Exemplo n.º 1
        public void OnLocalization(LocalizationService localization)
            if (localization == null)

            var label = GetComponent<Text>();

            GetComponent<Text>().text = localization.GetFromFile(File, Key, label.text);
        private void OnLocalization(LocalizationService localization)
            if (localization == null)

            var label = GetComponent<TextBinder>();

            var data = localization.GetFromFile(File, Key);

            label.FormatString = data;
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()


            Target = target as LocalizationService;

            if (Application.isPlaying)

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Default Language");
            var di = Array.IndexOf(Target.Languages, Target.DefaultLanguage);
            var di2 = EditorGUILayout.Popup(di, Target.Languages.Select(o => o.Name).ToArray());

            if (di != di2)
                Target.DefaultLanguage = Target.Languages[di2];

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Cached Language");
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField(Target.Language.Name, EditorStyles.boldLabel);


            if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Cached Language"))
                Target.Language = Target.DefaultLanguage;

            if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Language List"))
                Target.Languages = LanguageInfo.All;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult LatestRss()
            using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                // Allowed Categories for a guest - As that's all we want latest RSS to show
                var guestRole         = RoleService.GetRole(AppConstants.GuestRoleName);
                var allowedCategories = _categoryService.GetAllowedCategories(guestRole);

                // get an rss lit ready
                var rssTopics = new List <RssItem>();

                // Get the latest topics
                var topics = _topicService.GetRecentRssTopics(50, allowedCategories);

                // Get all the categories for this topic collection
                var categories = topics.Select(x => x.Category).Distinct();

                // create permissions
                var permissions = new Dictionary <Category, PermissionSet>();

                // loop through the categories and get the permissions
                foreach (var category in categories)
                    var permissionSet = RoleService.GetPermissions(category, UsersRole);
                    permissions.Add(category, permissionSet);

                // Now loop through the topics and remove any that user does not have permission for
                foreach (var topic in topics)
                    // Get the permissions for this topic via its parent category
                    var permission = permissions[topic.Category];

                    // Add only topics user has permission to
                    if (!permission[SiteConstants.Instance.PermissionDenyAccess].IsTicked)
                        if (topic.Posts.Any())
                            var firstOrDefault = topic.Posts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsTopicStarter);
                            if (firstOrDefault != null)
                                rssTopics.Add(new RssItem {
                                    Description = firstOrDefault.PostContent, Link = topic.NiceUrl, Title = topic.Name, PublishedDate = topic.CreateDate

                return(new RssResult(rssTopics, LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Rss.LatestActivity.Title"), LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Rss.LatestActivity.Description")));
        public override void DeployModel(object modelHost, DefinitionBase model)
            var   definition = model.WithAssertAndCast <WebDefinition>("model", value => value.RequireNotNull());
            SPWeb parentWeb  = null;

            if (modelHost is SiteModelHost)
                parentWeb = (modelHost as SiteModelHost).HostSite.RootWeb;

            if (modelHost is WebModelHost)
                parentWeb = (modelHost as WebModelHost).HostWeb;

            var spObject = GetWeb(parentWeb, definition);

            var assert = ServiceFactory.AssertService
                         .NewAssert(definition, spObject)
                         .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.LCID, o => o.GetLCID());

            //.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.WebTemplate, o => o.GetWebTemplate())

            // temporarily switch culture to allow setting of the properties Title and Description for multi-language scenarios
            CultureUtils.WithCulture(spObject.UICulture, () =>
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Title, o => o.Title)
                .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.UseUniquePermission, o => o.HasUniqueRoleAssignments);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.WebTemplate))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.WebTemplate, o => o.GetWebTemplate());
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.CustomWebTemplate);
                // no sense to chek custom web template
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.WebTemplate);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.CustomWebTemplate);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.AlternateCssUrl))
                assert.ShouldBeEndOf(m => m.AlternateCssUrl, o => o.AlternateCssUrl);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.AlternateCssUrl);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.SiteLogoUrl))
                assert.ShouldBeEndOf(m => m.SiteLogoUrl, o => o.SiteLogoUrl);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.SiteLogoUrl);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Description))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Description, o => o.Description);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Description);

            assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.Url);
                var dstProp = d.GetExpressionValue(ct => ct.Url);

                var srcUrl = s.Url;
                var dstUrl = d.Url;

                srcUrl = UrlUtility.RemoveStartingSlash(srcUrl);

                var dstSubUrl = dstUrl.Replace(parentWeb.Url + "/", string.Empty);
                var isValid   = srcUrl.ToUpper() == dstSubUrl.ToUpper();

                return(new PropertyValidationResult
                    Tag = p.Tag,
                    Src = srcProp,
                    Dst = dstProp,
                    IsValid = isValid

            // localization
            if (definition.TitleResource.Any())
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.TitleResource);
                    var isValid = true;

                    foreach (var userResource in s.TitleResource)
                        var culture = LocalizationService.GetUserResourceCultureInfo(userResource);
                        var value   = d.TitleResource.GetValueForUICulture(culture);

                        isValid = userResource.Value == value;

                        if (!isValid)

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.TitleResource, "TitleResource is NULL or empty. Skipping.");

            if (definition.DescriptionResource.Any())
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.DescriptionResource);
                    var isValid = true;

                    foreach (var userResource in s.DescriptionResource)
                        var culture = LocalizationService.GetUserResourceCultureInfo(userResource);
                        var value   = d.DescriptionResource.GetValueForUICulture(culture);

                        isValid = userResource.Value == value;

                        if (!isValid)

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DescriptionResource, "DescriptionResource is NULL or empty. Skipping.");

            if (definition.IndexedPropertyKeys.Any())
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.IndexedPropertyKeys);

                    // Search if any indexPropertyKey from definition is not in WebModel
                    var differentKeys = s.IndexedPropertyKeys.Select(o => o.Name)

                    var isValid = !differentKeys.Any();

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.IndexedPropertyKeys, "IndexedPropertyKeys is NULL or empty. Skipping.");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateProductAttribute(
            [ModelBinder(typeof(JsonModelBinder <ProductAttributeDto>))]
            Delta <ProductAttributeDto> productAttributeDelta)
            // Here we display the errors if the validation has failed at some point.
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var productAttribute = await _productAttributesApiService.GetByIdAsync(productAttributeDelta.Dto.Id);

            if (productAttribute == null)
                return(Error(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "product attribute", "not found"));


            await _productAttributeService.UpdateProductAttributeAsync(productAttribute);

            await CustomerActivityService.InsertActivityAsync("EditProductAttribute", await LocalizationService.GetResourceAsync("ActivityLog.EditProductAttribute"), productAttribute);

            // Preparing the result dto of the new product attribute
            var productAttributeDto = _dtoHelper.PrepareProductAttributeDTO(productAttribute);

            var productAttributesRootObjectDto = new ProductAttributesRootObjectDto();


            var json = JsonFieldsSerializer.Serialize(productAttributesRootObjectDto, string.Empty);

            return(new RawJsonActionResult(json));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public virtual async Task <ActionResult> Show(string slug, int?p)
            // Set the page index
            var pageIndex = p ?? 1;

            var loggedOnReadOnlyUser = User.GetMembershipUser(MembershipService);
            var loggedOnUsersRole    = loggedOnReadOnlyUser.GetRole(RoleService);

            // Get the topic
            var topic = _topicService.GetTopicBySlug(slug);

            if (topic != null)
                var settings = SettingsService.GetSettings();

                // Note: Don't use topic.Posts as its not a very efficient SQL statement
                // Use the post service to get them as it includes other used entities in one
                // statement rather than loads of sql selects

                var sortQuerystring = Request.QueryString[Constants.PostOrderBy];
                var orderBy         = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sortQuerystring)
                    ? EnumUtils.ReturnEnumValueFromString <PostOrderBy>(sortQuerystring)
                    : PostOrderBy.Standard;

