Exemplo n.º 1
 public BrowserBasedTestsBase(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper, BrowserTestPlatform browserTestPlatform)
     // the above message and others like it appear in the detail pane of Rider's test runner for
     // Running a successful test
     // Debugging a successful test
     // Running a failed test
     // Debugging a failed test
     // logger under for Run and Debug
     // I want to get hold of the xunit test results when running from the command line.
     // "dotnet test" isn't providing them as far as I can see from my limited investigations
     // Even after specifying RuntimeFramework as 2.1.4 in the csproj I got
     // "dotnet xunit" should be more fruitful but faigit pls with the following issue:
     //   Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Options, Version=,
     // There is a nuget package for M.E.O 2.1.1 but the install fails and is rolled back
     // There are no other v2 nuget packages except a preview 2.2.
     // "dotnet xunit" seems to be a no-go - did not investigate whether it solved
     // the original problem of locating and using test results.
     // It turns out that the following is not a bad start:
     // "dotnet test --logger trx;LogfileName=test_results.xml --results-directory ./test_results"
     //			test_results.xml will appear in <proj>/source/DasBlog.Tests/FunctionalTests/test_results
     this.platform = browserTestPlatform;
     this.testOutputHelper = testOutputHelper;
     this.logger           = platform.ServiceProvider.GetService <ILoggerFactory>().CreateLogger <PrototypeBrowserBasedTests>();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public InfrastructureTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper, InfrastructureTestPlatform platform)
     this.platform = platform;