Exemplo n.º 1
            public async Task Buy([Summary("How many boxes to buy")] int count = 1, [Summary("The type of box to buy")] string type = "normal")
                var availableVarieties = LootBoxHelper.GetAllLootBoxNames(Context.Guild.Id);

                if (!availableVarieties.Contains(type))
                    throw new DiscordCommandException("Bad lootbox type", $"{type} isn't a lootbox you can buy, try {(availableVarieties.Count == 1 ? "\"" : "one of these:\n")}{string.Join(", ", availableVarieties)}{(availableVarieties.Count == 1 ? "\"" : "")}");

                var variety = LootBoxHelper.GetAllLootBoxes(Context)[type];

                var inventory = Context.GetInventory(Context.User);

                if (inventory.Currency < variety.Cost)
                    throw new DiscordCommandException("Not enough currency", $"{Context.WhatDoICall(Context.User)}, you can't afford to buy one");

                int  actualCount = (int)Math.Min(inventory.Currency / variety.Cost, count);
                long cost        = actualCount * variety.Cost;

                string text;

                if (count > actualCount)
                    text = $"{Context.User.Mention}, you can only afford {(actualCount == 1 ? "one" : actualCount.ToString())} box{(actualCount == 1 ? "" : "es")}, do you still want to purchase {(actualCount == 1 ? "it" : "them")} for {Context.Money(cost)}?";
                    text = $"{Context.User.Mention}, are you sure you want to buy {(actualCount == 1 ? "one" : actualCount.ToString())} box{(actualCount == 1 ? "" : "es")} for {Context.Money(cost)}?";

                var message = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(text);

                ReactionMessageHelper.CreateConfirmReactionMessage(Context, message,
                                                                   async onOkay =>
                    var modify          = message.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"{Context.WhatDoICall(Context.User)} bought {(actualCount == 1 ? "one" : actualCount.ToString())} box{(actualCount == 1 ? "" : "es")} for {Context.Money(cost)}");
                    inventory.Currency -= cost;
                    inventory.AddLoot(type, actualCount);

                    await modify;
                                                                   async onDecline =>
                    await message.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"Lootbox purchase cancelled");
Exemplo n.º 2
            public async Task Open([Summary("How many boxes to open")] int count = 1, [Summary("The type of box to open")] string type = "normal")
                var availableVarieties = LootBoxHelper.GetAllLootBoxNames(Context.Guild.Id);

                if (!availableVarieties.Contains(type))
                    throw new DiscordCommandException("Bad lootbox type", $"{type} isn't a lootbox you can buy, try {(availableVarieties.Count == 1 ? "\"" : "one of these:\n")}{string.Join(", ", availableVarieties)}{(availableVarieties.Count == 1 ? "\"" : "")}");

                if (count > 5)
                    count = 5;
                    await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, you can only open 5 boxes at a time");

                var inventory = Context.GetInventory(Context.User);
                var variety   = LootBoxHelper.GetAllLootBoxes(Context)[type];

                int available = inventory.GetNumLootBoxes(type);

                if (available >= count)
                    inventory.RemoveBoxes(type, count);
                    await Open(inventory, variety, count);


                if (available == 0 && inventory.Currency < variety.Cost)
                    throw new DiscordCommandException("Not enough currency", $"{Context.User.Mention}, you don't have any to open and can't afford to buy one");

                int needToBuy = count - available;

                int canBuy = (int)Math.Min(inventory.Currency / variety.Cost, needToBuy);

                if (canBuy == 0)
                    inventory.RemoveBoxes(type, available);
                    await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, you only had {available} to open");
                    await Open(inventory, variety, available);


                long cost = canBuy * variety.Cost;

                int toOpen = available + canBuy;

                string text;

                if (needToBuy > canBuy)
                    text = $"{Context.User.Mention}, you {(available == 0 ? "don't have any" : $"have {(available == 1 ? "one" : available.ToString())}")} right now, and you can only afford {(canBuy == 1 ? "one" : canBuy.ToString())} box{(canBuy == 1 ? "" : "es")}, do you still want to purchase {(canBuy == 1 ? "it" : "them")} for {Context.Money(cost)} and open {(toOpen == 1 ? "one" : toOpen.ToString())}?";
                    text = $"{Context.User.Mention}, you {(available == 0 ? "don't have any" : $"have {(available == 1 ? "one" : available.ToString())}")}, are you sure you want to buy {(canBuy == 1 ? "one" : canBuy.ToString())} box{(canBuy == 1 ? "" : "es")} for {Context.Money(cost)} and open the {(toOpen == 1 ? "one" : toOpen.ToString())}?";

                var message = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(text);

                ReactionMessageHelper.CreateConfirmReactionMessage(Context, message,
                                                                   async onOkay =>

                    inventory = Context.GetInventory(Context.User);

                    if (inventory.GetNumLootBoxes(type) < available)
                        await message.ModifyAsync(mod =>
                            mod.Content          = "";
                            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();
                            builder.WithDescription($"{Context.WhatDoICall(Context.User)}, you can no longer have the {(available == 1 ? "one" : available.ToString())} box{(available == 1 ? "" : "es")} to open");
                            mod.Embed = builder.Build();

                    if (inventory.Currency < cost)
                        await message.ModifyAsync(mod =>
                            mod.Content          = "";
                            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();
                            builder.WithDescription($"{Context.WhatDoICall(Context.User)}, you can no longer afford to buy the {(canBuy == 1 ? "one" : canBuy.ToString())}");
                            mod.Embed = builder.Build();

                    var modify          = message.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"{Context.WhatDoICall(Context.User)} bought {(canBuy == 1 ? "one" : canBuy.ToString())} box{(canBuy == 1 ? "" : "es")} for {Context.Money(cost)}");
                    inventory.Currency -= cost;
                    if (available > 0)
                        inventory.RemoveBoxes(type, available);

                    await Open(inventory, variety, toOpen);
                    await modify;
                                                                   async onDecline =>
                    await message.ModifyAsync(m => m.Content = $"Lootbox purchase cancelled");