public static void WriteTable2Console(DataTable dt)
            if (dt == null)

            string[] headers = GetColumnNames(dt);
            foreach (string name in headers)
                LoggedConsole.Write(" {0,-10}", name);

            var rows = dt.Rows;

            foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++)
                    LoggedConsole.Write(" {0:f2}{1,-7}", row[headers[i]], " ");

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method was written 9th March 2015 to process a dataset of some 1000 x 5 second recordings.
        /// The dataset was originally prepared by Meriem for use in her Master's thesis.
        /// The data is being processed to produce grayscale spectrogram images for use by Mangalam.
        /// She will classify them using a CNN.
        /// Note: NO SNR statistics are calculated. All reocrdings must be in single level directory.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ProcessMeriemsDataset()
            // 1. set up the necessary files
            //FileInfo csvFileInfo = arguments.Source;
            //FileInfo configFile = arguments.Config;
            //DirectoryInfo output = arguments.Output;
            DirectoryInfo inputDirInfo  = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\SensorNetworks\WavFiles\MeriemDataSet\1016 Distinct files");
            FileInfo      configFile    = new FileInfo(@"C:\Work\GitHub\audio-analysis\AudioAnalysis\AnalysisConfigFiles\Mangalam.Sonogram.yml");
            DirectoryInfo outputDirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\SensorNetworks\Output\ConvDNN\MeriemDataset\");

            // 2. get the config dictionary
            var configDict = GetConfigurationForConvCnn(configFile);

            if (true)
                // if VERBOSE
                const string title = "# PRE-PROCESS SHORT AUDIO RECORDINGS FOR Convolutional DNN";
                string       date  = "# DATE AND TIME: " + DateTime.Now;

                // print out the parameters
                foreach (var kvp in configDict)
                    LoggedConsole.WriteLine("{0}  =  {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

            int fileCount = 0;

            FileInfo[] inputFiles = inputDirInfo.GetFiles();
            foreach (var file in inputFiles)
                if (!file.Exists)


                // need to set up the config with file names
                configDict[ConfigKeys.Recording.Key_RecordingFileName] = file.FullName;
                configDict[ConfigKeys.Recording.Key_RecordingCallName] = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FullName);

                // reset the frame size
                configDict["FrameLength"] = "512";

                //AudioToSonogramResult result = GenerateFourSpectrogramImages(file, configDict, outputDirInfo);
                GenerateSpectrogramImages(file, configDict, outputDirInfo);
            } // end foreach()

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\nFile Count =" + fileCount);
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\n##### FINISHED ############################\n");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void DisplaySignal(double[] sig)
            double[] newSig = DataTools.normalise(sig);

            foreach (double value in newSig)
                int count = (int)(value * 50);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

Exemplo n.º 4
        //*****************************************    STATIC METHODS    ************************************************************************

        /// <summary>
        /// Need to allow for possibility that a wt vector = null.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DisplayClusterWeights(List <double[]> clusterWts, int[] clusterHits)
            int clusterCount = 0;

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("                              wts               wtSum\t wins");
            for (int i = 0; i < clusterWts.Count; i++)
                int wins = 0;
                LoggedConsole.Write("wts{0:D3}   ", i + 1); //write the cluster number
                if (clusterWts[i] == null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
                        LoggedConsole.Write(" ");

                    LoggedConsole.WriteLine("     null");
                    for (int j = 0; j < clusterWts[i].Length; j++)
                        if (clusterWts[i][j] > 0.0)

                    for (int j = 0; j < clusterHits.Length; j++)
                        if (clusterHits[j] == i)

                    LoggedConsole.WriteLine("     {0}\t\t{1}", clusterWts[i].Sum(), wins);

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("Cluster Count = {0}", clusterCount);
        } // end DisplayClusterWeights()
Exemplo n.º 5
        } // GetInstanceRepresentations()

        public static void GetSpeciesRepresentations(Arguments arguments, Output output)
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\n\n2a. Obtain feature representation of every species.");

            int instanceCount = arguments.InstanceCount;
            int speciesCount  = arguments.SpeciesCount;
            var keyArray      = FEATURE_KEYS.Split(',');

            int featureCount = output.InstanceFeatureMatrix.GetLength(1);

            // initialise species description matrix
            double[,] speciesFeatureMatrix = new double[speciesCount, featureCount];
            int[] frameNumbersPerSpecies = new int[speciesCount];

            // loop through all 50 species
            for (int i = 0; i < speciesCount; i++)
                int speciesLabel = i + 1;
                LoggedConsole.Write(" " + speciesLabel);