                // Store the amount per page
                var amountPerPage = settings.PostsPerPage;

                if (sortQuerystring == Constants.AllPosts)
                    // Overide to show all posts
                    amountPerPage = int.MaxValue;

                // Get the posts
                var posts = await _postService.GetPagedPostsByTopic(pageIndex,

                // Get the topic starter post
                var starterPost = _postService.GetTopicStarterPost(topic.Id);

                // Get the permissions for the category that this topic is in
                var permissions = RoleService.GetPermissions(topic.Category, loggedOnUsersRole);

                // If this user doesn't have access to this topic then
                // redirect with message
                if (permissions[ForumConfiguration.Instance.PermissionDenyAccess].IsTicked)

                // Set editor permissions
                ViewBag.ImageUploadType = permissions[ForumConfiguration.Instance.PermissionInsertEditorImages].IsTicked
                    ? "forumimageinsert"
                    : "image";

                var postIds = posts.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();

                var votes = _voteService.GetVotesByPosts(postIds);

                var favourites = _favouriteService.GetAllPostFavourites(postIds);

                var viewModel = ViewModelMapping.CreateTopicViewModel(topic, permissions, posts, postIds,
                                                                      starterPost, posts.PageIndex, posts.TotalCount, posts.TotalPages, loggedOnReadOnlyUser,
                                                                      settings, _notificationService, _pollService, votes, favourites, true);

                // If there is a quote querystring
                var quote = Request["quote"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(quote))
                        // Got a quote
                        var postToQuote = _postService.Get(new Guid(quote));
                        viewModel.QuotedPost      = postToQuote.PostContent;
                        viewModel.ReplyTo         = postToQuote.Id;
                        viewModel.ReplyToUsername = postToQuote.User.UserName;
                    catch (Exception ex)

                var reply = Request["reply"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reply))
                        // Set the reply
                        var toReply = _postService.Get(new Guid(reply));
                        viewModel.ReplyTo         = toReply.Id;
                        viewModel.ReplyToUsername = toReply.User.UserName;
                    catch (Exception ex)

                var updateDatabase = false;

                // User has permission lets update the topic view count
                // but only if this topic doesn't belong to the user looking at it
                var addView = !(User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && loggedOnReadOnlyUser.Id == topic.User.Id);
                if (addView)
                    updateDatabase = true;

                // Check the poll - To see if it has one, and whether it needs to be closed.
                if (viewModel.Poll?.Poll?.ClosePollAfterDays != null &&
                    viewModel.Poll.Poll.ClosePollAfterDays > 0 &&
                    // Check the date the topic was created
                    var endDate =
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow > endDate)
                        topic.Poll.IsClosed           = true;
                        viewModel.Topic.Poll.IsClosed = true;
                        updateDatabase = true;

                if (!BotUtils.UserIsBot() && updateDatabase)
                    if (addView)
                        // Increase the topic views
                        topic.Views = topic.Views + 1;

                    catch (Exception ex)


Exemplo n.º 8
        public virtual ActionResult EditPostTopic(Guid id)
            // Get the post
            var post = _postService.Get(id);

            // Get the topic
            var topic = post.Topic;

            // Get the current logged on user
            var loggedOnReadOnlyUser      = User.GetMembershipUser(MembershipService);
            var loggedOnloggedOnUsersRole = loggedOnReadOnlyUser.GetRole(RoleService);

            // get the users permissions
            var permissions = RoleService.GetPermissions(topic.Category, loggedOnloggedOnUsersRole);

            // Is the user allowed to edit this post
            if (post.User.Id == loggedOnReadOnlyUser.Id ||
                // Get the allowed categories for this user
                var allowedAccessCategories      = _categoryService.GetAllowedCategories(loggedOnloggedOnUsersRole);
                var allowedCreateTopicCategories =
                var allowedCreateTopicCategoryIds = allowedCreateTopicCategories.Select(x => x.Id);

                // If this user hasn't got any allowed cats OR they are not allowed to post then abandon
                if (allowedAccessCategories.Any() && loggedOnReadOnlyUser.DisablePosting != true)
                    // Create the model for just the post
                    var viewModel = new CreateEditTopicViewModel
                        Content             = post.PostContent,
                        Id                  = post.Id,
                        Category            = topic.Category.Id,
                        Name                = topic.Name,
                        TopicId             = topic.Id,
                        OptionalPermissions = GetCheckCreateTopicPermissions(permissions)

                    // Now check if this is a topic starter, if so add the rest of the field
                    if (post.IsTopicStarter)
                        // Remove all Categories that don't have create topic permission
                        allowedAccessCategories.RemoveAll(x => allowedCreateTopicCategoryIds.Contains(x.Id));

                        // See if this user is subscribed to this topic
                        var topicNotifications =
                            _notificationService.GetTopicNotificationsByUserAndTopic(loggedOnReadOnlyUser, topic);

                        // Populate the properties we can
                        viewModel.IsLocked         = topic.IsLocked;
                        viewModel.IsSticky         = topic.IsSticky;
                        viewModel.IsTopicStarter   = post.IsTopicStarter;
                        viewModel.SubscribeToTopic = topicNotifications.Any();
                        viewModel.Categories       =

                        // Tags - Populate from the topic
                        if (topic.Tags.Any())
                            viewModel.Tags = string.Join <string>(",", topic.Tags.Select(x => x.Tag));

                        // Populate the poll answers
                        if (topic.Poll != null && topic.Poll.PollAnswers.Any())
                            // Has a poll so add it to the view model
                            viewModel.PollAnswers        = topic.Poll.PollAnswers;
                            viewModel.PollCloseAfterDays = topic.Poll.ClosePollAfterDays ?? 0;

                    // Return the edit view

            // If we get here the user has no permission to try and edit the post
Exemplo n.º 9
 public HelpModule(CommandService command, IDbLanguage language, LocalizationService localization)
     _command      = command;
     _language     = language;
     _localization = localization;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public FileBrowserView(FileInfoBase fileInfo, Modes mode)
            : this(new[] { fileInfo }, mode)
            Type?optionsType = mode == Modes.Load ? fileInfo.LoadOptionsViewType : fileInfo.SaveOptionsViewType;

            if (optionsType != null)
                this.OptionsControl = (UserControl?)Activator.CreateInstance(optionsType);

            this.SelectButton.Text      = mode == Modes.Load ? LocalizationService.GetString("Common_OpenFile") : LocalizationService.GetString("Common_SaveFile");
            this.Selector.SearchEnabled = mode == Modes.Load;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public ActionResult CreatePost(CreateAjaxPostViewModel post)
            PermissionSet permissions;

            var loggedOnReadOnlyUser = User.GetMembershipUser(MembershipService);

            var loggedOnUser = MembershipService.GetUser(loggedOnReadOnlyUser.Id);

            // Flood control
            if (!_postService.PassedPostFloodTest(loggedOnReadOnlyUser))
                throw new Exception(LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Errors.GenericMessage"));

            // Check stop words
            var stopWords = _bannedWordService.GetAll(true);

            foreach (var stopWord in stopWords)
                if (post.PostContent.IndexOf(stopWord.Word, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                    throw new Exception(LocalizationService.GetResourceString("StopWord.Error"));

            // Quick check to see if user is locked out, when logged in
            if (loggedOnUser.IsLockedOut || !loggedOnUser.IsApproved)
                throw new Exception(LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Errors.NoAccess"));

            var topic = _topicService.Get(post.Topic);

            var postContent = _bannedWordService.SanitiseBannedWords(post.PostContent);

            var akismetHelper = new AkismetHelper(SettingsService);

            var newPost = _postService.AddNewPost(postContent, topic, loggedOnUser, out permissions);

            // Set the reply to
            newPost.InReplyTo = post.InReplyTo;

            if (akismetHelper.IsSpam(newPost))
                newPost.Pending = true;

            if (!newPost.Pending.HasValue || !newPost.Pending.Value)

