Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CalculateTest(double firstValue, double expected)
            var calculator   = new Log10();
            var actualResult = calculator.Calculate(firstValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actualResult, 0.0001);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void WhenXNegative100_ShouldArgumentException(
            [Values(-100)] double x)
            var operation = new Log10(x);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { var result = operation.Operate(); });
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Calculate()
            Log10  calculator = new Log10();
            double result     = calculator.Calculate(1);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, result, 0.001);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Log10WithDoubleInputReturnsCorrectValue()
            var function = new Log10();
            var result   = function.Execute(FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(150.26), this.ParsingContext);

            Assert.AreEqual(2.176843385d, (double)result.Result, 0.000001);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Log10WithDateAsStringInputReturnsCorrectValue()
            var function = new Log10();
            var result   = function.Execute(FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs("6/5/2017"), this.ParsingContext);

            Assert.AreEqual(4.632366172d, (double)result.Result, 0.000001);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Log10WithPositiveIntegerReturnsCorrectValue()
            var function = new Log10();
            var result   = function.Execute(FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(100), this.ParsingContext);

            Assert.AreEqual(2d, result.Result);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Log10WithNegativeIntegerReturnsPoundNum()
            var function = new Log10();
            var result   = function.Execute(FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(-1000), this.ParsingContext);

            Assert.AreEqual(eErrorType.Num, ((ExcelErrorValue)result.Result).Type);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Log10WithNoArgumentsReturnsPoundValue()
            var function = new Log10();
            var result   = function.Execute(FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(), this.ParsingContext);

            Assert.AreEqual(eErrorType.Value, ((ExcelErrorValue)result.Result).Type);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Log10WithNumericStringInputReturnsCorrectValue()
            var function = new Log10();
            var result   = function.Execute(FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs("100"), this.ParsingContext);

            Assert.AreEqual(2d, result.Result);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void CalculateReverseTestStrong(double firstValue, double expected)
            IOneArgumentCalculator calculator = new Log10();
            double result = calculator.Calculate(firstValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void SimpleTest(double firstarg, double expected)
            Log10  calc   = new Log10();
            double result = calc.Calc(firstarg);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void WhenX100_Should2(
            [Values(100)] double x)
            var operation = new Log10(x);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, operation.Operate());
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void Log10ShouldReturnCorrectResult()
            var func   = new Log10();
            var args   = FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(2);
            var result = func.Execute(args, this.ParsingContext);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.301029996d, (double)result.Result, 0.000001);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Log10ShouldReturnCorrectResult()
            var func          = new Log10();
            var args          = FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(2);
            var result        = func.Execute(args, _parsingContext);
            var roundedResult = Math.Round((double)result.Result, 9);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.301029996d, roundedResult);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void CalculatorTest(
            double firstValue,
            double expected)
            var calculator   = new Log10();
            var actualResult = calculator.Calculate(firstValue);

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => calculator.Calculate(-5));
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actualResult);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static void Decode(ModuleDefMD module)
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void Log10FunctionWithErrorValuesAsInputReturnsTheInputErrorValue()
            var func        = new Log10();
            var argNA       = FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(ExcelErrorValue.Create(eErrorType.NA));
            var argNAME     = FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(ExcelErrorValue.Create(eErrorType.Name));
            var argVALUE    = FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(ExcelErrorValue.Create(eErrorType.Value));
            var argNUM      = FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(ExcelErrorValue.Create(eErrorType.Num));
            var argDIV0     = FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(ExcelErrorValue.Create(eErrorType.Div0));
            var argREF      = FunctionsHelper.CreateArgs(ExcelErrorValue.Create(eErrorType.Ref));
            var resultNA    = func.Execute(argNA, this.ParsingContext);
            var resultNAME  = func.Execute(argNAME, this.ParsingContext);
            var resultVALUE = func.Execute(argVALUE, this.ParsingContext);
            var resultNUM   = func.Execute(argNUM, this.ParsingContext);
            var resultDIV0  = func.Execute(argDIV0, this.ParsingContext);
            var resultREF   = func.Execute(argREF, this.ParsingContext);

            Assert.AreEqual(eErrorType.NA, ((ExcelErrorValue)resultNA.Result).Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(eErrorType.Name, ((ExcelErrorValue)resultNAME.Result).Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(eErrorType.Value, ((ExcelErrorValue)resultVALUE.Result).Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(eErrorType.Num, ((ExcelErrorValue)resultNUM.Result).Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(eErrorType.Div0, ((ExcelErrorValue)resultDIV0.Result).Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(eErrorType.Ref, ((ExcelErrorValue)resultREF.Result).Type);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public Node <INode> GetNode(string nodeName)
            switch (nodeName)
            case Absolute.NAME:
                INode nodeAbsolute = new Absolute() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeAbsolute));

            case Approx.NAME:
                INode nodeAprox = new Approx() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeAprox));

            case ArcCos.NAME:
                INode nodeArcCos = new ArcCos() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeArcCos));

            case ArcSin.NAME:
                INode nodeArcSin = new ArcSin() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeArcSin));

            case ArcTan2.NAME:
                INode nodeArcTan2 = new ArcTan2() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeArcTan2));

            case Ceil.NAME:
                INode nodeCeil = new Ceil() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeCeil));

            case CeilToInt.NAME:
                INode nodeCeilToInt = new CeilToInt() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeCeilToInt));

            case Clamp.NAME:
                INode nodeClamp = new Clamp() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeClamp));

            case Clamp01.NAME:
                INode nodeClamp01 = new Clamp01() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeClamp01));

            case ClosestPowerOf2.NAME:
                INode nodeClosestPowerOf2 = new ClosestPowerOf2() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeClosestPowerOf2));

            case Cosinus.NAME:
                INode nodeCosinus = new Cosinus() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeCosinus));

