Parse(txt_LiftCurve.Text); alpha_twist = Double.Parse(txt_Twist.Text); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the binary image of this packet. /// </summary> /// <param name="cipher">cipher algorithm, or null if no encryption.</param> /// <param name="mac">MAC algorithm, or null if no MAC.</param> /// <param name="sequenceNumber">sequence number</param> /// <returns>data</returns> public DataFragment GetImage(Cipher cipher, MAC mac, uint sequenceNumber) { BeforeBuildImage(); ByteBuffer image = BuildImage(cipher, mac, sequenceNumber); _lockFlag.Value = false; return(image.AsDataFragment()); }
/// <summary> /// Set cipher settings. /// </summary> /// <param name="cipher">cipher algorithm, or null if not specified.</param> /// <param name="mac">MAC algorithm, or null if not specified.</param> public void SetCipher(Cipher cipher, MAC mac) { lock (_cipherSync) { _cipher = cipher; _mac = mac; _macLength = (_mac != null) ? _mac.Size : 0; } }
//constracts and appends mac public void CalcHash(MAC mac, int sequence) { byte[] buf = new byte[4 + 4 + _packetLength]; SSHUtil.WriteIntToByteArray(buf, 0, sequence); WriteTo(buf, 4, false); _mac = mac.Calc(buf); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the binary image of this packet. /// </summary> /// <param name="cipher">cipher algorithm, or null if no encryption.</param> /// <param name="mac">MAC algorithm, or null if no MAC.</param> /// <param name="sequenceNumber">sequence number</param> /// <returns>data</returns> public DataFragment GetImage(Cipher cipher, MAC mac, uint sequenceNumber) { BeforeBuildImage(); ByteBuffer image = BuildImage(cipher, mac, sequenceNumber); Recycle(); return(image.AsDataFragment()); }
private (MAC Mac, Knowledge Knowledge) IssueCredential(GroupElement ma, Scalar t) { var sk = CoordinatorSecretKey; var mac = MAC.ComputeMAC(sk, ma, t); var knowledge = ProofSystem.IssuerParameters(mac, ma, sk); return(mac, knowledge); }
public MAC GetMAC(byte[] bytes) { var WCHash = new WCHash(bytes.Length * 4, _macLength * 4, _keyBuffer.GetKey((int)Math.Ceiling((_macLength + Math.Log2(Math.Log2((int)bytes.Length * 4)) * Math.Log2((int)bytes.Length * 4))))); var mac = new MAC(WCHash.F(bytes).ToByteArray()); return(mac); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = Name.GetHashCode(); hash = 31 * hash + MAC.GetHashCode(); hash = 31 * hash + ConnectionQuality.GetHashCode(); hash = 31 * hash + AuthenticationType.GetHashCode(); return(hash); }
public SSH2PacketBuilder(IDataHandler handler) : base(handler) { _buffer = new DataFragment(0x1000); _packet = new DataFragment(_buffer.Capacity); _sequence = 0; _cipher = null; _mac = null; _head = null; }
public string VerificaRegistro() { //Variáveis. DA = null; DA = new SqlCeDataAdapter("Select * from CH_Hardware", SQLConn); //Instância DataAdapter com o cod a executar e a conexão TBCH = null; TBCH = new DataTable(); DA.Fill(TBCH); //preenche tabela string Processador, HD, MAC; if (TBCH.Rows.Count == 0) //Se igual a zero, insere na tabela. { SQLConn.Close(); InsereDados(); retorno = "C"; } else //Senão, faz a comparação com o arquivo local. { InformacaoHD("IDHD"); InformacaoHD("Capacidade"); InformacaoHD("EspacoLivre"); InformacaoProcessador("IDProcessador"); InformacaoProcessador("Nome"); InformacaoProcessador("Arquitetura"); InformacaoMemoria("Capacidade"); InformacaoRede(); Processador = TBCH.Rows[0]["SERIALPROCESSADOR"].ToString(); HD = TBCH.Rows[0]["SERIALHD"].ToString(); MAC = TBCH.Rows[0]["EnderecoMAC"].ToString(); if ((Processador.Length <= 1) || (HD.Length <= 1) || (MAC.Length <= 1)) { ExcluirTabela(); CriaTabelaChaveHardware(); //InsereDados(); return("C"); } //Faz a comparação. if ((IDProcessador.Trim() == Processador.Trim()) && (SerialHD.Trim() == HD.Trim()) && (MACRede.Trim() == MAC.Trim())) { retorno = "C"; } else if (MACRede == "") { retorno = "C"; } else { retorno = "N"; } } return(retorno); }
