Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void AddString(this LocaleManager localeManager, LocalizedString localizedString)
            Locale locale = localeManager.GetLocale();

            // Construct 0-index id for the localized string from argument
            Locale.Key id;
            id.m_Identifier = localizedString.Identifier;
            id.m_Key        = localizedString.Key;
            id.m_Index      = 0;

            // Check if the id already exists; if so find next index
            if (locale.Exists(id))
                // Log message lags game on large namelists
                // Log($"Localized string {localizedString.Identifier}[{localizedString.Key}] already exists, adding it with next available index.");
                id.m_Index = locale.CountUnchecked(id);

            // Add the localized string
            locale.AddLocalizedString(id, localizedString.Value);

            // Set the string counts accordingly
            Dictionary <Locale.Key, int> localizedStringCounts = locale.GetLocalizedStringsCount();

            // The count at the exact index appears to always be 0
            localizedStringCounts[id] = 0;

            // index = 0 appears to be a special case and indicates the count of localized strings with the same identifier and key
            Locale.Key zeroIndexID = id;
            zeroIndexID.m_Index = 0;
            localizedStringCounts[zeroIndexID] = id.m_Index + 1;

            // Log message lags game on large namelists
            // Log($"Added localized string {id} = '{localizedString.Value}', count = {localizedStringCounts[zeroIndexID]}.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void SetTutorialLocale()
            Locale locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)

            Locale.Key tutorialAdviserTitleKey = new Locale.Key
                m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE",
                m_Key        = kToggleButton,
            if (!locale.Exists(tutorialAdviserTitleKey))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(tutorialAdviserTitleKey, Translation.Instance.GetTranslation("FOREST-BRUSH-MODNAME"));

            Locale.Key tutorialAdviserKey = new Locale.Key
                m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER",
                m_Key        = kToggleButton
            if (!locale.Exists(tutorialAdviserKey))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(tutorialAdviserKey, Translation.Instance.GetTranslation("FOREST-BRUSH-TUTORIAL"));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void RemoveRange(this LocaleManager localeManager, Locale.Key id)
            var locale = localeManager.GetLocale();

            // Set index to 0 so we can check for the string count
            id.m_Index = 0;

            if (!locale.Exists(id))
                Log._Debug($"[{nameof(LocaleManagerExtensions)}.{nameof(RemoveRange)}] Could not remove locale range {id}; localized string {id} does not exist!");


            var localizedStrings      = locale.GetLocalizedStrings();
            var localizedStringsCount = locale.GetLocalizedStringsCount();

            for (int index = 0, lastIndex = locale.CountUnchecked(id); index <= lastIndex; index++, id.m_Index = index)

            Log._Debug($"[{nameof(LocaleManagerExtensions)}.{nameof(RemoveRange)}] Removed locale range {id.m_Identifier}[{id.m_Key}].");
Exemplo n.º 4
        void UpdateLocalization()
            if (m_localizationInitialized)

                // Localization
                Locale locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetFieldByName("m_Locale").GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);
                if (locale == null)
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException("Locale is null");

                Locale.Key k = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = "NET_TITLE",
                    m_Key        = "Zonable Pedestrian Pavement"
                locale.AddLocalizedString(k, "Pedestrian Road");

                k = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = "NET_DESC",
                    m_Key        = "Zonable Pedestrian Pavement"
                locale.AddLocalizedString(k, "Paved roads are nicer to walk on than gravel. They offer access to pedestrians and can be used by public service vehicles.");

                m_localizationInitialized = true;
            catch (ArgumentException) {}
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void ReplaceTrackIcon(NetInfo prefab, NetInfoVersion version)
            if (version != NetInfoVersion.Ground)
            var metroTrack = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Metro Track");

            prefab.m_Atlas                = metroTrack.m_Atlas;
            prefab.m_Thumbnail            = metroTrack.m_Thumbnail;
            prefab.m_InfoTooltipAtlas     = metroTrack.m_InfoTooltipAtlas;
            prefab.m_InfoTooltipThumbnail = metroTrack.m_InfoTooltipThumbnail;
            prefab.m_isCustomContent      = false;
            prefab.m_availableIn          = ItemClass.Availability.All;
            var locale = LocaleManager.instance.GetLocale();
            var key    = new Locale.Key {
                m_Identifier = "NET_TITLE", m_Key = prefab.name

            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, locale.Get(new Locale.Key {
                    m_Identifier = "NET_TITLE", m_Key = "Metro Track"
            key = new Locale.Key {
                m_Identifier = "NET_DESC", m_Key = prefab.name
            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, locale.Get(new Locale.Key {
                    m_Identifier = "NET_DESC", m_Key = "Metro Track"
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void AddLocale(string idBase, string key, string title, string description)
            var localeField = typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            var locale      = (Locale)localeField.GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);
            var localeKey   = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = $"{idBase}_TITLE", m_Key = key

            if (!locale.Exists(localeKey))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(localeKey, title);
            localeKey = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = $"{idBase}_DESC", m_Key = key
            if (!locale.Exists(localeKey))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(localeKey, description);
            localeKey = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = $"{idBase}", m_Key = key
            if (!locale.Exists(localeKey))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(localeKey, description);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void AddMissingGuideString(string localeKey)
            var locale = this.locale;

            if (locale == null)
                Log.Warning("Can't update guides because locale object is null");

                var key1 = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_TITLE",
                    m_Key        = GUIDE_KEY_PREFIX + localeKey,
                string value1 = TMPE_TITLE_PREFIX + "¶" + GUIDE_HEAD_KEY_PREFIX + localeKey;
                resetFun?.Invoke(locale, new object[] { key1 });
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key1, value1);
                var key2 = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_TEXT",
                    m_Key        = GUIDE_KEY_PREFIX + localeKey,
                string value2 = "¶" + GUIDE_BODY_KEY_PREFIX + localeKey;
                resetFun?.Invoke(locale, new object[] { key2 });
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key2, value2);
        public void ReloadTutorialTranslations()
            var locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager)
                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                         ?.GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);

            if (locale == null)
                Log.Warning("Can't update tutorials because locale object is null");

            string lang = GetCurrentLanguage();