            case DeltaAngle.NAME:
                INode nodeDeltaAngle = new DeltaAngle() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeDeltaAngle));

            case Exp.NAME:
                INode nodeExp = new Exp() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeExp));

            case Floor.NAME:
                INode nodeFloor = new Floor() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeFloor));

            case FloorToInt.NAME:
                INode nodeFloorToInt = new FloorToInt() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeFloorToInt));

            case Lerp.NAME:
                INode nodeLerp = new Lerp() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeLerp));

            case LerpAngle.NAME:
                INode nodeLerpAngle = new LerpAngle() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeLerpAngle));

            case Log10.NAME:
                INode nodeLog10 = new Log10() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeLog10));

            case Logarithm.NAME:
                INode nodeLogarithm = new Logarithm() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeLogarithm));

            case Sinus.NAME:
                INode nodeSinus_ = new Sinus() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeSinus_));

            case Max.NAME:
                INode nodeMax = new Max() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeMax));

            case Min.NAME:
                INode nodeMin = new Min() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeMin));

            case MoveTowards.NAME:
                INode nodeMoveTowards = new MoveTowards() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeMoveTowards));

            case MoveTowardsAngle.NAME:
                INode nodeMoveTowardsAngle = new MoveTowardsAngle() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeMoveTowardsAngle));

            case NextPowerOfTwo.NAME:
                INode nodeNextPowerOfTwo = new NextPowerOfTwo() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeNextPowerOfTwo));

            case PerlinNoise.NAME:
                INode nodePerlinNoise = new PerlinNoise() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodePerlinNoise));

            case PingPong.NAME:
                INode nodePingPong = new PingPong() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode> (nodePingPong));

            case Pow.NAME:
                INode nodePow = new Pow() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodePow));

            case SquareRoot.NAME:
                INode nodeSqrt = new SquareRoot() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeSqrt));

            case Tan.NAME:
                INode nodeTan = new Tan() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeTan));

            case Random.NAME:
                INode nodeRandom = new Random() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeRandom));