                // loop through all instances multiple times - once for each species
                for (int j = 0; j < instanceCount; j++)
                    if (output.SpeciesID[j] != speciesLabel)

                    //aggregate the instance feature values
                    double[] ipVector = MatrixTools.GetRow(output.InstanceFeatureMatrix, j);
                    for (int c = 0; c < featureCount; c++)
                        speciesFeatureMatrix[i, c] += ipVector[c];

                    frameNumbersPerSpecies[i] += output.FrameNumbersPerInstance[j];
                } // end for loop j over all instances
            }     // loop through all 50 species

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine(" Done");

            output.SpeciesFeatureMatrix   = speciesFeatureMatrix;
            output.FrameNumbersPerSpecies = frameNumbersPerSpecies;
        } // GetSpeciesRepresentations()
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void DisplaySignal(double[] sig, bool showIndex)
            double[] newSig = DataTools.normalise(sig);

            for (int n = 0; n < sig.Length; n++)
                if (showIndex)
                    LoggedConsole.Write(n.ToString("D3") + "|");

                int count = (int)(newSig[n] * 50);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static List <string> GetDataSlice(DirectoryInfo dataTableDir, string key, int value)
            LoggedConsole.Write("GetDataSlice() " + key + "=" + value + ": ");
            List <string> outputList = new List <string>();

            FileInfo[] fileList = dataTableDir.GetFiles();
            foreach (FileInfo file in fileList)
                Console.Write("."); // so impatient user knows something is happening!

                List <string> list = FileTools.ReadSelectedLinesOfCsvFile(file.FullName, key, value);
                if (list == null)


Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void WriteDistribution(int[] distribution, double binWidth)
            int binCount = distribution.Length; // number of bins

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\nDistribution over " + binCount + " bins");
            for (int i = 0; i < binCount; i++)
                LoggedConsole.Write(i + "\t");

            for (int i = 0; i < binCount; i++)
                LoggedConsole.Write((int)(i * binWidth) + "\t");

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("(Total " + (int)(binWidth * binCount) + " bins)");
            for (int i = 0; i < binCount; i++)
                LoggedConsole.Write(distribution[i] + "\t");

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("Total instances=" + DataTools.Sum(distribution));
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this method to find match in sonogram to a symbolic definition of a bird call.
        /// That is, the template should be matrix of binary or trinary values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dBThreshold">Not used in calculation. Only used to speed up loop over the spectrogram.</param>
        public static Tuple <double[]> Execute_Bi_or_TrinaryMatch(double[,] template, SpectrogramStandard sonogram,
                                                                  List <AcousticEvent> segments, int minHz, int maxHz, double dBThreshold)
            Log.WriteLine("SEARCHING FOR EVENTS LIKE TARGET.");
            if (segments == null)

            int minBin         = (int)(minHz / sonogram.FBinWidth);
            int maxBin         = (int)(maxHz / sonogram.FBinWidth);
            int templateHeight = template.GetLength(0);
            int templateWidth  = template.GetLength(1);
            int cellCount      = templateHeight * templateWidth;

            //var image = BaseSonogram.Data2ImageData(target);
            //ImageTools.DrawMatrix(image, 1, 1, @"C:\SensorNetworks\Output\FELT_Currawong\target.png");

            // ######### Following line normalises template scores for comparison between templates.
            // ######### Ensures OP=0 for featureless sonogram #########
            // ######### template score = (average dB of on-template-cells - average dB of off-template-cells).
            var tuple1 = NormaliseBiTrinaryMatrix(template);

            template = tuple1.Item1;
            int positiveCount = tuple1.Item2;
            int negativeCount = tuple1.Item3;

            Log.WriteLine("TEMPLATE: Number of POS cells/total cells = {0}/{1}", positiveCount, cellCount);
            Log.WriteLine("TEMPLATE: Number of NEG cells/total cells = {0}/{1}", negativeCount, cellCount);

            double[] scores = new double[sonogram.FrameCount];

            foreach (AcousticEvent av in segments)
                Log.WriteLine("SEARCHING SEGMENT.");
                int startRow = (int)Math.Floor(av.TimeStart * sonogram.FramesPerSecond);
                int endRow   = (int)Math.Floor(av.TimeEnd * sonogram.FramesPerSecond);
                if (endRow >= sonogram.FrameCount)
                    endRow = sonogram.FrameCount;

                int stopRow = endRow - templateWidth - 1;
                if (stopRow <= startRow)
                    stopRow = startRow + 1;  //want minimum of one row

                for (int r = startRow; r < stopRow; r++)
                    double max = -double.MaxValue;