            // Reset is private method used to delete the key before re-adding it
            MethodInfo resetFun = typeof(Locale)
                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in tutorialsLookup_.AllLanguages[lang])
                if (!entry.Key.StartsWith(TUTORIAL_KEY_PREFIX))

                string identifier;
                string tutorialKey;

                if (entry.Key.StartsWith(TUTORIAL_HEAD_KEY_PREFIX))
                    identifier  = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE";
                    tutorialKey = TUTORIAL_KEY_PREFIX +
                else if (entry.Key.StartsWith(TUTORIAL_BODY_KEY_PREFIX))
                    identifier  = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER";
                    tutorialKey = TUTORIAL_KEY_PREFIX +

                var key = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = identifier,
                    m_Key        = tutorialKey

                resetFun?.Invoke(locale, new object[] { key });
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, entry.Value);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void OnLevelLoaded(LoadMode mode)
            var prefab = PrefabCollection <TreeInfo> .FindLoaded("CherryTree01");

            if (prefab == null)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("CherryTree01 wasn't found");
            prefab.m_availableIn = ItemClass.Availability.All;
            var field = typeof(PrefabInfo).GetField("m_UICategory", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            field.SetValue(prefab, "BeautificationProps");
            var thumb   = Util.LoadTextureFromAssembly($"{typeof (ZenGardenTreeUnlocker).Name}.thumb.png", false);
            var tooltip = Util.LoadTextureFromAssembly($"{typeof(ZenGardenTreeUnlocker).Name}.tooltip.png", false);
            var atlas   = Util.CreateAtlas(new[] { thumb, tooltip });

            prefab.m_Atlas                = atlas;
            prefab.m_Thumbnail            = thumb.name;
            prefab.m_InfoTooltipAtlas     = atlas;
            prefab.m_InfoTooltipThumbnail = tooltip.name;

            var localeField = typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            var locale      = (Locale)localeField.GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);
            var key         = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = "TREE_TITLE", m_Key = prefab.name

            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Zen Garden Cherry Blossom");
            key = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = "TREE_DESC", m_Key = prefab.name
            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "A Cherry Blossom tree that is bundled with Zen Garden");

            switch (mode)
            case LoadMode.NewGame:
            case LoadMode.LoadGame:
                GameObject.Find("BeautificationPropsPanel").GetComponent <BeautificationPanel>().RefreshPanel();

            case LoadMode.NewMap:
            case LoadMode.LoadMap:
                GameObject.Find("ForestPanel").GetComponent <ForestGroupPanel>().RefreshPanel();
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void ShowNetwork(string name, string desc, GeneratedScrollPanel panel, int constructionCost, int maintenanceCost, string prefixIcon)
            UIButton button = panel.Find <UIButton>(name);

            if (button != null && button.name == name)

            NetInfo netInfo = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded(name);

            if (netInfo == null)
                DebugUtils.Warning("Couldn't find NetInfo named '" + name + "'");

            //DebugUtils.Log("NetInfo named '" + name + "' found.");

            PlayerNetAI netAI = netInfo.m_netAI as PlayerNetAI;

            // Adding cost
            netAI.m_constructionCost = constructionCost;
            netAI.m_maintenanceCost  = maintenanceCost;

            // Making the prefab valid
            netInfo.m_availableIn    = ItemClass.Availability.All;
            netInfo.m_placementStyle = ItemClass.Placement.Manual;
            typeof(NetInfo).GetField("m_UICategory", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(netInfo, "PublicTransportPlane");

            // Adding icons
            netInfo.m_Atlas     = m_atlas;
            netInfo.m_Thumbnail = prefixIcon;

            // Adding missing locale
            Locale locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);

            Locale.Key key = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = "NET_TITLE", m_Key = name
            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, name);
            key = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = "NET_DESC", m_Key = name
            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, desc);

            typeof(GeneratedScrollPanel).GetMethod("CreateAssetItem", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(panel, new object[] { netInfo });
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void CreateNetDescriptionLocalizedString(this Locale locale, string key, string label)
            var k = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = "NET_DESC",
                m_Key        = key

            if (!Locale.Exists("NET_DESC", key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(k, label);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void CreateMenuTitleLocalizedString(this Locale locale, string key, string label)
            var k = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = "MAIN_CATEGORY",
                m_Key        = key

            if (!Locale.Exists("MAIN_CATEGORY", key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(k, label);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void ReloadTutorialTranslations()
            var locale = this.locale;

            if (locale == null)
                Log.Warning("Can't update tutorials because locale object is null");

            string lang = GetCurrentLanguage();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in tutorialsLookup_.AllLanguages[lang])
                if (!entry.Key.StartsWith(TUTORIAL_KEY_PREFIX))

                string identifier;
                string tutorialKey;
                string value = entry.Value;
                if (entry.Key.StartsWith(TUTORIAL_HEAD_KEY_PREFIX))
                    identifier  = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE";
                    tutorialKey = TUTORIAL_KEY_PREFIX +
                    value = TMPE_TITLE_PREFIX + value;
                else if (entry.Key.StartsWith(TUTORIAL_BODY_KEY_PREFIX))
                    identifier  = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER";
                    tutorialKey = TUTORIAL_KEY_PREFIX +

                var key = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = identifier,
                    m_Key        = tutorialKey

                resetFun?.Invoke(locale, new object[] { key });
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, value);
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void InstallLocalization()
            if (sm_localizationInitialized)

            Logger.LogInfo("Updating Localization.");

                // Localization
                Locale locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetFieldByName("m_Locale").GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);
                if (locale == null)
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException("Locale is null");

                // Road Customizer Tool Advisor
                Locale.Key k = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE",
                    m_Key        = "RoadCustomizer"
                locale.AddLocalizedString(k, "Road Customizer Tool");

                k = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER",
                    m_Key        = "RoadCustomizer"
                locale.AddLocalizedString(k, "Vehicle and Speed Restrictions:\n\n" +
                                          "1. Hover over roads to display their lanes\n" +
                                          "2. Left-click to toggle selection of lane(s), right-click clears current selection(s)\n" +
                                          "3. With lanes selected, set vehicle and speed restrictions using the menu icons\n\n\n" +
                                          "Lane Changer:\n\n" +
                                          "1. Hover over roads and find an intersection (circle appears), then click to edit it\n" +
                                          "2. Entry points will be shown, click one to select it (right-click goes back to step 1)\n" +
                                          "3. Click the exit routes you wish to allow (right-click goes back to step 2)" +
                                          "\n\nUse PageUp/PageDown to toggle Underground View.");

                sm_localizationInitialized = true;
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Logger.LogInfo("Unexpected " + e.GetType().Name + " updating localization: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n");