Exemplo n.º 19
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["text"]        = new CStr();
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["cos"]         = new Cos();
     Functions["cosh"]        = new Cosh();
     Functions["power"]       = new Power();
     Functions["sqrt"]        = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]      = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]          = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]     = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]     = new Ceiling();
     Functions["count"]       = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]      = new CountA();
     Functions["floor"]       = new Floor();
     Functions["sin"]         = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]        = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]         = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]       = new SumIf();
     Functions["stdev"]       = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]      = new StdevP();
     Functions["subtotal"]    = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]         = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]         = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]       = new Log10();
     Functions["max"]         = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]        = new Maxa();
     Functions["min"]         = new Min();
     Functions["mod"]         = new Mod();
     Functions["average"]     = new Average();
     Functions["round"]       = new Round();
     Functions["rand"]        = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"] = new RandBetween();
     Functions["tan"]         = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]        = new Tanh();
     Functions["var"]         = new Var();
     Functions["varp"]        = new VarP();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]  = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"] = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]   = new IsText();
     Functions["iserror"]  = new IsError();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]   = new If();
     Functions["not"]  = new Not();
     Functions["and"]  = new And();
     Functions["or"]   = new Or();
     Functions["true"] = new True();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"] = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"] = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"] = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]  = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]   = new Match();
     Functions["row"]     = new Row();
     Functions["rows"]    = new Rows();
     Functions["column"]  = new Column();
     Functions["columns"] = new Columns();
     Functions["choose"]  = new Choose();
     // Date
     Functions["date"]   = new Date();
     Functions["today"]  = new Today();
     Functions["now"]    = new Now();
     Functions["day"]    = new Day();
     Functions["month"]  = new Month();
     Functions["year"]   = new Year();
     Functions["time"]   = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]   = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"] = new Minute();
     Functions["second"] = new Second();
Exemplo n.º 20
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["rept"]        = new Rept();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     Functions["char"]        = new CharFunction();
     Functions["exact"]       = new Exact();
     Functions["find"]        = new Find();
     Functions["fixed"]       = new Fixed();
     Functions["proper"]      = new Proper();
     Functions["search"]      = new Search();
     Functions["text"]        = new Text.Text();
     Functions["t"]           = new T();
     Functions["hyperlink"]   = new Hyperlink();
     Functions["value"]       = new Value();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["abs"]         = new Abs();
     Functions["asin"]        = new Asin();
     Functions["asinh"]       = new Asinh();
     Functions["cos"]         = new Cos();
     Functions["cosh"]        = new Cosh();
     Functions["power"]       = new Power();
     Functions["sign"]        = new Sign();
     Functions["sqrt"]        = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]      = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]          = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]     = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]     = new Ceiling();
     Functions["count"]       = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]      = new CountA();
     Functions["countblank"]  = new CountBlank();
     Functions["countif"]     = new CountIf();
     Functions["countifs"]    = new CountIfs();
     Functions["fact"]        = new Fact();
     Functions["floor"]       = new Floor();
     Functions["sin"]         = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]        = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]         = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]       = new SumIf();
     Functions["sumifs"]      = new SumIfs();
     Functions["sumproduct"]  = new SumProduct();
     Functions["sumsq"]       = new Sumsq();
     Functions["stdev"]       = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]      = new StdevP();
     Functions["stdev.s"]     = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdev.p"]     = new StdevP();
     Functions["subtotal"]    = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]         = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]         = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]       = new Log10();
     Functions["ln"]          = new Ln();
     Functions["max"]         = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]        = new Maxa();
     Functions["median"]      = new Median();
     Functions["min"]         = new Min();
     Functions["mina"]        = new Mina();
     Functions["mod"]         = new Mod();
     Functions["average"]     = new Average();
     Functions["averagea"]    = new AverageA();
     Functions["averageif"]   = new AverageIf();
     Functions["averageifs"]  = new AverageIfs();
     Functions["round"]       = new Round();
     Functions["rounddown"]   = new Rounddown();
     Functions["roundup"]     = new Roundup();
     Functions["rand"]        = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"] = new RandBetween();
     Functions["rank"]        = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.eq"]     = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.avg"]    = new Rank(true);
     Functions["quotient"]    = new Quotient();
     Functions["trunc"]       = new Trunc();
     Functions["tan"]         = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]        = new Tanh();
     Functions["atan"]        = new Atan();
     Functions["atan2"]       = new Atan2();
     Functions["atanh"]       = new Atanh();
     Functions["acos"]        = new Acos();
     Functions["acosh"]       = new Acosh();
     Functions["var"]         = new Var();
     Functions["varp"]        = new VarP();
     Functions["large"]       = new Large();
     Functions["small"]       = new Small();
     Functions["degrees"]     = new Degrees();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]    = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"]   = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]     = new IsText();