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Errors.GenericMessage"));

            //Check for moderation
            if (newPost.Pending == true)

            // All good send the notifications and send the post back

            // Create the view model
            var viewModel = ViewModelMapping.CreatePostViewModel(newPost, new List <Vote>(), permissions, topic,
                                                                 loggedOnReadOnlyUser, SettingsService.GetSettings(), new List <Favourite>());

            // Success send any notifications
            NotifyNewTopics(topic, loggedOnReadOnlyUser);

            // Return view
            return(PartialView("_Post", viewModel));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public ActionResult MovePost(MovePostViewModel viewModel)
            var loggedOnReadOnlyUser = User.GetMembershipUser(MembershipService);
            var loggedOnUsersRole    = loggedOnReadOnlyUser.GetRole(RoleService);

            // Firstly check if this is a post and they are allowed to move it
            var post = _postService.Get(viewModel.PostId);

            if (post == null)

            var permissions       = RoleService.GetPermissions(post.Topic.Category, loggedOnUsersRole);
            var allowedCategories = _categoryService.GetAllowedCategories(loggedOnUsersRole);

            // Does the user have permission to this posts category
            var cat = allowedCategories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == post.Topic.Category.Id);

            if (cat == null)

            // Does this user have permission to move
            if (!permissions[SiteConstants.Instance.PermissionEditPosts].IsTicked)

            var previousTopic = post.Topic;
            var category      = post.Topic.Category;
            var postCreator   = post.User;

            Topic topic;
            var   cancelledByEvent = false;

            // If the dropdown has a value, then we choose that first
            if (viewModel.TopicId != null)
                // Get the selected topic
                topic = _topicService.Get((Guid)viewModel.TopicId);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(viewModel.TopicTitle))
                // We get the banned words here and pass them in, so its just one call
                // instead of calling it several times and each call getting all the words back
                var           bannedWordsList = _bannedWordService.GetAll();
                List <string> bannedWords     = null;
                if (bannedWordsList.Any())
                    bannedWords = bannedWordsList.Select(x => x.Word).ToList();

                // Create the topic
                topic = new Topic
                    Name     = _bannedWordService.SanitiseBannedWords(viewModel.TopicTitle, bannedWords),
                    Category = category,
                    User     = postCreator

                // Create the topic
                topic = _topicService.Add(topic);

                // Save the changes

                // Set the post to be a topic starter
                post.IsTopicStarter = true;

                // Check the Events
                var e = new TopicMadeEventArgs {
                    Topic = topic
                EventManager.Instance.FireBeforeTopicMade(this, e);
                if (e.Cancel)
                    cancelledByEvent = true;
                    ShowMessage(new GenericMessageViewModel
                        MessageType = GenericMessages.warning,
                        Message     = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Errors.GenericMessage")
                // No selected topic OR topic title, just redirect back to the topic

            // If this create was cancelled by an event then don't continue
            if (!cancelledByEvent)
                // Now update the post to the new topic
                post.Topic = topic;

                // Also move any posts, which were in reply to this post
                if (viewModel.MoveReplyToPosts)
                    var relatedPosts = _postService.GetReplyToPosts(viewModel.PostId);
                    foreach (var relatedPost in relatedPosts)
                        relatedPost.Topic = topic;


                // Update Last post..  As we have done a save, we should get all posts including the added ones
                var lastPost = topic.Posts.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateCreated).FirstOrDefault();
                topic.LastPost = lastPost;

                // If any of the posts we are moving, were the last post - We need to update the old Topic
                var previousTopicLastPost =
                    previousTopic.Posts.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateCreated).FirstOrDefault();
                previousTopic.LastPost = previousTopicLastPost;


                    EventManager.Instance.FireAfterTopicMade(this, new TopicMadeEventArgs {
                        Topic = topic

                    // On Update redirect to the topic
                    return(RedirectToAction("Show", "Topic", new { slug = topic.Slug }));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowMessage(new GenericMessageViewModel
                        Message     = ex.Message,
                        MessageType = GenericMessages.danger

            // Repopulate the topics
            var topics = _topicService.GetAllSelectList(allowedCategories, 30);

            topics.Insert(0, new SelectListItem
                Text  = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Topic.Choose"),
                Value = ""

            viewModel.LatestTopics = topics;
            viewModel.Post         = ViewModelMapping.CreatePostViewModel(post, post.Votes.ToList(), permissions,
                                                                          post.Topic, loggedOnReadOnlyUser, SettingsService.GetSettings(), post.Favourites.ToList());
            viewModel.Post.MinimalPost = true;
            viewModel.PostId           = post.Id;

Exemplo n.º 13
        public ActionResult DeletePost(Guid id)
            var loggedOnReadOnlyUser = User.GetMembershipUser(MembershipService);
            var loggedOnUsersRole    = loggedOnReadOnlyUser.GetRole(RoleService);

            // Got to get a lot of things here as we have to check permissions
            // Get the post
            var post   = _postService.Get(id);
            var postId = post.Id;

            // get this so we know where to redirect after
            var isTopicStarter = post.IsTopicStarter;

            // Get the topic
            var topic    = post.Topic;
            var topicUrl = topic.NiceUrl;

            // get the users permissions
            var permissions = RoleService.GetPermissions(topic.Category, loggedOnUsersRole);

            if (post.User.Id == loggedOnReadOnlyUser.Id ||
                    // Delete post / topic
                    if (post.IsTopicStarter)
                        // Delete entire topic
                        // Deletes single post and associated data
                        _postService.Delete(post, false);

                        // Remove in replyto's
                        var relatedPosts = _postService.GetReplyToPosts(postId);
                        foreach (var relatedPost in relatedPosts)
                            relatedPost.InReplyTo = null;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowMessage(new GenericMessageViewModel
                        Message     = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Errors.GenericMessage"),
                        MessageType = GenericMessages.danger

            // Deleted successfully
            if (isTopicStarter)
                // Redirect to root as this was a topic and deleted
                TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel
                    Message     = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Topic.Deleted"),
                    MessageType = GenericMessages.success
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            // Show message that post is deleted
            TempData[AppConstants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel
                Message     = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Post.Deleted"),
                MessageType = GenericMessages.success

Exemplo n.º 14
        protected void ValidateField(AssertPair <FieldDefinition, SPField> assert, SPField spObject, FieldDefinition definition)
            .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Title, o => o.Title)
            //.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.InternalName, o => o.InternalName)
            .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Id, o => o.Id)
            .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Required, o => o.Required);
            //.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Description, o => o.Description)
            //.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.FieldType, o => o.TypeAsString)
            //.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Group, o => o.Group);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Group))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Group, o => o.Group);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Group);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.StaticName))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.StaticName, o => o.StaticName);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.StaticName);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Description))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Description, o => o.Description);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Description);

            CustomFieldTypeValidation(assert, spObject, definition);

            if (definition.AddFieldOptions.HasFlag(BuiltInAddFieldOptions.DefaultValue))
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.AddFieldOptions, "BuiltInAddFieldOptions.DefaultValue. Skipping.");
                // TODO

            if (definition.AddToDefaultView)
                if (IsListScopedField)
                    assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                        var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.AddToDefaultView);
                        var field   = HostList.Fields[definition.Id];

                        var isValid = HostList.DefaultView

                        return(new PropertyValidationResult
                            Tag = p.Tag,
                            Src = srcProp,
                            Dst = null,
                            IsValid = isValid
                    assert.SkipProperty(m => m.AddToDefaultView, "IsListScopedField = true. AddToDefaultView is ignored. Skipping.");
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.AddToDefaultView, "AddToDefaultView is false. Skipping.");

            if (definition.AdditionalAttributes.Count == 0)
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.AdditionalAttributes, "AdditionalAttributes count is 0. Skipping.");
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.AdditionalAttributes);
                    var isValid = true;

                    var dstXmlNode = XDocument.Parse(d.SchemaXml).Root;

                    foreach (var attr in s.AdditionalAttributes)
                        var sourceAttrName  = attr.Name;
                        var sourceAttrValue = attr.Value;

