public void Context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isInitialRequest, 0) != 1)

            if (!CurrentPortMatchesDeleporterSetting((HttpApplication)sender) || RemotingChannelExists())

            if (WasCompiledInDebugMode(sender))
                // Start listening for connections
                this._remotingChannel = DeleporterConfiguration.CreateChannel();
                LoggerServer.Log("Registering remoting channel on port {0}", DeleporterConfiguration.RemotingPort);
                ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(this._remotingChannel, false);
                var thisAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName();

                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          string.Format("You should not enable Deleporter on production web servers. As a security precaution, Deleporter won't run if your ASP.NET application was compiled in Release mode. You need to remove DeleporterServerModule from your Web.config file. If you need to bypass this, the only way is to edit the Deleporter source code and remove this check. Assembly name {0} Version {1}", thisAssembly.Name, thisAssembly.Version));
        private static bool CurrentPortMatchesDeleporterSetting(HttpApplication httpApplication)
            // Only spin up the remoting channel if we are running on the same port as the settings
            var iisPort = int.Parse(httpApplication.Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT"]);

            LoggerServer.Log("{0} - web.config WebHostPort: {1} running port: {2}",
                             DeleporterConfiguration.WebHostPort == iisPort ? "Match" : "MisMatch", DeleporterConfiguration.WebHostPort, iisPort);
            return(DeleporterConfiguration.WebHostPort == iisPort);
        public void Dispose()
            if (this._remotingChannel != null)
                LoggerServer.Log("Disposing of Remoting Channel");

        private static bool WasCompiledInDebugMode(object value)
            // In case the app class is auto-generated from a Global.asax file, check its base classes too, going down until we hit ASP.NET itself
            var assembliesToCheck =
                GetInheritanceChain(value.GetType()).Select(x => x.Assembly).TakeWhile(
                    x => x != typeof(HttpApplication).Assembly).Distinct().ToList();

            var wasCompiledInDebugMode = assembliesToCheck.Any(AssemblyWasCompiledInDebugMode);

            if (!wasCompiledInDebugMode)
                LoggerServer.Log("No assemblies found to be in Debug Mode - List of Assemblies:");
                assembliesToCheck.ForEach(x => LoggerServer.Log(x.Location));