     Functions["isnontext"]  = new IsNonText();
     Functions["iserror"]    = new IsError();
     Functions["iserr"]      = new IsErr();
     Functions["error.type"] = new ErrorType();
     Functions["iseven"]     = new IsEven();
     Functions["isodd"]      = new IsOdd();
     Functions["islogical"]  = new IsLogical();
     Functions["isna"]       = new IsNa();
     Functions["na"]         = new Na();
     Functions["n"]          = new N();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]      = new If();
     Functions["iferror"] = new IfError();
     Functions["ifna"]    = new IfNa();
     Functions["not"]     = new Not();
     Functions["and"]     = new And();
     Functions["or"]      = new Or();
     Functions["true"]    = new True();
     Functions["false"]   = new False();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"]  = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"]  = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"]  = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]   = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]    = new Match();
     Functions["row"]      = new Row();
     Functions["rows"]     = new Rows();
     Functions["column"]   = new Column();
     Functions["columns"]  = new Columns();
     Functions["choose"]   = new Choose();
     Functions["index"]    = new RefAndLookup.Index();
     Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
     Functions["offset"]   = new Offset();
     // Date
     Functions["date"]             = new Date();
     Functions["today"]            = new Today();
     Functions["now"]              = new Now();
     Functions["day"]              = new Day();
     Functions["month"]            = new Month();
     Functions["year"]             = new Year();
     Functions["time"]             = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]             = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"]           = new Minute();
     Functions["second"]           = new Second();
     Functions["weeknum"]          = new Weeknum();
     Functions["weekday"]          = new Weekday();
     Functions["days360"]          = new Days360();
     Functions["yearfrac"]         = new Yearfrac();
     Functions["edate"]            = new Edate();
     Functions["eomonth"]          = new Eomonth();
     Functions["isoweeknum"]       = new IsoWeekNum();
     Functions["workday"]          = new Workday();
     Functions["networkdays"]      = new Networkdays();
     Functions["networkdays.intl"] = new NetworkdaysIntl();
     Functions["datevalue"]        = new DateValue();
     Functions["timevalue"]        = new TimeValue();
     // Database
     Functions["dget"]     = new Dget();
     Functions["dcount"]   = new Dcount();
     Functions["dcounta"]  = new DcountA();
     Functions["dmax"]     = new Dmax();
     Functions["dmin"]     = new Dmin();
     Functions["dsum"]     = new Dsum();
     Functions["daverage"] = new Daverage();
     Functions["dvar"]     = new Dvar();
     Functions["dvarp"]    = new Dvarp();
     Functions["pmt"] = new Pmt();
Exemplo n.º 21
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["rept"]        = new Rept();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     Functions["concat"]      = new Concat();
     Functions["textjoin"]    = new Textjoin();
     Functions["char"]        = new CharFunction();
     Functions["exact"]       = new Exact();
     Functions["find"]        = new Find();
     Functions["fixed"]       = new Fixed();
     Functions["proper"]      = new Proper();
     Functions["search"]      = new Search();
     Functions["text"]        = new Text.Text();
     Functions["t"]           = new T();
     Functions["hyperlink"]   = new Hyperlink();
     Functions["value"]       = new Value(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
     Functions["trim"]        = new Trim();
     Functions["clean"]       = new Clean();
     Functions["unicode"]     = new Unicode();
     Functions["unichar"]     = new Unichar();
     Functions["numbervalue"] = new NumberValue();
     Functions["dollar"]      = new Dollar();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["aggregate"]       = new Aggregate();
     Functions["abs"]             = new Abs();
     Functions["asin"]            = new Asin();
     Functions["asinh"]           = new Asinh();
     Functions["acot"]            = new Acot();
     Functions["acoth"]           = new Acoth();
     Functions["cos"]             = new Cos();
     Functions["cot"]             = new Cot();
     Functions["coth"]            = new Coth();
     Functions["cosh"]            = new Cosh();
     Functions["csc"]             = new Csc();
     Functions["csch"]            = new Csch();
     Functions["power"]           = new Power();
     Functions["gcd"]             = new Gcd();
     Functions["lcm"]             = new Lcm();
     Functions["sec"]             = new Sec();
     Functions["sech"]            = new SecH();
     Functions["sign"]            = new Sign();
     Functions["sqrt"]            = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]          = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]              = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]         = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]         = new Ceiling();
     Functions["ceiling.precise"] = new CeilingPrecise();
     Functions["ceiling.math"]    = new CeilingMath();
     Functions["iso.ceiling"]     = new IsoCeiling();
     Functions["combin"]          = new Combin();
     Functions["combina"]         = new Combina();
     Functions["permut"]          = new Permut();
     Functions["permutationa"]    = new Permutationa();
     Functions["count"]           = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]          = new CountA();
     Functions["countblank"]      = new CountBlank();
     Functions["countif"]         = new CountIf();
     Functions["countifs"]        = new CountIfs();
     Functions["fact"]            = new Fact();
     Functions["factdouble"]      = new FactDouble();
     Functions["floor"]           = new Floor();
     Functions["floor.precise"]   = new FloorPrecise();
     Functions["floor.math"]      = new FloorMath();
     Functions["radians"]         = new Radians();
     Functions["roman"]           = new Roman();
     Functions["sin"]             = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]            = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]             = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]           = new SumIf();
     Functions["sumifs"]          = new SumIfs();
     Functions["sumproduct"]      = new SumProduct();
     Functions["sumsq"]           = new Sumsq();
     Functions["sumxmy2"]         = new Sumxmy2();
     Functions["sumx2my2"]        = new SumX2mY2();
     Functions["sumx2py2"]        = new SumX2pY2();
     Functions["seriessum"]       = new Seriessum();
     Functions["stdev"]           = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdeva"]          = new Stdeva();
     Functions["stdevp"]          = new StdevP();
     Functions["stdevpa"]         = new Stdevpa();
     Functions["stdev.s"]         = new StdevDotS();
     Functions["stdev.p"]         = new StdevDotP();