            Logger.LogInfo("Localization successfully updated.");
        public static void ReloadTutorialTranslations()
            Locale locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager)
                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                            ?.GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in _translations)
                if (!entry.Key.StartsWith(TUTORIAL_KEY_PREFIX))

                string identifier;
                string tutorialKey;

                if (entry.Key.StartsWith(TUTORIAL_HEAD_KEY_PREFIX))
                    identifier  = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE";
                    tutorialKey = TUTORIAL_KEY_PREFIX +
                else if (entry.Key.StartsWith(TUTORIAL_BODY_KEY_PREFIX))
                    identifier  = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER";
                    tutorialKey = TUTORIAL_KEY_PREFIX +

                // Log._Debug($"Adding tutorial translation for id {identifier}, key={tutorialKey}
                //     value={entry.Value}");
                Locale.Key key = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = identifier,
                    m_Key        = tutorialKey

                if (locale != null && !locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, entry.Value);
        private void SelectSub(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter param)
            if (_idList == null)
            var buildingId = _idList[selectedIndex];
            var building   = BuildingManager.instance.m_buildings.m_buffer[buildingId];

            if (building.Info != null)
                var localeField = typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                var locale      = (Locale)localeField.GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);
                var key         = new Locale.Key {
                    m_Identifier = "BUILDING_TITLE", m_Key = building.Info.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, building.Info.name);
                key = new Locale.Key {
                    m_Identifier = "BUILDING_DESC", m_Key = building.Info.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, string.Empty);
                key = new Locale.Key {
                    m_Identifier = "BUILDING_SHORT_DESC", m_Key = building.Info.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, string.Empty);
            var button = GameObject.Find("RelocateAction").GetComponent <UIButton>();

            if (selectedIndex == 0)
            DefaultTool.OpenWorldInfoPanel(new InstanceID {
                Building = buildingId
            }, new Vector2(0, 0));
        public override void OnLevelLoaded(LoadMode mode)
            var prefab = PrefabCollection<TreeInfo>.FindLoaded("CherryTree01");
            if (prefab == null)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("CherryTree01 wasn't found");
            prefab.m_availableIn = ItemClass.Availability.All;
            var field = typeof (PrefabInfo).GetField("m_UICategory", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            field.SetValue(prefab, "BeautificationProps");
            var thumb = Util.LoadTextureFromAssembly($"{typeof (ZenGardenTreeUnlocker).Name}.thumb.png", false);
            var tooltip = Util.LoadTextureFromAssembly($"{typeof(ZenGardenTreeUnlocker).Name}.tooltip.png", false);
            var atlas = Util.CreateAtlas(new[] {thumb, tooltip});
            prefab.m_Atlas = atlas;
            prefab.m_Thumbnail = thumb.name;
            prefab.m_InfoTooltipAtlas = atlas;
            prefab.m_InfoTooltipThumbnail = tooltip.name;

            var localeField = typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            var locale = (Locale)localeField.GetValue(SingletonLite<LocaleManager>.instance);
            var key = new Locale.Key() { m_Identifier = "TREE_TITLE", m_Key = prefab.name };
            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Zen Garden Cherry Blossom");
            key = new Locale.Key() { m_Identifier = "TREE_DESC", m_Key = prefab.name };
            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "A Cherry Blossom tree that is bundled with Zen Garden");

            switch (mode)
                case LoadMode.NewGame:
                case LoadMode.LoadGame:
                case LoadMode.NewMap:
                case LoadMode.LoadMap:
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static void AddLocale(string idBase, string key, string title, string description)
     var localeField = typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
     var locale = (Locale)localeField.GetValue(SingletonLite<LocaleManager>.instance);
     var localeKey = new Locale.Key() { m_Identifier = $"{idBase}_TITLE", m_Key = key };
     if (!locale.Exists(localeKey))
         locale.AddLocalizedString(localeKey, title);
     localeKey = new Locale.Key() { m_Identifier = $"{idBase}_DESC", m_Key = key };
     if (!locale.Exists(localeKey))
         locale.AddLocalizedString(localeKey, description);
     localeKey = new Locale.Key() { m_Identifier = $"{idBase}", m_Key = key };
     if (!locale.Exists(localeKey))
         locale.AddLocalizedString(localeKey, description);
 private static void Modify(string id, string oldValue, string newValue)
         Dictionary <Locale.Key, string> dictionary = Utils.GetPrivate <Dictionary <Locale.Key, string> >((object)Utils.GetPrivate <Locale>((object)SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance, "m_Locale"), "m_LocalizedStrings");
         Locale.Key key = new Locale.Key()
             m_Identifier = id
         string str;
         if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out str))
         dictionary[key] = str.Replace(oldValue, newValue);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Utils.LogWarning((object)("Unexpected " + ex.GetType().Name + " updating localization: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine));
        private static FieldInfo FixPrefabsMetadata()
            var uiCategory = typeof(PrefabInfo).GetField("m_UICategory", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            var locale     =
                typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                .GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);

            for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .PrefabCount(); i++)
                var prefab = PrefabCollection <PropInfo> .GetPrefab(i);

                if (prefab == null)
                if (prefab.editorCategory == "PropsRocks")
                    uiCategory.SetValue(prefab, "LandscapingRocks");
                    prefab.m_availableIn = ItemClass.Availability.All;
                var key = new Locale.Key {
                    m_Identifier = "PROPS_TITLE", m_Key = prefab.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, prefab.name);
                key = new Locale.Key {
                    m_Identifier = "PROPS_DESC", m_Key = prefab.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, prefab.name);
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the tutorial panel
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupTutorialPanel()
            Locale locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(LocaleManager.instance);

            Locale.Key key = new Locale.Key
                m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE",
                m_Key        = m_toolbarButton.name
            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, ModInfo.ModName);
            key = new Locale.Key
                m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER",
                m_Key        = m_toolbarButton.name
            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Work in progress...");
Exemplo n.º 22
        private void SetupLocalization()
            var delivery_construction_key = new Locale.Key
                m_Identifier = "VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER",
                m_Key        = "124",
                m_Index      = 0
            var delivery_operation_key = new Locale.Key
                m_Identifier = "VEHICLE_STATUS_CARGOTRUCK_DELIVER",
                m_Key        = "125",
                m_Index      = 0

            var loc = new Locale();

            loc.AddLocalizedString(delivery_construction_key, Localization.Get("TRANSFER_CONSTRUCTION_RESOURCE_TO"));
            loc.AddLocalizedString(delivery_operation_key, Localization.Get("TRANSFER_OPERATION_RESOURCE_TO"));

            loc.appendOverride    = true;
            Locale.LocaleOverride = loc;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public static void RemoveRange(this LocaleManager localeManager, Locale.Key id)
            Locale locale = localeManager.GetLocale();