                    //int maxOnCount= 0; //used to display % ON-count and maybe to modify the score.
                    int binBuffer = 10;
                    for (int bin = -binBuffer; bin < +binBuffer; bin++)
                        int c = minBin + bin;
                        if (c < 0)
                            c = 0;

                        double crossCor = 0.0;

                        //int onCount = 0;

                        for (int j = 0; j < templateWidth; j++)
                            int c0 = c + templateHeight - 1;
                            for (int i = 0; i < templateHeight; i++)
                                crossCor += sonogram.Data[r + j, c0 - i] * template[i, j];

                                //if ((sonogram.Data[r + j, c0 - i] > 0.0) && (template[i, j] > 0)) onCount++;

                        //var image = BaseSonogram.Data2ImageData(matrix);
                        //ImageTools.DrawMatrix(image, 1, 1, @"C:\SensorNetworks\Output\FELT_CURLEW\compare.png");

                        if (crossCor > max)
                            max = crossCor;

                            //maxOnCount = onCount;
                    } // end freq bins

                    //following line yields score = av of PosCells - av of NegCells.
                    scores[r] = max / positiveCount;

                    // display percent onCount
                    //int pcOnCount = maxOnCount * 100 / positiveCount;
                    //if (r % 100 == 0) { LoggedConsole.WriteLine("{0} - {1:f3}", r, scores[r]); }
                    //if (scores[r] >= dBThreshold) { LoggedConsole.WriteLine("r={0} score={1}  %on={2}.", r, scores[r], pcOnCount); }
                    if (r % 100 == 0)

                    if (scores[r] < dBThreshold)
                        r += 3; //skip where score is low
                } // end of rows in segment

                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\nFINISHED SEARCHING SEGMENT FOR ACOUSTIC EVENT.");
            } // foreach (AcousticEvent av in segments)

            var tuple = Tuple.Create(scores);

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this method to find match in sonogram to a symbolic definition of a bird call.
        /// That is, the template should be matrix of binary or trinary values.
        /// </summary>
        public static Tuple <double[]> Execute_Spr_Match(char[,] template, SpectrogramStandard sonogram,
                                                         List <AcousticEvent> segments, int minHz, int maxHz, double dBThreshold)
            int lineLength = 10;

            //dBThreshold = 9;

            Log.WriteLine("SEARCHING FOR EVENTS LIKE TARGET (SPR).");
            if (segments == null)

            int minBin           = (int)(minHz / sonogram.FBinWidth);
            int maxBin           = (int)(maxHz / sonogram.FBinWidth);
            int templateFrames   = template.GetLength(0); // time axis - SPR template is same orientation as the sonogram data matrix
            int templateFreqBins = template.GetLength(1); // freq axis
            int cellCount        = templateFrames * templateFreqBins;

            int positiveCount = SprTools.CountTemplateChars(template);
            int negativeCount = cellCount - positiveCount;

            Log.WriteLine("TEMPLATE: Number of POS cells/total cells = {0}/{1}", positiveCount, cellCount);

            // Log.WriteLine("TEMPLATE: Number of NEG cells/total cells = {0}/{1}", negativeCount, cellCount);
            char[,] charogram = SprTools.Target2SymbolicTracks(sonogram.Data, dBThreshold, lineLength);

            //var m = DataTools.MatrixTranspose(charogram);
            FileTools.WriteMatrix2File(charogram, "C:\\SensorNetworks\\Output\\FELT_MultiOutput_5templates\\char_ogram.txt"); //view the char-ogram

            double[] scores = new double[sonogram.FrameCount];

            foreach (AcousticEvent av in segments)
                Log.WriteLine("SEARCHING SEGMENT.");
                int startRow = (int)Math.Floor(av.TimeStart * sonogram.FramesPerSecond);
                int endRow   = (int)Math.Floor(av.TimeEnd * sonogram.FramesPerSecond);
                if (endRow >= sonogram.FrameCount)
                    endRow = sonogram.FrameCount;

                int stopRow = endRow - templateFrames - 1;
                if (stopRow <= startRow)
                    stopRow = startRow + 1;  //want minimum of one row

                for (int r = startRow; r < stopRow; r++)
                    double maxSimilarity = -double.MaxValue;
                    int    binBuffer     = 10;