     Functions["subtotal"]        = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]             = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]             = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]           = new Log10();
     Functions["ln"]              = new Ln();
     Functions["max"]             = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]            = new Maxa();
     Functions["median"]          = new Median();
     Functions["min"]             = new Min();
     Functions["mina"]            = new Mina();
     Functions["mod"]             = new Mod();
     Functions["mode"]            = new Mode();
     Functions["mode.sngl"]       = new ModeSngl();
     Functions["mround"]          = new Mround();
     Functions["multinomial"]     = new Multinomial();
     Functions["average"]         = new Average();
     Functions["averagea"]        = new AverageA();
     Functions["averageif"]       = new AverageIf();
     Functions["averageifs"]      = new AverageIfs();
     Functions["round"]           = new Round();
     Functions["rounddown"]       = new Rounddown();
     Functions["roundup"]         = new Roundup();
     Functions["rand"]            = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"]     = new RandBetween();
     Functions["rank"]            = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.eq"]         = new RankEq();
     Functions["rank.avg"]        = new RankAvg();
     Functions["percentile"]      = new Percentile();
     Functions["percentile.inc"]  = new PercentileInc();
     Functions["percentile.exc"]  = new PercentileExc();
     Functions["quartile"]        = new Quartile();
     Functions["quartile.inc"]    = new QuartileInc();
     Functions["quartile.exc"]    = new QuartileExc();
     Functions["percentrank"]     = new Percentrank();
     Functions["percentrank.inc"] = new PercentrankInc();
     Functions["percentrank.exc"] = new PercentrankExc();
     Functions["quotient"]        = new Quotient();
     Functions["trunc"]           = new Trunc();
     Functions["tan"]             = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]            = new Tanh();
     Functions["atan"]            = new Atan();
     Functions["atan2"]           = new Atan2();
     Functions["atanh"]           = new Atanh();
     Functions["acos"]            = new Acos();
     Functions["acosh"]           = new Acosh();
     Functions["covar"]           = new Covar();
     Functions["covariance.p"]    = new CovarianceP();
     Functions["covariance.s"]    = new CovarianceS();
     Functions["var"]             = new Var();
     Functions["vara"]            = new Vara();
     Functions["var.s"]           = new VarDotS();
     Functions["varp"]            = new VarP();
     Functions["varpa"]           = new Varpa();
     Functions["var.p"]           = new VarDotP();
     Functions["large"]           = new Large();
     Functions["small"]           = new Small();
     Functions["degrees"]         = new Degrees();
     Functions["odd"]             = new Odd();
     Functions["even"]            = new Even();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]    = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"]   = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]     = new IsText();
     Functions["isnontext"]  = new IsNonText();
     Functions["iserror"]    = new IsError();
     Functions["iserr"]      = new IsErr();
     Functions["error.type"] = new ErrorType();
     Functions["iseven"]     = new IsEven();
     Functions["isodd"]      = new IsOdd();
     Functions["islogical"]  = new IsLogical();
     Functions["isna"]       = new IsNa();
     Functions["na"]         = new Na();
     Functions["n"]          = new N();
     Functions["type"]       = new TypeFunction();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]      = new If();
     Functions["ifs"]     = new Ifs();
     Functions["maxifs"]  = new MaxIfs();
     Functions["minifs"]  = new MinIfs();
     Functions["iferror"] = new IfError();
     Functions["ifna"]    = new IfNa();
     Functions["not"]     = new Not();
     Functions["and"]     = new And();
     Functions["or"]      = new Or();
     Functions["true"]    = new True();
     Functions["false"]   = new False();
     Functions["switch"]  = new Switch();
     Functions["xor"]     = new Xor();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"]  = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"]  = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"]  = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]   = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]    = new Match();
     Functions["row"]      = new Row();
     Functions["rows"]     = new Rows();
     Functions["column"]   = new Column();
     Functions["columns"]  = new Columns();
     Functions["choose"]   = new Choose();
     Functions["index"]    = new RefAndLookup.Index();
     Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
     Functions["offset"]   = new Offset();
     // Date
     Functions["date"]             = new Date();
     Functions["datedif"]          = new DateDif();
     Functions["today"]            = new Today();
     Functions["now"]              = new Now();
     Functions["day"]              = new Day();
     Functions["month"]            = new Month();
     Functions["year"]             = new Year();
     Functions["time"]             = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]             = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"]           = new Minute();
     Functions["second"]           = new Second();
     Functions["weeknum"]          = new Weeknum();
     Functions["weekday"]          = new Weekday();
     Functions["days"]             = new Days();
     Functions["days360"]          = new Days360();
     Functions["yearfrac"]         = new Yearfrac();
     Functions["edate"]            = new Edate();
     Functions["eomonth"]          = new Eomonth();
     Functions["isoweeknum"]       = new IsoWeekNum();
     Functions["workday"]          = new Workday();
     Functions["workday.intl"]     = new WorkdayIntl();
     Functions["networkdays"]      = new Networkdays();
     Functions["networkdays.intl"] = new NetworkdaysIntl();
     Functions["datevalue"]        = new DateValue();
     Functions["timevalue"]        = new TimeValue();
     // Database
     Functions["dget"]     = new Dget();
     Functions["dcount"]   = new Dcount();
     Functions["dcounta"]  = new DcountA();
     Functions["dmax"]     = new Dmax();
     Functions["dmin"]     = new Dmin();
     Functions["dsum"]     = new Dsum();
     Functions["daverage"] = new Daverage();
     Functions["dvar"]     = new Dvar();
     Functions["dvarp"]    = new Dvarp();
     Functions["cumipmt"]    = new Cumipmt();
     Functions["cumprinc"]   = new Cumprinc();
     Functions["dollarde"]   = new DollarDe();
     Functions["dollarfr"]   = new DollarFr();
     Functions["ddb"]        = new Ddb();
     Functions["effect"]     = new Effect();
     Functions["fvschedule"] = new FvSchedule();
     Functions["pduration"]  = new Pduration();
     Functions["rri"]        = new Rri();
     Functions["pmt"]        = new Pmt();
     Functions["ppmt"]       = new Ppmt();
     Functions["ipmt"]       = new Ipmt();
     Functions["ispmt"]      = new IsPmt();
     Functions["pv"]         = new Pv();
     Functions["fv"]         = new Fv();