                        var destAttrValue = dstXmlNode.GetAttributeValue(sourceAttrName);

                        isValid = sourceAttrValue == destAttrValue;

                        if (!isValid)

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.RawXml))
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.RawXml, "RawXml is NULL or empty. Skipping.");
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.RawXml);
                    var isValid = true;

                    var srcXmlNode = XDocument.Parse(s.RawXml).Root;
                    var dstXmlNode = XDocument.Parse(d.SchemaXml).Root;

                    foreach (var attr in srcXmlNode.Attributes())
                        var sourceAttrName  = attr.Name.LocalName;
                        var sourceAttrValue = attr.Value;

                        var destAttrValue = dstXmlNode.GetAttributeValue(sourceAttrName);

                        isValid = sourceAttrValue == destAttrValue;

                        if (!isValid)

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid

            // TODO, R&D to check InternalName changes in list-scoped fields
            if (spObject.InternalName == definition.InternalName)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.InternalName, o => o.InternalName);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.InternalName,
                                    "Target InternalName is different to source InternalName. Could be an error if this is not a list scoped field");

            assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Hidden, o => o.Hidden);

            if (definition.EnforceUniqueValues.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.EnforceUniqueValues, o => o.EnforceUniqueValues);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.EnforceUniqueValues, "EnforceUniqueValues is NULL");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.ValidationFormula))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.ValidationFormula, o => o.ValidationFormula);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ValidationFormula, string.Format("ValidationFormula value is not set. Skippping."));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.ValidationMessage))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.ValidationMessage, o => o.ValidationMessage);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ValidationMessage, string.Format("ValidationFormula value is not set. Skippping."));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.DefaultValue))
                assert.ShouldBePartOf(m => m.DefaultValue, o => o.DefaultValue);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DefaultValue, string.Format("Default value is not set. Skippping."));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.DefaultFormula))
                assert.ShouldBePartOf(m => m.DefaultFormula, o => o.DefaultFormula);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DefaultFormula, string.Format("Default formula is not set. Skippping."));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spObject.JSLink) &&
                (spObject.JSLink == "SP.UI.Taxonomy.js|SP.UI.Rte.js(d)|SP.Taxonomy.js(d)|ScriptForWebTaggingUI.js(d)" ||
                 spObject.JSLink == "choicebuttonfieldtemplate.js" ||
                 spObject.JSLink == "clienttemplates.js"))
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.JSLink, string.Format("OOTB read-ony JSLink value:[{0}]", spObject.JSLink));
                assert.ShouldBePartOf(m => m.JSLink, o => o.JSLink);

            if (definition.ShowInDisplayForm.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.ShowInDisplayForm, o => o.ShowInDisplayForm);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ShowInDisplayForm, "ShowInDisplayForm is NULL");

            if (definition.ShowInEditForm.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.ShowInEditForm, o => o.ShowInEditForm);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ShowInEditForm, "ShowInEditForm is NULL");

            if (definition.ShowInListSettings.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.ShowInListSettings, o => o.ShowInListSettings);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ShowInListSettings, "ShowInListSettings is NULL");

            if (definition.ShowInNewForm.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.ShowInNewForm, o => o.ShowInNewForm);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ShowInNewForm, "ShowInNewForm is NULL");

            if (definition.ShowInVersionHistory.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.ShowInVersionHistory, o => o.ShowInVersionHistory);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ShowInVersionHistory, "ShowInVersionHistory is NULL");

            if (definition.ShowInViewForms.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.ShowInViewForms, o => o.ShowInViewForms);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ShowInViewForms, "ShowInViewForms is NULL");

            .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Indexed, o => o.Indexed);

            if (definition.AllowDeletion.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.AllowDeletion, o => o.AllowDeletion);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.AllowDeletion, "AllowDeletion is NULL");

            /// localization
            if (definition.TitleResource.Any())
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.TitleResource);
                    var isValid = true;

                    foreach (var userResource in s.TitleResource)
                        var culture = LocalizationService.GetUserResourceCultureInfo(userResource);
                        var value   = d.TitleResource.GetValueForUICulture(culture);

                        isValid = userResource.Value == value;

                        if (!isValid)

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.TitleResource, "TitleResource is NULL or empty. Skipping.");

            if (definition.DescriptionResource.Any())
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.DescriptionResource);
                    var isValid = true;

                    foreach (var userResource in s.DescriptionResource)
                        var culture = LocalizationService.GetUserResourceCultureInfo(userResource);
                        var value   = d.DescriptionResource.GetValueForUICulture(culture);

                        isValid = userResource.Value == value;

                        if (!isValid)

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DescriptionResource, "DescriptionResource is NULL or empty. Skipping.");
Exemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="localizationService">Localization service</param>
 protected DialogReactionElementBase(LocalizationService localizationService)
     : base(localizationService)
Exemplo n.º 16
        public ActionResult ActivityRss()
            using (UnitOfWorkManager.NewUnitOfWork())
                // get an rss lit ready
                var rssActivities = new List <RssItem>();

                var activities = _activityService.GetAll(50).OrderByDescending(x => x.ActivityMapped.Timestamp);

                var activityLink = Url.Action("Activity");

                // Now loop through the topics and remove any that user does not have permission for
                foreach (var activity in activities)
                    if (activity is BadgeActivity)
                        var badgeActivity = activity as BadgeActivity;
                        rssActivities.Add(new RssItem
                            Description   = badgeActivity.Badge.Description,
                            Title         = string.Concat(badgeActivity.User.UserName, " ", LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Activity.UserAwardedBadge"), " ", badgeActivity.Badge.DisplayName, " ", LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Activity.Badge")),
                            PublishedDate = badgeActivity.ActivityMapped.Timestamp,
                            RssImage      = AppHelpers.ReturnBadgeUrl(badgeActivity.Badge.Image),
                            Link          = activityLink
                    else if (activity is MemberJoinedActivity)
                        var memberJoinedActivity = activity as MemberJoinedActivity;
                        rssActivities.Add(new RssItem
                            Description   = string.Empty,
                            Title         = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Activity.UserJoined"),
                            PublishedDate = memberJoinedActivity.ActivityMapped.Timestamp,
                            RssImage      = memberJoinedActivity.User.MemberImage(SiteConstants.Instance.GravatarPostSize),
                            Link          = activityLink
                    else if (activity is ProfileUpdatedActivity)
                        var profileUpdatedActivity = activity as ProfileUpdatedActivity;
                        rssActivities.Add(new RssItem
                            Description   = string.Empty,
                            Title         = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Activity.ProfileUpdated"),
                            PublishedDate = profileUpdatedActivity.ActivityMapped.Timestamp,
                            RssImage      = profileUpdatedActivity.User.MemberImage(SiteConstants.Instance.GravatarPostSize),
                            Link          = activityLink

                return(new RssResult(rssActivities, LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Rss.LatestActivity.Title"), LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Rss.LatestActivity.Description")));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public HomeController(LoggingService loggingService, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager, MembershipService membershipService, SettingsService settingsService, CacheService cacheService, LocalizationService localizationService)
     : base(loggingService, unitOfWorkManager, membershipService, settingsService, cacheService, localizationService)
Exemplo n.º 18
 public LocalizedAuthorBuilder(LocalizationService localization, LocalizedLanguage language)
     _builder      = new LocalEmbedAuthorBuilder();
     _localization = localization;
     _language     = language;
 public FashionProductContentController(IWarehouseInventoryService inventoryService, LocalizationService localizationService, ReadOnlyPricingLoader readOnlyPricingLoader, ICurrentMarket currentMarket)
     _inventoryService      = inventoryService;
     _localizationService   = localizationService;
     _readOnlyPricingLoader = readOnlyPricingLoader;
     _currentMarket         = currentMarket;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public FileBrowserView(FileInfoBase[] fileInfos, Modes mode)
            this.mode      = mode;
            this.fileInfos = fileInfos;

            this.SelectButton.Text      = mode == Modes.Load ? LocalizationService.GetString("Common_OpenFile") : LocalizationService.GetString("Common_SaveFile");
            this.Selector.SearchEnabled = mode == Modes.Load;

            this.ContentArea.DataContext = this;

            foreach (FileInfoBase info in fileInfos)
                IFileSource[]? sources = info.GetFileSources();

                if (sources == null)

                foreach (IFileSource source in sources)

            this.FileSource = this.GetDefaultFileSource();

            this.IsOpen = true;

            if (this.mode == Modes.Save)
                this.FileName = "New " + fileInfos[0].Name;