                    // calculate similarity at one frame position
                    for (int bin = -binBuffer; bin < +binBuffer; bin++)
                        int c = minBin + bin;
                        if (c < 0)
                            c = 0;

                        double onSum  = 0.0;
                        double offSum = 0.0;

                        // calculate onSum and offSum
                        // freq axis
                        for (int j = 0; j < templateFreqBins; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < templateFrames; i++)
                                if (charogram[r + i, c + j] == '-')
                                if (template[i, j] == '-')
                                    offSum += sonogram.Data[r + i, c + j];
                                    //char ColumnLeft = charogram[r + i, c + j];
                                    //char ColumnRight = template[i, j];
                                    //int difference = (int)ColumnLeft - (int)ColumnRight;
                                    int diff = SprTools.SymbolDifference(charogram[r + i, c + j], template[i, j]);
                                    onSum += (90 - diff) / (double)90 * sonogram.Data[r + i, c + j];
                        } // calculate similarity

                        double similarity = (onSum / positiveCount) - (offSum / negativeCount);
                        if (similarity > maxSimilarity)
                            maxSimilarity = similarity;
                    } // end freq bins

                    //following line yields score = av of PosCells - av of NegCells.
                    scores[r] = maxSimilarity;

                    //if (r % 100 == 0) { LoggedConsole.WriteLine("{0} - {1:f3}", r, scores[r]); }
                    //if (scores[r] >= dBThreshold) { LoggedConsole.WriteLine("r={0} score={1}.", r, scores[r]); }
                    if (r % 100 == 0)

                    if (scores[r] < dBThreshold)
                        r += 3; //skip where score is low
                } // end of rows in segment

                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\nFINISHED SEARCHING SEGMENT FOR ACOUSTIC EVENT.");
            } // foreach (AcousticEvent av in segments)

            var tuple = Tuple.Create(scores);

        } //Execute_Spr_Match()
Exemplo n.º 11
        } //Execute()

        public static Output GetInstanceRepresentations(Arguments arguments)
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("1. Read in all Instances and do feature extraction");

            //################################### FEATURE WEIGHTS
            //TRY DIFFERENT WEIGHTINGS assuming following "SPT,RHZ,RVT,RPS,RNG";
            bool doDeltaFeatures = false;

            double[] weights      = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 0.7, 0.7 };
            double[] deltaWeights = { 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, 0.7, 0.7, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2 };
            if (doDeltaFeatures)
                weights = deltaWeights;

            // frequency bins used to reduce dimensionality of the 256 spectral values.
            int startBin  = 8;
            int maxOf2Bin = 117;
            int maxOf3Bin = 160;
            int endBin    = 200;

            double[] testArray = new double[256];
            for (int i = 0; i < testArray.Length; i++)
                testArray[i] = i;

            double[] reducedArray          = MaxPoolingLimited(testArray, startBin, maxOf2Bin, maxOf3Bin, endBin);
            int      reducedSpectralLength = reducedArray.Length;

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("     Reduced spectral length = " + reducedSpectralLength);
            int instanceCount = arguments.InstanceCount;
            int speciesCount  = arguments.SpeciesCount;

            string[] fileID    = new string[instanceCount];
            int[]    speciesID = new int[speciesCount];
            ReadGlotinsSpeciesLabelFile(arguments.SpeciesLabelsFile, instanceCount, out fileID, out speciesID);

            // INIT array of species counts
            int[] instanceNumbersPerSpecies = new int[speciesCount];

            // INIT array of frame counts
            int[] frameNumbersPerInstance = new int[instanceCount];

            // initialise species description matrix
            var keyArray = FEATURE_KEYS.Split(',');

            int totalFeatureCount = keyArray.Length * reducedArray.Length;

            Console.WriteLine("    Total Feature Count = " + totalFeatureCount);

            if (doDeltaFeatures)
                totalFeatureCount *= 2;
                LoggedConsole.WriteLine("    Total Delta Feature Count = " + totalFeatureCount);

            // one matrix row per species
            double[,] instanceFeatureMatrix = new double[instanceCount, totalFeatureCount];

            // loop through all all instances
            for (int j = 0; j < instanceCount; j++)
                int frameCount = 0;

                // get the spectral index files
                int speciesLabel = speciesID[j];

                // dictionary to store feature spectra for instance.
                var aggreDictionary = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