            // Set index to 0 so we can check for the string count
            id.m_Index = 0;

            if (!locale.Exists(id))
                DebugUtils.Log($"Could not remove locale range {id}; localized string {id} does not exist!");

            Dictionary <Locale.Key, string> localizedStrings      = locale.GetLocalizedStrings();
            Dictionary <Locale.Key, int>    localizedStringsCount = locale.GetLocalizedStringsCount();

            for (int index = 0, lastIndex = locale.CountUnchecked(id); index <= lastIndex; index++, id.m_Index = index)

            DebugUtils.Log($"Removed locale range {id.m_Identifier}[{id.m_Key}].");
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void loadLocaleIntern(string localeId, bool setLocale, string prefix, string packagePrefix)
            KlyteUtils.doLog($"{GetType()} localeId: {localeId}");
            string load = Singleton <R> .instance.loadResourceString("UI.i18n." + localeId + ".properties");

            if (load == null)
                KlyteUtils.doLog("File UI.i18n." + localeId + ".properties not found. Probably this translation doesn't exists for this mod.");
                load = "";
            var locale = KlyteUtils.GetPrivateField <Locale>(LocaleManager.instance, "m_Locale");

            Locale.Key k;

            foreach (var myString in load.Split(lineSeparator.ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                if (myString.StartsWith(commentChar))
                if (!myString.Contains(kvSeparator))
                bool   noPrefix  = myString.StartsWith(ignorePrefixChar);
                var    array     = myString.Split(kvSeparator.ToCharArray(), 2);
                string value     = array[1];
                int    idx       = 0;
                string localeKey = null;
                if (array[0].Contains(idxSeparator))
                    var arrayIdx = array[0].Split(idxSeparator.ToCharArray());
                    if (!int.TryParse(arrayIdx[1], out idx))
                    array[0] = arrayIdx[0];
                if (array[0].Contains(localeKeySeparator))
                    array     = array[0].Split(localeKeySeparator.ToCharArray());
                    localeKey = array[1];

                k = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = noPrefix ? array[0].Substring(1) : prefix + array[0],
                    m_Key        = localeKey,
                    m_Index      = idx
                if (!locale.Exists(k))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(k, value.Replace("\\n", "\n"));

            if (localeId != "en")
                loadLocaleIntern("en", false, prefix, packagePrefix);
            if (setLocale)
                language = localeId;
        private static void loadLocaleIntern(string localeId, bool setLocale = false)
            string load = ResourceLoader.loadResourceString("UI.i18n." + localeId + ".properties");

            if (load == null)
                load = ResourceLoader.loadResourceString("UI.i18n.en.properties");
                if (load == null)
                    TLMUtils.doErrorLog("LOCALE NOT LOADED!!!!");
                localeId = "en";
            var locale = TLMUtils.GetPrivateField <Locale>(LocaleManager.instance, "m_Locale");

            Locale.Key k;

            foreach (var myString in load.Split(new string[] { lineSeparator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                if (myString.StartsWith(commentChar))
                if (!myString.Contains(kvSeparator))
                var    array     = myString.Split(kvSeparator.ToCharArray(), 2);
                string value     = array[1];
                int    idx       = 0;
                string localeKey = null;
                if (array[0].Contains(idxSeparator))
                    var arrayIdx = array[0].Split(idxSeparator.ToCharArray());
                    if (!int.TryParse(arrayIdx[1], out idx))
                    array[0] = arrayIdx[0];
                if (array[0].Contains(localeKeySeparator))
                    array     = array[0].Split(localeKeySeparator.ToCharArray());
                    localeKey = array[1];

                k = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = "TLM_" + array[0],
                    m_Key        = localeKey,
                    m_Index      = idx
                if (!locale.Exists(k))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(k, value.Replace("\\n", "\n"));

            if (localeId != "en")
            if (setLocale)
                language = localeId;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public void Start()
                isRicoEnabled = IsRicoEnabled();

                GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("FindItMainButton");
                if (gameObject != null)

                list = AssetTagList.instance;

                UITabstrip tabstrip = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.component as UITabstrip;

                // TODO: temporary

                /*tabstrip.eventComponentAdded += (c, p) =>
                 * {
                 *  foreach (UIComponent tab in tabstrip.tabPages.components)
                 *  {
                 *      DebugUtils.Log(tab.name);
                 *      if(tab.name == "LandscapingPanel")
                 *      {
                 *          tab.components[0].relativePosition = new Vector3(0, -134);
                 *          tab.components[1].relativePosition = new Vector3(0, -109);
                 *          tab.components[1].height = 218;
                 *          foreach(UIScrollablePanel panel in tab.components[1].GetComponentsInChildren<UIScrollablePanel>())
                 *          {
                 *              panel.autoLayoutStart = LayoutStart.TopLeft;
                 *              panel.scrollWheelDirection = UIOrientation.Vertical;
                 *              panel.scrollWheelAmount = 104;
                 *              panel.wrapLayout = true;
                 *              panel.width = 764;
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * };*/

                m_defaultXPos = tabstrip.relativePosition.x;

                GameObject asGameObject  = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject("MainToolbarButtonTemplate");
                GameObject asGameObject2 = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject("ScrollableSubPanelTemplate");

                mainButton       = tabstrip.AddTab("FindItMainButton", asGameObject, asGameObject2, new Type[] { typeof(UIGroupPanel) }) as UIButton;
                mainButton.atlas = atlas;

                Locale     locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(LocaleManager.instance);
                Locale.Key key    = new Locale.Key
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE",
                    m_Key        = mainButton.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Find It! " + ModInfo.version);
                key = new Locale.Key
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER",
                    m_Key        = mainButton.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Thanks for subscribing to Find It!\n\nStart typing some keywords into the input field to find the desired asset.\n\nIf you like the mod please consider leaving a rating on the steam workshop.");