     Functions["npv"]        = new Npv();
     Functions["rate"]       = new Rate();
     Functions["nper"]       = new Nper();
     Functions["nominal"]    = new Nominal();
     Functions["irr"]        = new Irr();
     Functions["mirr"]       = new Mirr();
     Functions["xirr"]       = new Xirr();
     Functions["sln"]        = new Sln();
     Functions["syd"]        = new Syd();
     Functions["xnpv"]       = new Xnpv();
     Functions["coupdays"]   = new Coupdays();
     Functions["coupdaysnc"] = new Coupdaysnc();
     Functions["coupdaybs"]  = new Coupdaybs();
     Functions["coupnum"]    = new Coupnum();
     Functions["coupncd"]    = new Coupncd();
     Functions["couppcd"]    = new Couppcd();
     Functions["price"]      = new Price();
     Functions["yield"]      = new Yield();
     Functions["yieldmat"]   = new Yieldmat();
     Functions["duration"]   = new Duration();
     Functions["disc"]       = new Disc();
     Functions["bitand"]       = new BitAnd();
     Functions["bitor"]        = new BitOr();
     Functions["bitxor"]       = new BitXor();
     Functions["bitlshift"]    = new BitLshift();
     Functions["bitrshift"]    = new BitRshift();
     Functions["convert"]      = new ConvertFunction();
     Functions["bin2dec"]      = new Bin2Dec();
     Functions["bin2hex"]      = new Bin2Hex();
     Functions["bin2oct"]      = new Bin2Oct();
     Functions["dec2bin"]      = new Dec2Bin();
     Functions["dec2hex"]      = new Dec2Hex();
     Functions["dec2oct"]      = new Dec2Oct();
     Functions["hex2bin"]      = new Hex2Bin();
     Functions["hex2dec"]      = new Hex2Dec();
     Functions["hex2oct"]      = new Hex2Oct();
     Functions["oct2bin"]      = new Oct2Bin();
     Functions["oct2dec"]      = new Oct2Dec();
     Functions["oct2hex"]      = new Oct2Hex();
     Functions["delta"]        = new Delta();
     Functions["erf"]          = new Erf();
     Functions["erf.precise"]  = new ErfPrecise();
     Functions["erfc"]         = new Erfc();
     Functions["erfc.precise"] = new ErfcPrecise();
     Functions["besseli"]      = new BesselI();
     Functions["besselj"]      = new BesselJ();
     Functions["besselk"]      = new BesselK();
     Functions["bessely"]      = new BesselY();
Exemplo n.º 22
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     Functions["exact"]       = new Exact();
     Functions["find"]        = new Find();
     Functions["proper"]      = new Proper();
     Functions["text"]        = new Text.Text();
     Functions["t"]           = new T();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["abs"]         = new Abs();
     Functions["cos"]         = new Cos();
     Functions["cosh"]        = new Cosh();
     Functions["power"]       = new Power();
     Functions["sign"]        = new Sign();
     Functions["sqrt"]        = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]      = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]          = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]     = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]     = new Ceiling();
     Functions["count"]       = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]      = new CountA();
     Functions["countif"]     = new CountIf();
     Functions["fact"]        = new Fact();
     Functions["floor"]       = new Floor();
     Functions["sin"]         = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]        = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]         = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]       = new SumIf();
     Functions["sumproduct"]  = new SumProduct();
     Functions["sumsq"]       = new Sumsq();
     Functions["stdev"]       = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]      = new StdevP();
     Functions["stdev.s"]     = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdev.p"]     = new StdevP();
     Functions["subtotal"]    = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]         = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]         = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]       = new Log10();
     Functions["ln"]          = new Ln();
     Functions["max"]         = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]        = new Maxa();
     Functions["min"]         = new Min();
     Functions["mod"]         = new Mod();
     Functions["average"]     = new Average();
     Functions["averagea"]    = new AverageA();
     Functions["averageif"]   = new AverageIf();
     Functions["round"]       = new Round();
     Functions["rounddown"]   = new Rounddown();
     Functions["roundup"]     = new Roundup();
     Functions["rand"]        = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"] = new RandBetween();
     Functions["quotient"]    = new Quotient();
     Functions["trunc"]       = new Trunc();
     Functions["tan"]         = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]        = new Tanh();
     Functions["atan"]        = new Atan();
     Functions["atan2"]       = new Atan2();
     Functions["var"]         = new Var();
     Functions["varp"]        = new VarP();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]   = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"]  = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]    = new IsText();
     Functions["iserror"]   = new IsError();
     Functions["iserr"]     = new IsErr();
     Functions["iseven"]    = new IsEven();
     Functions["isodd"]     = new IsOdd();
     Functions["islogical"] = new IsLogical();
     Functions["isna"]      = new IsNa();
     Functions["na"]        = new Na();
     Functions["n"]         = new N();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]   = new If();
     Functions["not"]  = new Not();
     Functions["and"]  = new And();
     Functions["or"]   = new Or();
     Functions["true"] = new True();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"] = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"] = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"] = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]  = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]   = new Match();
     Functions["row"]     = new Row();
     Functions["rows"]    = new Rows()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["column"]  = new Column();
     Functions["columns"] = new Columns()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["choose"]   = new Choose();
     Functions["index"]    = new Index();
     Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
     // Date
     Functions["date"]       = new Date();
     Functions["today"]      = new Today();
     Functions["now"]        = new Now();
     Functions["day"]        = new Day();
     Functions["month"]      = new Month();
     Functions["year"]       = new Year();
     Functions["time"]       = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]       = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"]     = new Minute();
     Functions["second"]     = new Second();
     Functions["weeknum"]    = new Weeknum();
     Functions["weekday"]    = new Weekday();
     Functions["days360"]    = new Days360();
     Functions["yearfrac"]   = new Yearfrac();
     Functions["edate"]      = new Edate();
     Functions["eomonth"]    = new Eomonth();
     Functions["isoweeknum"] = new IsoWeekNum();
     Functions["workday"]    = new Workday();