/// <summary> /// Overrides Close() /// </summary> /// <param name="cipher"></param> /// <param name="mac"></param> /// <param name="sequence"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override DataFragment Close(Cipher cipher, MAC mac, int sequence) { byte[] buf = DataWriter.UnderlyingBuffer; int sftpDataLength = DataWriter.Length - OFFSET_SFTP_PACKET_TYPE; SSHUtil.WriteIntToByteArray(buf, OFFSET_CHANNEL_DATA_LENGTH, sftpDataLength + 4); SSHUtil.WriteIntToByteArray(buf, OFFSET_SFTP_DATA_LENGTH, sftpDataLength); return(base.Close(cipher, mac, sequence)); }
public static Statement IssuerParametersStmt(CoordinatorParameters iparams, MAC mac, GroupElement ma) => new Statement(new GroupElement[, ] { // public Witness terms: // point w, wp, x0, x1, ya { mac.V, Generators.Gw, O, mac.U, mac.T * mac.U, ma }, { Generators.GV - iparams.I, O, O, Generators.Gx0, Generators.Gx1, Generators.Ga }, { iparams.Cw, Generators.Gw, Generators.Gwp, O, O, O }, });
public Header(Command cmd, MAC destMAC) { this.Cmd = cmd; this.Mac = destMAC; this.PackNo = 1; this.TotalNumOfPackets = 1; this.SeqNo = 1; }
/// <summary> /// Set cipher settings. /// </summary> /// <param name="cipher">cipher algorithm, or null if not specified.</param> /// <param name="mac">MAC algorithm, or null if not specified.</param> /// <param name="checkMAC">specifies whether MAC check is performed.</param> public void SetCipher(Cipher cipher, MAC mac, bool checkMAC) { lock (_cipherSync) { _cipher = cipher; _mac = mac; _macLength = (mac != null) ? mac.Size : 0; _checkMAC = (mac != null) ? checkMAC : false; } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="handler">a handler that SSH packets are passed to</param> public SSH2Packetizer(IDataHandler handler) { _nextHandler = handler; _sequence = 0; _cipher = null; _mac = null; _macLength = 0; _packetLength = -1; }
// Derived class can override this method to modify the buffer. public virtual DataFragment Close(Cipher cipher, MAC mac, int sequence) { if (!_isOpen) throw new SSHException("internal state error"); int blocksize = cipher == null ? 8 : cipher.BlockSize; int payloadLength = _writer.Length - (SEQUENCE_MARGIN + LENGTH_MARGIN + PADDING_MARGIN); int paddingLength = 11 - payloadLength % blocksize; while (paddingLength < 4) paddingLength += blocksize; int packetLength = PADDING_MARGIN + payloadLength + paddingLength; int imageLength = packetLength + LENGTH_MARGIN; //fill padding byte[] tmp = new byte[4]; Rng rng = RngManager.GetSecureRng(); for (int i = 0; i < paddingLength; i += 4) { rng.GetBytes(tmp); _writer.Write(tmp); } //manipulate stream byte[] rawbuf = _writer.UnderlyingBuffer; SSHUtil.WriteIntToByteArray(rawbuf, 0, sequence); SSHUtil.WriteIntToByteArray(rawbuf, SEQUENCE_MARGIN, packetLength); rawbuf[SEQUENCE_MARGIN + LENGTH_MARGIN] = (byte)paddingLength; //mac if (mac != null) { byte[] macCode = mac.ComputeHash(rawbuf, 0, packetLength + LENGTH_MARGIN + SEQUENCE_MARGIN); Array.Copy(macCode, 0, rawbuf, packetLength + LENGTH_MARGIN + SEQUENCE_MARGIN, macCode.Length); imageLength += macCode.Length; } //encrypt if (cipher != null) cipher.Encrypt(rawbuf, SEQUENCE_MARGIN, packetLength + LENGTH_MARGIN, rawbuf, SEQUENCE_MARGIN); _dataFragment.Init(rawbuf, SEQUENCE_MARGIN, imageLength); _isOpen = false; return _dataFragment; }
public void SetCipher(Cipher cipher, MAC mac, bool mac_enabled) { lock (_cipherSync) { try { _cipher = cipher; _mac = mac; _macEnabled = mac_enabled; _head = new byte[cipher.BlockSize]; _pending = false; _keyErrorDetectionTimeout = DateTime.MaxValue; ProcessBuffer(); } catch (Exception ex) { OnError(ex); } } }