                // dictionary to store delta spectra for instance.
                var deltaDictionary = new Dictionary <string, double[]>();

                foreach (string key in keyArray)
                    string   name = string.Format("{0}_Species{1:d2}.{2}.csv", fileID[j], speciesLabel, key);
                    FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(arguments.InputDataDirectory.FullName, name));

                    if (file.Exists)
                        int binCount;
                        double[,] matrix = IndexMatrices.ReadSpectrogram(file, out binCount);

                        // create or get the array of spectral values.
                        double[] aggregateArray = new double[reducedSpectralLength];
                        double[] deltaArray     = new double[reducedSpectralLength];

                        double[] ipVector = MatrixTools.GetRow(matrix, 0);
                        ipVector     = DataTools.SubtractValueAndTruncateToZero(ipVector, arguments.BgnThreshold);
                        reducedArray = MaxPoolingLimited(ipVector, startBin, maxOf2Bin, maxOf3Bin, endBin);
                        double[] previousArray = reducedArray;

                        // transfer spectral values to array.
                        int rowCount = matrix.GetLength(0);

                        //rowCount = (int)Math.Round(rowCount * 0.99); // ###################### USE ONLY 99% of instance
                        //if (rowCount > 1200) rowCount = 1200;
                        for (int r = 1; r < rowCount; r++)
                            ipVector     = MatrixTools.GetRow(matrix, r);
                            ipVector     = DataTools.SubtractValueAndTruncateToZero(ipVector, arguments.BgnThreshold);
                            reducedArray = MaxPoolingLimited(ipVector, startBin, maxOf2Bin, maxOf3Bin, endBin);

                            for (int c = 0; c < reducedSpectralLength; c++)
                                aggregateArray[c] += reducedArray[c];

                                // Calculate the DELTA values TWO OPTIONS ##################################################
                                double delta = Math.Abs(reducedArray[c] - previousArray[c]);

                                //double delta = reducedArray[c] - previousArray[c];
                                //if (delta < 0.0)  delta = 0.0;
                                //double delta = previousArray[c]; //previous array - i.e. do not calculate delta
                                deltaArray[c] += delta;

                            previousArray = reducedArray;

                        aggreDictionary[key] = aggregateArray;
                        deltaDictionary[key] = deltaArray;
                        frameCount           = rowCount;
                    } //if (file.Exists)
                }     //foreach (string key in keyArray)

                instanceNumbersPerSpecies[speciesLabel - 1]++;
                frameNumbersPerInstance[j] += frameCount;

                // create the matrix of instance descriptions which consists of concatenated vectors
                // j = index of instance ID = row number
                int featureID = 0;
                foreach (string key in keyArray)
                    int featureOffset = featureID * reducedSpectralLength;
                    for (int c = 0; c < reducedSpectralLength; c++)
                        // TWO OPTIONS: SUM OR AVERAGE ######################################
                        //instanceFeatureMatrix[j, featureOffset + c] = dictionary[key][c];
                        instanceFeatureMatrix[j, featureOffset + c] = aggreDictionary[key][c] / frameCount;


                if (doDeltaFeatures)
                    foreach (string key in keyArray)
                        int featureOffset = featureID * reducedSpectralLength;
                        for (int c = 0; c < reducedSpectralLength; c++)
                            // TWO OPTIONS: SUM OR AVERAGE ######################################
                            //instanceFeatureMatrix[j, featureOffset + c] = dictionary[key][c];
                            instanceFeatureMatrix[j, featureOffset + c] = deltaDictionary[key][c] / frameCount;

                } // if doDeltaFeatures
            }     // end for loop j over all instances


            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("\nSum of species number array = " + instanceNumbersPerSpecies.Sum());
            LoggedConsole.WriteLine("Sum of  frame  number array = " + frameNumbersPerInstance.Sum());
            bool   addLineNumbers            = true;
            string countsArrayOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(arguments.OutputDirectory.FullName, "BirdClef50_training_Counts.txt");

            FileTools.WriteArray2File(instanceNumbersPerSpecies, addLineNumbers, countsArrayOutputFilePath);

            // Initialise output data arrays
            Output output = new Output();

            output.FileID    = fileID;
            output.SpeciesID = speciesID;
            output.InstanceNumbersPerSpecies = instanceNumbersPerSpecies;
            output.ReducedSpectralLength     = reducedSpectralLength;

            // INIT array of frame counts
            output.FrameNumbersPerInstance = frameNumbersPerInstance;

            // matrix: each row= one instance;  each column = one feature
            output.InstanceFeatureMatrix = instanceFeatureMatrix;

            output.Weights = weights;