                FieldInfo m_ObjectIndex = typeof(MainToolbar).GetField("m_ObjectIndex", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                m_ObjectIndex.SetValue(ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar, (int)m_ObjectIndex.GetValue(ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar) + 1);

                mainButton.gameObject.GetComponent <TutorialUITag>().tutorialTag = name;
                m_groupPanel = tabstrip.GetComponentInContainer(mainButton, typeof(UIGroupPanel)) as UIGroupPanel;

                if (m_groupPanel != null)
                    m_groupPanel.name    = "FindItGroupPanel";
                    m_groupPanel.enabled = true;
                    m_groupPanel.component.isInteractive   = true;
                    m_groupPanel.m_OptionsBar              = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.m_OptionsBar;
                    m_groupPanel.m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas;
                    if (ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.enabled)

                    scrollPanel = UIScrollPanel.Create(m_groupPanel.GetComponentInChildren <UIScrollablePanel>());
                    scrollPanel.eventClicked           += OnButtonClicked;
                    scrollPanel.eventVisibilityChanged += (c, p) =>

                        if (p && scrollPanel.selectedItem != null)
                            // Simulate item click
                            UIScrollPanelItem.ItemData item = scrollPanel.selectedItem;

                            UIScrollPanelItem panelItem = scrollPanel.GetItem(0);
                            panelItem.Display(scrollPanel.selectedItem, 0);

                            scrollPanel.selectedItem = item;


                    scrollPanel.eventTooltipEnter += (c, p) =>

                    searchBox                  = scrollPanel.parent.AddUIComponent <UISearchBox>();
                    searchBox.scrollPanel      = scrollPanel;
                    searchBox.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
                    DebugUtils.Warning("GroupPanel not found");

                mainButton.normalBgSprite   = "ToolbarIconGroup6Normal";
                mainButton.focusedBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Focused";
                mainButton.hoveredBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Hovered";
                mainButton.pressedBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6ressed";
                mainButton.disabledBgSprite = "ToolbarIconGroup6Disabled";

                mainButton.normalFgSprite   = "FindIt";
                mainButton.focusedFgSprite  = "FindItFocused";
                mainButton.hoveredFgSprite  = "FindItHovered";
                mainButton.pressedFgSprite  = "FindItPressed";
                mainButton.disabledFgSprite = "FindItDisabled";

                mainButton.tooltip = "Find It! " + ModInfo.version;

                m_beautificationPanel = FindObjectOfType <BeautificationPanel>();

            catch (Exception e)
                DebugUtils.Log("Start failed");
                enabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 27
 private static PropInfo Clone(PropInfo prop, Flag modification, bool isWall)
     var gameObject = GameObject.Find("MoreFlags") ?? new GameObject("MoreFlags");
     var clone = Util.ClonePrefab(prop, prop.name + $"_{modification.id}", gameObject.transform);
     PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.InitializePrefabs("MoreFlags", new[] { clone }, null);
     clone.m_material = Object.Instantiate(prop.m_material);
     clone.m_material.name = prop.m_material.name + $"_{modification.id}";
     clone.m_material.mainTexture = modification.texture;
     clone.m_lodMaterial = Object.Instantiate(prop.m_lodMaterial);
     clone.m_lodMaterial.name = prop.m_lodMaterial.name + $"_{modification.id}";
     clone.m_lodMaterial.mainTexture = modification.textureLod;
     clone.m_placementStyle = ItemClass.Placement.Manual;
     clone.m_createRuining = false;
     clone.m_Atlas = _atlas;
     clone.m_InfoTooltipAtlas = _atlas;
     var thumb = isWall ? modification.thumbWall : modification.thumb;
     if (thumb != null)
         clone.m_Thumbnail = thumb.name;
         clone.m_InfoTooltipThumbnail = thumb.name;
     var locale = (Locale)LocaleField.GetValue(SingletonLite<LocaleManager>.instance);
     var key = new Locale.Key { m_Identifier = "PROPS_TITLE", m_Key = clone.name };
     var versionStr = isWall ? "wall" : "ground";
     var extendedDescription =
         modification.extendedDescripton == string.Empty ? modification.description : modification.extendedDescripton;
     if (!locale.Exists(key))
         locale.AddLocalizedString(key, $"{modification.description} ({versionStr} version)");
     key = new Locale.Key { m_Identifier = "PROPS_DESC", m_Key = clone.name };
     if (!locale.Exists(key))
         locale.AddLocalizedString(key, $"{extendedDescription} ({versionStr} version)");
     return clone;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public static void SetLocaleEntry(Locale.Key key, string value) => m_localeStringsDictionary(m_localeManagerLocale(LocaleManager.instance))[key] = value;
        public static void ReplaceTrackIcon(NetInfo prefab, NetInfoVersion version)
            if (version != NetInfoVersion.Ground)

            prefab.m_InfoTooltipAtlas = InfoToolTipAtlas();
            string netTitle;
            string netDescription;

            if (prefab.name.Contains("Large"))
                var atlas = UI.UIHelper.GenerateLinearAtlas("MOM_QuadMetroTrackAtlas", UI.UIHelper.QuadMetroTracks);
                prefab.m_Atlas                = atlas;
                prefab.m_Thumbnail            = atlas.name + "Bg";
                prefab.m_InfoTooltipThumbnail = QUAD_TRACK_INFOTOOLTIP;
                prefab.m_UIPriority           = 3;
                netTitle       = "Quad Metro Track";
                netDescription = "A four-lane metro track suitable for heavy traffic. Designate separate local and express lines for best results.";
            else if (prefab.name.Contains("Small"))
                var atlas = UI.UIHelper.GenerateLinearAtlas("MOM_SingleMetroTrackAtlas", UI.UIHelper.SingleMetroTracks);
                prefab.m_Atlas                = atlas;
                prefab.m_Thumbnail            = atlas.name + "Bg";
                prefab.m_InfoTooltipThumbnail = SINGLE_TRACK_INFOTOOLTIP;
                prefab.m_UIPriority           = 1;
                netTitle       = "Single Metro Track";
                netDescription = "A one-lane metro track. This track is suitable for light traffic or as a connector to other tracks.";
                var atlas = UI.UIHelper.GenerateLinearAtlas("MOM_DualMetroTrackAtlas", UI.UIHelper.DualMetroTracks);
                prefab.m_Atlas                = atlas;
                prefab.m_Thumbnail            = atlas.name + "Bg";
                prefab.m_InfoTooltipThumbnail = DUAL_TRACK_INFOTOOLTIP;
                prefab.m_UIPriority           = 2;
                netTitle       = "Dual Metro Track";
                netDescription = "A two-lane metro track. This track supports moderate traffic and is adequate for most situations.";
            prefab.m_isCustomContent = false;
            prefab.m_availableIn     = ItemClass.Availability.All;
            var locale = LocaleManager.instance.GetLocale();
            var key    = new Locale.Key {
                m_Identifier = "NET_TITLE", m_Key = prefab.name