public static SSH2Packet FromDecryptedHead(byte[] head, byte[] buffer, int offset, Cipher cipher, int sequence, MAC mac) { SSH2Packet p = new SSH2Packet(); p._packetLength = SSHUtil.ReadInt32(head, 0); if(p._packetLength<=0 || p._packetLength>=MAX_PACKET_LENGTH) throw new Exception(String.Format("packet size {0} is invalid", p._packetLength)); SSH2DataWriter buf = new SSH2DataWriter(); buf.Write(sequence); buf.Write(head); if(p._packetLength > (cipher.BlockSize - 4)) { byte[] tmp = new byte[p._packetLength-(cipher.BlockSize - 4)]; cipher.Decrypt(buffer, offset, tmp.Length, tmp, 0); offset += tmp.Length; buf.Write(tmp); } byte[] result = buf.ToByteArray(); int padding_len = (int)result[8]; if(padding_len<4) throw new Exception("padding length is invalid"); byte[] payload = new byte[result.Length-9-padding_len]; Array.Copy(result, 9, payload, 0, payload.Length); p._payload = payload; if(mac!=null) { p._mac = mac.Calc(result); if(SSHUtil.memcmp(p._mac, 0, buffer, offset, mac.Size)!=0) throw new Exception("MAC Error"); } return p; }
public SSH2PacketBuilder(ISSH2PacketHandler handler) { _handler = handler; _buffer = new byte[0x1000]; _readOffset = 0; _writeOffset = 0; _sequence = 0; _cipher = null; _mac = null; _head = null; }
public void SetCipher(Cipher c, MAC m) { _cipher = c; _mac = m; }
private MAC getHMACSHA1() { if (hmacsha1 == null) { try { Type c = Type.GetType(JSch.getConfig("hmac-sha1")); hmacsha1 = (MAC)(c.newInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("hmacsha1: " + e); } } return hmacsha1; }
private void updateKeys(KeyExchange kex) { byte[] K = kex.getK(); byte[] H = kex.getH(); HASH hash = kex.getHash(); // string[] guess=kex.guess; if (session_id == null) { session_id = new byte[H.Length]; Array.Copy(H, 0, session_id, 0, H.Length); } /* Initial IV client to server: HASH (K || H || "A" || session_id) Initial IV server to client: HASH (K || H || "B" || session_id) Encryption key client to server: HASH (K || H || "C" || session_id) Encryption key server to client: HASH (K || H || "D" || session_id) Integrity key client to server: HASH (K || H || "E" || session_id) Integrity key server to client: HASH (K || H || "F" || session_id) */ buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte((byte)0x41); buf.putByte(session_id); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); IVc2s = hash.digest(); int j = buf.index - session_id.Length - 1; buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); IVs2c = hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); Ec2s = hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); Es2c = hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); MACc2s = hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); MACs2c = hash.digest(); try { Type c; string method; method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_STOC]; c = Type.GetType(getConfig(method)); s2ccipher = (Cipher)(c.newInstance()); while (s2ccipher.getBlockSize() > Es2c.Length) { buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte(Es2c); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); byte[] foo = hash.digest(); byte[] bar = new byte[Es2c.Length + foo.Length]; Array.Copy(Es2c, 0, bar, 0, Es2c.Length); Array.Copy(foo, 0, bar, Es2c.Length, foo.Length); Es2c = bar; } s2ccipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, Es2c, IVs2c); s2ccipher_size = s2ccipher.getIVSize(); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_STOC]; c = Type.GetType(getConfig(method)); s2cmac = (MAC)(c.newInstance()); s2cmac.init(MACs2c); //mac_buf=new byte[s2cmac.getBlockSize()]; s2cmac_result1 = new byte[s2cmac.getBlockSize()]; s2cmac_result2 = new byte[s2cmac.getBlockSize()]; method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_CTOS]; c = Type.GetType(getConfig(method)); c2scipher = (Cipher)(c.newInstance()); while (c2scipher.getBlockSize() > Ec2s.Length) { buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte(Ec2s); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); byte[] foo = hash.digest(); byte[] bar = new byte[Ec2s.Length + foo.Length]; Array.Copy(Ec2s, 0, bar, 0, Ec2s.Length); Array.Copy(foo, 0, bar, Ec2s.Length, foo.Length); Ec2s = bar; } c2scipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, Ec2s, IVc2s); c2scipher_size = c2scipher.getIVSize(); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_CTOS]; c = Type.GetType(getConfig(method)); c2smac = (MAC)(c.newInstance()); c2smac.init(MACc2s); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_CTOS]; initDeflater(method); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_STOC]; initInflater(method); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is JSchException) throw e; throw new JSchException(e.ToString(), e); //Console.Error.WriteLine("updatekeys: "+e); } }
