Exemplo n.º 1
        public static List <DividerItem> GetDivider(int week, int year)
                List <DividerItem> Items = new List <DividerItem>();

                using (SqlConnection npdConnection = new SqlConnection(Static.Secrets.NpdConnectionString))
                    string sql = $@"SELECT z.zfinIndex, d.* FROM tbDivider d
                                    LEFT JOIN tbZfin z ON z.zfinId = d.ProductId 
                                    WHERE Week = {week} AND Year = {year}";

                    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, npdConnection);
                    if (npdConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed || npdConnection.State == ConnectionState.Broken)
                    SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            string         zfinIndex = reader["zfinIndex"].ToString();
                            DividerItem    d;
                            LocationAmount la = new LocationAmount();
                            la.L      = reader["L"].ToString();
                            la.Amount = Convert.ToInt32(reader["Amount"].ToString());
                            if (Items.Any(i => i.ZfinIndex == zfinIndex))
                                //there's already this product row in collection, append it
                                d = Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.ZfinIndex == zfinIndex);
                                //there is not this product yet, let's add it
                                d           = new DividerItem();
                                d.ZfinIndex = reader["zfinIndex"].ToString();
                                d.Locations = new List <LocationAmount>();
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static List <DividerItem> GetDefaultDestinations()
                List <DividerItem> Items = new List <DividerItem>();

                using (SqlConnection npdConnection = new SqlConnection(Static.Secrets.NpdConnectionString))
                    string sql = $@"SELECT z.zfinIndex, cs.location 
                                  FROM tbZfin z LEFT JOIN tbCustomerString cs ON cs.custStringId = z.custString 
                                  WHERE z.custString IS NOT NULL AND prodStatus = 'PR'";

                    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, npdConnection);
                    if (npdConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed || npdConnection.State == ConnectionState.Broken)
                    SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                    if (reader.HasRows)
                        while (reader.Read())
                            DividerItem d = new DividerItem();
                            d.ZfinIndex = reader["zfinIndex"].ToString();
                            d.Locations = new List <LocationAmount>();
                            LocationAmount la = new LocationAmount();
                            la.L      = reader["location"].ToString().Trim();
                            la.Amount = 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static List <Location> GetProductionPlanByCountry(string query = null)
                List <Location>           Locations = new List <Location>();
                List <ProductionPlanItem> Items     = GetProductionPlan(query);
                if (Items.Any())
                    List <DividerKeeper> Dividers            = new List <DividerKeeper>();
                    List <DividerItem>   DefaultDestinations = Utilities.GetDefaultDestinations();

                    DateTime start      = Items.Min(i => i.START_DATE);
                    DateTime stop       = Items.Max(i => i.STOP_DATE);
                    TimeSpan span       = stop - start;
                    string   ProductIds = string.Join(",", Items.Select(i => i.PRODUCT_ID).ToList().Distinct());
                    ProductMachineEfficiencyKeeper EfficiencyKeeper = new ProductMachineEfficiencyKeeper();
                    EfficiencyKeeper.Items = Utilities.GetProductMachineEfficiencies(ProductIds);
                    List <Session>       Sessions       = new List <Session>();
                    List <ShipmentGroup> shipmentGroups = Utilities.GetShipmentGroups();

                    foreach (ProductionPlanItem i in Items)
                        //for each operation
                        //get how to allocate it
                        //What week is this?
                        //info from session dates rather than from operation dates
                        if (!Sessions.Any(s => s.SCHEDULING_ID == i.SCHEDULING_ID))
                            //we need to create the session and calculate its week/year
                            Session s = new Session();
                            s.SCHEDULING_ID = i.SCHEDULING_ID;
                            s.BEGIN_DATE    = i.BEGIN_DATE;
                            s.END_DATE      = i.END_DATE;
                        i.WEEK = Sessions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SCHEDULING_ID == i.SCHEDULING_ID).Week;
                        i.YEAR = Sessions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.SCHEDULING_ID == i.SCHEDULING_ID).Year;
                        if (!Dividers.Any(d => d.Week == i.WEEK && d.Year == i.YEAR))
                            //create it
                            DividerKeeper div = new DividerKeeper();
                            div.Week  = i.WEEK;
                            div.Year  = i.YEAR;
                            div.Items = Utilities.GetDivider(i.WEEK, i.YEAR);
                        DividerKeeper currDiv     = Dividers.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Week == i.WEEK && d.Year == i.YEAR);
                        double        palletCount = i.QUANTITY / i.PAL; //number of pieces on pallet

