Exemplo n.º 1
        public override List <RealSnapshot> ReadRealSnapshots(DateTime from, DateTime until, TimeSpan interval, int waferQtyThreshold)
            Console.Write("Reading RealSnaphots -");

            if (LotTraces == null)
                throw new Exception("LotTraces is still empty, first use ReadLotactivityHistories");

            RealSnapshots = new List <RealSnapshot>();

            DateTime current = from;

            while (current <= until)
                if (current >= LotTraces.StartDate && current <= LotTraces.EndDate)
                    RealSnapshots.Add(LotTraces.GetWIPSnapshot(current, waferQtyThreshold));

                current += interval;

            Console.Write(" done.\n");

Exemplo n.º 2
        public WorkCenterLotActivities(LotTraces lotTraces, string workCenter)
            WorkCenter = workCenter;

            startDate = lotTraces.StartDate;
            endDate   = lotTraces.EndDate;

            WIPTrace = new List <Tuple <DateTime, int> >();

            LotActivities = lotTraces.LotActivities.Where(x => x.WorkStation == workCenter).OrderBy(x => x.Arrival).ToList();

            CalculateWIPTrace(startDate, endDate);

            EPTCalculator EPTCalculator = new EPTCalculator();

            LotActivities = EPTCalculator.CalculateEPTs(LotActivities);

Exemplo n.º 3
 public void WriteLotActivitiesToCSV(string fileName)
     LotTraces.WriteLotActivitiesToCSV(Path.Combine(DirectorySerializedFiles, fileName));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public List <Tuple <DateTime, RealLot> > GetLotStarts()
            RealLotStarts = LotTraces.GetRealLotStarts();

Exemplo n.º 5
        public override List <WorkCenterLotActivities> ReadWorkCenterLotActivities(string fileName, bool onlyProductionLots)
            Console.Write("Reading lot activities raw - ");

            WorkCenterLotActivities = new List <WorkCenterLotActivities>();

            // Fill lot activites raw
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(DirectoryInputCSVs, fileName)))
                string headerLine = reader.ReadLine();

                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    string dataLine = reader.ReadLine();

                    lotActivitiesRaw.Add(new LotActivityRaw(headerLine, dataLine));

            Console.Write("done. \n");

            // Filter only production lots, order by track-in time and group activities from same lot
            if (onlyProductionLots)
                lotActivitiesRaw = lotActivitiesRaw.Where(x => x.LotId.StartsWith("M1")).OrderBy(x => x.TrackIn).OrderBy(x => x.LotId).ToList();

            // Map IRD groups on LotActivitiesRaw
            Dictionary <string, IRDMapping> irdDict = irdMappings.ToDictionary(x => $"{x.Techstage} {x.Subplan}", x => x);

            List <string> lotids = lotActivitiesRaw.Select(x => x.LotId).ToList();

            foreach (LotActivityRaw lotActivity in lotActivitiesRaw)
                if (irdDict.ContainsKey($"{lotActivity.Techstage} {lotActivity.Subplan}"))
                    lotActivity.IRDGroup    = irdDict[$"{lotActivity.Techstage} {lotActivity.Subplan}"].IRDGroup;
                    lotActivity.WorkStation = irdDict[$"{lotActivity.Techstage} {lotActivity.Subplan}"].WorkStation;

            Console.Write("Grouping lot activities per lot into lotraces - ");

            // Group lotactivities per Lot into LotTraces and map StepSequences on the LotActitiesRaw
            List <LotTrace> lotTraces = new List <LotTrace>();
            string          currentId = "";
            LotTrace        trace     = new LotTrace("");

            foreach (LotActivityRaw activity in lotActivitiesRaw)
                if (activity.LotId != currentId) // Start new lot trace
                    if (currentId != "")

                    currentId = activity.LotId;

                    trace             = new LotTrace(activity.LotId);
                    trace.ProductType = activity.ProductType;


            Console.Write("done. \n");

            DateTime begin = lotActivitiesRaw.Select(x => x.TrackIn).Min();
            DateTime end   = lotActivitiesRaw.Select(x => x.TrackIn).Max();

            LotTraces = new LotTraces(lotTraces, begin, end);

            int count = 1;

            Console.WriteLine($"Calculating EPTs for {irdMappings.Select(x => x.WorkStation).Distinct().Count()} workstations. Done for workstations:");

            // Make LotActivitiesPerWorkCenter and calculate EPTs
            foreach (string workCenter in irdMappings.Select(x => x.WorkStation).Distinct())
                WorkCenterLotActivities.Add(new WorkCenterLotActivities(LotTraces, workCenter));

                Console.Write($"{count++} ");

            Console.Write("- done. \n");

Exemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <DateTime> DateTimes = ReadDateTimes(@"C:\CSSLWaferFab\Input\WIPBalanceWeights\DateTimes.csv");

            int jStepBack  = 0;
            int kStepAhead = 1;

            string inputDir         = @"C:\CSSLWaferFab\Input\";
            string eptParameterFile = @"FittedEPTParameters - 2019-06-01.csv";

            // Get WaferFabSettings
            AutoDataReader   reader           = new AutoDataReader(inputDir + @"CSVs\", inputDir + @"SerializedFiles\");
            WaferFabSettings waferFabSettings = reader.ReadWaferFabSettings(eptParameterFile, false, false, DispatcherBase.Type.MIVS);

            waferFabSettings.WIPTargets = reader.ReadWIPTargets(waferFabSettings.LotSteps, "WIPTargets.csv");

            // Get all lots from snapshot
            LotTraces lotTraces = Deserializer.DeserializeLotTraces(inputDir + @"SerializedFiles\LotTraces_2019_2020_2021.dat");

            foreach (DateTime time in DateTimes)
                RealSnapshot realSnapshot = lotTraces.GetWIPSnapshot(time, 0);
                List <Lot>   lots         = realSnapshot.GetRealLots(0).Select(x => x.ConvertToLot(0, waferFabSettings.Sequences, false, time)).Where(x => x != null).ToList();

                // Construct current WIP levels and WIP targets
                Dictionary <string, int>     WIPlevels  = realSnapshot.WIPlevelsInWafers;
                Dictionary <LotStep, double> WIPtargets = waferFabSettings.WIPTargets;

                // Construct weights per lot
                Dictionary <Lot, double> weights = new Dictionary <Lot, double>();

                foreach (Lot lot in lots)
                    double weight = 0.0;

                    for (int relStep = -jStepBack; relStep <= 0; relStep++)
                        if (lot.HasRelativeStep(relStep))
                            LotStep step = lot.GetRelativeStep(relStep);

                            if (WIPlevels.ContainsKey(step.Name))
                                weight += WIPlevels[step.Name] - WIPtargets[step];
                            else // WIP level of step is not know in snapshot, so it has to be 0
                                weight -= WIPtargets[step];

                    for (int relStep = 1; relStep <= kStepAhead; relStep++)
                        if (lot.HasRelativeStep(relStep))
                            LotStep step = lot.GetRelativeStep(relStep);

                            if (WIPlevels.ContainsKey(step.Name))
                                weight += WIPtargets[step] - WIPlevels[step.Name];
                            else // WIP level of step is not know in snapshot, so it has to be 0
                                weight += WIPtargets[step];

                    weights.Add(lot, weight);

                WriteWeightsToCSV(weights, time);