internal void RefreshKeys(byte[] sessionID, Cipher tc, Cipher rc, MAC tm, MAC rm) { lock(this) { //these must change synchronously _sessionID = sessionID; _tCipher = tc; _tMAC = tm; _packetBuilder.SetCipher(rc, rm, _param.CheckMACError); _asyncKeyExchanger = null; } }
private DataFragment SendNEWKEYS(Mode mode) { _status = Status.WAIT_NEWKEYS; Monitor.Enter(_connection); //lock the connection during we exchange sSH_MSG_NEWKEYS TransmitRawPayload(new byte[1] {(byte)PacketType.SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS}); //establish Ciphers _tc = CipherFactory.CreateCipher(SSHProtocol.SSH2, _cInfo._algorithmForTransmittion, DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'C', CipherFactory.GetKeySize(_cInfo._algorithmForTransmittion)), DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'A', CipherFactory.GetBlockSize(_cInfo._algorithmForTransmittion))); _rc = CipherFactory.CreateCipher(SSHProtocol.SSH2, _cInfo._algorithmForReception, DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'D', CipherFactory.GetKeySize(_cInfo._algorithmForReception)), DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'B', CipherFactory.GetBlockSize(_cInfo._algorithmForReception))); //establish MACs MACAlgorithm ma = MACAlgorithm.HMACSHA1; _tm = MACFactory.CreateMAC(MACAlgorithm.HMACSHA1, DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'E', MACFactory.GetSize(ma))); _rm = MACFactory.CreateMAC(MACAlgorithm.HMACSHA1, DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'F', MACFactory.GetSize(ma))); if(mode==Mode.Synchronized) return _connection.ReceivePacket(); else return null; }
private void SendNEWKEYS() { _status = Status.WAIT_NEWKEYS; _newKeyEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); TransmitPacket(new byte[1] {(byte)PacketType.SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS}); //establish Ciphers _tc = CipherFactory.CreateCipher(SSHProtocol.SSH2, _cInfo._algorithmForTransmittion, DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'C', CipherFactory.GetKeySize(_cInfo._algorithmForTransmittion)), DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'A', CipherFactory.GetBlockSize(_cInfo._algorithmForTransmittion))); _rc = CipherFactory.CreateCipher(SSHProtocol.SSH2, _cInfo._algorithmForReception, DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'D', CipherFactory.GetKeySize(_cInfo._algorithmForReception)), DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'B', CipherFactory.GetBlockSize(_cInfo._algorithmForReception))); //establish MACs MACAlgorithm ma = MACAlgorithm.HMACSHA1; _tm = MACFactory.CreateMAC(MACAlgorithm.HMACSHA1, DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'E', MACFactory.GetSize(ma))); _rm = MACFactory.CreateMAC(MACAlgorithm.HMACSHA1, DeriveKey(_k, _hash, 'F', MACFactory.GetSize(ma))); _newKeyEvent.Set(); }
internal void RefreshKeys(byte[] sessionID, Cipher tc, Cipher rc, MAC tm, MAC rm) { _sessionID = sessionID; _tCipher = tc; _tMAC = tm; _packetBuilder.SetCipher(rc, _param.CheckMACError? rm : null); _asyncKeyExchanger = null; }
//constracts and appends mac public void CalcHash(MAC mac, int sequence) { byte[] buf = new byte[4+4+_packetLength]; SSHUtil.WriteIntToByteArray(buf, 0, sequence); WriteTo(buf, 4, false); _mac = mac.Calc(buf); }