                        if (currDiv.Items.Any(x => x.ZfinIndex == i.PRODUCT_NR))
                            //this product hasn't been found in divider for week X
                            //check futher weeks, maybe it's in week X+1
                            currDiv = null;
                            foreach (DividerKeeper dk in Dividers.Where(d => (d.Week > i.WEEK && d.Year == i.YEAR) || (d.Week <i.WEEK && d.Year> i.YEAR)))
                                if (dk.Items.Any(y => y.ZfinIndex == i.PRODUCT_NR))
                                    //it's in divider for next week
                                    currDiv = dk;
                        if (currDiv != null)
                            foreach (LocationAmount la in currDiv.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ZfinIndex == i.PRODUCT_NR).Locations)
                                if (i.QUANTITY > 0)
                                    //if there's nothing left to allocate in this operation, go to next operation
                                    if (la.Amount > 0)
                                        //there's still quantity to allocate
                                        if (!Locations.Any(l => l.L.Trim() == la.L.Trim()))
                                            //we don't have this location started yet
                                            Location loc = new Location();
                                            loc.L = la.L.Trim();
                                            if (shipmentGroups.Any(s => s.Members.Any(m => m.L.Trim() == loc.L)))
                                                loc.ShipmentGroupName = shipmentGroups.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Members.Any(m => m.L.Trim() == loc.L)).Name;
                                        Location           currLoc = Locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.L.Trim() == la.L.Trim());
                                        ProductionPlanItem p       = new ProductionPlanItem();
                                        p = i.CloneJson();
                                        if (la.Amount >= i.QUANTITY)
                                            //this L needs more than operation quantity or all of it
                                            //take only operation quantity then
                                            la.Amount -= i.QUANTITY; //decrease the amount of allocation that remains to this L
                                            i.QUANTITY = 0;
                                            i.PAL      = 0;
                                            //there will remain some quantity for other L
                                            p.QUANTITY -= la.Amount;
                                            p.PAL       = la.Amount / palletCount;
                                            la.Amount   = 0;
                                            i.QUANTITY -= p.QUANTITY;
                                            i.PAL      -= p.QUANTITY / palletCount;
                                            //as we don't consume the whole operation,
                                            //we must adjust the REMAINING & CONSUMED parts (stop date, quantity, etc)
                                            long?minutesTaken = EfficiencyKeeper.Amount2Minutes(i.MACHINE_ID, i.PRODUCT_ID, p.QUANTITY);
                                            if (minutesTaken != null)
                                                //we have the efficiency set in MES
                                                p.STOP_DATE  = p.START_DATE.AddMinutes((double)minutesTaken);
                                                i.START_DATE = p.STOP_DATE; //stop date of this part is beginning of next part
                                        p.LOCATION     = la.L;
                                        p.DIVIDER_WEEK = currDiv.Week;
                                        p.DIVIDER_YEAR = currDiv.Year;
                                        currLoc.Parts.Add(p); // add this part to operations for this location
                            //It's not divider-based product
                            //take default allocation
                            Location currLoc;

                            if (DefaultDestinations.Any(d => d.ZfinIndex == i.PRODUCT_NR))
                                LocationAmount la = DefaultDestinations.Where(d => d.ZfinIndex == i.PRODUCT_NR).FirstOrDefault().Locations.FirstOrDefault();
                                //default destination found
                                if (!Locations.Any(l => l.L.Trim() == la.L.Trim()))
                                    //we don't have this location started yet
                                    Location loc = new Location();
                                    loc.L = la.L.Trim();
                                    if (shipmentGroups.Any(s => s.Members.Any(m => m.L.Trim() == loc.L)))
                                        loc.ShipmentGroupName = shipmentGroups.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Members.Any(m => m.L.Trim() == loc.L)).Name;
                                currLoc = Locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.L.Trim() == la.L.Trim());
                                //default destination doesn't exist
                                //add it to unknow collection
                                if (!Locations.Any(l => l.L.Trim() == "LXXX"))
                                    //we don't have this location started yet
                                    Location loc = new Location();
                                    loc.L = "LXXX";
                                currLoc = Locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.L.Trim() == "LXXX");

                            ProductionPlanItem p = new ProductionPlanItem();
                            p              = i.CloneJson();
                            i.QUANTITY     = 0;
                            i.PAL          = 0;
                            p.LOCATION     = currLoc.L;
                            p.DIVIDER_WEEK = 0;   // not divider-based
                            p.DIVIDER_YEAR = 0;   // not divider-based
                            currLoc.Parts.Add(p); // add this part to operations for this location
                foreach (Location l in Locations)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("GetProductionPlanByDestinations: Błąd. Szczegóły: {Message}", ex.ToString());