Exemplo n.º 23
 public MySqlFunctionManager(bool allowFuncDefChange)
     this.allowFuncDefChange                = allowFuncDefChange;
     parsingStrateg["CAST"]                 = FunctionParsingStrategy.Cast;
     parsingStrateg["POSITION"]             = FunctionParsingStrategy.Position;
     parsingStrateg["SUBSTR"]               = FunctionParsingStrategy.Substring;
     parsingStrateg["SUBSTRING"]            = FunctionParsingStrategy.Substring;
     parsingStrateg["TRIM"]                 = FunctionParsingStrategy.Trim;
     parsingStrateg["AVG"]                  = FunctionParsingStrategy.Avg;
     parsingStrateg["COUNT"]                = FunctionParsingStrategy.Count;
     parsingStrateg["GROUP_CONCAT"]         = FunctionParsingStrategy.GroupConcat;
     parsingStrateg["MAX"]                  = FunctionParsingStrategy.Max;
     parsingStrateg["MIN"]                  = FunctionParsingStrategy.Min;
     parsingStrateg["SUM"]                  = FunctionParsingStrategy.Sum;
     parsingStrateg["ROW"]                  = FunctionParsingStrategy.Row;
     parsingStrateg["CHAR"]                 = FunctionParsingStrategy.Char;
     parsingStrateg["CONVERT"]              = FunctionParsingStrategy.Convert;
     parsingStrateg["EXTRACT"]              = FunctionParsingStrategy.Extract;
     parsingStrateg["TIMESTAMPADD"]         = FunctionParsingStrategy.Timestampadd;
     parsingStrateg["TIMESTAMPDIFF"]        = FunctionParsingStrategy.Timestampdiff;
     parsingStrateg["GET_FORMAT"]           = FunctionParsingStrategy.GetFormat;
     functionPrototype["ABS"]               = new Abs(null);
     functionPrototype["ACOS"]              = new Acos(null);
     functionPrototype["ADDDATE"]           = new Adddate(null);
     functionPrototype["ADDTIME"]           = new Addtime(null);
     functionPrototype["AES_DECRYPT"]       = new AesDecrypt(null);
     functionPrototype["AES_ENCRYPT"]       = new AesEncrypt(null);
     functionPrototype["ANALYSE"]           = new Analyse(null);
     functionPrototype["ASCII"]             = new Ascii(null);
     functionPrototype["ASIN"]              = new Asin(null);
     functionPrototype["ATAN2"]             = new Atan2(null);
     functionPrototype["ATAN"]              = new Atan(null);
     functionPrototype["BENCHMARK"]         = new Benchmark(null);
     functionPrototype["BIN"]               = new Bin(null);
     functionPrototype["BIT_AND"]           = new BitAnd(null);
     functionPrototype["BIT_COUNT"]         = new BitCount(null);
     functionPrototype["BIT_LENGTH"]        = new BitLength(null);
     functionPrototype["BIT_OR"]            = new BitOR(null);
     functionPrototype["BIT_XOR"]           = new BitXor(null);
     functionPrototype["CEIL"]              = new Ceiling(null);
     functionPrototype["CEILING"]           = new Ceiling(null);
     functionPrototype["CHAR_LENGTH"]       = new CharLength(null);
     functionPrototype["CHARACTER_LENGTH"]  = new CharLength(null);
     functionPrototype["CHARSET"]           = new Charset(null);
     functionPrototype["COALESCE"]          = new Coalesce(null);
     functionPrototype["COERCIBILITY"]      = new Coercibility(null);
     functionPrototype["COLLATION"]         = new Collation(null);
     functionPrototype["COMPRESS"]          = new Compress(null);
     functionPrototype["CONCAT_WS"]         = new ConcatWs(null);
     functionPrototype["CONCAT"]            = new Concat(null);
     functionPrototype["CONNECTION_ID"]     = new ConnectionId(null);
     functionPrototype["CONV"]              = new Conv(null);
     functionPrototype["CONVERT_TZ"]        = new ConvertTz(null);
     functionPrototype["COS"]               = new Cos(null);
     functionPrototype["COT"]               = new Cot(null);
     functionPrototype["CRC32"]             = new Crc32(null);
     functionPrototype["CURDATE"]           = new Curdate();
     functionPrototype["CURRENT_DATE"]      = new Curdate();
     functionPrototype["CURRENT_TIME"]      = new Curtime();
     functionPrototype["CURTIME"]           = new Curtime();
     functionPrototype["CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"] = new Now();
     functionPrototype["CURRENT_USER"]      = new CurrentUser();
     functionPrototype["CURTIME"]           = new Curtime();
     functionPrototype["DATABASE"]          = new Database(null);
     functionPrototype["DATE_ADD"]          = new DateAdd(null);
     functionPrototype["DATE_FORMAT"]       = new DateFormat(null);
     functionPrototype["DATE_SUB"]          = new DateSub(null);
     functionPrototype["DATE"]              = new Date(null);
     functionPrototype["DATEDIFF"]          = new Datediff(null);
     functionPrototype["DAY"]               = new Dayofmonth(null);
     functionPrototype["DAYOFMONTH"]        = new Dayofmonth(null);
     functionPrototype["DAYNAME"]           = new Dayname(null);
     functionPrototype["DAYOFWEEK"]         = new Dayofweek(null);
     functionPrototype["DAYOFYEAR"]         = new Dayofyear(null);
     functionPrototype["DECODE"]            = new Decode(null);
     functionPrototype["DEFAULT"]           = new Default(null);
     functionPrototype["DEGREES"]           = new Degrees(null);
     functionPrototype["DES_DECRYPT"]       = new DesDecrypt(null);
     functionPrototype["DES_ENCRYPT"]       = new DesEncrypt(null);
     functionPrototype["ELT"]               = new Elt(null);
     functionPrototype["ENCODE"]            = new Encode(null);
     functionPrototype["ENCRYPT"]           = new Encrypt(null);
     functionPrototype["EXP"]               = new Exp(null);
     functionPrototype["EXPORT_SET"]        = new ExportSet(null);
     // functionPrototype.put("EXTRACT", new Extract(null));
     functionPrototype["EXTRACTVALUE"]  = new ExtractValue(null);
     functionPrototype["FIELD"]         = new Field(null);
     functionPrototype["FIND_IN_SET"]   = new FindInSet(null);
     functionPrototype["FLOOR"]         = new Floor(null);
     functionPrototype["FORMAT"]        = new Format(null);
     functionPrototype["FOUND_ROWS"]    = new FoundRows(null);
     functionPrototype["FROM_DAYS"]     = new FromDays(null);
     functionPrototype["FROM_UNIXTIME"] = new FromUnixtime(null);
     // functionPrototype.put("GET_FORMAT", new GetFormat(null));
     functionPrototype["GET_LOCK"]       = new GetLock(null);
     functionPrototype["GREATEST"]       = new Greatest(null);
     functionPrototype["HEX"]            = new Hex(null);
     functionPrototype["HOUR"]           = new Hour(null);
     functionPrototype["IF"]             = new IF(null);
     functionPrototype["IFNULL"]         = new IFNull(null);
     functionPrototype["INET_ATON"]      = new InetAton(null);
     functionPrototype["INET_NTOA"]      = new InetNtoa(null);
     functionPrototype["INSERT"]         = new Insert(null);
     functionPrototype["INSTR"]          = new Instr(null);
     functionPrototype["INTERVAL"]       = new Interval(null);
     functionPrototype["IS_FREE_LOCK"]   = new IsFreeLock(null);
     functionPrototype["IS_USED_LOCK"]   = new IsUsedLock(null);
     functionPrototype["ISNULL"]         = new IsNull(null);
     functionPrototype["LAST_DAY"]       = new LastDay(null);
     functionPrototype["LAST_INSERT_ID"] = new LastInsertId(null);
     functionPrototype["LCASE"]          = new Lower(null);
     functionPrototype["LEAST"]          = new Least(null);