                Task.Run(async() =>
                    await Task.Delay(100);
                    await Dispatch.MainThread();

                    FocusManager.SetFocusedElement(FocusManager.GetFocusScope(this), this.FileNameInputBox);


            Type?optionsType = mode == Modes.Load ? fileInfos[0].LoadOptionsViewType : fileInfos[0].SaveOptionsViewType;

            if (optionsType != null)
                this.OptionsControl = (UserControl?)Activator.CreateInstance(optionsType);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public override void DeployModel(object modelHost, DefinitionBase model)
            var listModelHost = modelHost.WithAssertAndCast <ListModelHost>("modelHost", value => value.RequireNotNull());
            var definition    = model.WithAssertAndCast <ListViewDefinition>("model", value => value.RequireNotNull());

            var list     = listModelHost.HostList;
            var spObject = list.Views.FindByName(definition.Title);

            var assert = ServiceFactory.AssertService
                         .NewAssert(definition, spObject)
                         .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Title, o => o.Title)
                         .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.IsDefault, o => o.IsDefaul())
                         .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Hidden, o => o.Hidden)
                         .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.RowLimit, o => (int)o.RowLimit)
                         .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.IsPaged, o => o.Paged);

            if (definition.InlineEdit.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.InlineEdit.ToString().ToLower(), o => o.InlineEdit.ToLower());
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.InlineEdit);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Scope))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.Scope);
                    var dstProp = d.GetExpressionValue(o => o.Scope);

                    var scopeValue = ListViewScopeTypesConvertService.NormilizeValueToSSOMType(definition.Scope);

                    var isValid = scopeValue == d.Scope.ToString();

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = dstProp,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Scope);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Query))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.Query);
                    var dstProp = d.GetExpressionValue(o => o.Query);

                    var srcViewDate = assert.Src.Query.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, string.Empty).Replace(" /", "/");
                    var dstViewDate = assert.Dst.Query.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, string.Empty).Replace(" /", "/");

                    srcViewDate = Regex.Replace(srcViewDate, @"\r\n?|\n", string.Empty);
                    dstViewDate = Regex.Replace(dstViewDate, @"\r\n?|\n", string.Empty);

                    var isValid = srcViewDate.ToUpper() == dstViewDate.ToUpper();

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = dstProp,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Query);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.ViewData))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.ViewData);
                    var dstProp = d.GetExpressionValue(o => o.ViewData);

                    var srcViewDate = assert.Src.ViewData.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, string.Empty).Replace(" /", "/");
                    var dstViewDate = assert.Dst.ViewData.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, string.Empty).Replace(" /", "/");

                    srcViewDate = Regex.Replace(srcViewDate, @"\r\n?|\n", string.Empty);
                    dstViewDate = Regex.Replace(dstViewDate, @"\r\n?|\n", string.Empty);

                    var isValid = srcViewDate.ToUpper() == dstViewDate.ToUpper();

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = dstProp,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ViewData);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Type))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.Type);
                    var dstProp = d.GetExpressionValue(o => o.Type);

                    var isValid = srcProp.Value.ToString().ToUpper() ==

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = dstProp,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Type);

            if (definition.ViewStyleId.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.ViewStyleId);

                    var isValid = false;

                    var srcViewId  = s.ViewStyleId;
                    var destViewId = 0;

                    var doc    = XDocument.Parse(d.SchemaXml);
                    destViewId = ConvertUtils.ToInt(doc.Descendants("ViewStyle")

                    isValid = srcViewId == destViewId;

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ViewStyleId, "ViewStyleId is null");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.JSLink))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.JSLink, o => o.JSLink);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.JSLink);

            if (definition.DefaultViewForContentType.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.DefaultViewForContentType, o => o.DefaultViewForContentType);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DefaultViewForContentType, "DefaultViewForContentType is null or empty. Skipping.");

            if (definition.TabularView.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.TabularView, o => o.TabularView);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.TabularView, "TabularView is null or empty. Skipping.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.ContentTypeName))
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ContentTypeName, "ContentTypeName is null or empty. Skipping.");
                var contentTypeId = LookupListContentTypeByName(list, definition.ContentTypeName);

                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.ContentTypeName);
                    var dstProp = d.GetExpressionValue(ct => ct.ContentTypeId);

                    var isValis = contentTypeId == d.ContentTypeId;

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = dstProp,
                        IsValid = isValis

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.ContentTypeId))
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ContentTypeId, "ContentTypeId is null or empty. Skipping.");
                var contentTypeId = LookupListContentTypeById(list, definition.ContentTypeId);

                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.ContentTypeId);
                    var dstProp = d.GetExpressionValue(ct => ct.ContentTypeId);

                    var isValis = contentTypeId == d.ContentTypeId;

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = dstProp,
                        IsValid = isValis

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.AggregationsStatus))
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.AggregationsStatus, "Aggregationsstatus is null or empty. Skipping.");
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.AggregationsStatus, o => o.AggregationsStatus);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Aggregations))
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Aggregations, "Aggregations is null or empty. Skipping.");
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Aggregations, o => o.Aggregations);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Url))
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Url, "Url is null or empty. Skipping.");
                assert.ShouldBePartOf(m => m.Url, o => o.ServerRelativeUrl);

            assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.Fields);
                var dstProp = d.GetExpressionValue(ct => ct.ViewFields);

                var hasAllFields = true;

                foreach (var srcField in s.Fields)
                    var listField = d.ParentList.Fields.OfType <SPField>().FirstOrDefault(f => f.StaticName == srcField);

                    // if list-scoped field we need to check by internal name
                    // internal name is changed for list scoped-fields
                    // that's why to check by BOTH, definition AND real internal name

                    if (!d.ViewFields.ToStringCollection().Contains(srcField) &&
                        hasAllFields = false;

                return(new PropertyValidationResult
                    Tag = p.Tag,
                    Src = srcProp,
                    Dst = dstProp,
                    IsValid = hasAllFields

            /// localization
            if (definition.TitleResource.Any())
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.TitleResource);
                    var isValid = true;

                    foreach (var userResource in s.TitleResource)
                        var culture = LocalizationService.GetUserResourceCultureInfo(userResource);
                        var value   = d.TitleResource.GetValueForUICulture(culture);

                        isValid = userResource.Value == value;

                        if (!isValid)

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.TitleResource, "TitleResource is NULL or empty. Skipping.");
Exemplo n.º 22
        public virtual async Task <ActionResult> Create(CreateEditTopicViewModel topicViewModel)
            // Get the user and roles
            var loggedOnUser      = User.GetMembershipUser(MembershipService, false);
            var loggedOnUsersRole = loggedOnUser.GetRole(RoleService);

            // Get the category
            var category = _categoryService.Get(topicViewModel.Category);

            // First check this user is allowed to create topics in this category
            var permissions = RoleService.GetPermissions(category, loggedOnUsersRole);