private void updateKeys(KeyExchange kex) { byte[] K = kex.getK(); byte[] H = kex.getH(); HASH hash = kex.getHash(); string[] guess = kex.m_guess; if (m_session_id == null) { m_session_id = new byte[H.Length]; Array.Copy(H, 0, m_session_id, 0, H.Length); } /* Initial IV client to server: HASH (K || H || "A" || session_id) Initial IV server to client: HASH (K || H || "B" || session_id) Encryption key client to server: HASH (K || H || "C" || session_id) Encryption key server to client: HASH (K || H || "D" || session_id) Integrity key client to server: HASH (K || H || "E" || session_id) Integrity key server to client: HASH (K || H || "F" || session_id) */ m_buf.reset(); m_buf.putMPInt(K); m_buf.putByte(H); m_buf.putByte((byte)0x41); m_buf.putByte(m_session_id); hash.update(m_buf.m_buffer, 0, m_buf.m_index); m_IVc2s = hash.digest(); int j = m_buf.m_index - m_session_id.Length - 1; m_buf.m_buffer[j]++; hash.update(m_buf.m_buffer, 0, m_buf.m_index); m_IVs2c = hash.digest(); m_buf.m_buffer[j]++; hash.update(m_buf.m_buffer, 0, m_buf.m_index); m_Ec2s = hash.digest(); m_buf.m_buffer[j]++; hash.update(m_buf.m_buffer, 0, m_buf.m_index); m_Es2c = hash.digest(); m_buf.m_buffer[j]++; hash.update(m_buf.m_buffer, 0, m_buf.m_index); m_MACc2s = hash.digest(); m_buf.m_buffer[j]++; hash.update(m_buf.m_buffer, 0, m_buf.m_index); m_MACs2c = hash.digest(); try { Class c; c = Class.ForName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_STOC])); m_s2ccipher = (Cipher)(c.Instance()); while (m_s2ccipher.BlockSize > m_Es2c.Length) { m_buf.reset(); m_buf.putMPInt(K); m_buf.putByte(H); m_buf.putByte(m_Es2c); hash.update(m_buf.m_buffer, 0, m_buf.m_index); byte[] foo = hash.digest(); byte[] bar = new byte[m_Es2c.Length + foo.Length]; Array.Copy(m_Es2c, 0, bar, 0, m_Es2c.Length); Array.Copy(foo, 0, bar, m_Es2c.Length, foo.Length); m_Es2c = bar; } m_s2ccipher.init(jsch.Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, m_Es2c, m_IVs2c); m_cipher_size = m_s2ccipher.IVSize; c = Class.ForName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_STOC])); m_s2cmac = (MAC)(c.Instance()); m_s2cmac.init(m_MACs2c); m_mac_buf = new byte[m_s2cmac.BlockSize]; c = Class.ForName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_CTOS])); m_c2scipher = (Cipher)(c.Instance()); while (m_c2scipher.BlockSize > m_Ec2s.Length) { m_buf.reset(); m_buf.putMPInt(K); m_buf.putByte(H); m_buf.putByte(m_Ec2s); hash.update(m_buf.m_buffer, 0, m_buf.m_index); byte[] foo = hash.digest(); byte[] bar = new byte[m_Ec2s.Length + foo.Length]; Array.Copy(m_Ec2s, 0, bar, 0, m_Ec2s.Length); Array.Copy(foo, 0, bar, m_Ec2s.Length, foo.Length); m_Ec2s = bar; } m_c2scipher.init(jsch.Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, m_Ec2s, m_IVc2s); c = Class.ForName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_CTOS])); m_c2smac = (MAC)(c.Instance()); m_c2smac.init(m_MACc2s); if (!guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_CTOS].Equals("none")) { string foo = getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_CTOS]); if (foo != null) { try { c = Class.ForName(foo); m_deflater = (Compression)(c.Instance()); int level = 6; try { level = int.Parse(getConfig("compression_level")); } catch (Exception) { } m_deflater.init(Compression.DEFLATER, level); } catch (Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine(foo + " isn't accessible."); } } } else { if (m_deflater != null) m_deflater = null; } if (!guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_STOC].Equals("none")) { string foo = getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_STOC]); if (foo != null) { try { c = Class.ForName(foo); m_inflater = (Compression)(c.Instance()); m_inflater.init(Compression.INFLATER, 0); } catch (Exception) { Console.Error.WriteLine(foo + " isn't accessible."); } } } else { if (m_inflater != null) m_inflater = null; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("updatekeys: " + e); } }
