public static Unit Register(Assembly asm)
#if COREFX13
            Types = Types.AddRange(asm.DefinedTypes);
            var newStructs = asm.DefinedTypes.Filter(t => t.IsValueType).ToList();
            Structs = Structs.AddRange(newStructs);
            var newClassInstances = newStructs.Filter(t => t.ImplementedInterfaces.Exists(i => i == typeof(Typeclass)));
            AllClassInstances = AllClassInstances.AddRange(newClassInstances);

            foreach (var ci in newClassInstances)
                var typeClasses = ci.ImplementedInterfaces
                                  .Filter(i => typeof(Typeclass).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(i.GetTypeInfo()))
                                  .Map(t => t.GetTypeInfo())

                ClassInstances = typeClasses.Fold(ClassInstances, (s, x) => s.AddOrUpdate(x, Some: cis => cis.AddOrUpdate(ci), None: () => Set <OrdTypeInfo, TypeInfo>(ci)));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public Replica ApplyRemoteOps(Lst <Operation> ops)
 => Copy(receivedOps: ops.AddRange(ReceivedOps)).ApplyRemote();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static MatchResults MatchEventExpectations(IReadOnlyList <IEventExpectation> expectations, IReadOnlyList <NormalizedResult> results)
            // deal with some edge cases first
            if (expectations is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expectations));
            if (results is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(results));

            // for each expectation
            // find closest event, pair the results
            var erroredExpectations   = new Lst <ExpectationResult>();
            var unmatchedExpectations = expectations.Index().ToHashMap();

            // find distances between all expectations and all results
            var distances = DenseMatrix.Create(expectations.Count, results.Count, double.PositiveInfinity);

            for (int i = 0; i < expectations.Count; i++)
                var expectation = expectations[i];

                // do some error checking. If errors are found rows are skipped and distance is infinite
                if (expectation.ErrorIfNoResults(results).Case is ExpectationResult error)
                    unmatchedExpectations = unmatchedExpectations.Remove(i);
                    erroredExpectations  += error;

                // measure all distances to each result
                var rowDistances = results.Select(r => expectation.Distance(r));
                var either       = expectation.ErrorIfCannotMeasureDistance(rowDistances);
                switch (either.Case)
                case ExpectationResult distanceError:
                    unmatchedExpectations = unmatchedExpectations.Remove(i);
                    erroredExpectations  += distanceError;

                case double[] values:
                    distances.SetRow(i, rowDistances.Select(v => v.IfFail(double.PositiveInfinity)).ToArray());

                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            // order distances from closest to furthest, keeping indexes
            var ordered = distances.EnumerateIndexed().OrderBy(tuple => tuple.Item3);

            var paired           = new Lst <ExpectationMatch>();
            var unmatchedResults = results.Index().ToHashMap();

            // the first item is the best-matched expectation-result tuple, the last, the worst
            foreach (var(i, j, d) in ordered)
                if (d == double.PositiveInfinity)
                    // error case - reported already, but if we're here every other distance after this is an error

                if (unmatchedExpectations.IsEmpty || unmatchedResults.IsEmpty)
                    // we've run out of expectations or results there's no reason to continue

                var expectation = unmatchedExpectations.Find(i);
                var result      = unmatchedResults.Find(j);

                if (expectation.Case is IEventExpectation e && result.Case is NormalizedResult r)
                    // add the match
                    paired += new ExpectationMatch(e, r);
                    unmatchedExpectations = unmatchedExpectations.Remove(i);
                    unmatchedResults      = unmatchedResults.Remove(j);

                // do nothing - other iterations will or will not match

            // all expectations should have been matched with a result or should have generated an error
            // anything left over means there are more expectations than results
            erroredExpectations = erroredExpectations.AddRange(

            // finally report results
            return(new MatchResults(