            // Now we have the category and permissionSet - Populate the optional permissions
            // This is just in case the viewModel is return back to the view also sort the allowedCategories
            topicViewModel.OptionalPermissions = GetCheckCreateTopicPermissions(permissions);
            topicViewModel.Categories          =
            topicViewModel.IsTopicStarter = true;
            if (topicViewModel.PollAnswers == null)
                topicViewModel.PollAnswers = new List <PollAnswer>();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // See if the user has actually added some content to the topic
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topicViewModel.Content))
                    // Map the new topic (Pass null for new topic)
                    var topic = topicViewModel.ToTopic(category, loggedOnUser, null);

                    // Run the create pipeline
                    var createPipeLine = await _topicService.Create(topic, topicViewModel.Files, topicViewModel.Tags,
                                                                    topicViewModel.SubscribeToTopic, topicViewModel.Content, null);

                    if (createPipeLine.Successful == false)
                        // TODO - Not sure on this?
                        // Remove the topic if unsuccessful, as we may have saved some items.
                        await _topicService.Delete(createPipeLine.EntityToProcess);

                        // Tell the user the topic is awaiting moderation
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, createPipeLine.ProcessLog.FirstOrDefault());

                    if (createPipeLine.ExtendedData.ContainsKey(Constants.ExtendedDataKeys.Moderate))
                        var moderate = createPipeLine.ExtendedData[Constants.ExtendedDataKeys.Moderate] as bool?;
                        if (moderate == true)
                            // Tell the user the topic is awaiting moderation
                            TempData[Constants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel
                                Message     = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Moderate.AwaitingModeration"),
                                MessageType = GenericMessages.info

                            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

                    // Redirect to the newly created topic

Exemplo n.º 23
 public PollModule(IDbLanguage language, LocalizationService localization)
     _language     = language;
     _localization = localization;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public virtual async Task <ActionResult> EditPostTopic(CreateEditTopicViewModel editPostViewModel)
            // Get the current user and role
            var loggedOnUser      = User.GetMembershipUser(MembershipService, false);
            var loggedOnUsersRole = loggedOnUser.GetRole(RoleService, false);

            // Get the category
            var category = _categoryService.Get(editPostViewModel.Category);

            // Get all the permissions for this user
            var permissions = RoleService.GetPermissions(category, loggedOnUsersRole);

            // Now we have the category and permissionSet - Populate the optional permissions
            // This is just in case the viewModel is return back to the view also sort the allowedCategories
            // Get the allowed categories for this user
            var allowedAccessCategories      = _categoryService.GetAllowedCategories(loggedOnUsersRole);
            var allowedCreateTopicCategories = _categoryService.GetAllowedCategories(loggedOnUsersRole,
            var allowedCreateTopicCategoryIds = allowedCreateTopicCategories.Select(x => x.Id);

            // TODO ??? Is this correct ??
            allowedAccessCategories.RemoveAll(x => allowedCreateTopicCategoryIds.Contains(x.Id));

            // Set the categories
            editPostViewModel.Categories = _categoryService.GetBaseSelectListCategories(allowedAccessCategories);

            // Get the users permissions for the topic
            editPostViewModel.OptionalPermissions = GetCheckCreateTopicPermissions(permissions);

            // See if this is a topic starter or not
            editPostViewModel.IsTopicStarter = editPostViewModel.Id == Guid.Empty;

            // IS the model valid
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Got to get a lot of things here as we have to check permissions
                // Get the post
                var originalPost = _postService.Get(editPostViewModel.Id);

                // Get the topic
                var originalTopic = originalPost.Topic;

                // See if the user has actually added some content to the topic
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(editPostViewModel.Content))
                    // Map the new topic (Pass null for new topic)
                    var topic = editPostViewModel.ToTopic(category, loggedOnUser, originalTopic);

                    // Run the create pipeline
                    var editPipeLine = await _topicService.Edit(originalTopic, editPostViewModel.Files,
                                                                editPostViewModel.Tags, editPostViewModel.SubscribeToTopic, editPostViewModel.Content,
                                                                editPostViewModel.Name, editPostViewModel.PollAnswers, editPostViewModel.PollCloseAfterDays);

                    // Check if successful
                    if (editPipeLine.Successful == false)
                        // Tell the user the topic is awaiting moderation
                        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, editPipeLine.ProcessLog.FirstOrDefault());

                    if (editPipeLine.ExtendedData.ContainsKey(Constants.ExtendedDataKeys.Moderate))
                        var moderate = editPipeLine.ExtendedData[Constants.ExtendedDataKeys.Moderate] as bool?;
                        if (moderate == true)
                            // Tell the user the topic is awaiting moderation
                            TempData[Constants.MessageViewBagName] = new GenericMessageViewModel
                                Message     = LocalizationService.GetResourceString("Moderate.AwaitingModeration"),
                                MessageType = GenericMessages.info

                            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

                    // Redirect to the newly created topic

Exemplo n.º 25
 public MonthPickerHandler(LocalizationService locale)
     _locale = locale;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateProductAttribute(
            [ModelBinder(typeof(JsonModelBinder <ProductAttributeDto>))]
            Delta <ProductAttributeDto> productAttributeDelta)
            // Here we display the errors if the validation has failed at some point.
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // Inserting the new product
            var productAttribute = new ProductAttribute();


            await _productAttributeService.InsertProductAttributeAsync(productAttribute);

            await CustomerActivityService.InsertActivityAsync("AddNewProductAttribute", await LocalizationService.GetResourceAsync("ActivityLog.AddNewProductAttribute"), productAttribute);

            // Preparing the result dto of the new product
            var productAttributeDto = _dtoHelper.PrepareProductAttributeDTO(productAttribute);

            var productAttributesRootObjectDto = new ProductAttributesRootObjectDto();


            var json = JsonFieldsSerializer.Serialize(productAttributesRootObjectDto, string.Empty);

            return(new RawJsonActionResult(json));
Exemplo n.º 27
 public SubscriptionMail(LocalizationService localizationService, ISiteDefinitionResolver siteDefinitionResolver)
     this._localizationService    = localizationService ?? LocalizationService.Current;
     this._siteDefinitionResolver = siteDefinitionResolver ?? ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <ISiteDefinitionResolver>();
Exemplo n.º 28
        public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteProductAttribute(int id)
            if (id <= 0)
                return(Error(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "id", "invalid id"));

            var productAttribute = await _productAttributesApiService.GetByIdAsync(id);

            if (productAttribute == null)
                return(Error(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "product attribute", "not found"));

            await _productAttributeService.DeleteProductAttributeAsync(productAttribute);

            //activity log
            await CustomerActivityService.InsertActivityAsync("DeleteProductAttribute", await LocalizationService.GetResourceAsync("ActivityLog.DeleteProductAttribute"),

            return(new RawJsonActionResult("{}"));
Exemplo n.º 29
 public PluginController(ProductSevice productSevice, LoggingService loggingService, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager, MembershipService membershipService, SettingsService settingsService, CacheService cacheService, LocalizationService localizationService)
     : base(loggingService, unitOfWorkManager, membershipService, settingsService, cacheService, localizationService)
     _productSevice = productSevice;
Exemplo n.º 30
 //TODO:TMP:tmp solution;
 public static string Translate(this string key, string uid = App.LangUid, string @default = "")
 => LocalizationService.GetString(uid, key, @default);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public Guild(ulong id, LocalizationService localization)
     Id       = id;
     Language = localization.Languages.First(x => x.CultureCode.Equals("en-US"));
Exemplo n.º 32
        public override void DeployModel(object modelHost, DefinitionBase model)
            var webModelHost = modelHost.WithAssertAndCast <WebModelHost>("modelHost", value => value.RequireNotNull());
            var definition   = model.WithAssertAndCast <ListDefinition>("model", value => value.RequireNotNull());

            var web     = webModelHost.HostWeb;
            var context = web.Context;

            context.Load(web, w => w.ServerRelativeUrl);

            var lists = context.LoadQuery <List>(web.Lists.Include(l => l.DefaultViewUrl));