            if (!Locale.Exists("NET_TITLE", prefab.name))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, netTitle);
            var dkey = new Locale.Key {
                m_Identifier = "NET_DESC", m_Key = prefab.name

            if (!Locale.Exists("NET_DESC", prefab.name))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(dkey, netDescription);
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up access to airport roads. Modified from SamsamTS's Airport Roads mod
        /// </summary>
        public void SetAirplaneRoads(PrefabInfo prefab)
            int    constructionCost = 0;
            int    maintenanceCost  = 0;
            string thumbnail        = "";

            if (prefab.name == "Airplane Runway")
                constructionCost = 7000;
                maintenanceCost  = 600;
                thumbnail        = "Runway";
            else if (prefab.name == "Aviation Club Runway")
                constructionCost     = 7000;
                maintenanceCost      = 600;
                thumbnail            = "Runway";
                prefab.m_dlcRequired = SteamHelper.DLC_BitMask.UrbanDLC; // Sunset Harbor
            else if (prefab.name == "Airplane Taxiway")
                constructionCost = 4000;
                maintenanceCost  = 200;
                thumbnail        = "Taxiway";

            // Adding cost
            NetInfo netInfo = prefab as NetInfo;

            if (netInfo == null)
            PlayerNetAI netAI = netInfo.m_netAI as PlayerNetAI;

            netAI.m_constructionCost = constructionCost;
            netAI.m_maintenanceCost  = maintenanceCost;

            // Making the prefab valid
            netInfo.m_availableIn    = ItemClass.Availability.All;
            netInfo.m_placementStyle = ItemClass.Placement.Manual;
            typeof(NetInfo).GetField("m_UICategory", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(netInfo, "PublicTransportPlane");

            // Adding icons
            netInfo.m_Atlas            = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("FindItAtlas");
            netInfo.m_Thumbnail        = thumbnail;
            netInfo.m_InfoTooltipAtlas = SamsamTS.UIUtils.GetAtlas("FindItAtlas");

            // Adding missing locale
            Locale locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(SingletonLite <LocaleManager> .instance);

            Locale.Key key = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = "NET_TITLE", m_Key = prefab.name
            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, prefab.name);
            key = new Locale.Key()
                m_Identifier = "NET_DESC", m_Key = prefab.name
            if (!locale.Exists(key))
                locale.AddLocalizedString(key, thumbnail);
 private void SelectSub(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter param)
     if (_idList == null)
     var buildingId = _idList[selectedIndex];
     var building = BuildingManager.instance.m_buildings.m_buffer[buildingId];
     if (building.Info != null)
         var localeField = typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
         var locale = (Locale)localeField.GetValue(SingletonLite<LocaleManager>.instance);
         var key = new Locale.Key { m_Identifier = "BUILDING_TITLE", m_Key = building.Info.name };
         if (!locale.Exists(key))
             locale.AddLocalizedString(key, building.Info.name);
         key = new Locale.Key { m_Identifier = "BUILDING_DESC", m_Key = building.Info.name };
         if (!locale.Exists(key))
             locale.AddLocalizedString(key, string.Empty);
         key = new Locale.Key { m_Identifier = "BUILDING_SHORT_DESC", m_Key = building.Info.name };
         if (!locale.Exists(key))
             locale.AddLocalizedString(key, string.Empty);
     DefaultTool.OpenWorldInfoPanel(new InstanceID { Building = buildingId }, new Vector2(0, 0));
Exemplo n.º 32
        public void Start()
                GameObject gameObject = GameObject.Find("FindItMainButton");
                if (gameObject != null)

                isRicoEnabled     = IsRicoEnabled();
                isPOEnabled       = IsPOEnabled();
                isTVPPatchEnabled = IsTVPPatchEnabled();

                if (isPOEnabled)
                    POTool = new ProceduralObjectsTool();

                list = AssetTagList.instance;

                UITabstrip tabstrip = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.component as UITabstrip;

                m_defaultXPos = tabstrip.relativePosition.x;

                GameObject asGameObject  = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject("MainToolbarButtonTemplate");
                GameObject asGameObject2 = UITemplateManager.GetAsGameObject("ScrollableSubPanelTemplate");

                mainButton       = tabstrip.AddTab("FindItMainButton", asGameObject, asGameObject2, new Type[] { typeof(UIGroupPanel) }) as UIButton;
                mainButton.atlas = atlas;

                mainButton.normalBgSprite   = "ToolbarIconGroup6Normal";
                mainButton.focusedBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Focused";
                mainButton.hoveredBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6Hovered";
                mainButton.pressedBgSprite  = "ToolbarIconGroup6ressed";
                mainButton.disabledBgSprite = "ToolbarIconGroup6Disabled";

                mainButton.normalFgSprite   = "FindIt";
                mainButton.focusedFgSprite  = "FindItFocused";
                mainButton.hoveredFgSprite  = "FindItHovered";
                mainButton.pressedFgSprite  = "FindItPressed";
                mainButton.disabledFgSprite = "FindItDisabled";

                mainButton.tooltip = "Find It! " + (ModInfo.isBeta ? "[BETA] " : "") + ModInfo.version;

                Locale     locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(LocaleManager.instance);
                Locale.Key key    = new Locale.Key
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE",
                    m_Key        = mainButton.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Find It! " + ModInfo.version);
                key = new Locale.Key
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER",
                    m_Key        = mainButton.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "Thanks for subscribing to Find It! 2.\n\nStart typing some keywords into the input field to find the desired asset.\n\nCheck the workshop page occasionally for new features or bug reports.");

                FieldInfo m_ObjectIndex = typeof(MainToolbar).GetField("m_ObjectIndex", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                m_ObjectIndex.SetValue(ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar, (int)m_ObjectIndex.GetValue(ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar) + 1);

                mainButton.gameObject.GetComponent <TutorialUITag>().tutorialTag = name;
                m_groupPanel = tabstrip.GetComponentInContainer(mainButton, typeof(UIGroupPanel)) as UIGroupPanel;

                if (m_groupPanel != null)
                    m_groupPanel.name    = "FindItGroupPanel";
                    m_groupPanel.enabled = true;
                    m_groupPanel.component.isInteractive   = true;
                    m_groupPanel.m_OptionsBar              = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.m_OptionsBar;
                    m_groupPanel.m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas = ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.m_DefaultInfoTooltipAtlas;
                    if (ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar.enabled)

                    scrollPanel = UIScrollPanel.Create(m_groupPanel.GetComponentInChildren <UIScrollablePanel>());
                    scrollPanel.eventClicked           += OnButtonClicked;
                    scrollPanel.eventVisibilityChanged += (c, p) =>