     functionPrototype["LEFT"]           = new Left(null);
     functionPrototype["LENGTH"]         = new Length(null);
     functionPrototype["LN"]             = new Log(null);
     // Ln(X) equals Log(X)
     functionPrototype["LOAD_FILE"]       = new LoadFile(null);
     functionPrototype["LOCALTIME"]       = new Now();
     functionPrototype["LOCALTIMESTAMP"]  = new Now();
     functionPrototype["LOCATE"]          = new Locate(null);
     functionPrototype["LOG10"]           = new Log10(null);
     functionPrototype["LOG2"]            = new Log2(null);
     functionPrototype["LOG"]             = new Log(null);
     functionPrototype["LOWER"]           = new Lower(null);
     functionPrototype["LPAD"]            = new Lpad(null);
     functionPrototype["LTRIM"]           = new Ltrim(null);
     functionPrototype["MAKE_SET"]        = new MakeSet(null);
     functionPrototype["MAKEDATE"]        = new Makedate(null);
     functionPrototype["MAKETIME"]        = new Maketime(null);
     functionPrototype["MASTER_POS_WAIT"] = new MasterPosWait(null);
     functionPrototype["MD5"]             = new Md5(null);
     functionPrototype["MICROSECOND"]     = new Microsecond(null);
     functionPrototype["MID"]             = new Substring(null);
     functionPrototype["MINUTE"]          = new Minute(null);
     functionPrototype["MONTH"]           = new Month(null);
     functionPrototype["MONTHNAME"]       = new Monthname(null);
     functionPrototype["NAME_CONST"]      = new NameConst(null);
     functionPrototype["NOW"]             = new Now();
     functionPrototype["NULLIF"]          = new NullIF(null);
     functionPrototype["OCT"]             = new Oct(null);
     functionPrototype["OCTET_LENGTH"]    = new Length(null);
     functionPrototype["OLD_PASSWORD"]    = new OldPassword(null);
     functionPrototype["ORD"]             = new Ord(null);
     functionPrototype["PASSWORD"]        = new Password(null);
     functionPrototype["PERIOD_ADD"]      = new PeriodAdd(null);
     functionPrototype["PERIOD_DIFF"]     = new PeriodDiff(null);
     functionPrototype["PI"]              = new PI(null);
     functionPrototype["POW"]             = new Pow(null);
     functionPrototype["POWER"]           = new Pow(null);
     functionPrototype["QUARTER"]         = new Quarter(null);
     functionPrototype["QUOTE"]           = new Quote(null);
     functionPrototype["RADIANS"]         = new Radians(null);
     functionPrototype["RAND"]            = new Rand(null);
     functionPrototype["RELEASE_LOCK"]    = new ReleaseLock(null);
     functionPrototype["REPEAT"]          = new Repeat(null);
     functionPrototype["REPLACE"]         = new Replace(null);
     functionPrototype["REVERSE"]         = new Reverse(null);
     functionPrototype["RIGHT"]           = new Right(null);
     functionPrototype["ROUND"]           = new Round(null);
     functionPrototype["ROW_COUNT"]       = new RowCount(null);
     functionPrototype["RPAD"]            = new Rpad(null);
     functionPrototype["RTRIM"]           = new Rtrim(null);
     functionPrototype["SCHEMA"]          = new Database(null);
     functionPrototype["SEC_TO_TIME"]     = new SecToTime(null);
     functionPrototype["SECOND"]          = new Second(null);
     functionPrototype["SESSION_USER"]    = new User(null);
     functionPrototype["SHA1"]            = new Sha1(null);
     functionPrototype["SHA"]             = new Sha1(null);
     functionPrototype["SHA2"]            = new Sha2(null);
     functionPrototype["SIGN"]            = new Sign(null);
     functionPrototype["SIN"]             = new Sin(null);
     functionPrototype["SLEEP"]           = new Sleep(null);
     functionPrototype["SOUNDEX"]         = new Soundex(null);
     functionPrototype["SPACE"]           = new Space(null);
     functionPrototype["SQRT"]            = new Sqrt(null);
     functionPrototype["STD"]             = new Std(null);
     functionPrototype["STDDEV_POP"]      = new StdDevPop(null);
     functionPrototype["STDDEV_SAMP"]     = new StdDevSamp(null);
     functionPrototype["STDDEV"]          = new StdDev(null);
     functionPrototype["STR_TO_DATE"]     = new StrToDate(null);
     functionPrototype["STRCMP"]          = new Strcmp(null);
     functionPrototype["SUBDATE"]         = new Subdate(null);
     functionPrototype["SUBSTRING_INDEX"] = new SubstringIndex(null);
     functionPrototype["SUBTIME"]         = new Subtime(null);
     functionPrototype["SYSDATE"]         = new Sysdate(null);
     functionPrototype["SYSTEM_USER"]     = new User(null);
     functionPrototype["TAN"]             = new Tan(null);
     functionPrototype["TIME_FORMAT"]     = new TimeFormat(null);
     functionPrototype["TIME_TO_SEC"]     = new TimeToSec(null);
     functionPrototype["TIME"]            = new Time(null);
     functionPrototype["TIMEDIFF"]        = new Timediff(null);
     functionPrototype["TIMESTAMP"]       = new Timestamp(null);
     // functionPrototype.put("TIMESTAMPADD", new Timestampadd(null));
     // functionPrototype.put("TIMESTAMPDIFF", new Timestampdiff(null));
     functionPrototype["TO_DAYS"]             = new ToDays(null);
     functionPrototype["TO_SECONDS"]          = new ToSeconds(null);
     functionPrototype["TRUNCATE"]            = new Truncate(null);
     functionPrototype["UCASE"]               = new Upper(null);
     functionPrototype["UNCOMPRESS"]          = new Uncompress(null);
     functionPrototype["UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH"] = new UncompressedLength(null);
     functionPrototype["UNHEX"]               = new Unhex(null);
     functionPrototype["UNIX_TIMESTAMP"]      = new UnixTimestamp(null);
     functionPrototype["UPDATEXML"]           = new UpdateXml(null);
     functionPrototype["UPPER"]               = new Upper(null);
     functionPrototype["USER"]          = new User(null);
     functionPrototype["UTC_DATE"]      = new UtcDate(null);
     functionPrototype["UTC_TIME"]      = new UtcTime(null);
     functionPrototype["UTC_TIMESTAMP"] = new UtcTimestamp(null);
     functionPrototype["UUID_SHORT"]    = new UuidShort(null);
     functionPrototype["UUID"]          = new Uuid(null);
     functionPrototype["VALUES"]        = new Values(null);
     functionPrototype["VAR_POP"]       = new VarPop(null);
     functionPrototype["VAR_SAMP"]      = new VarSamp(null);
     functionPrototype["VARIANCE"]      = new Variance(null);
     functionPrototype["VERSION"]       = new Version(null);
     functionPrototype["WEEK"]          = new Week(null);
     functionPrototype["WEEKDAY"]       = new Weekday(null);
     functionPrototype["WEEKOFYEAR"]    = new Weekofyear(null);
     functionPrototype["YEAR"]          = new Year(null);
     functionPrototype["YEARWEEK"]      = new Yearweek(null);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void LogarithmOfZeroTest()
            Log10 calc = new Log10();

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => calc.Calc(-2)); //сбой теста
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void ExceptionTest()
            var calculator = new Log10();

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => calculator.Calculate(0));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void ExceptionLessThanZeroTest(double firstArgument)
            var calculator = new Log10();

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => calculator.Calculate(firstArgument));