protected override bool OnProfileItemCreated(ProfileTypeDefinitionModel profileItem, IDALContext dalContext)
            var bUpdated = base.OnProfileItemCreated(profileItem, dalContext);

            var isNumeric = _model.HasBaseType("nsu=;i=26");

            // Create data type table entry
            var dataTypeLookup = new LookupDataTypeModel
                ID           = null,
                Name         = profileItem.Name,
                Code         = $"{profileItem.Profile.Namespace}.{profileItem.OpcNodeId}", //"custom",
                CustomTypeId = profileItem.ID,
                CustomType   = profileItem,
                // TODO verify if OPA UC allows enginering units on non-numeric types
                UseEngUnit = isNumeric,
                UseMinMax  = isNumeric,
                IsNumeric  = isNumeric,
                //For standard (UA, UA/DI), AuthorId is null.
                //For standard imported by owner (UA/Robotics), AuthorId has value and we use this to keep the separation by owner.
                //For custom (myNodeset), AuthorId has value and we use this to keep the separation by owner.
                OwnerId = profileItem.AuthorId
            //if (GetBuiltinDataTypeNodeId(dataTypeLookup) == null)
            var dataTypeId = dalContext.CreateCustomDataTypeAsync(dataTypeLookup).Result;

        public LookupDataTypeModel GetAttributeDataType(ProfileTypeDefinitionModel profileItem, IDALContext dalContext)
            var attributeDataType = dalContext.GetDataType(_model.DisplayName?.FirstOrDefault()?.Text);

            if (attributeDataType == null)
                //TODO: SC - Question - MH - Please review this.
                //At this point, can we add the custom data type record (the profile item and the data type record)
                //Note we first do need to insert the custom data type as a profile item.
                //Possibly wrap ImportProfileItemAsync and a ImportCustomDataTypeAsync into one call.
                // MH: DataType.ImportProfileItemAsync now creates the Data Type lookup entry
                var dataTypeProfile = this.ImportProfileItem(dalContext);
                if (dataTypeProfile == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Undefined data type {_model.DisplayName?.FirstOrDefault()?.Text} {_model.NodeId} in profile {profileItem.Name} ({profileItem.ID})");

                attributeDataType = dalContext.GetCustomDataTypeAsync(dataTypeProfile).Result;
                if (attributeDataType == null)
                    // TODO expand LookupDataTypeModel with object reference
                    attributeDataType = new LookupDataTypeModel {
                        Name = dataTypeProfile.Name, Code = "custom", CustomType = dataTypeProfile