                        if (p && scrollPanel.selectedItem != null)
                            // Simulate item click
                            UIScrollPanelItem.ItemData item = scrollPanel.selectedItem;

                            UIScrollPanelItem panelItem = scrollPanel.GetItem(0);
                            panelItem.Display(scrollPanel.selectedItem, 0);

                            scrollPanel.selectedItem = item;


                    scrollPanel.eventTooltipEnter += (c, p) =>

                    searchBox                  = scrollPanel.parent.AddUIComponent <UISearchBox>();
                    searchBox.scrollPanel      = scrollPanel;
                    searchBox.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 0);
                    Debugging.Message("GroupPanel not found");

                m_roadsPanel          = FindObjectOfType <RoadsPanel>();
                m_beautificationPanel = FindObjectOfType <BeautificationPanel>();

                defaultPanel                 = GameObject.Find("FindItDefaultPanel").GetComponent <UIPanel>();
                defaultPanelAtlas            = defaultPanel.atlas;
                defaultPanelBackgroundSprite = defaultPanel.backgroundSprite;

            catch (Exception e)
                Debugging.Message("Start failed");
                enabled = false;
 private void Import()
     if (File.Exists(localeo_path.Text) && File.Exists(ipo_path.Text) && Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(olocale_path.Text)))
         if (import_msg.InvokeRequired)
             SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(SetText);
             this.Invoke(d, new object[] { "" });
         using (Stream stream = new FileStream(localeo_path.Text, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
             Locale m_Locale = DataSerializer.Deserialize <Locale>(stream, DataSerializer.Mode.File);
             Dictionary <Locale.Key, string> m_LocalizedStrings = Utils.GetPrivateField <Dictionary <Locale.Key, string> >(m_Locale, "m_LocalizedStrings");
             Dictionary <Locale.Key, string> l_LocalizedStrings = new Dictionary <Locale.Key, string>(m_LocalizedStrings);
             List <string> lines = new List <string>();
             using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(ipo_path.Text))
                 string line;
                 while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
             if (progress.InvokeRequired)
                 SetMaximum d = new SetMaximum(SetMaximum);
                 this.Invoke(d, new object[] { lines.Count });
             if (progress.InvokeRequired)
                 SetVisible d = new SetVisible(SetVisible);
                 this.Invoke(d, new object[] { true });
             Regex regex        = new Regex(@"#. ""(.+)\[(.+)\]:(\d+)""|#. ""(.+):(\d+)""");
             Regex regex_msgid  = new Regex(@"msgid ""(.+)""");
             Regex regex_msgstr = new Regex(@"msgstr ""(.+)""");
             for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
                 if (progress.InvokeRequired)
                     SetValue d = new SetValue(SetValue);
                     this.Invoke(d, new object[] { i + 1 });
                 if (i + 2 < lines.Count && regex.IsMatch(lines[i]))
                     string m_Identifier = regex.Match(lines[i]).Groups[1].Value.Length != 0 ? regex.Match(lines[i]).Groups[1].Value : regex.Match(lines[i]).Groups[4].Value;
                     string m_Index      = regex.Match(lines[i]).Groups[3].Value.Length != 0 ? regex.Match(lines[i]).Groups[3].Value : regex.Match(lines[i]).Groups[5].Value;
                     string m_Key        = regex.Match(lines[i]).Groups[2].Value.Length != 0 ? regex.Match(lines[i]).Groups[2].Value : null;
                     string msgid        = regex_msgid.Match(lines[i + 1]).Groups[1].Value;
                     string msgstr       = regex_msgstr.Match(lines[i + 2]).Groups[1].Value;
                     if (msgid.Length != 0)
                         Locale.Key key = new Locale.Key();
                         key.m_Identifier = m_Identifier;
                         key.m_Index      = int.Parse(m_Index);
                         key.m_Key        = m_Key;
                         if (l_LocalizedStrings.ContainsKey(key))
                             l_LocalizedStrings.Add(key, msgid.Replace(@"\r", "\r").Replace(@"\n", "\n"));
                             l_LocalizedStrings.Add(key, msgid.Replace(@"\r", "\r").Replace(@"\n", "\n"));
             string m_EnglishName = language_e.Text;
             string m_NativeName  = language.Text;
             if (m_EnglishName.Length != 0)
                 Utils.SetPrivateField <string>(m_Locale, "m_EnglishName", m_EnglishName);
             if (m_NativeName.Length != 0)
                 Utils.SetPrivateField <string>(m_Locale, "m_NativeName", m_NativeName);
             Utils.SetPrivateField <Dictionary <Locale.Key, string> >(m_Locale, "m_LocalizedStrings", l_LocalizedStrings);
             Utils.ExportFile(olocale_path.Text, m_Locale);
             if (import_msg.InvokeRequired)
                 SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(SetText);
                 this.Invoke(d, new object[] { "import success !" });
             if (progress.InvokeRequired)
                 SetVisible d = new SetVisible(SetVisible);
                 this.Invoke(d, new object[] { false });
         if (import_msg.InvokeRequired)
             SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(SetText);
             this.Invoke(d, new object[] { "file or directory not exist !" });
 public override void OnLevelLoaded(LoadMode mode)
     if (!IsHooked())
         UIView.library.ShowModal<ExceptionPanel>("ExceptionPanel").SetMessage("Missing dependency", "'More Network Stuff' mod requires the 'Prefab Hook' mod to work properly. Please subscribe to the mod and restart the game!", false);
     if (mode == LoadMode.LoadGame || mode == LoadMode.NewGame)
     else if (mode == LoadMode.LoadAsset || mode == LoadMode.NewAsset)
         var pedestrianConnection = PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.FindLoaded("Pedestrian Connection");
         pedestrianConnection.m_class.m_layer = ItemClass.Layer.Default | ItemClass.Layer.MetroTunnels;
     var locale = (Locale) typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(SingletonLite<LocaleManager>.instance);
     var field = typeof(PrefabInfo).GetField("m_UICategory", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
     for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.PrefabCount(); i++)
         var info = PrefabCollection<NetInfo>.GetPrefab(i);
         if (info == null)
         var key = new Locale.Key {m_Identifier = "NET_TITLE", m_Key = info.name};
         if (!locale.Exists(key))
             locale.AddLocalizedString(key, info.name);
         key = new Locale.Key {m_Identifier = "NET_DESC", m_Key = info.name};
         if (!locale.Exists(key))
             locale.AddLocalizedString(key, info.name);
         var thumb = Util.LoadTextureFromAssembly($"{typeof(MoreNetworkStuff).Name}.resource.thumb.png", false);
         var tooltip = Util.LoadTextureFromAssembly($"{typeof(MoreNetworkStuff).Name}.resource.tooltip.png", false);
         var atlas = Util.CreateAtlas(new[] {thumb, tooltip});
         if (ConnectionNetworks.Contains(info.name))
             info.m_Atlas = atlas;
             info.m_Thumbnail = thumb.name;
             info.m_InfoTooltipAtlas = atlas;
             info.m_InfoTooltipThumbnail = tooltip.name;
             info.m_maxHeight = 5;
             info.m_minHeight = -5;
         else if (mode == LoadMode.LoadAsset || mode == LoadMode.NewAsset)
             var category = (string) field.GetValue(info);
             if (category == "LandscapingWaterStructures")
                 field.SetValue(info, "BeautificationPaths");
     switch (mode)
         case LoadMode.NewGame:
         case LoadMode.LoadGame:
 private static FieldInfo FixPrefabsMetadata()
     var uiCategory = typeof(PrefabInfo).GetField("m_UICategory", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
     var locale =
             typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
     for (uint i = 0; i < PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.PrefabCount(); i++)
         var prefab = PrefabCollection<PropInfo>.GetPrefab(i);
         if (prefab == null)
         if (prefab.editorCategory == "PropsRocks")
             uiCategory.SetValue(prefab, "LandscapingRocks");
             prefab.m_availableIn = ItemClass.Availability.All;
         var key = new Locale.Key { m_Identifier = "PROPS_TITLE", m_Key = prefab.name };
         if (!locale.Exists(key))
             locale.AddLocalizedString(key, prefab.name);
         key = new Locale.Key { m_Identifier = "PROPS_DESC", m_Key = prefab.name };
         if (!locale.Exists(key))
             locale.AddLocalizedString(key, prefab.name);
     return uiCategory;
Exemplo n.º 36
        private void InstallLocalization()
            if (sm_localizationInitialized)