/// <exception cref="NSch.JSchException"></exception> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> private void Start_discard(Buffer buf, NSch.Cipher cipher, MAC mac, int packet_length , int discard) { MAC discard_mac = null; if (!cipher.IsCBC()) { throw new JSchException("Packet corrupt"); } if (packet_length != PACKET_MAX_SIZE && mac != null) { discard_mac = mac; } discard -= buf.index; while (discard > 0) { buf.Reset(); int len = discard > buf.buffer.Length ? buf.buffer.Length : discard; io.GetByte(buf.buffer, 0, len); if (discard_mac != null) { discard_mac.Update(buf.buffer, 0, len); } discard -= len; } if (discard_mac != null) { discard_mac.DoFinal(buf.buffer, 0); } throw new JSchException("Packet corrupt"); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> private void UpdateKeys(KeyExchange kex) { byte[] K = kex.GetK(); byte[] H = kex.GetH(); HASH hash = kex.GetHash(); // String[] guess=kex.guess; if (session_id == null) { session_id = new byte[H.Length]; System.Array.Copy(H, 0, session_id, 0, H.Length); } buf.Reset(); buf.PutMPInt(K); buf.PutByte(H); buf.PutByte(unchecked((byte)unchecked((int)(0x41)))); buf.PutByte(session_id); hash.Update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); IVc2s = hash.Digest(); int j = buf.index - session_id.Length - 1; buf.buffer[j]++; hash.Update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); IVs2c = hash.Digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.Update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); Ec2s = hash.Digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.Update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); Es2c = hash.Digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.Update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); MACc2s = hash.Digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.Update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); MACs2c = hash.Digest(); try { Type c; string method; method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_STOC]; c = Sharpen.Runtime.GetType(GetConfig(method)); s2ccipher = (NSch.Cipher)(System.Activator.CreateInstance(c)); while (s2ccipher.GetBlockSize() > Es2c.Length) { buf.Reset(); buf.PutMPInt(K); buf.PutByte(H); buf.PutByte(Es2c); hash.Update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); byte[] foo = hash.Digest(); byte[] bar = new byte[Es2c.Length + foo.Length]; System.Array.Copy(Es2c, 0, bar, 0, Es2c.Length); System.Array.Copy(foo, 0, bar, Es2c.Length, foo.Length); Es2c = bar; } s2ccipher.Init(NSch.Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, Es2c, IVs2c); s2ccipher_size = s2ccipher.GetIVSize(); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_STOC]; c = Sharpen.Runtime.GetType(GetConfig(method)); s2cmac = (MAC)(System.Activator.CreateInstance(c)); s2cmac.Init(MACs2c); //mac_buf=new byte[s2cmac.getBlockSize()]; s2cmac_result1 = new byte[s2cmac.GetBlockSize()]; s2cmac_result2 = new byte[s2cmac.GetBlockSize()]; method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_CTOS]; c = Sharpen.Runtime.GetType(GetConfig(method)); c2scipher = (NSch.Cipher)(System.Activator.CreateInstance(c)); while (c2scipher.GetBlockSize() > Ec2s.Length) { buf.Reset(); buf.PutMPInt(K); buf.PutByte(H); buf.PutByte(Ec2s); hash.Update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); byte[] foo = hash.Digest(); byte[] bar = new byte[Ec2s.Length + foo.Length]; System.Array.Copy(Ec2s, 0, bar, 0, Ec2s.Length); System.Array.Copy(foo, 0, bar, Ec2s.Length, foo.Length); Ec2s = bar; } c2scipher.Init(NSch.Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, Ec2s, IVc2s); c2scipher_size = c2scipher.GetIVSize(); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_CTOS]; c = Sharpen.Runtime.GetType(GetConfig(method)); c2smac = (MAC)(System.Activator.CreateInstance(c)); c2smac.Init(MACc2s); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_CTOS]; InitDeflater(method); method = guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_STOC]; InitInflater(method); } catch (Exception e) { if (e is JSchException) { throw; } throw new JSchException(e.ToString(), e); } }