#pragma warning disable 618
            var spObject = FindListByUrl(lists, definition.GetListUrl());
#pragma warning restore 618

            context.Load(spObject, list => list.RootFolder.Properties);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.RootFolder.Properties);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.EnableAttachments);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.EnableFolderCreation);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.EnableMinorVersions);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.EnableModeration);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.EnableVersioning);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.ForceCheckout);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.Hidden);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.NoCrawl);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.OnQuickLaunch);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.DocumentTemplateUrl);
            context.Load(spObject, list => list.DraftVersionVisibility);


            var assert = ServiceFactory.AssertService.NewAssert(model, definition, spObject);

            .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Title, o => o.Title)
            //.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Description, o => o.Description)
            //.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.IrmEnabled, o => o.IrmEnabled)
            //.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.IrmExpire, o => o.IrmExpire)
            //.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.IrmReject, o => o.IrmReject)
            //.ShouldBeEndOf(m => m.GetServerRelativeUrl(web), m => m.Url, o => o.GetServerRelativeUrl(), o => o.GetServerRelativeUrl())
            .ShouldBeEqual(m => m.ContentTypesEnabled, o => o.ContentTypesEnabled);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Description))
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Description, o => o.Description);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Description, "Description is null or empty. Skipping.");

            assert.SkipProperty(m => m.WriteSecurity, "WriteSecurity is notsupported by CSOM");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.DraftVersionVisibility))
                var draftOption = (DraftVisibilityType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DraftVisibilityType), definition.DraftVersionVisibility);

                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.DraftVersionVisibility);
                    var dstProp = d.GetExpressionValue(m => m.DraftVersionVisibility);

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = draftOption == (DraftVisibilityType)dstProp.Value
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DraftVersionVisibility, "Skipping from validation. DraftVersionVisibility IS NULL");

            if (definition.Hidden.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.Hidden, m => m.Hidden);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Hidden, "Skipping from validation. Url IS NULL");

#pragma warning disable 618
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.Url))
                assert.ShouldBeEndOf(m => m.GetListUrl(), m => m.Url, o => o.GetServerRelativeUrl(), o => o.GetServerRelativeUrl());
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.Url, "Skipping from validation. Url IS NULL");
#pragma warning restore 618

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.CustomUrl))
                assert.ShouldBeEndOf(m => m.CustomUrl, o => o.GetServerRelativeUrl());
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.CustomUrl, "Skipping from validation. CustomUrl IS NULL");

            // common
            if (definition.EnableAttachments.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.EnableAttachments, o => o.EnableAttachments);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.EnableAttachments, "Skipping from validation. EnableAttachments IS NULL");

            if (definition.EnableFolderCreation.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.EnableFolderCreation, o => o.EnableFolderCreation);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.EnableFolderCreation, "Skipping from validation. EnableFolderCreation IS NULL");

            if (definition.EnableMinorVersions.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.EnableMinorVersions, o => o.EnableMinorVersions);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.EnableMinorVersions, "Skipping from validation. EnableMinorVersions IS NULL");

            if (definition.EnableModeration.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.EnableModeration, o => o.EnableModeration);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.EnableModeration, "Skipping from validation. EnableModeration IS NULL");

            if (definition.EnableVersioning.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.EnableVersioning, o => o.EnableVersioning);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.EnableVersioning, "Skipping from validation. EnableVersioning IS NULL");

            if (definition.ForceCheckout.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.ForceCheckout, o => o.ForceCheckout);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.ForceCheckout, "Skipping from validation. ForceCheckout IS NULL");

            if (definition.NoCrawl.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.NoCrawl, o => o.NoCrawl);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.NoCrawl, "Skipping from validation. NoCrawl IS NULL");

            if (definition.OnQuickLaunch.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.OnQuickLaunch, o => o.OnQuickLaunch);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.OnQuickLaunch, "Skipping from validation. OnQuickLaunch IS NULL");

            // IRM
            if (definition.IrmEnabled.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.IrmEnabled, o => o.IrmEnabled);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.IrmEnabled, "Skipping from validation. IrmEnabled IS NULL");

            if (definition.IrmExpire.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.IrmExpire, o => o.IrmExpire);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.IrmExpire, "Skipping from validation. IrmExpire IS NULL");

            if (definition.IrmReject.HasValue)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.IrmReject, o => o.IrmReject);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.IrmReject, "Skipping from validation. IrmReject IS NULL");

            if (definition.TemplateType > 0)
                assert.ShouldBeEqual(m => m.TemplateType, o => o.BaseTemplate);
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.TemplateType, "TemplateType == 0. Skipping.");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.TemplateName))
                context.Load(web, tmpWeb => tmpWeb.ListTemplates);

                TraceService.Verbose((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Fetching all list templates and matching target one.");
                var listTemplate = ResolveListTemplate(webModelHost, definition);

                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(m => m.TemplateName);

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid =
                            (spObject.TemplateFeatureId == listTemplate.FeatureId) &&
                            (spObject.BaseTemplate == listTemplate.ListTemplateTypeKind)
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.TemplateName, "TemplateName is null or empty. Skipping.");

            if (definition.MajorVersionLimit.HasValue)
                if (ReflectionUtils.HasProperty(spObject, "MajorVersionLimit"))
                    assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                        var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.MajorVersionLimit);
                        var value   = (int)ReflectionUtils.GetPropertyValue(spObject, "MajorVersionLimit");

                        var isValid = value == definition.MajorVersionLimit.Value;

                        return(new PropertyValidationResult
                            Tag = p.Tag,
                            Src = srcProp,
                            Dst = null,
                            IsValid = isValid
                    assert.SkipProperty(m => m.MajorVersionLimit, "Skipping from validation. MajorVersionLimit does not exist. CSOM runtime is below required.");
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.MajorVersionLimit, "Skipping from validation. MajorVersionLimit IS NULL");

            if (definition.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit.HasValue)
                if (ReflectionUtils.HasProperty(spObject, "MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit"))
                    assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                        var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit);
                        var value   = (int)ReflectionUtils.GetPropertyValue(spObject, "MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit");

                        var isValid = value == definition.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit.Value;

                        return(new PropertyValidationResult
                            Tag = p.Tag,
                            Src = srcProp,
                            Dst = null,
                            IsValid = isValid
                    assert.SkipProperty(m => m.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit, "Skipping from validation. MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit does not exist. CSOM runtime is below required.");
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit,
                                    "Skipping from validation. MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit IS NULL");

            // template url
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(definition.DocumentTemplateUrl))
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DocumentTemplateUrl, "Skipping DocumentTemplateUrl or library. Skipping.");
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.DocumentTemplateUrl);
                    var dstProp = d.DocumentTemplateUrl;

                    var srcUrl = srcProp.Value as string;
                    var dstUrl = dstProp;

                    if (!dstUrl.StartsWith("/"))
                        dstUrl = "/" + dstUrl;

                    bool isValid;

                    if (s.DocumentTemplateUrl.Contains("~sitecollection"))
                        var siteCollectionUrl = webModelHost.HostSite.ServerRelativeUrl == "/" ?
                                                string.Empty : webModelHost.HostSite.ServerRelativeUrl;

                        isValid = srcUrl.Replace("~sitecollection", siteCollectionUrl) == dstUrl;
                    else if (s.DocumentTemplateUrl.Contains("~site"))
                        var siteCollectionUrl = web.ServerRelativeUrl == "/" ? string.Empty : web.ServerRelativeUrl;

                        isValid = srcUrl.Replace("~site", siteCollectionUrl) == dstUrl;
                        isValid = dstUrl.EndsWith(srcUrl);