        } // GetInstanceRepresentations()
        public static async Task <int> Execute(RibbonPlot.Arguments arguments)
            if (arguments.InputDirectories.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new CommandLineArgumentException(
                          $"{nameof(arguments.InputDirectories)} is null or empty - please provide at least one source directory");

            var doNotExist = arguments.InputDirectories.Where(x => !x.Exists);

            if (doNotExist.Any())
                throw new CommandLineArgumentException(
                          $"The following directories given to {nameof(arguments.InputDirectories)} do not exist: " + doNotExist.FormatList());

            if (arguments.OutputDirectory == null)
                arguments.OutputDirectory = arguments.InputDirectories.First();
                    $"{nameof(arguments.OutputDirectory)} was not provided and was automatically set to source directory {arguments.OutputDirectory}");

            if (arguments.Midnight == null || arguments.Midnight == TimeSpan.Zero)
                // we need this to be width of day and not zero for rounding functions later on
                arguments.Midnight = RibbonPlotDomain;
                Log.Debug($"{nameof(arguments.Midnight)} was reset to {arguments.Midnight}");

            if (arguments.Midnight < TimeSpan.Zero || arguments.Midnight > RibbonPlotDomain)
                throw new InvalidStartOrEndException($"{nameof(arguments.Midnight)} cannot be less than `00:00` or greater than `{RibbonPlotDomain}`");

            LoggedConsole.Write("Begin scanning directories");

            var allIndexFiles = arguments.InputDirectories.SelectMany(IndexGenerationData.FindAll);

            if (allIndexFiles.IsNullOrEmpty())
                throw new MissingDataException($"Could not find `{IndexGenerationData.FileNameFragment}` files in:" + arguments.InputDirectories.FormatList());

            Log.Debug("Checking files have dates");
            var indexGenerationDatas = allIndexFiles.Select(IndexGenerationData.Load);
            var datedIndices         = FileDateHelpers.FilterObjectsForDates(
                x => x.Source,
                y => y.RecordingStartDate,

            LoggedConsole.WriteLine($"{datedIndices.Count} index generation data files were loaded");
            if (datedIndices.Count == 0)
                throw new MissingDataException("No index generation files had dates, cannot proceed");

            // now find the ribbon plots for these images - there are typically two color maps per index generation
            var datesMappedToColorMaps = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <DateTimeOffset, FileInfo> >(2);

            foreach (var(date, indexData) in datedIndices)

                void Add(string colorMap)
                    if (!datesMappedToColorMaps.ContainsKey(colorMap))
                        datesMappedToColorMaps.Add(colorMap, new Dictionary <DateTimeOffset, FileInfo>(datedIndices.Count));

                    // try to find the associated ribbon
                    var searchPattern = "*" + colorMap + LdSpectrogramRibbons.SpectralRibbonTag + "*";

                    if (Log.IsVerboseEnabled())
                        Log.Verbose($"Searching `{indexData.Source?.Directory}` with pattern `{searchPattern}`.");

                    var ribbonFile = indexData.Source?.Directory?.EnumerateFiles(searchPattern).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (ribbonFile == null)
                        Log.Warn($"Did not find expected ribbon file for color map {colorMap} in directory `{indexData.Source?.Directory}`."
                                 + "This can happen if the ribbon is missing or if more than one file matches the color map.");

                    datesMappedToColorMaps[colorMap].Add(date, ribbonFile);

            // get the min and max dates and other things
            var stats = new RibbonPlotStats(datedIndices, arguments.Midnight.Value);

            Log.Debug($"Files found between {stats.Min:O} and {stats.Max:O}, rendering between {stats.Start:O} and {stats.End:O}, in {stats.Buckets} buckets");

            bool success = false;

            foreach (var(colorMap, ribbons) in datesMappedToColorMaps)
                Log.Info($"Rendering ribbon plot for color map {colorMap}");
                if (ribbons.Count(x => x.Value.NotNull()) == 0)
                    Log.Error($"There are no ribbon files found for color map {colorMap} - skipping this color map");

                var image = CreateRibbonPlot(datedIndices, ribbons, stats);

                var midnight = arguments.Midnight == RibbonPlotDomain
                    ? string.Empty
                    : "Midnight=" + arguments.Midnight.Value.ToString("hhmm");
                var path = FilenameHelpers.AnalysisResultPath(

                using (var file = File.Create(path))


                success = true;

            if (success == false)
                throw new MissingDataException("Could not find any ribbon files for any of the color maps. No ribbon plots were produced.");

Exemplo n.º 13
 public void Dispose()