private void updateKeys(KeyExchange kex) { byte[] K=kex.getK(); byte[] H=kex.getH(); HASH hash=kex.getHash(); String[] guess=kex._guess; if(session_id==null) { session_id=new byte[H.Length];, 0, session_id, 0, H.Length); } /* Initial IV client to server: HASH (K || H || "A" || session_id) Initial IV server to client: HASH (K || H || "B" || session_id) Encryption key client to server: HASH (K || H || "C" || session_id) Encryption key server to client: HASH (K || H || "D" || session_id) Integrity key client to server: HASH (K || H || "E" || session_id) Integrity key server to client: HASH (K || H || "F" || session_id) */ buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte((byte)0x41); buf.putByte(session_id); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); IVc2s=hash.digest(); int j=buf.index-session_id.Length-1; buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); IVs2c=hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); Ec2s=hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); Es2c=hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); MACc2s=hash.digest(); buf.buffer[j]++; hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); MACs2c=hash.digest(); try { Class c; c=Class.forName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_STOC])); s2ccipher=(Cipher)(c.newInstance()); while(s2ccipher.getBlockSize()>Es2c.Length) { buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte(Es2c); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); byte[] foo=hash.digest(); byte[] bar=new byte[Es2c.Length+foo.Length];, 0, bar, 0, Es2c.Length);, 0, bar, Es2c.Length, foo.Length); Es2c=bar; } s2ccipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, Es2c, IVs2c); cipher_size=s2ccipher.getIVSize(); c=Class.forName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_STOC])); s2cmac=(MAC)(c.newInstance()); s2cmac.init(MACs2c); mac_buf=new byte[s2cmac.getBlockSize()]; c=Class.forName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_ENC_ALGS_CTOS])); c2scipher=(Cipher)(c.newInstance()); while(c2scipher.getBlockSize()>Ec2s.Length) { buf.reset(); buf.putMPInt(K); buf.putByte(H); buf.putByte(Ec2s); hash.update(buf.buffer, 0, buf.index); byte[] foo=hash.digest(); byte[] bar=new byte[Ec2s.Length+foo.Length];, 0, bar, 0, Ec2s.Length);, 0, bar, Ec2s.Length, foo.Length); Ec2s=bar; } c2scipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, Ec2s, IVc2s); c=Class.forName(getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_MAC_ALGS_CTOS])); c2smac=(MAC)(c.newInstance()); c2smac.init(MACc2s); if(!guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_CTOS].equals("none")) { String foo=getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_CTOS]); if(foo!=null) { try { c=Class.forName(foo); deflater=(Compression)(c.newInstance()); int level=6; try{ level=Integer.parseInt(getConfig("compression_level"));} catch(Exception ee){ } deflater.init(Compression.DEFLATER, level); } catch(Exception ee) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine(foo+" isn't accessible."); } } } else { if(deflater!=null) { deflater=null; } } if(!guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_STOC].equals("none")) { String foo=getConfig(guess[KeyExchange.PROPOSAL_COMP_ALGS_STOC]); if(foo!=null) { try { c=Class.forName(foo); inflater=(Compression)(c.newInstance()); inflater.init(Compression.INFLATER, 0); } catch(Exception ee) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine(foo+" isn't accessible."); } } } else { if(inflater!=null) { inflater=null; } } } catch(Exception e){ System.Console.Error.WriteLine("updatekeys: "+e); } }
private MAC GetHMACSHA1() { lock (this) { if (hmacsha1 == null) { try { Type c = Sharpen.Runtime.GetType(JSch.GetConfig("hmac-sha1")); hmacsha1 = (MAC)(System.Activator.CreateInstance(c)); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine("hmacsha1: " + e); } } return hmacsha1; } }