            Logger.LogInfo("Updating Localization.");

                // Localization
                Locale locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetFieldByName("m_Locale").GetValue(SingletonLite<LocaleManager>.instance);
                if (locale == null)
                    throw new KeyNotFoundException("Locale is null");

                // Road Customizer Tool Advisor
                Locale.Key k = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE",
                    m_Key = "RoadCustomizer"
                locale.AddLocalizedString(k, "Road Customizer Tool");

                k = new Locale.Key()
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER",
                    m_Key = "RoadCustomizer"
                locale.AddLocalizedString(k, "Vehicle and Speed Restrictions:\n\n" +
                                                "1. Hover over roads to display their lanes\n" +
                                                "2. Left-click to toggle selection of lane(s), right-click clears current selection(s)\n" +
                                                "3. With lanes selected, set vehicle and speed restrictions using the menu icons\n\n\n" +
                                                "Lane Changer:\n\n" +
                                                "1. Hover over roads and find an intersection (circle appears), then click to edit it\n" +
                                                "2. Entry points will be shown, click one to select it (right-click goes back to step 1)\n" +
                                                "3. Click the exit routes you wish to allow (right-click goes back to step 2)" +
                                                "\n\nUse PageUp/PageDown to toggle Underground View.");

                sm_localizationInitialized = true;
            catch (ArgumentException e)
                Logger.LogInfo("Unexpected " + e.GetType().Name + " updating localization: " + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace + "\n");

            Logger.LogInfo("Localization successfully updated.");
Exemplo n.º 37
        public override void Start()
                UIView view = GetUIView();

                name             = "AdvancedVehicleOptions";
                backgroundSprite = "UnlockingPanel2";
                isVisible        = false;
                canFocus         = true;
                isInteractive    = true;
                width            = WIDTHLEFT + WIDTHRIGHT;
                height           = HEIGHT;
                relativePosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Floor((view.fixedWidth - width) / 2), Mathf.Floor((view.fixedHeight - height) / 2));

                // Get camera controller
                GameObject go = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
                if (go != null)
                    m_cameraController = go.GetComponent <CameraController>();

                // Setting up UI

                // Adding main button
                UITabstrip toolStrip = view.FindUIComponent <UITabstrip>("MainToolstrip");
                m_button = AddUIComponent <UIButton>();

                m_button.normalBgSprite  = "InfoIconTrafficCongestion";
                m_button.focusedFgSprite = "ToolbarIconGroup6Focused";
                m_button.hoveredFgSprite = "ToolbarIconGroup6Hovered";

                m_button.size             = new Vector2(43f, 47f);
                m_button.name             = AVOMod.ModName;
                m_button.tooltip          = "Modify various Vehicle properties";
                m_button.relativePosition = new Vector3(0, 5);

                // GUI Button is pressed in game
                m_button.eventButtonStateChanged += (c, s) =>
                    if (s == UIButton.ButtonState.Focused)
                        if (!isVisible)
                            isVisible = true;
                            m_optionPanel.Show(m_fastList.rowsData[m_fastList.selectedIndex] as VehicleOptions);
                            m_followVehicle.isVisible = m_preview.parent.isVisible = true;
                        isVisible = false;

                toolStrip.AddTab("Advanced Vehicle Options", m_button.gameObject, null, null);

                FieldInfo m_ObjectIndex = typeof(MainToolbar).GetField("m_ObjectIndex", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                m_ObjectIndex.SetValue(ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar, (int)m_ObjectIndex.GetValue(ToolsModifierControl.mainToolbar) + 1);

                m_title.closeButton.eventClick += (component, param) =>

                Locale     locale = (Locale)typeof(LocaleManager).GetField("m_Locale", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(LocaleManager.instance);
                Locale.Key key    = new Locale.Key
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER_TITLE",
                    m_Key        = m_button.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, m_button.name);
                key = new Locale.Key
                    m_Identifier = "TUTORIAL_ADVISER",
                    m_Key        = m_button.name
                if (!locale.Exists(key))
                    locale.AddLocalizedString(key, "");

                view.FindUIComponent <UITabContainer>("TSContainer").AddUIComponent <UIPanel>().color = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 0);

                optionList = AdvancedVehicleOptions.config.options;
                Logging.Message("UI initialized.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.Error("UI initialization failed.");

                if (m_button != null)