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid

            if (definition.IndexedRootFolderPropertyKeys.Any())
                assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                    var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.IndexedRootFolderPropertyKeys);

                    var isValid = false;

                    if (d.RootFolder.Properties.FieldValues.ContainsKey("vti_indexedpropertykeys"))
                        // check props, TODO

                        // check vti_indexedpropertykeys
                        var indexedPropertyKeys = d.RootFolder.Properties["vti_indexedpropertykeys"]
                                                  .Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                                  .Select(es => Encoding.Unicode.GetString(System.Convert.FromBase64String(es)));

                        // Search if any indexPropertyKey from definition is not in WebModel
                        var differentKeys = s.IndexedRootFolderPropertyKeys.Select(o => o.Name)

                        isValid = !differentKeys.Any();

                    return(new PropertyValidationResult
                        Tag = p.Tag,
                        Src = srcProp,
                        Dst = null,
                        IsValid = isValid
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.IndexedRootFolderPropertyKeys, "IndexedRootFolderPropertyKeys is NULL or empty. Skipping.");

            var supportsLocalization = ReflectionUtils.HasProperties(spObject, new[]
                "TitleResource", "DescriptionResource"

            if (supportsLocalization)
                if (definition.TitleResource.Any())
                    assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                        var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.TitleResource);
                        var isValid = true;

                        foreach (var userResource in s.TitleResource)
                            var culture        = LocalizationService.GetUserResourceCultureInfo(userResource);
                            var resourceObject = ReflectionUtils.GetPropertyValue(spObject, "TitleResource");

                            var value = ReflectionUtils.GetMethod(resourceObject, "GetValueForUICulture")
                                        .Invoke(resourceObject, new[] { culture.Name }) as ClientResult <string>;


                            isValid = userResource.Value == value.Value;

                            if (!isValid)

                        return(new PropertyValidationResult
                            Tag = p.Tag,
                            Src = srcProp,
                            Dst = null,
                            IsValid = isValid
                    assert.SkipProperty(m => m.TitleResource, "TitleResource is NULL or empty. Skipping.");

                if (definition.DescriptionResource.Any())
                    assert.ShouldBeEqual((p, s, d) =>
                        var srcProp = s.GetExpressionValue(def => def.DescriptionResource);
                        var isValid = true;

                        foreach (var userResource in s.DescriptionResource)
                            var culture        = LocalizationService.GetUserResourceCultureInfo(userResource);
                            var resourceObject = ReflectionUtils.GetPropertyValue(spObject, "DescriptionResource");

                            var value = ReflectionUtils.GetMethod(resourceObject, "GetValueForUICulture")
                                        .Invoke(resourceObject, new[] { culture.Name }) as ClientResult <string>;


                            isValid = userResource.Value == value.Value;

                            if (!isValid)

                        return(new PropertyValidationResult
                            Tag = p.Tag,
                            Src = srcProp,
                            Dst = null,
                            IsValid = isValid
                    assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DescriptionResource, "DescriptionResource is NULL or empty. Skipping.");
                                      "CSOM runtime doesn't have Web.TitleResource and Web.DescriptionResource() methods support. Skipping validation.");

                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.TitleResource, "TitleResource is null or empty. Skipping.");
                assert.SkipProperty(m => m.DescriptionResource, "DescriptionResource is null or empty. Skipping.");
        private void CalculatePosForErfassungsPeriod <TZustandsabschnittBase, TStrassenabschnittBase>(TZustandsabschnittBase[] zustandsabschnittList, JahresInterval jahresInterval, ErfassungsPeriod erfassungsPeriod)
            where TStrassenabschnittBase : StrassenabschnittBase
            where TZustandsabschnittBase : ZustandsabschnittBase
            var zustandsspiegelProJahrGrafischeDiagramPos = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ZustandsindexTyp))
                                                            .OfType <ZustandsindexTyp>()
                                                            .Where(z => z != ZustandsindexTyp.Unbekannt)
                                                            .Select(z => CreateDiagramPo(z, jahresInterval))
                                                            .ToDictionary(po => po.ZustandsindexTyp, po => po);

            decimal totalUnknowZustandsindexTypFlaeche = 0;

            decimal mittlereZustandsindexWithFlaeche = 0;
            decimal mittlererAufnahmedatumTickMultipliedWithFlaeche = 0;

            foreach (var zustandsabschnitt in zustandsabschnittList)
                var zustandsindexTyp = ZustandsindexCalculator.GetTyp(zustandsabschnitt.Zustandsindex);
                zustandsspiegelProJahrGrafischeDiagramPos[zustandsindexTyp].FlaecheFahrbahn += (zustandsabschnitt.FlaecheFahrbahn ?? 0);
                mittlereZustandsindexWithFlaeche += zustandsabschnitt.Zustandsindex * (zustandsabschnitt.FlaecheFahrbahn ?? 0);

                mittlererAufnahmedatumTickMultipliedWithFlaeche += zustandsabschnitt.Aufnahmedatum.Ticks * (zustandsabschnitt.FlaecheFahrbahn ?? 0);

            var currentJahr = ErfassungsPeriodService.GetCurrentErfassungsPeriod().Erfassungsjahr.Year;

            diagramPos[jahresInterval.JahrBis] = zustandsspiegelProJahrGrafischeDiagramPos.Values.ToList();

            var totalKnownZustandsindexTypFlaeche = zustandsspiegelProJahrGrafischeDiagramPos.Values.Sum(po => po.FlaecheFahrbahn);
            var totalFlaeche = totalKnownZustandsindexTypFlaeche + totalUnknowZustandsindexTypFlaeche;

            var totalStrasseFlaeche = transactionScopeProvider.Queryable <TStrassenabschnittBase>()
                                      .Where(z => z.ErfassungsPeriod == erfassungsPeriod)
                                      .Sum(g => g.Laenge * g.BreiteFahrbahn);

            var zustandsspiegelProJahrGrafischeTablePos = zustandsspiegelProJahrGrafischeDiagramPos.Values
                                                          .Select(po => CreateTablePo(jahresInterval, GetPerzent(po.FlaecheFahrbahn, totalKnownZustandsindexTypFlaeche), FormatHelper.ToReportNoDecimalPercentString, LocalizationService.GetLocalizedEnum(po.ZustandsindexTyp), (int)po.ZustandsindexTyp, currentJahr, po.ZustandsindexTyp));

            tablePos[jahresInterval.JahrBis] = zustandsspiegelProJahrGrafischeTablePos.ToList();

            PercentPartitioningCorrector.Corrigate(tablePos[jahresInterval.JahrBis].Cast <IPercentHolder>().ToList());

            var mittlererAufnahmedatum = (mittlererAufnahmedatumTickMultipliedWithFlaeche == 0 || totalFlaeche == 0) ? (decimal?)null : (decimal.Divide(mittlererAufnahmedatumTickMultipliedWithFlaeche, totalFlaeche));

            tablePos[jahresInterval.JahrBis].Add(CreateTablePo(jahresInterval, mittlererAufnahmedatum, d => FormatHelper.ToReportDateTimeString(d, "-"), reportLocalizationService.MittleresAlterDerZustandsaufnahmen, -10, currentJahr));

            var netzAnteil = GetPerzent(totalKnownZustandsindexTypFlaeche, totalStrasseFlaeche);

            tablePos[jahresInterval.JahrBis].Add(CreateTablePo(jahresInterval, netzAnteil, FormatHelper.ToReportNoDecimalPercentString, reportLocalizationService.NetzAnteil, -20, currentJahr));

            var mittlererZustandsindex = (mittlereZustandsindexWithFlaeche == 0 || totalFlaeche == 0) ? 0 : decimal.Divide(mittlereZustandsindexWithFlaeche, totalFlaeche);

            tablePos[jahresInterval.JahrBis].Add(CreateTablePo(jahresInterval, mittlererZustandsindex, FormatHelper.ToReportDecimalString, reportLocalizationService.MittlererZustandsindex, -30, currentJahr));